Minecraft Sesli Sohbet Plugini [Ücretli]


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Minecraft Sesli Sohbet Plugini [Ücretli]

Merhaba, sevgili Gamer ailesi. Bugün sizlere "Minecord" adlı ücretli sesli sohbet pluginini tanıtacağım, umarım işinize yarar. Haydi konumuza geçelim!


Minecord Nedir?

Minecord, ücretli bir Minecraft eklentisidir. Bu eklenti sayesinde oyuncular, oyundaki konumlarına bağlı olarak yakınlarındaki diğer kişiler arasında sesli olarak konuşabilecek ve onları kimlerin duyabileceğini görebilecekler. Yerleşik Discord botu oyuncuları eğer aynı sesli sohbete odasına katılmışlarsa özel olarak gruplar. Bu eklenti yalnızca 1.8 ve 1.14 arası Minecraft sürümlerinde çalışır. Tüm Minecraft sunucuları için kullanılabilir harika bir eklenti.

Eklenti Nasıl Kullanılır?

Eklenti nasıl kurulur aşağıdan öğrenebilirsiniz. Eklentiyi kurup oyuna giriş yaptığınızda Minecraft hesabınızı Discord hesabınız ile bağlamanız için /minecord link komutunu yazın. Daha sonra /minecord toggle komutu ile sesli sohbeti aktif edin. Aynı şekilde devredışı bırakmak için de bu komutu kullanabilirsiniz. Daha sonra Discord sunucusunda eğer arkadaşınızla konuşacaksanız sesli sohbet bekleme alanına geçin. Oyun içinde arkadaşınıza yaklaştığınızda otomatik olarak Discord botu sizi özel olarak gruplayacaktır, eğer birbirinizden uzaklaşırsanız özel grubu bozacaktır.


Eklenti hakkında genel bilgileri gösterir.
/minecord help: Kullanılabilir komutlar hakkında bilgi gösterir.
/minecord reload: Yapılandırma dosyasını yeniden yükler.
/minecord link: Minecraft hesabınız ile Discord hesabınızı bağlar.
/minecord unlink (oyuncu): Bir oyuncunun Minecraft hesabının Discord hesabıyla bağlantısını kaldırır.
/minecord toggle (oyuncu): Senin (veya bir oyuncunun) sesli sohbet durumunu değiştirir.
/minecord board: Eklentinin scoreboard'ını açar / kapatır.
/minecord mute <oyuncu>: Oyuncunun sesli sohbeti kullanmasını yasaklar.
/minecord unmute <oyuncu>: Oyuncunun sesli sohbeti tekrar kullanmasına izin verir.
/minecord tts <oyuncu> <mesaj>: Bağlı bir oyuncuya sesli mesaj gönderir.
/minecord atts <oyuncu> <mesaj>: Bağlı bir oyuncuya anonim bir sesli mesaj gönderir.


/minecord reload komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.link: /minecord link komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.unlink, minecord.unlink.others, minecord.unlink.bypass: /minecord unlink (oyuncu) komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.toggle, minecord.toggle.others, minecord.toggle.bypass: /minecord toggle (oyuncu) komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.mute, minecord.mute.bypass: /minecord mute <oyuncu> komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord unmute: /minecord unmute <oyuncu> komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.tts, minecord.tts.bypass: /minecord tts <oyuncu> <mesaj> komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.
minecord.atts, minecord.atts.bypass: /minecord atts <oyuncu> <mesaj> komutunu kullanmanızı sağlar.

Not: /minecord yerine /md kullanabilirsiniz. <> arasındaki bağımsız değişkenler zorunluyken, () arasındaki bağımsız değişkenler isteğe bağlıdır. Yukarıda listenen komutlardan bazıları konsol için kullanılamaz. '.others' ile biten herhangi bir izin verilen kişiler, bir hedef için (ya da kendisi içinde uygulanabilen bir komutsa) uygulayabilecekleri anlamına gelir. '.bypass' ile biten herhangi bir izni olan kişiler, oyun içi hiçbir oyuncunun (konsol hariç) bu komutu onlar için yürütemeyeceği anlamına gelir.


# Information: Please pay attention to the instructions of each section.

# General settings of the plugin.
# The list of worlds in which the voice chat will be disabled.
  DisabledWorlds: []
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If 'WorldGuard' plugin is loaded and enabled, the list of regions in which the voice chat will be disabled.
  DisabledRegions: []
  # Whether or not the plugin will change the Discord nickname of linked players.
  SetNick: true
  # If the previous setting is enabled, whether or not to display the Minecraft name of linked players with the
  # Discord name and between parenthesis or only the Minecraft name, without parenthesis.
  NickBetweenParenthesis: true
  # The radius in which a group of players has to be to start voice chatting.
  Radius: 40
  # The Y radius in which a group of players has to be to start voice chatting. (Set to -1 to disable and use
  # the default 'Radius' value for Y coordinate as well).
  YRadius: 10
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # Whether or not players must press a key (X by default) to talk. This key must be configured by each player
  # in their Discord settings.
  PressKeyToTalk: true
  # Whether or not to pause the main thread of server on server stop so that every member is moved to the waiting
  # channel before stopping. (Useful for networks).
  WaitToMoveChannelOnDisconnect: false
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # Whether or not a scoreboard will appear showing the information of the voice chat for each player. Disable this
  # setting if you are using any other scoreboard-depending plugin.
  UseScoreboard: true
  # If the previous setting is enabled, whether or not to remove the scoreboard when a player is not chatting.
  RemoveScoreboardOnDisconnect: false
  # If the 'UseScoreboard' setting is enabled, whether or not display a prefix in player nametags as explained below.
  ApplyTags: true
  # Whether or not disable the voice chat of a player who is muted.
  DisableVoiceChatIfMuted: false
  # Whether or not disable the voice chat of a player who is deafened.
  DisableVoiceChatIfDeafened: false
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # Whether or not force every player to link their account with Discord and enter the Waiting Channel so that they
  # can join the server.
  ForceVoiceChat: false
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # The delay, in ticks, between messages sent to unlinked players in loop to remind them to link their accounts. (Set
  # to -1 to disable it).
  RemindLinkDelay: -1
  # Whether or not ignore that two players are in the same radius if one of them cannot see the other.
  IgnoreIfVanish: true
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If 'DiscordSRV' plugin is loaded and enabled, whether or not link automatically Discord and Minecraft accounts of
  # players through Minecord, when players link theirs through 'DiscordSRV'.
  AutomaticLink: false
  # The list of commands that will be dispatched when a player gets linked. (Use the following syntax:
  # "%TYPE%:%COMMAND%", being %TYPE% whether 'CONSOLE', 'OP' or 'PLAYER' and the command without the slash (/),
  # placeholder %PLAYER% is supported here).
  CommandsOnLink: []
  # The list of commands that will be dispatched when a player gets unlinked. (Use the following syntax:
  # "%TYPE%:%COMMAND%", being %TYPE% whether 'CONSOLE', 'OP' or 'PLAYER' and the command without the slash (/),
  # placeholder %PLAYER% is supported here).
  CommandsOnUnlink: []

# Database settings of the plugin.
# WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # Whether or not enable the database system. This is required to run it in a BungeeCord Network.
  Enabled: false
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If this section is enabled, the name of the database to connect to. (This field has to be filled if this section
  # is enabled).
  Name: ""
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If this section is enabled, the name of the hostname of the server to connect to. (This field has to be filled if
  # this section is enabled).
  Host: ""
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If this section is enabled, the port of the server to connect to.
  Port: 3306
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If this section is enabled, the username of the database to connect to. (This field has to be filled if this
  # section is enabled).
  Username: ""
  # WARNING: To modify this field you must stop the server before.
  # If this section is enabled, the password of the database to connect to. (This field has to be filled if this
  # section is enabled).
  Password: ""

# Discord settings of the plugin.
# The token ID of the Discord bot. (This field has to be filled to enable the plugin: read the installation
  # instructions).
  Token: ""
  # The guild ID of the Discord server in which the Discord bot will operate. (This field has to be filled to
  # enable the plugin: read the installation instructions).
  Server: ""
  # The channel ID of the Discord guild waiting channel. (This field has to be filled to enable the plugin:
  # read the installation instructions).
  WaitingChannel: ""
  # The list of roles IDs which will be able to see all the voice channels but not connect.
  BypassRoles: []
  # The list of roles IDs which will be granted the permission of priority speaker in all the voice chat channels.
  PrioritySpeaker: []
  # The category in which voice chat channels will be created. (You may set it to "null" to generate them on top of
  # the server).
  VoiceChatChannelsCategory: "null"
  # The ID of the role that will be given when a member gets linked. (You may set it to "null" to disable this
  # setting).
  RoleOnLink: "null"
  # If the previous setting is enabled, whether or not to remove the role given when the member gets unlinked.
  RemoveRoleOnUnlink: true

# If the 'UseScoreboard' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled, scoreboards and its settings, used by the plugin,
# any value here which will be displayed on the scoreboard (noted above) cannot have more than 16 characters
# (including color codes), otherwise it will not be displayed properly. The maximum entries of scoreboard a client can
# render are 15.
# (String displayed in the scoreboard). The title of the scoreboard.
  Title: "&d&lMinecord"
  # If the 'RemoveScoreboardOnDisconnect' setting in the 'Options' section is disabled, settings of the scoreboard
  # displayed when a player has the voice chat disconnected.
   # (String displayed in the scoreboard). (List of string displayed each one below the one before). Information
    # displayed after the title and a space.
     - "&cVoice chat"
      - "&cdisconnected."
  # Settings of the scoreboard displayed when a player is not chatting but has the voice chat enabled.
   # (String displayed in the scoreboard). (List of string displayed each one below the one before). Information
    # displayed after the title and a space.
     - "&cNobody can"
      - "&chear you."
  # Settings of the scoreboard displayed when a player is chatting.
   # (String displayed in the scoreboard). (List of string displayed each one below the one before). Information
    # displayed after the title and a space.
     - "&bThese players"
      - "&bcan hear you:"
    # (String displayed in the scoreboard). (List of string displayed each one below the one before). Information
    # displayed after the "info" and a space if nobody can hear the player. This will be only displayed if the
    # 'RemoveScoreboardOnDisconnect' setting in the 'Options' section is disabled.
     - "&cNobody is"
      - "&chearing you."
    # (String displayed in the scoreboard). The color code set to someone who can hear the player and is in their
    # radius.
    InRangePlayerColor: "&d"
    # (String displayed in the scoreboard). The color code set to someone who is not in the player's radius but this
    # player can hear the other player due to Discord limitations.
    OutOfRangePlayerColor: "&d&o"
    # (String displayed in the player tags). If the 'ApplyTags' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled, the prefix
    # set to someone in their tag who can hear the player and is in their radius.
    InRangePlayerTag: "&a&l⬤ &r&f"
    # (String displayed in the player tags). If the 'ApplyTags' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled, the prefix
    # set to someone in their tag who is not in the player's radius but this player can hear the other player due to
    # Discord limitations.
    OutOfRangePlayerTag: "&6&l⬤ &r&f"
    # The maximum number of players who can be displayed on the scoreboard.
    MaxPlayers: 8
    # (String displayed in the scoreboard). When the previous limit has reached the indicator of that the limit of
    # players displayed has been reached.
    MaxReachedIndicator: "&7..."

# Placeholders implemented by the plugin that may be used by a plugin implementing PlaceholderAPI or
# MvdwPlaceholderAPI, the placeholder that uses each replace will be noted above each field. (You may change to "null"
# any sound to not replace that placeholder at any time, moreover, use '&' and a color code to add colors to the
# replaces). Field names are self-explanatory.
# Placeholder replacing the following values: %MINECORD_LINK_STATE% (PlaceholderAPI) or {MINECORD_LINK_STATE}
  # (MvdwPlaceholderAPI).
    Unlinked: "&cUnlinked"
  # Placeholder replacing the following values: %MINECORD_VOICECHAT_STATE% (PlaceholderAPI) or
    Unlinked: "&cUnlinked"
    Disconnected: "&cDisconnected"
    Nobody: "&cNobody is hearing you"
    Chatting: "&aChatting"
  # Placeholder replacing the following values: %MINECORD_MUTE_STATE% (PlaceholderAPI) or {MINECORD_MUTE_STATE}
  # (MvdwPlaceholderAPI).
    Muted: "&cMuted"
    Unmuted: "&aUnmuted"
  # Placeholder replacing the following values: %MINECORD_CHATTERS% (PlaceholderAPI) or {MINECORD_CHATTERS}
  # (MvdwPlaceholderAPI).
    Header: "&bPlayers hearing you:&7 "
    Splitter: "&b,&7 "

# Sounds used by the plugin, all sounds must be a legal type of sounds according to your server version. The following
# default sounds are for 1.14.4 (Minecraft version), change them if you are using other Minecraft version. (You may
# change to "null" any sound to not play that sound at any time). Field names are self-explanatory.
  VoiceChatConnect: "ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG"
  VoiceChatDisconnect: "ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG"

# Messages used by the plugin, the placeholders supported by each message will be noted above of each field. (You may
# change to "null" any message to not send that message at any time, moreover, use '&' and a color code to add
# colors to the messages). Field names are self-explanatory.
# No placeholders supported.
  Prefix: "&d[&bMinecord&d]"
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %GOOD_SYNTAX% (displays the correct usage of
  # the command).
  BadSyntax: "%PREFIX% &cIncorrect command. Use instead &d%GOOD_SYNTAX%&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  NotEnoughPermissions: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have enough permissions to perform that command."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  InvalidTarget: "%PREFIX% &cThe player name you entered is invalid or not connected."
  # (List of messages sent simultaneously and in order). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured
  # prefix).
   - "%PREFIX% &bInformation:"
    - ""
    - "&dThe original voice chat solution for Minecraft!"
    - "&o&bGo to &dhttp://minecord.spomg.me &bfor more info!"
    - ""
    - "&bUse &d/minecord help &bto obtain help."
  # (List of messages sent simultaneously and in order). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured
  # prefix).
   - "%PREFIX% &bHelp:"
    - ""
    - "&b> &d/minecord &b- Displays general information about the plugin."
    - "&b> &d/minecord help &b- Displays this commands information."
    - "&b> &d/minecord reload &b- Reloads the config file."
    - "&b> &d/minecord link &b- Links your Minecraft account with your Discord account."
    - "&b> &d/minecord unlink (player) &b- Unlinks your (or a linked player's) Minecraft account with their Discord
    - "&b> &d/minecord toggle (player) &b- Toggles your (or a linked player's) voice chat state."
    - "&b> &d/minecord board &b- Toggles your scoreboard."
    - "&b> &d/minecord mute <player> &b- Prevents a player from using the voice chat."
    - "&b> &d/minecord unmute <player> &b- Allows a player to use the voice chat again."
    - "&b> &d/minecord tts <player> <message> &b- Send a text-to-speech message to a linked player."
    - "&b> &d/minecord atts <player> <message> &b- Send an anonymous text-to-speech message to a linked player."
    - ""
    - "&bYou may use &d/md &binstead of &d/minecord&b. The arguments between &d<> &bare compulsory, while the ones
      between &d() &bare optional."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ReloadedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully reloaded the config file."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  PreLinkErrorAlready: "%PREFIX% &cYour account is already linked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  PreLinkErrorPending: "%PREFIX% &cYou are already linking your account."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  PreLinkTimeout: "%PREFIX% &cYour linking code has expired, please create a new one."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %CODE% (displays the generated linking code).
  PreLinkedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully generated a linking code, please send a direct message to the
  Minecord Discord bot with the following code within two minutes: &d%CODE%&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  LinkedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully linked your account with Discord. You may now use &d/minecord
  toggle &bto start chatting!"
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  LinkedAutomatically: "%PREFIX% &bYou automatically linked your account with Discord. You may now use &d/minecord
  toggle &bto start chatting!"
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnlinkPlayerErrorBypass: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot unlink that player's account."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnlinkPlayerErrorAlready: "%PREFIX% &cThat player's account is not linked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %PLAYER% (displays the target player name).
  UnlinkedPlayerSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully unlinked &d%PLAYER%&b's account."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnlinkErrorAlready: "%PREFIX% &cYour account is not linked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnlinkedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &cYour account has been unlinked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TogglePlayerErrorBypass: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot toggle that player's voice state."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TogglePlayerErrorMuted: "%PREFIX% &cThat player is muted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TogglePlayerErrorUnlink: "%PREFIX% &cThat player's account is unlinked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TogglePlayerErrorNoWaiting: "%PREFIX% &c To enable that voice chat the player must be waiting in the waiting
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %PLAYER% (displays the target player name).
  ToggledPlayerEnabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully &denabled %PLAYER%&b's voice chat."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %PLAYER% (displays the target player name).
  ToggledPlayerDisabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully &ddisabled %PLAYER%&b's voice chat."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ToggleErrorMuted: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot toggle your voice chat because you are muted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ToggleErrorUnlink: "%PREFIX% &cPlease, to toggle your voice chat, link first your account using &d/minecord
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ToggleErrorNoWaiting: "%PREFIX% &cTo enable your voice chat you must be waiting in the waiting channel."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ToggledEnabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYour voice chat has been &denabled&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ScoreboardDisabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYour voice chat has been &ddisabled&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ScoreboardEnabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYour scoreboard has been &denabled&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  ToggledDisabledSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYour scoreboard has been &ddisabled&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  MutePlayerErrorBypass: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot mute that player."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  MutePlayerErrorAlready: "%PREFIX% &cThat player is already muted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  MutedPlayerSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully muted &d%PLAYER%&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  MutedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been muted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnmutePlayerErrorAlready: "%PREFIX% &cThat player is not muted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %PLAYER% (displays the target player name).
  UnmutedPlayerSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully unmuted &d%PLAYER%&b."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  UnmutedSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou have been unmuted."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TtsPlayerErrorBypass: "%PREFIX% &cYou cannot send a tts message to that player."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TtsPlayerErrorUnlink: "%PREFIX% &cThat player's account is unlinked."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TtsPlayerErrorChars: "%PREFIX% &cThe message may not exceed of 2000 characters."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix).
  TtsPlayerErrorImpossible: "%PREFIX% &cIt was not possible to send the tts message to that player. (Maybe the player
  has blocked the Discord bot)."
  # Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the configured prefix), %PLAYER% (displays the target player name).
  TtsPlayerSuccessfully: "%PREFIX% &bYou successfully sent the tts message to &d%PLAYER%&b."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatPlayerErrorCommandDisabled: "%PREFIX% &cThat command has been disabled for that player."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatErrorCommandDisabled: "%PREFIX% &cThat command has been disabled."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatKickedForceUnlinked: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been kicked because your Minecraft account has been unlinked
  with your Minecraft account. Please try to reconnect."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatKickedForceToggled: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been kicked because your voice chat has been disabled."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatKickedNotWaiting: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been kicked because you are not waiting in the Waiting
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix).
  ForceVoiceChatKickedBotDisconnected: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been kicked because the Discord bot is disconnected."
  # (If the 'ForceVoiceChat' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays
  # the configured prefix), %CODE% (displays the generated linking code).
  ForceVoiceChatKickedUnlinked: "%PREFIX% &cYou have been kicked because your Minecraft account is not linked with
  your Discord account. To link your accounts, please send a direct message to the Minecord Discord bot with the
  following code within two minutes: &d%CODE%&c."
  # (If the 'RemindLink' setting in the 'Options' section is enabled). Placeholders supported: %PREFIX% (displays the
  # configured prefix).
  RemindLink: "%PREFIX% &dRemember! &bYou can link your Minecraft account with Discord using &d/md link&b!"
  # No placeholders supported.
  DiscordLinkErrorInvalidCode: "The linking code you entered is invalid."
  # No placeholders supported.
  DiscordLinkErrorAlready: "You are already linked."
  # No placeholders supported.
  DiscordLinkedSuccessfully: "You successfully linked your account with Discord."
  # (This message will be sent before the TTS message) Placeholders supported: %PLAYER% (displays the sender's name).
  DiscordTtsMessage: "Text-to-speech message from %PLAYER%:"


Nasıl Kurulur?

Eklentiyi aşağıdaki linkten satın alın ve indirin. İndirdiğiniz gerekli jar dosyalarını plugins klasörüne atın. Sunucuyu başlattığınızda eklenti, yapılandırma dosyasının bazı alanlarını doldurmanız gerektiğini söylerek otomatik olarak devredışı bırakılır.

2- İlk olarak bir Discord sunucunuz ve bir Discord hesabınız olduğundan emin olun. Discord hesabınızın gelişmiş geliştirici ayarlarını açın.
(Ayarlar > Görünüm > Geliştirici Modu)

3- Web'in geliştirici bölümünden bir Discord botu oluşturun: Link aşağıda (boşluğu silin).
Buradan New Application butonuna tıklayın ve aşağıdaki resimde gösterildiği gibi doldurun. Botu istediğiniz gibi adlandırabilirsiniz.
discordapp .com/developers/applications/
4- Aynı web sayfasının 'Bot' bölümündeki botunuzun tokenini kontrol edin. Daha önce "Bot Ekle" butonuna tıklamanız ve onaylamanız gerekir (bu adımda öncekiyle aynı resmi ve adı girin). Daha sonra tokeni kopyalayın ve Minecord yapılandırma dosyanıza yapıştırın.

5- Sunucunuzun adına sol tıklayarak ve "Kimliği Kopyala" butonuna tıklayarak sunucunuzun kimliğini uygun yapılandırma alanına yapıştırın. Ardından, sunucunuzda yeni bir ses kanalı oluşturun ve herkesin kanala katılmasına izin verildiğinden emin olun. Kanala sol tıklayarak "Kimliği Kopyala" butonuna tıklayın ve kopyaladığınız kimliği yapılandırma dosyasına yapıştırın.

6- Web sayfasının 'OAuth2' bölümüne giderek oluşturduğunuz Discord botunu Discord sunucunuza davet edin. Resimde gösterildiği gibi yeni bir bağlantı oluşturun ve tıklayın, ardından işlemi onaylayın. Discord sunucunuzda 'Yönetici' izniyle bota bir rol verin. Bu hiyerarşideki en yüksek rol olmalı. Sahibinin, yöneticisinin veya diğer botların saflarından bile daha yüksek olmalıdır.

7- Şimdi sunucuyu yeniden başlatabilirsiniz. Bot bağlantısını onaylayan bir mesaj gönderilirse, kurulum doğru şekilde işlenmiştir. Aksi takdirde, lütfen tüm adımları tekrar kontrol edin veya daha fazla yardıma ihtiyacınız olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bana ulaşın.
ve hazır! Eklentinin keyfini çıkarın.

Adım 3:

Adım 6:



Evet, sevgili Gamer ailesi. Bugün sizlere "Minecord" adlı ücretli sesli sohbet plugini hakkında bilgiler verdim, umarım işinize yaramıştır. Bir sonraki konumuza dek görüşmek üzere!

Son düzenleme:


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
discord dan bağlanip konuşabiliyorsan bende sandım programsız sadece plugin ile cs 1.6 daki gibi k ye basip yada başka bir tuşa basıp konuşmak saniyodum :D


Lapis Toplayıcısı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Nihayet kullanışlı bir plugin.! Teşekkürler!

Fakat bu bütün yeni sunucuları mahvedicektir.
Hub serverler herhalde kaostan yürünmücektir
eminim ^^ :D
