Minecraft Silah Skripti | En gelişmiş silah skripti!

Bedava Minecraft Silah Skripti | En gelişmiş silah skripti!


Silahlar: M1911, Makarov, MP5, SVD, AK-47 ((Kendinize göre düzenleyebilirsiniz.))
Silahınızın mermisi biterse otomatik olarak varsa envanterinizdeki şarjör ile doldurulur.
Silah sesleri bulunur. Kaynak paketine göre ayarlıdır, kendinize göre ayarlayınız.
Geri tepme bulunur, ateş ettiğinizde 0.01 hızda geriye doğru itilirsiniz.

Gerekenler: Skript, skQuery, SkRayFall, Vault, Ekonomi Eklentisi

/silahal <silah>: Bu komut ile silah alabilirsiniz.
/mermial <silah>: Bu komut ile silaha mermi alabilirsiniz.
/şarjöral <silah>: Silah için mermi dolusu şarjör alırsınız.

function playSound(sound: text, location: location, volume: number, pitch: number, players: players):
    play sound {_sound} with volume {_volume} and pitch {_pitch} at {_location} for {_players::*}

on rightclick:
    if player is holding iron axe with no nbt named "&eM1911":
        if {m1911::mermi::%player%} is greater than 0:
            if {m1911::zaman::%player%} is true:
                push player backwards at speed 0.01
                remove 1 from {m1911::mermi::%player%}
                send action bar "&aMermi: &a%{m1911::mermi::%player%}%/&a10" to player
                make the player shoot a snowball
                playSound("entity.pig.death", player, 1, 1, players in radius 13 of player)
                set {m1911::zaman::%player%} to false
                wait 0.25 seconds
                set {m1911::zaman::%player%} to true
                cancel event
            if player has a flint named "&eM1911 Şarjörü":
                remove a flint named "&eM1911 Şarjörü" from player
                send action bar "&7Mermi dolduruluyor." to player
                wait 1 seconds
                set {m1911::mermi::%player%} to 12
                send action bar "&aMermi dolduruldu." to player
                send action bar "&cMermin yok." to player
    if player is holding wooden axe with no nbt named "&eMakarov":
        if {makarov::mermi::%player%} is greater than 0:
            if {makarov::zaman::%player%} is true:
                push player backwards at speed 0.01
                remove 1 from {makarov::mermi::%player%}
                send action bar "&aMermi: &a%{makarov::mermi::%player%}%/&a12" to player
                make the player shoot a snowball
                playSound("entity.pig.death", player, 1, 1, players in radius 13 of player)
                set {makarov::zaman::%player%} to false
                wait 0.25 seconds
                set {makarov::zaman::%player%} to true
                cancel event
            if player has a flint named "&eMakarov Şarjörü":
                remove a flint named "&eMakarov Şarjörü" from player
                send action bar "&7Mermi dolduruluyor." to player
                wait 1 seconds
                set {makarov::mermi::%player%} to 12
                send action bar "&aMermi dolduruldu." to player
                send action bar "&cMermin yok." to player
    if player is holding stone axe with no nbt named "&eMP5":
        if {mp5::mermi::%player%} is greater than 0:
            if {mp5::zaman::%player%} is true:
                push player backwards at speed 0.01
                remove 1 from {mp5::mermi::%player%}
                send action bar "&aMermi: &a%{mp5::mermi::%player%}%/&a30" to player
                make the player shoot a snowball
                playSound("entity.pig.death", player, 1, 1, players in radius 13 of player)
                set {mp5::zaman::%player%} to false
                wait 0.20 seconds
                set {mp5::zaman::%player%} to true
                cancel event
            if player has a flint named "&eMP5 Şarjörü":
                remove a flint named "&eMP5 Şarjörü" from player
                send action bar "&7Mermi dolduruluyor." to player
                wait 1 seconds
                set {mp5::mermi::%player%} to 12
                send action bar "&aMermi dolduruldu." to player
                send action bar "&cMermin yok." to player
    if player is holding stone pickaxe with no nbt named "&eSVD":
        if {svd::mermi::%player%} is greater than 0:
            if {svd::zaman::%player%} is true:
                push player backwards at speed 0.01
                remove 1 from {svd::mermi::%player%}
                send action bar "&aMermi: &a%{svd::mermi::%player%}%/&a10" to player
                make the player shoot a snowball
                playSound("entity.pig.death", player, 1, 1, players in radius 13 of player)
                set {svd::zaman::%player%} to false
                wait 1 seconds
                set {svd::zaman::%player%} to true
                cancel event
            if player has a flint named "&eSVD Şarjörü":
                remove a flint named "&eSVD Şarjörü" from player
                send action bar "&7Mermi dolduruluyor." to player
                wait 1 seconds
                set {svd::mermi::%player%} to 12
                send action bar "&aMermi dolduruldu." to player
                send action bar "&cMermin yok." to player
    if player is holding diamond axe with no nbt named "&eAK-47":
        if {ak-47::mermi::%player%} is greater than 0:
            if {ak-47::zaman::%player%} is true:
                push player backwards at speed 0.01
                remove 1 from {ak-47::mermi::%player%}
                send action bar "&aMermi: &a%{ak-47::mermi::%player%}%/&a30" to player
                make the player shoot a snowball
                playSound("entity.pig.death", player, 1, 1, players in radius 13 of player)
                set {ak-47::zaman::%player%} to false
                wait 1 ticks
                set {ak-47::zaman::%player%} to true
                cancel event
            if player has a flint named "&eAK-47 Şarjörü":
                remove a flint named "&eAK-47 Şarjörü" from player
                send action bar "&7Mermi dolduruluyor." to player
                wait 1 seconds
                set {ak-47::mermi::%player%} to 30
                send action bar "&aMermi dolduruldu." to player
                send action bar "&cMermin yok." to player
on damage:
    attacker is a player:
        attacker is holding iron axe with no nbt named "&eM1911":
            damage victim by 0.5 hearts
        attacker is holding stone axe with no nbt named "&eMP5":
            damage victim by 0.5 hearts
        attacker is holding stone pickaxe with no nbt named "&eSVD":
            damage victim by 1 hearts
        attacker is holding wooden axe with no nbt named "&eMakarov":
            damage victim by 1 hearts
        attacker is holding diamond axe with no nbt named "&eAK-47":
            damage victim by 1 hearts
command /silahal [<text>]:
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            send ""
            send "&eM1911 &2[&a5000 Rub&2] &eMP5 &2[&a15000 Rub&2] &eSVD &2[&a25000 Rub&2]"
            send "&eMakarov &2[&a10000 Rub&2] &eSVD &2[&a30000 Rub&2]"
            send "&7Satın almak için &a/silahal <silah> &7komutunu kullanın."
            send ""
            if arg-1 is "M1911":
                if player's balance is larger than 4999:
                    remove 5000 from player's balance
                    set {m1911::zaman::%player%} to true
                    give a iron axe with no nbt named "&eM1911" to player
                    send player title "&c- $5000" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                    send "&4[&c!&4] &7Bunu yapabilmek için yeterli paranız bulunmuyor!"
            if arg-1 is "MP5":
                if player's balance is larger than 14999:
                    remove 15000 from player's balance
                    set {mp5::zaman::%player%} to true
                    give a stone axe with no nbt named "&eMP5" to player
                    send player title "&c- $15000" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                    send "&4[&c!&4] &7Bunu yapabilmek için yeterli paranız bulunmuyor!"
            if arg-1 is "SVD":
                if player's balance is larger than 24999:
                    remove 25000 from player's balance
                    set {svd::zaman::%player%} to true
                    give a stone pickaxe with no nbt named "&eSVD" to player
                    send player title "&c- $30000" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                    send "&4[&c!&4] &7Bunu yapabilmek için yeterli paranız bulunmuyor!"
            if arg-1 is "Makarov":
                if player's balance is larger than 9999:
                    remove 10000 from player's balance
                    set {makarov::zaman::%player%} to true
                    give a wooden axe with no nbt named "&eMakarov" to player
                    send player title "&c- $10000" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                    send "&4[&c!&4] &7Bunu yapabilmek için yeterli paranız bulunmuyor!"
            if arg-1 is "AK-47":
                if player's balance is larger than 24999:
                    remove 25000 from player's balance
                    set {ak-47::zaman::%player%} to true
                    give a diamond axe with no nbt named "&eAK-47" to player
                    send player title "&c- $25000" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                    send "&4[&c!&4] &7Bunu yapabilmek için yeterli paranız bulunmuyor!"
command /mermial [<text>]:
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            send ""
            send "&eM1911 &2[&a100 Rub&2] &eMP5 &2[&a450 Rub&2] &eSVD &2[&a200 Rub&2]"
            send "&eMakarov &2[&a200 Rub&2] &eAK-47 &2[&a200 Rub&2]"
            send "&7Satın almak için &a/mermial <silah> &7komutunu kullanın."
            send "&7Şarjör olarak almak için &a/şarjöral <silah> &7komutunu kullanın."
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "M1911":
            if player has a iron axe with no nbt named "&eM1911":
                remove 100 from player's balance
                set {m1911::mermi::%player%} to 10
                send player title "&c- $100" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Mermisini alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "MP5":
            if player has a stone axe with no nbt named "&eMP5":
                remove 450 from player's balance
                set {mp5::mermi::%player%} to 30
                send player title "&c- $450" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Mermisini alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "SVD":
            if player has a stone pickaxe with no nbt named "&eSVD":
                remove 200 from player's balance
                set {svd::mermi::%player%} to 10
                send player title "&c- $200" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Mermisini alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "Makarov":
            if player has a wooden axe with no nbt named "&eMakarov":
                remove 250 from player's balance
                set {makarov::mermi::%player%} to 12
                send player title "&c- $450" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Mermisini alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "AK-47":
            if player has a diamond axe with no nbt named "&eAK-47":
                remove 500 from player's balance
                set {ak-47::mermi::%player%} to 30
                send player title "&c- $500" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Mermisini alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
command /şarjöral [<text>]:
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            send ""
            send "&eM1911 &2[&a$100&2] &eMP5 &2[&a$450&2] &eSVD &2[&a$200&2]"
            send "&eMakarov &2[&a$250&2] &eAK-47 &2[&a$500&2]"
            send "&7Satın almak için &a/şarjöral <silah> &7komutunu kullanın."
            send ""
        if arg-1 is "M1911":
            if player has a iron axe with no nbt named "&eM1911":
                remove 100 from player's balance
                give a flint named "&eM1911 Şarjörü" to player
                send player title "&c- $100" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Şarjörünü alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "MP5":
            if player has a stone axe with no nbt named "&eMP5":
                remove 450 from player's balance
                give a flint named "&eMP5 Şarjörü" to player
                send player title "&c- $450" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Şarjörünü alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "SVD":
            if player has a stone pickaxe with no nbt named "&eSVD":
                remove 200 from player's balance
                give a flint named "&eSVD Şarjörü" to player
                send player title "&c- $200" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Şarjörünü alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "Makarov":
            if player has a wooden axe with no nbt named "&eMakarov":
                remove 250 from player's balance
                give a flint named "&eMakarov Şarjörü" to player
                send player title "&c- $250" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Şarjörünü alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
        if arg-1 is "AK-47":
            if player has a diamond axe with no nbt named "&eAK-47":
                remove 500 from player's balance
                give a flint named "&eAK-47 Şarjörü" to player
                send player title "&c- $500" with subtitle "&cSatın alındı." for 3 seconds
                send "&4[&c!&4] &7Şarjörünü alacağınız silah envanterinizde yok!"
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