Umut Savas
Ne demek yanlış? Ben mi?
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
Oyuncu Yetkileri:
1 - authme.register
2 - authme.login
Admin Yetkileri:
1 - delete.password
1- Squery
2- Vault
#Made by Simonsejse.
#Effect's idea by Karamatsu.
#translator by Umut Savas (Turkish other languages)
set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to false
on join:
set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to false
apply jump boost -10 to the player for 999 days
apply blindness 1 to the player for 999 days
if {password::%player%} is set:
set freeze state of player to true
set {onjoin::%player%} to true
set freeze state of player to true
send "&cKayit Olmak icin '&c/kayit <&4&npassword&c>'&c Kullanin!"
every 10 tick:
loop all players:
replace all " " with "" in {password::%loop-player%}
every 3 second:
loop all players:
if {password::%loop-player%} is set:
if {onjoin::%loop-player%} is true:
set freeze state of loop-player to true
send "&cGiris Yapmak icin /gir <&4&nSifre&c> Kullanin!" to loop-player
send "&cKayit Olmak icin '&c/kayit <&4&nsifre&c>'&c Kullanin!" to loop-player
command /kayit [<text>]:
if player has permission "authme.register":
if arg 1 is set:
if {password::%player%} is set:
set {_delay} to difference between {cooldelay.%player%} and now
if {_delay} is less than 30 seconds:
set {_delay} to difference between {_delay} and 30 seconds
message "&cSu Kadar Beklemelisin %{_delay}% tekrar kullanmadan once"
set {cooldelay.%player%} to now
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send "&cSaten Bir Sifren Var &4&nparola&c! Yenisini Yapamazsin!"
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
wait 5 seconds
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send "&4&nAdmin&c ile Baglanti Kurup, Sifrenizi Degistirtirebilirsiniz!"
send "&cHesabin Calindi ise, Kanit Gerekir Unutma"
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
send " "
set {l::%player%} to length of arg 1
if {l::%player%} is less than 2:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n9"
if {l::%player%} is less than 3:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n8"
if {l::%player%} is less than 4:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n7"
if {l::%player%} is less than 5:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n6"
if {l::%player%} is less than 6:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n5"
if {l::%player%} is less than 7:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n4"
if {l::%player%} is less than 8:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n3"
if {l::%player%} is less than 9:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n2"
if {l::%player%} is less than 10:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n1"
if {l::%player%} is greater than 20:
send "&4&nParola&c Fazlasiyla Uzun!"
if {l::%player%} is bigger than 9:
set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to true
set {password::%player%} to arg 1
wait 15 tick
send "&cSifreniz Olusturuldu! &4&n%{password::%player%}%&c Sifreniz! IYI OYUNLAR!"
set {registrer::%player%::ikke::sat} to false
set freeze state of player to false
remove blindness from player
remove jump boost from player
send "&aRemember to write your password, sweety."
every 2 second:
loop all players:
if {lasttry::%loop-player%} is true:
set action bar of loop-player to "&4&LUYARI:&c Bu Son Denemeydi"
wait 1 second
set action bar of loop-player to "&c&LUYARI:&4 Bu Son Denemeydi!"
command /gir [<text>]:
if player has permission "authme.login":
if {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} is false:
if arg 1 is set:
if {password::%player%} is set:
if {password::%player%} is arg 1:
send "&cGiris Yaptiniz!"
remove blindness from player
remove jump boost from player
set freeze state of player to false
set {onjoin::%player%} to false
set {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} to true
if {wrongpassword::%player%} is 2:
send player title "&4&lUYARI" with subtitle "&c2. son denemeniz!"
if {wrongpassword::%player%} is 3:
send player title "&4&lUYARI" with subtitle "&cSon Denemeniz!"
set {lasttry::%player%} to true
if {wrongpassword::%player%} is more than 3:
execute console command "/tempban %player% Cok Fazla Yanlis Girildi, 15 Dakika BAN."
send "&cDenemeler Basarisiz, &a&nSureli BAN&c 15 Dakika men Edildin!"
set {wrongpassword::%player%} to 0
set {lasttry::%player%} to false
add 1 to {wrongpassword::%player%}
send "&c&4&nSifreniz&c! Yanlıs %{wrongpassword::%player%}% Bekleyiniz. Maximum 5 Kere Deneyebilirsiniz!"
send "&cHerhangi Bir Sifre Yazmadiniz! Kullanim &c/kayit <&4sifre&c>"
send "&cYou are &4&nalready&c logged in!"
command /delpass [<player>]:
if arg 1 has permission "delete.password":
if {password::%arg 1%} is set:
if arg 1 is set:
delete {password::%arg 1%}
delete {registrer::%arg 1%::ikke::sat}
send "&6%arg 1% Resetlendi, &e%arg 1% &6Kullanmasi Gereken /kayit."
send "&cBir Oyuncu Belirlemelisin."
send "&c%arg 1% doesn't have any pass."
command /sifredegistir [<text>] [<text>]:
if {PlayerLoggedIn::%player%} is false:
send "&cBunu yapmak için önce giriş yapman lazım !"
if {password::%player%} is set:
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is {password::%player%}:
if arg 2 is set:
set {l::%player%} to length of arg 2
if {l::%player%} is less than 2:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n9"
if {l::%player%} is less than 3:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n8"
if {l::%player%} is less than 4:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n7"
if {l::%player%} is less than 5:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n6"
if {l::%player%} is less than 6:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n5"
if {l::%player%} is less than 7:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n4"
if {l::%player%} is less than 8:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n3"
if {l::%player%} is less than 9:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n2"
if {l::%player%} is less than 10:
send "&cParolanız en az 10 harf olmak zorunda! Sizin&4 &n1"
if {l::%player%} is greater than 20:
send "&4&nSifre&c Cok Uzun!"
if {l::%player%} is bigger than 9:
set {password::%player%} to arg 2
wait 15 tick
send "&cSifreniz Artik &4&n%{password::%player%}%"
send "&cYeni &4Sifreyi&c Yazmak Zorundasin!"
send "&4Sifreyi&c Yanlis Yazdiniz. &4Kullanim&c: &c/&4command&c <&4eskisifre&c> <&4yenisifre&c>"
send "&cEski &4Sifreyi&c Yazmak Zorundasin!"
send "&cKayit Bulunamadi. &4/kayit&c Kullanarak Kayit Olunuz!"
command /bilgilerim:
open chest with 2 rows named "&bKullanici paneli" to player
format slot 0 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 1 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 2 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 3 of player with paper named "&c&lAuthor" with lore "&7Simonsejse" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 4 of player with skull of player named "&e&l%player%" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgileri"]
format slot 5 of player with paper named "&c<ranslator" with lore "&7Umut Savas" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 6 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 7 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 8 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 9 of player with iron sword named "&cOldurme" with lore "&7%{öldürme.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgileri"]
format slot 10 of player with skeleton head named "&cOlme" with lore "&7%{ölme.%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 11 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 12 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 13 of player with command block named "&4Sifre" with lore "&7%{password::%player%}%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 14 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 15 of player with yellow glass of protection named "&bKullanici paneli" with lore "" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 16 of player with exp bottle named "&bLevel" with lore "&e%player's level%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
format slot 17 of player with gold ingot named "&aPara" with lore "&a%player's balance%" to close then run [execute player command "bilgilerim"]
Skript Alıntıdır Türkçeleştirme VB. Ve Bilgilerim Kısımı Bana Aittir
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