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Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
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İStegim Redstone Torch İle 50 block Oteye KAdar Sag Tikladinda İsinlanacak Bu Da kod Oluyo Ama 50 Block Deyilde 5 block En fazla Gidiyo
# Register the ability when the script is loaded
on load:
register new ability 13 name "Flash" description "Redstone Torch ile Baktigin Yere Sag Tiklarsan Oraya Isinlenirsin"
# And let's give the attacker a regeneration potion
on rightclick holding a redstone torch:
player might use ability 13
player has 1 redstone torch:
teleport player to clicked block
cooldown ability 13 of player for 5 seconds
# Register the ability when the script is loaded
on load:
register new ability 13 name "Flash" description "Redstone Torch ile Baktigin Yere Sag Tiklarsan Oraya Isinlenirsin"
# And let's give the attacker a regeneration potion
on rightclick holding a redstone torch:
player might use ability 13
player has 1 redstone torch:
teleport player to clicked block
cooldown ability 13 of player for 5 seconds