
Umut Savas

Ne demek yanlış? Ben mi?
En iyi cevaplar

Oyuncu Yetkileri:

1 - authme.register
2 - authme.login

Admin Yetkileri:
1 - delete.password

1- Squery
2- Vault
#Made by Simonsejse.
#Effect's idea by Karamatsu.
#translator by Umut Savas (Turkish other languages)
    set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to false
on join:
    set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to false
    apply jump boost -10 to the player for 999 days
    apply blindness 1 to the player for 999 days
    if {password::%player%} is set:
        set freeze state of player to true
        set {onjoin::%player%} to true
        set freeze state of player to true
        send "&cKayit Olmak icin '&c/kayit <&4&npassword&c>'&c Kullanin!"
every 10 tick:
    loop all players:
        replace all " " with "" in {password::%loop-player%}
every 3 second:
    loop all players:
        if {password::%loop-player%} is set:
            if {onjoin::%loop-player%} is true:
                set freeze state of loop-player to true
                send "&cGiris Yapmak icin /gir <&4&nSifre&c> Kullanin!" to loop-player
            send "&cKayit Olmak icin '&c/kayit <&4&nsifre&c>'&c Kullanin!" to loop-player
command /kayit [<text>]:
        if player has permission "authme.register":
            if arg 1 is set:
                if {password::%player%} is set:
                    set {_delay} to difference between {cooldelay.%player%} and now
                    if {_delay} is less than 30 seconds:
                        set  {_delay} to difference between {_delay} and 30 seconds
                        message "&cSu Kadar Beklemelisin %{_delay}% tekrar kullanmadan once"
                    set {cooldelay.%player%} to now
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send "&cSaten Bir Sifren Var &4&nparola&c! Yenisini Yapamazsin!"
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    wait 5 seconds
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send "&4&nAdmin&c ile Baglanti Kurup, Sifrenizi Degistirtirebilirsiniz!"
                    send "&cHesabin Calindi ise, Kanit Gerekir Unutma"
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    send " "
                    set {l::%player%} to length of arg 1
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 2:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n9"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 3:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n8"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 4:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n7"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 5:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n6"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 6:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n5"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 7:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n4"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 8:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n3"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 9:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n2"
                    if {l::%player%} is less than 10:
                        send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n1"
                    if {l::%player%} is greater than 20:
                        send "&4&nParola&c Fazlasiyla Uzun!"
                        if {l::%player%} is bigger than 9:
                            set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to true
                            set {password::%player%} to arg 1
                            wait 15 tick
                            send "&cSifreniz Olusturuldu! &4&n%{password::%player%}%&c Sifreniz! IYI OYUNLAR!"
                            set {registrer::%player%::ikke::sat} to false
                            set freeze state of player to false
                            remove blindness from player
                            remove jump boost from player
                send "&aRemember to write your password, sweety."
every 2 second:
    loop all players:
        if {lasttry::%loop-player%} is true:
            set action bar of loop-player to "&4&LUYARI:&c Bu Son Denemeydi"
            wait 1 second
            set action bar of loop-player to "&c&LUYARI:&4 Bu Son Denemeydi!"
command /gir [<text>]:
        if player has permission "authme.login":
            if {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} is false:
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if {password::%player%} is set:
                        if {password::%player%} is arg 1:
                            send "&cGiris Yaptiniz!"
                            remove blindness from player
                            remove jump boost from player
                            set freeze state of player to false
                            set {onjoin::%player%} to false
                            set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to true
                            if {wrongpassword::%player%} is 2:
                                send player title "&4&lUYARI" with subtitle "&c2. son denemeniz!"
                            if {wrongpassword::%player%} is 3:
                                send player title "&4&lUYARI" with subtitle "&cSon Denemeniz!"
                                set {lasttry::%player%} to true
                            if {wrongpassword::%player%} is more than 3:
                                execute console command "/tempban %player% Cok Fazla Yanlis Girildi, 15 Dakika BAN."
                                send "&cDenemeler Basarisiz, &a&nSureli BAN&c 15 Dakika men Edildin!"
                                set {wrongpassword::%player%} to 0
                                set {lasttry::%player%} to false
                                add 1 to {wrongpassword::%player%}
                                send "&c&4&nSifreniz&c! Yanlıs %{wrongpassword::%player%}% Bekleyiniz. Maximum 5 Kere Deneyebilirsiniz!"
                        send "&cHerhangi Bir Sifre Yazmadiniz! Kullanim &c/kayit <&4sifre&c>"
                send "&cYou are &4&nalready&c logged in!"
command /delpass [<player>]:
        if arg 1 has permission "delete.password":
            if {password::%arg 1%} is set:
                if arg 1 is set:
                    delete {password::%arg 1%}
                    delete {registrer::%arg 1%::ikke::sat}
                    send "&6%arg 1% Resetlendi, &e%arg 1% &6Kullanmasi Gereken /kayit."
                    send "&cBir Oyuncu Belirlemelisin."
                send "&c%arg 1% doesn't have any pass."
command /sifredegistir [<text>] [<text>]:
        if {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} is false:
            send "&cBunu yapmak için önce giriş yapman lazım !"
            if {password::%player%} is set:
                if arg 1 is set:
                    if arg 1 is {password::%player%}:
                        if arg 2 is set:
                            set {l::%player%} to length of arg 2
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 2:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n9"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 3:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n8"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 4:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n7"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 5:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n6"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 6:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n5"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 7:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n4"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 8:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n3"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 9:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n2"
                            if {l::%player%} is less than 10:
                                send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n1"
                            if {l::%player%} is greater than 20:
                                send "&4&nSifre&c Cok Uzun!"
                                if {l::%player%} is bigger than 9:
                                    set {password::%player%} to arg 2
                                    wait 15 tick
                                    send "&cSifreniz Artik &4&n%{password::%player%}%"
                            send "&cYeni &4Sifreyi&c Yazmak Zorundasin!"   
                        send "&4Sifreyi&c Yanlis Yazdiniz. &4Kullanim&c: &c/&4command&c <&4eskisifre&c> <&4yenisifre&c>"   
                    send "&cEski &4Sifreyi&c Yazmak Zorundasin!"
                send "&cKayit Bulunamadi. &4/kayit&c Kullanarak Kayit Olunuz!"
command /bilgilerim:
  open chest with 2 rows named "&bKullanici paneli" to player
  format slot 0 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 1 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 2 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 3 of player with paper named "&c&lAuthor" with lore "&7Simonsejse" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 4 of player with skull of player named "&e&l%player%" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgileri"]
  format slot 5 of player with paper named "&c&ltranslator" with lore "&7Umut Savas" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 6 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 7 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 8 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&cOldurme" with lore "&7%{öldürme.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgileri"]
  format slot 10 of player with skeleton head named "&cOlme" with lore "&7%{ölme.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 11 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 12 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 13 of player with command block named "&4Sifre" with lore "&7%{password::%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 14 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 15 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 16 of player with exp bottle named "&bLevel" with lore "&e%player's level%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
  format slot 17 of player with gold ingot named "&aPara" with lore "&a%player's balance%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
Skript Alıntıdır Türkçeleştirme VB. Ve Bilgilerim Kısımı Bana Aittir
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Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Senin olmayan skripti neden paylaşıyorsun ki?
zaten authme arıyan birisi google amcaya '' minecraft skript authme '' diye yazcaktır.
keşke yorulmasaydın :/

Umut Savas

Ne demek yanlış? Ben mi?
En iyi cevaplar
gerçekten gereksiz yani herkes google çeviriyi kullanabilir :D
İngilizcesi Olmayan herkes Google Çeviri Kullanır Ben Kullanmadım

Senin olmayan skripti neden paylaşıyorsun ki?
zaten authme arıyan birisi google amcaya '' minecraft skript authme '' diye yazcaktır.
keşke yorulmasaydın :/
Kimse Türkçeleştirmeye Uğraşmaz İnsanlık Yapalım Dedik
bilgilerim Kısmı Tamamen Bana Ait


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ya hayır, tamam anlarım koydun paylaştın ama neden 2013'de paylaşılan bir Skript'i şimdi Türkçeleştirdin ki ?