İlk Skriptim- OnLogin


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Evet selam millet,
Aslında bunu internetetn video izleyerek yaptım denebilir.Ama 2 dakika sonra atacağım skriptleri kendi aklımdan yazdım.
Kodum ise şu:
On login: #Girince
     send ''<green>Servere Hogeldin!Yeni bir maceraya Hazırmısın? to player #Oyuncuya yollanacak mesaj
Evet beyler biliyorum çok basit ama birazdan atacağım skriptler bence gayet güzel...

Son düzenleme:


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Bu nasıl bir skript la hiçbirşey anlamadım. <green> eskidi dostum &6 filan kullan.


Java, Skript, Php, Html, Css, Javascript, Anime
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
code içinde bulunan hashtagları silmen lazım.


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
kendisi yazdı .-. forumun kafa 3500 senin skype neden kapalı la ?


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Çok Çokkk Basit Olmuş , Benim İlk Skript'im Random Tp 'ydi Biraz Daha Çalışıp Daha İyi Bir Skript Atabilirdin :)


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
daha da cok geliştir
bn ilk skripti yaptığımda çok beğenmişlerdi
+ ünlü serverlere gir ordan bak işine yarar (ben öle yapıom)
mesela hypixel tarzı:
on join:
    wait 0.1 seconds
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    wait 1 seconds
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "                               &5&l[serverismi]    " to player
    send "                     &f&lHosgeldin &c&l%player%   " to player
    send "           &d&lLutfen Giris Yapin &e&l/Login <Sifre>   " to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players
    send "             &e&l%player% &6&lKatildi &b&lIyi Oyunlar   " to all players
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
daha da cok geliştir
bn ilk skripti yaptığımda çok beğenmişlerdi
+ ünlü serverlere gir ordan bak işine yarar (ben öle yapıom)
mesela hypixel tarzı:
on join:
    wait 0.1 seconds
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    wait 1 seconds
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "                               &5&l[serverismi]    " to player
    send "                     &f&lHosgeldin &c&l%player%   " to player
    send "           &d&lLutfen Giris Yapin &e&l/Login <Sifre>   " to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players
    send "             &e&l%player% &6&lKatildi &b&lIyi Oyunlar   " to all players
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players
Sonuçta bana kimse bişe öğretmedi izleyerek ve insanların skriptlerinden kendim yaptım.Ama şimdi yyınlamadığım b ir kaç tane var onlar bence güzel.Baya bi emegim var çok zordu ama yardım eden oldu v.-.


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
daha da cok geliştir
bn ilk skripti yaptığımda çok beğenmişlerdi
+ ünlü serverlere gir ordan bak işine yarar (ben öle yapıom)
mesela hypixel tarzı:
on join:
    wait 0.1 seconds
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    send "&f" to player
    wait 1 seconds
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "                               &5&l[serverismi]    " to player
    send "                     &f&lHosgeldin &c&l%player%   " to player
    send "           &d&lLutfen Giris Yapin &e&l/Login <Sifre>   " to player
    send "&6                                                " to player
    send "&6&l&mH+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H+" to player
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players
    send "             &e&l%player% &6&lKatildi &b&lIyi Oyunlar   " to all players
    send "&8&l&m=============================================" to all players
while ile yapılabilirdi o kadar satır yazmak yerine.
