Minecraft CombatTagPlus Plugini


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Minecraft CombatTagPlus Plugini

Merhaba sevgili forum üyeleri ve ziyaretçiler. Gayet güzel bir plugin, plugini inceledim fakat fazla bilinmediği için kullanılmıyor ben de bu plugini elimden geldiği kadar tanıttım.

Bildiğiniz üzere her sunucuda oyuncular arası savaşlar yapılır ve birçok kişi savaştayken düşmanının kaçmasından nefret ediyordur eminim. Bunun için bir plugin yapılmış adı da CombatLogPlus, adından da zaten buna benzer bir pluginin ismi geliyordur aklınıza. Bu plugin ona alternatif olarak yapılmış

NOT : Plugin'de gösterecek fazla bir görsel yok bundan dolayı görseller az elimden geldiği kadar configi Türkçeleştirdim.
Plugin'den Görseller




Plugin Özellikleri

Plugin versiyonu 1.8 Ve 1.12 (Üstü Sürümleri Denenmedi) .
Oyuncu savaş esnasında oyundan çıkarsa çıkan oyuncu ölür ve sizin dünya ayarlarınıza göre itemleri düşebilir .
Oyuncu/Group'a verilecek bir yetki ile oyuncu savaştan çıktığında ölümü engellenir, kısaca güvenli çıkış yapabilir direkt süre beklemeden .
Oyuncu savaş esnasına komut, blok düzenleme, ender incisi kullanma, teleport, fly gibi özellik kullanımlarına izin verebilir ya da engelleyebilirsiniz .
Belirli dünyalarda savaş yapmayı engelleyebilirsiniz .
WorldGuard ile pvp engellediğiniz alanlarda çalışmaz (WorldGuard 5.x ve 6.x sürümlerinde) .
Faction plugininin çoğu sürümünü destekler .
BarAPI destekler örnek görsel
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Plugin Yetkileri

Oyuncu için yetkiler :
- ctplus.check (kalan zamanı görme)
- ctplus.notify.kill (öldürme mesajları kısaca)
Yetkililer için yetkiler :
- ctplus.logout (güvenli çıkış)
- ctplus.bypass.teleport (teleport bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.flying (uçmak için bybass)
-ctplus.bypass.enderpearl (ender incisi kullanmak için bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.blockedit (blok düzenlemek için bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.command (komut kısıtlama bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.tag (savaşta hedef belirlemeye yarıyor)
- ctplus.reload (plugine reload atma )

# Don't touch this. It's here to determine whether you need to refresh your config.
config-version: 25

# The duration in seconds that both the attacker and victim should be tagged in combat.
tag-duration: 15

# This message is displayed to both the attacker and victim when newly tagged. Set this to '' to display nothing. {opponent} is the other player.
tag-message: '&b{opponent}&c ile mucadele ediyorsun sureyi gormek icin /ct.'

# This message is displayed to both the attacker and victim when newly tagged if the opponent is unknown. Set this to '' to display nothing.
tag-unknown-message: '&cSavas a girdin zamanlayiciyi kontrol etmek icin &b/ct .'

# This message is displayed the player when their tag expires. Set this to '' to display nothing.
untag-message: '&aArtik Savasta degilsin.'

# This message is displayed to the player when they attempt to check the remaining time on their tag, while not being tagged
command-untag-message: '&aSavasta degilsin.'

# This message is displayed to the player when they check the remaining time on their tag via command. {time} will be replaced with the remaining tag time.
command-tag-message: '&cSavasin bitmesine {time} .'

# Resets the tag time when the tagged player throws an enderpearl.
reset-tag-on-pearl: false

# Plays an effect when a player logs off during combat.
play-effect: true

# Always spawns the NPC even without combat tagged to prevent any chance of running away.
always-spawn: false

# Allows mobs to combat tag players.
mob-tagging: false

# Duration in seconds the player must wait without movement to safely logout using the /logout command.
logout-wait-time: 10

# This message is displayed when the player has attempted to safely log out but moved or entered pvp.
logout-cancelled-message: '&cCikis veya hareket nedeni ile iptal edildi.'

# This message is displayed when the player has successfully performed a safe logout.
logout-success-message: '&aGuvenli sekilde cikis yaptiniz.'

# This message is displayed every second when the player is pending a logout. {remaining} is the time remaining.
logout-pending-message: '&7Guvenli cikis icin &b{remaining}&7...'

# Instantly kills the player when logged in PvP.
instantly-kill: false

# Untags the player if they are kicked from combat rather than logging.
untag-on-kick: false

# If a player is kicked with a kick message that contains any of the following, they will not be untagged.
  - disconnect.spam

# Only the attacker will be tagged if this is set to true.
only-tag-attacker: false

# Disables players being able to tag themselves.
disable-self-tagging: true

# Prevent block editing while tagged.
disable-block-edit: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to edit blocks within pvp if block editing is disabled in pvp.
disable-block-edit-message: '&bBlok duzenleme savasta devre disi.'

# Disable a player from accessing storage (like chests and brewing stands) in combat
disable-storage-access: false

disable-storage-access-message: '&bDepolamaya erisim savasta devre disi'

# Prevent players in creative from getting tagged.
disable-creative-tags: true

# Prevent tagged players throwing enderpearls while tagged.
disable-enderpearls: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to enderpearl within pvp if enderpearls are disabled in pvp.
disable-enderpearls-message: '&bEnder incisi savasta devre disi.'

# Prevent tagged players from flying during combat.
disable-flying: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to fly within pvp if flying is disabled in pvp.
disable-flying-message: '&bUcmak savasta devre disi.'

# Prevent tagged players from teleporting during combat.
disable-teleportation: false

# Optionally untag a player if tagged and teleportation is caused by PLUGIN or UNKNOWN
# Players can avoid CombatTag by abusing some plugins like NoCheatPlus and WorldBorder s both can cause somewhat frequent UNKNOWN and PLUGIN teleport events.
# This allows server-owners to avoid these issues by keeping the player CombatTagged
untag-on-plugin-teleport: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to teleport within pvp if teleportation is disabled in pvp.
disable-teleportation-message: '&bTeleportation &cis disabled in combat.'

# Prevents tagged players from crafting during combat.
disable-crafting: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to craft an item while in combat if crafting is disabled.
disable-crafting-message: '&bCrafting savasta devre disi.'

# The duration in seconds to despawn the combat logger's NPC if it hasn't died.
npc-despawn-time: 60

# Should we reset the NPC despawn time when it gets hit?
reset-despawn-time-on-hit: true

# Generates a random name for the NPC. Turn this off to use the player name (potentially unsafe!)
generate-random-name: true

# This is the prefix to use for the random name. 12 characters max.
random-name-prefix: PvPLogger

# This message is displayed when a player is killed by another player. Set this to '' to display nothing.
kill-message: '&8&l>> &c{victim} {attacker} tarafindan olduruldu'

# Same as above, this is displayed when a player is killed by another player with an item in hand.
kill-message-item: '&8&l>> &c{victim} {attacker} tarafindan {item} ile olduruldu'

# Enables BarAPI integration for displaying a boss bar counting down with the remaining tag time.
barapi: true

# Message to be displayed on BarAPI when players' pvp timer has ended.
barapi-ended-message: '&aArtik savasta degilsin'

# Message to be displayed on BarAPI when the player is still in pvp.
barapi-countdown-message: '&eCombatTag: &f{remaining}'

# Deny movement into safezones from PVP enabled areas while combat tagged.
deny-safezone: true

# Deny teleporting with enderpearls into safezones from PVP enabled areas while combat tagged.
deny-safezone-enderpearl: true

# Enables force fields around Anti-PvP zones while in combat.
force-fields: true

# Radius in blocks around the player that should be checked for forcefields (Higher numbers = more laggy)
force-field-radius: 10

# Material of the forcefield block type.
force-field-material: STAINED_GLASS

# Damage value of the material specified above.
force-field-material-damage: 14

# Enables Factions integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
factions: true

# Enables WorldGuard integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
worldguard: true

# Enables Towny integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
towny: true

# This is a list of worlds where combat tagging should be disabled.
disabled-worlds: [world_the_end]

# This message is displayed when the player tries to execute a disabled command whilst in combat.
disabled-command-message: '&b{command}&c bu komut savasta engelledi.'

# These commands are unusable by players who are combat tagged. Use '*' to blacklist all commands.
  - '*'

# Customize the words used to describe durations (both singular and plural)
  day: "day"
  days: "days"
  hour: "hour"
  hours: "hours"
  minute: "minute"
  minutes: "minutes"
  second: "second"
  seconds: "seconds"

# These commands are exceptions to the blacklist.
  - ct
  - ctplus
  - combattag
  - ctlog
  - logout
  - ctlogout
  - ctpluslogout

Plugini Kurma

1- Sunucu dosyalarınızdan plugins'e girin.
2- Buradan plugini indirin.
(İsteğe göre BarAPI'de indirebilirsiniz verdiğim plugin linkinde oda mevcut)
3- İndirdiğiniz jar dosyasını (plugini) plugins'in içine atın ve sunucuya reload çekin ya da plugman varsa /plugman load CombatTagPlus yazın.
4- Dosyalar yüklendikten sonra kendinize göre kişiselleştirebilirsiniz.
NOT : Benzer bir plugin (Combatlog mesela) varsa silin yoksa sıkıntı çıkarır.


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Minecraft CombatTagPlus Plugini

Merhaba sevgili forum üyeleri ve ziyaretçiler. Gayet güzel bir plugin, plugini inceledim fakat fazla bilinmediği için kullanılmıyor ben de bu plugini elimden geldiği kadar tanıttım.

Bildiğiniz üzere her sunucuda oyuncular arası savaşlar yapılır ve birçok kişi savaştayken düşmanının kaçmasından nefret ediyordur eminim. Bunun için bir plugin yapılmış adı da CombatLogPlus, adından da zaten buna benzer bir pluginin ismi geliyordur aklınıza. Bu plugin ona alternatif olarak yapılmış

NOT : Plugin'de gösterecek fazla bir görsel yok bundan dolayı görseller az elimden geldiği kadar configi Türkçeleştirdim.
Plugin'den Görseller

Plugin Özellikleri

Plugin versiyonu 1.8 Ve 1.12 (Üstü Sürümleri Denenmedi) .
Oyuncu savaş esnasında oyundan çıkarsa çıkan oyuncu ölür ve sizin dünya ayarlarınıza göre itemleri düşebilir .
Oyuncu/Group'a verilecek bir yetki ile oyuncu savaştan çıktığında ölümü engellenir, kısaca güvenli çıkış yapabilir direkt süre beklemeden .
Oyuncu savaş esnasına komut, blok düzenleme, ender incisi kullanma, teleport, fly gibi özellik kullanımlarına izin verebilir ya da engelleyebilirsiniz .
Belirli dünyalarda savaş yapmayı engelleyebilirsiniz .
WorldGuard ile pvp engellediğiniz alanlarda çalışmaz (WorldGuard 5.x ve 6.x sürümlerinde) .
Faction plugininin çoğu sürümünü destekler .
BarAPI destekler örnek görsel
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Ekli dosyayı görüntüle 119220

Plugin Yetkileri

Oyuncu için yetkiler :
- ctplus.check (kalan zamanı görme)
- ctplus.notify.kill (öldürme mesajları kısaca)
Yetkililer için yetkiler :
- ctplus.logout (güvenli çıkış)
- ctplus.bypass.teleport (teleport bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.flying (uçmak için bybass)
-ctplus.bypass.enderpearl (ender incisi kullanmak için bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.blockedit (blok düzenlemek için bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.command (komut kısıtlama bybass)
- ctplus.bypass.tag (savaşta hedef belirlemeye yarıyor)
- ctplus.reload (plugine reload atma )

# Don't touch this. It's here to determine whether you need to refresh your config.
config-version: 25

# The duration in seconds that both the attacker and victim should be tagged in combat.
tag-duration: 15

# This message is displayed to both the attacker and victim when newly tagged. Set this to '' to display nothing. {opponent} is the other player.
tag-message: '&b{opponent}&c ile mucadele ediyorsun sureyi gormek icin /ct.'

# This message is displayed to both the attacker and victim when newly tagged if the opponent is unknown. Set this to '' to display nothing.
tag-unknown-message: '&cSavas a girdin zamanlayiciyi kontrol etmek icin &b/ct .'

# This message is displayed the player when their tag expires. Set this to '' to display nothing.
untag-message: '&aArtik Savasta degilsin.'

# This message is displayed to the player when they attempt to check the remaining time on their tag, while not being tagged
command-untag-message: '&aSavasta degilsin.'

# This message is displayed to the player when they check the remaining time on their tag via command. {time} will be replaced with the remaining tag time.
command-tag-message: '&cSavasin bitmesine {time} .'

# Resets the tag time when the tagged player throws an enderpearl.
reset-tag-on-pearl: false

# Plays an effect when a player logs off during combat.
play-effect: true

# Always spawns the NPC even without combat tagged to prevent any chance of running away.
always-spawn: false

# Allows mobs to combat tag players.
mob-tagging: false

# Duration in seconds the player must wait without movement to safely logout using the /logout command.
logout-wait-time: 10

# This message is displayed when the player has attempted to safely log out but moved or entered pvp.
logout-cancelled-message: '&cCikis veya hareket nedeni ile iptal edildi.'

# This message is displayed when the player has successfully performed a safe logout.
logout-success-message: '&aGuvenli sekilde cikis yaptiniz.'

# This message is displayed every second when the player is pending a logout. {remaining} is the time remaining.
logout-pending-message: '&7Guvenli cikis icin &b{remaining}&7...'

# Instantly kills the player when logged in PvP.
instantly-kill: false

# Untags the player if they are kicked from combat rather than logging.
untag-on-kick: false

# If a player is kicked with a kick message that contains any of the following, they will not be untagged.
  - disconnect.spam

# Only the attacker will be tagged if this is set to true.
only-tag-attacker: false

# Disables players being able to tag themselves.
disable-self-tagging: true

# Prevent block editing while tagged.
disable-block-edit: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to edit blocks within pvp if block editing is disabled in pvp.
disable-block-edit-message: '&bBlok duzenleme savasta devre disi.'

# Disable a player from accessing storage (like chests and brewing stands) in combat
disable-storage-access: false

disable-storage-access-message: '&bDepolamaya erisim savasta devre disi'

# Prevent players in creative from getting tagged.
disable-creative-tags: true

# Prevent tagged players throwing enderpearls while tagged.
disable-enderpearls: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to enderpearl within pvp if enderpearls are disabled in pvp.
disable-enderpearls-message: '&bEnder incisi savasta devre disi.'

# Prevent tagged players from flying during combat.
disable-flying: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to fly within pvp if flying is disabled in pvp.
disable-flying-message: '&bUcmak savasta devre disi.'

# Prevent tagged players from teleporting during combat.
disable-teleportation: false

# Optionally untag a player if tagged and teleportation is caused by PLUGIN or UNKNOWN
# Players can avoid CombatTag by abusing some plugins like NoCheatPlus and WorldBorder s both can cause somewhat frequent UNKNOWN and PLUGIN teleport events.
# This allows server-owners to avoid these issues by keeping the player CombatTagged
untag-on-plugin-teleport: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to teleport within pvp if teleportation is disabled in pvp.
disable-teleportation-message: '&bTeleportation &cis disabled in combat.'

# Prevents tagged players from crafting during combat.
disable-crafting: false

# This message is displayed when a player attempts to craft an item while in combat if crafting is disabled.
disable-crafting-message: '&bCrafting savasta devre disi.'

# The duration in seconds to despawn the combat logger's NPC if it hasn't died.
npc-despawn-time: 60

# Should we reset the NPC despawn time when it gets hit?
reset-despawn-time-on-hit: true

# Generates a random name for the NPC. Turn this off to use the player name (potentially unsafe!)
generate-random-name: true

# This is the prefix to use for the random name. 12 characters max.
random-name-prefix: PvPLogger

# This message is displayed when a player is killed by another player. Set this to '' to display nothing.
kill-message: '&8&l>> &c{victim} {attacker} tarafindan olduruldu'

# Same as above, this is displayed when a player is killed by another player with an item in hand.
kill-message-item: '&8&l>> &c{victim} {attacker} tarafindan {item} ile olduruldu'

# Enables BarAPI integration for displaying a boss bar counting down with the remaining tag time.
barapi: true

# Message to be displayed on BarAPI when players' pvp timer has ended.
barapi-ended-message: '&aArtik savasta degilsin'

# Message to be displayed on BarAPI when the player is still in pvp.
barapi-countdown-message: '&eCombatTag: &f{remaining}'

# Deny movement into safezones from PVP enabled areas while combat tagged.
deny-safezone: true

# Deny teleporting with enderpearls into safezones from PVP enabled areas while combat tagged.
deny-safezone-enderpearl: true

# Enables force fields around Anti-PvP zones while in combat.
force-fields: true

# Radius in blocks around the player that should be checked for forcefields (Higher numbers = more laggy)
force-field-radius: 10

# Material of the forcefield block type.
force-field-material: STAINED_GLASS

# Damage value of the material specified above.
force-field-material-damage: 14

# Enables Factions integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
factions: true

# Enables WorldGuard integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
worldguard: true

# Enables Towny integration for disabling combat tagging in regions with PVP disabled.
towny: true

# This is a list of worlds where combat tagging should be disabled.
disabled-worlds: [world_the_end]

# This message is displayed when the player tries to execute a disabled command whilst in combat.
disabled-command-message: '&b{command}&c bu komut savasta engelledi.'

# These commands are unusable by players who are combat tagged. Use '*' to blacklist all commands.
  - '*'

# Customize the words used to describe durations (both singular and plural)
  day: "day"
  days: "days"
  hour: "hour"
  hours: "hours"
  minute: "minute"
  minutes: "minutes"
  second: "second"
  seconds: "seconds"

# These commands are exceptions to the blacklist.
  - ct
  - ctplus
  - combattag
  - ctlog
  - logout
  - ctlogout
  - ctpluslogout

Plugini Kurma

1- Sunucu dosyalarınızdan plugins'e girin.
2- Buradan plugini indirin.
(İsteğe göre BarAPI'de indirebilirsiniz verdiğim plugin linkinde oda mevcut)
3- İndirdiğiniz jar dosyasını (plugini) plugins'in içine atın ve sunucuya reload çekin ya da plugman varsa /plugman load CombatTagPlus yazın.
4- Dosyalar yüklendikten sonra kendinize göre kişiselleştirebilirsiniz.
NOT : Benzer bir plugin (Combatlog mesela) varsa silin yoksa sıkıntı çıkarır.
Reis Peki Ben Bu Savaş Sırasında Mesela Elitrayla Uçamıyolar Yerdeki Eşyaları Felan Alamıyolar Onu Nasıl Düzeltçem Biliyor Musun
