Oy geldiğine emin misiniz? GAListener de hata gözükmüyor.yapdım zaten gine olmadı
onlineonly: false
luckyvote: false
permvote: false
cumulative: false
broadcastqueue: true
broadcastrecent: true
broadcastoffline: false
votecommand: true
rewardcommand: false
joinmessage: false
voteremind: false
remindseconds: 300
ratelimit: 10
logfile: false
dbMode: 'sqlite'
dbFile: 'GAL.db'
dbHost: 'localhost'
dbPort: 3306
dbUser: 'root'
dbPass: ''
dbName: 'GAL'
dbPrefix: ''
# services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
# The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote.
broadcast: '{GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}oy verdi!'
playermessage: '{GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi oyladığın icin teşekkür ederiz!'
- '/cc give P Event 1 {username}'
broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {GOLD}adlı oyuncu @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}sitesinde serveri oyladı ve {GREEN}BlockKasasi Anahtari {YELLOW}kazandi'
playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi oyladığın icin teşekkür ederiz!'
- '/coins {username} addcoins 2000'
# luckyvotes section
# The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $2000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $2000 and 100XP.
broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}adlı oyuncu bizi 10 kere oyladı ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}BlockKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandı! '
playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi 10 kere oyladın ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}ParaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandın!'
- '/crate give {username} ParaKasası 1 '
- '/crate give {username} BlockKasası 1 '
broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}adlı oyuncu bizi 30 kere oyladı ve ekstra olarak {GREEN} 1 BlockKasası, 1 KitKasası ve 1 KazmaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandı!'
playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi 30 kere oyladın ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}1 ParaKasası, 1 KitKasası ve 1 KazmaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandın!'
- '/crate give {username} BlockKasası 1 '
- '/crate give {username} KazmaKasası 1 '
- '/crate give {username} KitKasası 1 '
- '/crate give {username} ParaKasası 1 '
# permission reward section
# This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward.
broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
- '/give {username} 264 10'
# cumulative reward section
# This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes.
broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!'
playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!'
rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
- '/give {username} 264 20'
# blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world.
- world_blocked
# Available formatting codes for messages:
# {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
# {username} {player} {name} = player username
# {votes} = current vote total
# & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- 'Her Gün Serveri Oylayarak Kasa Anahtarı Kazanbilirsiniz !'
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}'
- '{GOLD}'
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- 'Daha Hic Serveri Oylamamıssın Lütfen Bize Destek Ol !'
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}'
- '{GOLD}http://minecraftservers.org/vote/378016'
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- 'Her Gün Serveri Oylayarak Kasa Anahtarı Kazanbilirsiniz !'
- '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
- '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}'
- '{GOLD}'
# Additional formatting codes for below:
# {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards
# {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards
# {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop
# {username} = player name - used for /votetop
rewardformat: '{GREEN}{TOTAL} Votes {GRAY}- {AQUA}{REWARD}'
votetopformat: '{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}'
- '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Rewards{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
- '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Oy Sıralaması{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------'
- '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
Reis Sen Coleriesin Sahibi İsen Senden Bi Ricam Var Özelden Sohbet Açarmısın ?Kod:settings: onlineonly: false luckyvote: false permvote: false cumulative: false broadcastqueue: true broadcastrecent: true broadcastoffline: false votecommand: true rewardcommand: false joinmessage: false voteremind: false remindseconds: 300 ratelimit: 10 logfile: false dbMode: 'sqlite' dbFile: 'GAL.db' dbHost: 'localhost' dbPort: 3306 dbUser: 'root' dbPass: '' dbName: 'GAL' dbPrefix: '' # services section (default is used if service doesn't exist) # The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote. services: default: broadcast: '{GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}oy verdi!' playermessage: '{GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi oyladığın icin teşekkür ederiz!' commands: - '/cc give P Event 1 {username}' MC-Index: broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {GOLD}adlı oyuncu @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}sitesinde serveri oyladı ve {GREEN}BlockKasasi Anahtari {YELLOW}kazandi' playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi oyladığın icin teşekkür ederiz!' commands: - '/coins {username} addcoins 2000' # luckyvotes section # The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $2000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $2000 and 100XP. luckyvotes: '11232130': broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}adlı oyuncu bizi 10 kere oyladı ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}BlockKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandı! ' playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi 10 kere oyladın ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}ParaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandın!' commands: - '/crate give {username} ParaKasası 1 ' - '/crate give {username} BlockKasası 1 ' '3213123320': broadcast: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {GREEN}{username} {YELLOW}adlı oyuncu bizi 30 kere oyladı ve ekstra olarak {GREEN} 1 BlockKasası, 1 KitKasası ve 1 KazmaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandı!' playermessage: '{GOLD}Vote {GRAY}> {YELLOW}Bizi 30 kere oyladın ve ekstra olarak {GREEN}1 ParaKasası, 1 KitKasası ve 1 KazmaKasası Anahtarı {YELLOW}kazandın!' commands: - '/crate give {username} BlockKasası 1 ' - '/crate give {username} KazmaKasası 1 ' - '/crate give {username} KitKasası 1 ' - '/crate give {username} ParaKasası 1 ' # permission reward section # This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward. perms: double: broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!' playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!' commands: - '/give {username} 264 10' # cumulative reward section # This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes. cumulative: '10': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!' playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!' rewardmessage: '20x Diamond' commands: - '/give {username} 264 20' # blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world. blocked: - world_blocked # Available formatting codes for messages: # {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name # {username} {player} {name} = player username # {votes} = current vote total # & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes # {AQUA} {BLACK} {BLUE} {DARK_AQUA} {DARK_BLUE} # {DARK_GRAY} {DARK_GREEN} {DARK_PURPLE} {DARK_RED} {GOLD} # {GRAY} {GREEN} {LIGHT_PURPLE} {RED} {WHITE} {YELLOW} {BOLD} # {ITALIC} {UNDERLINE} {STRIKETHROUGH} {STRIKE} # {STRIKETHROUGH} {MAGIC} {RESET} votemessage: - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - 'Her Gün Serveri Oylayarak Kasa Anahtarı Kazanbilirsiniz !' - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}' - '{GOLD}' remindmessage: - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - 'Daha Hic Serveri Oylamamıssın Lütfen Bize Destek Ol !' - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}' - '{GOLD}http://minecraftservers.org/vote/378016' joinmessage: - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - 'Her Gün Serveri Oylayarak Kasa Anahtarı Kazanbilirsiniz !' - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - '{AQUA}Oy Puanin {GREEN}{votes}' - '{GOLD}' # Additional formatting codes for below: # {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards # {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards # {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop # {username} = player name - used for /votetop rewardformat: '{GREEN}{TOTAL} Votes {GRAY}- {AQUA}{REWARD}' votetopformat: '{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}' rewardheader: - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Rewards{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------' votetopheader: - '{GOLD}---------------- {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Oy Sıralaması{WHITE} ] {GOLD}----------------' rewardfooter: - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
Hazır, hatasız config yaptım. GAListener'in 1.3.1'ini indirip dener misin?