command /bloklevelleri:
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&d&lBlok Levelleri" to player
make gui slot 0 of player with cobblestone named "&2Kırıktaş" with lore "&a1 kırıktaş adaya 1 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 1 of player with stone brick named "&2Taş Tuğla" with lore "&a1 taş tuğla adaya 2 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 2 of player with dirt named "&2Toprak" with lore "&a1 toprak adaya 1 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 3 of player with brick block named "&2Tuğla" with lore "&a1 tuğla adaya 5 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 4 of player with obsidian named "&2Obsidyen" with lore "&a1 obsidyen adaya 10 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&2Zümrüt Bloğu" with lore "&a1 zümrüt bloğu adaya 4 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 6 of player with diamond block named "&2Elmas Blok" with lore "&a1 elmas blok adaya 3 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 7 of player with Lapis Lazuli Block named "&2Lapis Bloğu" with lore "&a1 lapis bloğu adaya 4 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 8 of player with mossy cobblestone named "&2Yosunlu Kırıktaş" with lore "&a1 yosunlu kırıktaş adaya 2 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 9 of player with Bookshelf named "&2Kitaplık" with lore "&a1 kitaplık adaya 5 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 10 of player with End Stone named "&2End Taşı" with lore "&a1 end taşı adaya 2 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 11 of player with Quartz Block named "&2Kuvars Bloğu" with lore "&a1 kuvars bloğu adaya 1 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 12 of player with iron block named "&2Demir Bloğu" with lore "&a1 demir bloğu adaya 5 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 13 of player with gold block named "&2Altın Bloğu" with lore "&a1 altın bloğu adaya 10 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&2Kızıltaş Bloğu" with lore "&a1 kızıltaş bloğu adaya 4 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 15 of player with coal block named "&2Kömür Bloğu" with lore "&a1 kömür bloğu adaya 4 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 16 of player with sponge named "&2Sünger" with lore "&a1 sünger adaya 9 level verir" to nothing
make gui slot 18 of player with Red Stained Glass Pane named "&cMenüyü kapat" to close