Konu Kilit


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Gold Nugget'larında elindeki itemin Enchantı yok. Dikkat edersen elindeki gold nuggetlarda "Kırılmazlık X" yani 10 var.
Ama skriptte bunu belirtmemişsin. Skriptte gold nugget'ın enchantınıda belirtmen lazım.
gold nugget of unbreaking 10 dene bir.
10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz."


Lapis Toplayıcısı
En iyi cevaplar
GUI dekine mi yoksa oyuncuya verilen enchant mı ?
GUI ise:
format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook of protection 3 named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
Normal ise:
give 1 dirt of protection 3 to player
şu şekildedir.


En iyi cevaplar
Gold Nugget'larında elindeki itemin Enchantı yok. Dikkat edersen elindeki gold nuggetlarda "Kırılmazlık X" yani 10 var.
Ama skriptte bunu belirtmemişsin. Skriptte gold nugget'ın enchantınıda belirtmen lazım.
gold nugget of unbreaking 10 dene bir.
10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz."
hemen deniyorum

GUI dekine mi yoksa oyuncuya verilen enchant mı ?
GUI ise:
format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook of protection 3 named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
Normal ise:
give 1 dirt of protection 3 to player
şu şekildedir.
Teşekkürler denicem


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
ommand /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]

command /dse1:
        player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% devsandik"

command /bcs1:
        player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"

command /kke1:
        player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"

al direkt yükle şunu :D


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
ommand /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]

command /dse1:
        player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% devsandik"

command /bcs1:
        player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"

command /kke1:
        player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"

al direkt yükle şunu :D
unbreaking 1 yazıyor. Aman Allah'ım. 2-3 İngilizce bir şey öğrenip gelip skripterım ben abi diyenler var şu forumda :SD:F:DSF


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
unbreaking 1 yazıyor. Aman Allah'ım. 2-3 İngilizce bir şey öğrenip gelip skripterım ben abi diyenler var şu forumda :SD:F:DSF
ben skripter'im diye bir şey demedim ayrıca , unbreaking 1 yazıp bırakmadım bütün olarak verdim ayrıca konuyu açan arkadaşım terket burayı
bir de o gülüş nedir 9-10 yaşında oldugun burdan belli hadi bilemedin 12 yaş evlat.


En iyi cevaplar
ommand /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook of unbreaking 1 named  "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]

command /dse1:
        player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% devsandik"

command /bcs1:
        player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"

command /kke1:
        player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz.":
        remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 1 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        make console execute command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"

al direkt yükle şunu :D
eror veriyor 2 sayfa :D


En iyi cevaplar
skripti biraz degiştirdim şöyle yaptım:

command /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook named "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook named "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]
command /dse1:
        if player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% devsandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"

command /bcs1:
        if player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"
command /kke1:
        if player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"

Ama 3 Eror Var Ve start Fln Birşeyler Yazıyor: Hepsini Cekemedim Eroru Ve İlk Başını Cektim



Lapis Toplayıcısı
En iyi cevaplar
skripti biraz degiştirdim şöyle yaptım:

command /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook named "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook named "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]
command /dse1:
        if player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% devsandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"

command /bcs1:
        if player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"
command /kke1:
        if player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
        remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
        execute console command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"
        send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"

Ama 3 Eror Var Ve start Fln Birşeyler Yazıyor: Hepsini Cekemedim Eroru Ve İlk Başını Cektim

İf in altındaki tabları adam gibi atınız.

command /coinmarket:
        open chest with 1 row named "&eCoin &3Market" to the player
        format slot 0 of player with tripwire_hook named "&6Buyulu Sandik" with lore "&310 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &6Buyulu Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "bcs1"]
        format slot 1 of player with tripwire_hook named "&3Dev Sandik" with lore "&320 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &3Dev Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "dse1"]
        format slot 2 of player with tripwire_hook named "&5Karanlik Sandik" with lore "&330 Tane Coin Karsiliginda &5Karanlik Sandik &3Al!" to close then run [make player execute command "kke1"]
        format slot 8 of player with gold nugget named "&bCoin Sat" with lore "&3Tiklayarak Elindeki Tum Coinleri Sat!" to close then run [make player execute command "sell tripwire_hook"]
command /dse1:
        player has 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
          remove 10 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." from player
          execute console command "crate key %player% devsandik"
          send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"

command /bcs1:
        player has 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
          remove 20 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
          execute console command "crate key %player% buyulusandik"
          send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"
command /kke1:
        player has 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Coinleri Kullanabilirsiniz." in inventory:
          remove 30 gold nugget of unbreaking 10 named "&aCoin" with lore "&e/CoinMarket &6Ve &e/Warp CoinTakas &6Yazarak Bu Coinleri Harcayabilirsiniz." from player
          execute console command "crate key %player% karanliksandik"
          send "&6&lCoinMarket &c&lÂ> &cEnvanterinizde Yeterli Miktarda &aCoin &cYok"