Yardım Superiorskyblock2 Lang


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##                                                  ##
##                SuperiorSkyblock 2                ##
##                Developed by Ome_R                ##
##                                                  ##

# If you wish to create a new language file, please copy this one.
# Make sure you give the name a correct language name.
# https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/java8locales-2095355.html
# You can find a tutorial about configuring messages here:
# https://wiki.bg-software.com/superiorskyblock/messages

ADMIN_ADD_PLAYER: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully added the player {0} to {1}''s island.'
ADMIN_ADD_PLAYER_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully added the player {0} to the island {1}.'
ADMIN_DEPOSIT_MONEY: '&e&lBank | &7You deposited ${0} into {1}''s island bank.'
ADMIN_DEPOSIT_MONEY_NAME: '&e&lBank | &7You deposited ${0} into the bank of the island {1}.'
ADMIN_HELP_FOOTER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Developed by Ome_R'
ADMIN_HELP_HEADER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Admin Commands List [{0}/{1}]:'
ADMIN_HELP_LINE: '&e/{0} &f- &7{1}'
ADMIN_HELP_NEXT_PAGE: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Use /is admin {0} for the next page.'
ALREADY_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are already in an island.'
ALREADY_IN_ISLAND_OTHER: '&c&lError | &7This player is already a member of your island.'
BAN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was BANNED from the island by {1}.'
BAN_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only ban players with a lower island role than yours.'
BANK_DEPOSIT_CUSTOM: '&e&lBank | &7Type the amount you want to deposit:'
BANK_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7You have exceeded your bank limit.'
BANK_WITHDRAW_CUSTOM: '&e&lBank | &7Type the amount you want to withdraw:'
BANNED_FROM_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are banned from this island.'
BLOCK_COUNT_CHECK: '&e&lIsland | &7This island has x{0} {1}.'
  &e&lIsland | &7This island has the following blocks:
BLOCK_COUNTS_CHECK_EMPTY: '&e&lIsland | &7This island has no tracked blocks.'
BLOCK_LEVEL: '&e&lLevel | &7The block {0}''s level is {1}.'
BLOCK_LEVEL_WORTHLESS: '&e&lLevel | &7The block {0} is worthless.'
BLOCK_VALUE: '&e&lWorth | &7The block {0} worth {1}.'
BLOCK_VALUE_WORTHLESS: '&e&lWorth | &7The block {0} is worthless.'
BONUS_SET_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the island bonus to {0}.'
BORDER_PLAYER_COLOR_UPDATED: '&e&lBorder | &7Successfully changed your personal border color to {0}.'
BUILD_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot build outside of your protection range.'
CANNOT_SET_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot set the player''s role to {0}.'
CHANGE_PERMISSION_FOR_HIGHER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only change permissions to lower island role than yours.'
CHANGED_BANK_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the bank limit of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_BANK_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the bank limit of all the islands.'
CHANGED_BANK_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the bank limit of {0}.'
CHANGED_BIOME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed biome to {0}. You might need to reconnect to the server to see changes.'
CHANGED_BIOME_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed biome to {0} for all the islands.'
CHANGED_BIOME_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed biome to {0} for the island {1}.'
CHANGED_BIOME_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed biome to {0} for {1}''s island.'
CHANGED_BLOCK_AMOUNT: '&e&lBlocks | &7Successfully changed the block amount at {0} to {1}.'
CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of {1}''s island.'
CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of all the islands.'
CHANGED_BLOCK_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the {0} Block limit of {1}.'
CHANGED_CHEST_SIZE: '&e&lChest | &7Successfully updated the rows of page #{0} to {1} for {2}''s island.'
CHANGED_CHEST_SIZE_ALL: '&e&lChest | &7Successfully updated the rows of page #{0} to {1} for all the islands.'
CHANGED_CHEST_SIZE_NAME: '&e&lChest | &7Successfully updated the rows of page #{0} to {1} for {2}.'
CHANGED_COOP_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the coop players limit of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_COOP_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the coop players limit of all the islands.'
CHANGED_COOP_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the coop players limit of {0}.'
CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of all the islands.'
CHANGED_CROP_GROWTH_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the crop growth multiplier of {0}.'
CHANGED_DISCORD: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed island discord to {0}.'
CHANGED_ENTITY_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of {0} entities for {1}''s island.'
CHANGED_ENTITY_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of {0} entities for all the islands.'
CHANGED_ENTITY_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of {0} entities for {1}.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_EFFECT_LEVEL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of the island effect {0} for {1}''s island.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_EFFECT_LEVEL_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of the island effect {0} for all the islands.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_EFFECT_LEVEL_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of the island effect {0} for {1}.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the island size of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the island size of all the islands.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the island size of {0}.'
CHANGED_ISLAND_SIZE_BUILD_OUTSIDE: '&7&oPlayers are able to build outside their island, so the island size has no affect. You can toggle that feature off in the config so island size will have affect again.'
CHANGED_LANGUAGE: '&e&lLanguage | &7Successfully changed your language to English.'
CHANGED_MOB_DROPS: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_MOB_DROPS_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of all the islands.'
CHANGED_MOB_DROPS_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the mob drops multiplier of {0}.'
CHANGED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed your island''s name to {0}.'
CHANGED_NAME_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the {0} island''s name to {1}.'
CHANGED_NAME_OTHER_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the name of {0} to {1}.'
CHANGED_PAYPAL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully changed island paypal to {0}.'
CHANGED_ROLE_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of the role {0} for {1}''s island.'
CHANGED_ROLE_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of the role {0} for all the islands.'
CHANGED_ROLE_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the limit of the role {0} for {1}.'
CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of all the islands.'
CHANGED_SPAWNER_RATES_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the spawner rates multiplier of {0}.'
CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of all the islands.'
CHANGED_TEAM_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the team limit of {0}.'
CHANGED_TELEPORT_LOCATION: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated teleport location.'
CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of {0}''s island.'
CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of all the islands.'
CHANGED_WARPS_LIMIT_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the warps limit of {0}.'
COMMAND_COOLDOWN_FORMAT: '&c&lError | &7You may only use the command in {0}.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ACCEPT: 'Accept an invitation from a player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN: 'Use the admin commands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD: 'Add a user to an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_BLOCK_LIMIT: 'Increase block limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_COOP_LIMIT: 'Increase coop players limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_CROP_GROWTH: 'Increase the crop growth multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_EFFECT: 'Add an island effect for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_ENTITY_LIMIT: 'Increase entity limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_GENERATOR: 'Add percentage of a material for the cobblestone generator.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_MOB_DROPS: 'Increase the mob drops multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_SIZE: 'Expand another player''s island size.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_SPAWNER_RATES: 'Increase the spawner rates multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_TEAM_LIMIT: 'Increase members limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_ADD_WARPS_LIMIT: 'Increase the warps limit of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_BONUS: 'Grant a bonus to a player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_CHEST: 'Open island''s chest of another island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_CLEAR_GENERATOR: 'Clear generator rates for a specific island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_CLOSE: 'Close an island to the public.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_CMD_ALL: 'Execute a command for all members of islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_COUNT: 'Check a block count on a specific island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DEL_WARP: 'Delete a warp for an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DEMOTE: 'Demote a member in another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DEPOSIT: 'Deposit money into another player''s island bank.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_DISBAND: 'Disband another player''s island permanently.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_IGNORE: 'Ignore an island from top islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_JOIN: 'Join an island without an invitation.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_KICK: 'Kick a player from his island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MODULES: 'Manage modules of the plugin.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MISSION: 'Change the status of a mission for a player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MSG: 'Send a player a message without any prefixes.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_MSG_ALL: 'Send to all island members a message without any prefixes.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_NAME: 'Change the name of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_OPEN: 'Open an island to the public.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_OPEN_MENU: 'Open a custom menu for a player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_PROMOTE: 'Promote a member in another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RANKUP: 'Rankup an upgrade for an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RECALC: 'Re-calculates the worth of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RELOAD: 'Reload all configurations and tasks of the plugin.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_REMOVE_BLOCK_LIMIT: 'Remove a block limit from an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_REMOVE_RATINGS: 'Remove all ratings given by a player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_RESET_WORLD: 'Reset a world for an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SCHEMATIC: 'Create schematics for the plugin.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_BANK_LIMIT: 'Set a bank limit to an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_BIOME: 'Set the biome of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_BLOCK_AMOUNT: 'Set the block amount in a specific location.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_BLOCK_LIMIT: 'Set block limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_CHEST_ROW: 'Set the chest rows for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_COOP_LIMIT: 'Set coop players limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_CROP_GROWTH: 'Set the crop growth multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_DISBANDS: 'Set a player''s amount of island disbands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_EFFECT: 'Set the island effect level of another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_ENTITY_LIMIT: 'Set entity limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_LEADER: 'Transfer an island to someone else.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_MOB_DROPS: 'Set the mob drops multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_PERMISSION: 'Set a required role for a permission for all the islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_RATE: 'Set the rating of another player.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_ROLE_LIMIT: 'Set role limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SETTINGS: 'Toggle settings for a specific island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_GENERATOR: 'Change percentage of a material for the cobblestone generator.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SIZE: 'Change another player''s island size.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SPAWN: 'Set the spawn location of the server.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_SPAWNER_RATES: 'Set the spawner rates multiplier for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_TEAM_LIMIT: 'Set members limit for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_UPGRADE: 'Set the level of an upgrade for another player''s island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SET_WARPS_LIMIT: 'Set the warps limit of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SETTINGS: 'Open the plugin settings editor.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SHOW: 'Get information about an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SPAWN: 'Teleport to the spawn location.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_STATS: 'Show stats about the plugin.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_SYNC_UPGRADES: 'Sync upgrade values for an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_TELEPORT: 'Teleport to other islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_TITLE_ALL: 'Send to all island members a title.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_UNIGNORE: 'Unignore an island from top islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_UNLOCK_WORLD: 'Unlock a world for an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_ADMIN_WITHDRAW: 'Withdraw money from another player''s island bank.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BALANCE: 'Check the amount of money inside an island''s bank.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BAN: 'Ban a player from your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BANK: 'Open the island''s bank.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BIOME: 'Change the biome of the island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_BORDER: 'Change the border color of the islands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CHEST: 'Open the island''s chest.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CLOSE: 'Close the island to the public.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_COOP: 'Add a player as a co-op to your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_COOPS: 'Open the coops menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_COUNTS: 'See block counts in your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_CREATE: 'Create a new island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEL_WARP: 'Delete an island warp.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEMOTE: 'Demote a member in your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DEPOSIT: 'Deposit money from your personal account into the island''s bank.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_DISBAND: 'Disband your island permanently.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_EXPEL: 'Kick a visitor from your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_FLY: 'Toggle island fly.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_HELP: 'List of all commands.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_INVITE: 'Invite a player to your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_KICK: 'Kick a player from your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_LANG: 'Change your personal language.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_MEMBERS: 'Open the members menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_MISSIONS: 'Open the missions menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_NAME: 'Change the name of your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_OPEN: 'Open the island to the public.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PARDON: 'Unban a player from your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PERMISSIONS: 'Get all permissions for an island role.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_PROMOTE: 'Promote a member in your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RANKUP: 'Level up an upgrade.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RATINGS: 'Show all island ratings.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SETTINGS: 'Open the settings menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_RECALC: 'Re-calculates the island worth.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_DISCORD: 'Set the discord of the island for island payouts.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_PAYPAL: 'Set the paypal email of the island for island payouts.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_ROLE: 'Change the role of a player in your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_TELEPORT: 'Change the teleport location of your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SET_WARP: 'Create a new island warp.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_SHOW: 'Get information about an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TEAM: 'Get information about island members status.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TEAM_CHAT: 'Toggle team chat mode.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TELEPORT: 'Teleport to your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE: 'Toggle island borders and stacked blocks placements.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TOP: 'Open top islands panel.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_TRANSFER: 'Transfer your island''s leadership.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_UNCOOP: 'Remove a player from being a co-op in your island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VALUE: 'Get the worth value of a block.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VALUES: 'Open the values menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VISIT: 'Teleport to the visitors location of an island.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_VISITORS: 'Open the visitors menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WARP: 'Warp to an island warp.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WARPS: 'Open the warps menu.'
COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_WITHDRAW: 'Withdraw money from your island''s bank into your personal account.'
COMMAND_USAGE: '&cUsage: /{0}'
COOP_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} added {1} as a co-op member.'
COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7This player is banned from the island and cannot be coop.'
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7You reached the maximum amount of coop players the island can have.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7Created a new island at {0} in {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while creating your island. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &cOFF&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &aON&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Successfully updated the debug filter!'
DELETE_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7You deleted the warp {0}.'
DELETE_WARP_SIGN_BROKE: '&7&oThere was a sign for that warp, it got broken...'
DEMOTE_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7You cannot demote island leaders.'
DEMOTE_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only demote players with a lower island role than yours.'
DEMOTED_MEMBER: '&e&lIsland | &7You demoted {0} to a {1} in his island.'
DEPOSIT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lBank | &7{0} deposited ${1} into the island bank!'
DEPOSIT_ERROR: '&c&lError | &7{0}.'
DESTROY_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot destroy outside of your protection range.'
DISBAND_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Your island was disbanded by {0}.'
DISBAND_GIVE: '&e&lIsland | &7You received {0} disbands.'
DISBAND_GIVE_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7You gave {0} disbands to all players.'
DISBAND_GIVE_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You gave {0} disbands to {1}.'
DISBAND_ISLAND_BALANCE_REFUND: '&7&oYour island was disbanded and ${0} dollars were refunded to your account from the island bank'
DISBAND_SET: '&e&lIsland | &7Your disband count was set to {0}.'
DISBAND_SET_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7You set the disband count of all players to {0}.'
DISBAND_SET_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You set {0}''s disband count to {1}.'
DISBANDED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded your island.'
DISBANDED_ISLAND_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded {0}''s island.'
DISBANDED_ISLAND_OTHER_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You disbanded the island {0}.'
ENTER_PVP_ISLAND: '&7&oYou were teleported into an island that has PVP enabled. You are immuned to PVP for the next 10 seconds...'
EXPELLED_PLAYER: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was expelled from the island.'
GENERATOR_CLEARED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully cleared the generator amounts for {0}''s island.'
GENERATOR_CLEARED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully cleared the generator amounts for the island of {0}.'
GENERATOR_CLEARED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully cleared the generator amounts for all the islands.'
GENERATOR_UPDATED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator amount of {0} to {1}''s island.'
GENERATOR_UPDATED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator amount of {0} to the island of {1}.'
GENERATOR_UPDATED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the generator amount of {0} to all the islands.'
GLOBAL_COMMAND_EXECUTED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully executed the command on {0}''s island members!'
GLOBAL_COMMAND_EXECUTED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully executed the command on the island members of {0}!'
GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to {0}''s island members the message!'
GLOBAL_MESSAGE_SENT_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to the island members of {0} the message!'
GLOBAL_TITLE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to {0}''s island members the title!'
GLOBAL_TITLE_SENT_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent to the island members of {0} the title!'
GOT_BANNED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were BANNED from {0}''s island.'
GOT_DEMOTED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were demoted to a {0} in your island.'
GOT_EXPELLED: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou were expelled from the island by {0}.'
GOT_INVITE: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} invited you to his island.'
GOT_INVITE_TOOLTIP: '&7Click the message in order to accept the invite.'
GOT_KICKED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were kicked from your island by {0}.'
GOT_PROMOTED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were promoted to a {0} in your island.'
GOT_REVOKED: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} revoked your invitation to his island.'
GOT_UNBANNED: '&e&lIsland | &7You were UNBANNED from {0}''s island.'
HIT_ISLAND_MEMBER: '&c&lError | &7You cannot hit your island members.'
HIT_PLAYER_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot hit players inside islands.'
IGNORED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7{0}''s island is now ignored from top islands.'
IGNORED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7The island {0} is now ignored from top islands.'
INTERACT_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot interact outside of your protection range.'
INVALID_AMOUNT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid amount {0}.'
INVALID_BIOME: '&c&lError | &7Invalid biome {0}.'
INVALID_BLOCK: '&c&lError | &7Invalid block location {0}.'
INVALID_EFFECT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid effect {0}.'
INVALID_ENTITY: '&c&lError | &7Invalid entity {0}.'
INVALID_ENVIRONMENT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid world {0}.'
INVALID_INTERVAL: '&c&lError | &7Invalid interval {0}.'
INVALID_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have an island.'
INVALID_ISLAND_LOCATION: '&c&lError | &7There is no island in your location.'
INVALID_ISLAND_OTHER: '&c&lError | &7{0} doesn''t have an island.'
INVALID_ISLAND_OTHER_NAME: '&c&lError | &7There is no island with the name {0}.'
  &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island permission {0}.
  &c&lError | &7Island Permissions: {1}
INVALID_LEVEL: '&c&lError | &7Invalid level {0}.'
INVALID_LIMIT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid limit {0}.'
INVALID_MATERIAL: '&c&lError | &7Invalid material {0}.'
INVALID_MATERIAL_DATA: '&c&lError | &7Invalid material-data {0}.'
INVALID_MISSION: '&c&lError | &7Invalid mission {0}.'
INVALID_MODULE: '&c&lError | &7Invalid module {0}.'
INVALID_MULTIPLIER: '&c&lError | &7Invalid multiplier {0}.'
INVALID_PAGE: '&c&lError | &7Invalid page {0}.'
INVALID_PERCENTAGE: '&c&lError | &7Percentage must be between 0 and 100.'
INVALID_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7Cannot find a player called {0}'
  &c&lError | &7Couldn't find a rating with the name {0}.
  &c&lError | &7Island Ratings: {1}
INVALID_ROWS: '&c&lError | &7Invalid amount of rows: {0}'
  &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island role {0}.
  &c&lError | &7Island Roles: {1}
INVALID_SCHEMATIC: '&c&lError | &7Couldn''t find a schematic with the name {0}.'
  &c&lError | &7Couldn't find the island settings {0}.
  &c&lError | &7Island Settings: {1}
INVALID_SIZE: '&c&lError | &7Invalid size {0}.'
INVALID_SLOT: '&c&lError | &7Invalid slot {0}.'
INVALID_TITLE: '&c&lError | &7Invalid title entered.'
INVALID_TOGGLE_MODE: '&c&lError | &7Cannot toggle {0}.'
  &c&lError | &7Couldn't find an upgrade called {0}.
  &c&lError | &7Upgrades: {1}
INVALID_VISIT_LOCATION: '&c&lError | &7This island has no visitors location.'
INVALID_VISIT_LOCATION_BYPASS: '&7&oYou have bypass mode, teleporting you to the island...'
INVALID_WARP: '&c&lError | &7Invalid warp {0}.'
INVALID_WORLD: '&c&lError | &7Invalid world {0}.'
INVITE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} invited {1} to the island.'
INVITE_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7This player is banned from the island and cannot get invited.'
INVITE_TO_FULL_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot invite more members to your island.'
ISLAND_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7An island with that name already exists.'
ISLAND_BANK_EMPTY: '&e&lBank | &7Island bank is empty.'
ISLAND_BANK_SHOW: '&e&lBank | &7Your island has ${0}.'
ISLAND_BANK_SHOW_OTHER: '&e&lBank | &7{0}''s island has ${1}.'
ISLAND_BANK_SHOW_OTHER_NAME: '&e&lBank | &7The island {0} has ${1}.'
ISLAND_BEING_CALCULATED: '&c&lError | &7You cannot interact with blocks when island is being recalculated!'
ISLAND_CLOSED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully closed the island to the public.'
ISLAND_CREATE_PROCESS_FAIL: '&c&lError | &7You have an already ongoing island creation task.'
ISLAND_CREATE_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Processing your request...'
ISLAND_FLY_DISABLED: '&e&lFly | &7Island fly was automatically &cdisabled&7.'
ISLAND_FLY_ENABLED: '&e&lFly | &7Island fly was automatically &aenabled&7.'
ISLAND_GOT_DELETED_WHILE_INSIDE: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou had been inside an island that been disbanded, so you were teleported back to spawn...'
ISLAND_GOT_PVP_ENABLED_WHILE_INSIDE: '&e&lIsland | &7&oYou had been inside an island that had turned pvp on, so you were teleported back to spawn...'
ISLAND_HELP_FOOTER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Developed by Ome_R'
ISLAND_HELP_HEADER: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Commands List [{0}/{1}]:'
ISLAND_HELP_LINE: '&e/{0} &f- &7{1}'
ISLAND_HELP_NEXT_PAGE: '&e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Use /is help {0} for the next page.'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_BANK_LIMIT: '&e&lIsland | &7Bank Limit: {0}'
  &e&lIsland | &7Blocks Limits:
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_BLOCKS_LIMITS_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7  {0}: {1}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_COOP_LIMIT: '&e&lIsland | &7Coop Limit: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_CROPS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Crops Multiplier: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_DROPS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Drops Multiplier: {0}'
  &e&lIsland | &7Island Effects:
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_ISLAND_EFFECTS_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7  {0}: {1}'
  &e&lIsland | &7Entities Limits:
  &e&lIsland | &7Generator Rates ({1}):
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_GENERATOR_RATES_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7  {0}: {1}% ({2})'
  &e&lIsland | &7Role Limits:
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_ROLE_LIMITS_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7  {0}: {1}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_SIZE: '&e&lIsland | &7Border Size: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_SPAWNERS_MULTIPLIER: '&e&lIsland | &7Spawners Multiplier: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_TEAM_LIMIT: '&e&lIsland | &7Team Limit: {0}'
  &e&lIsland | &7Upgrades:
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_UPGRADE_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7  {0}: {1}'
ISLAND_INFO_ADMIN_WARPS_LIMIT: '&e&lIsland | &7Warps Limit: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_BANK: '&e&lIsland | &7Bank: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_BONUS: '&e&lIsland | &7Worth Bonus: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_BONUS_LEVEL: '&e&lIsland | &7Level Bonus: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_CREATION_TIME: '&e&lIsland | &7Creation Time: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_DISCORD: '&e&lIsland | &7Discord: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_LAST_TIME_UPDATED: '&e&lIsland | &7Last Time Updated: {0} ago'
ISLAND_INFO_LAST_TIME_UPDATED_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE: '&e&lIsland | &7Last Time Updated: &aCurrently Active'
ISLAND_INFO_LEVEL: '&e&lIsland | &7Level: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_LOCATION: '&e&lIsland | &7Home: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Name: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_OWNER: '&e&lIsland | &7Leader: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_PAYPAL: '&e&lIsland | &7Paypal: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_PLAYER_LINE: '&e&lIsland | &7 - {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_RATE: '&e&lIsland | &7Rate: {0} &7({1}/5) - {2} total ratings.'
  &e&lIsland | &7{0}s:
ISLAND_INFO_VISITORS_COUNT: '&e&lIsland | &7Visitors Count: {0}'
ISLAND_INFO_WORTH: '&e&lIsland | &7Worth: {0}'
ISLAND_OPENED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully opened the island to the public.'
ISLAND_PREVIEW_CANCEL_DISTANCE: '&e&lPreview | &7You went too far away, and you are no longer in preview mode.'
ISLAND_PREVIEW_CANCEL: '&e&lPreview | &7You cancelled the preview mode.'
  &e&lPreview | &7You started the preview mode for the schematic {0}.
  &e&lPreview | &7Type &a&lCONFIRM &7to create a new island, or &c&lCANCEL &7to cancel the preview mode.
  &e&lPreview | &7You cannot leave the area of the island, otherwise the preview mode will be cancelled automatically.
ISLAND_PROTECTED: '&c&lError | &7This island is protected.'
ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_HEADER: '&e&lIsland | &7Members of {0}''s Island &8[&e{1}&8/&e{2}&8]&7:'
ISLAND_TEAM_STATUS_ROLES: '&e&lIsland | &7 * [{0}] {1} {2} &7({3})'
ISLAND_WAS_CLOSED: '&e&lIsland | &7&oThe island you were in was closed and you were teleported back to spawn...'
ISLAND_WORTH_ERROR: '&c&lError | &7An unexpected error occurred while calculating your island. Contact administrators if the issue persists.'
ISLAND_WORTH_RESULT: '&e&lIsland | &7Your island worth is {0} [Level {1}]'
ISLAND_WORTH_TIME_OUT: '&c&lError | &7The calculation task has timed out. Try again later...'
JOIN_ADMIN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} has joined your island.'
JOIN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} has joined your island.'
JOIN_FULL_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7This island reached the maximum amount of allowed members.'
JOIN_WHILE_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are already inside an island.'
JOINED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You joined {0}''s island.'
JOINED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You joined the island {0}.'
JOINED_ISLAND_AS_COOP: '&e&lIsland | &7You are now a co-op member of {0}''s island.'
JOINED_ISLAND_AS_COOP_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You are now a co-op member of the island {0}.'
KICK_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was kicked from the island by {1}.'
KICK_ISLAND_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7You cannot kick the leader of the island, use /is admin disband instead.'
KICK_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only kick players with a lower island role than yours.'
LACK_CHANGE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must have this permission in order to change it to other roles.'
LAST_ROLE_DEMOTE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot demote this player anymore.'
LAST_ROLE_PROMOTE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot promote this player anymore.'
LEAVE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the island.'
  &c&lError | &7You cannot leave your island when you own it.
  &c&lError | &7You can transfer the ownership using /is transfer.
LEFT_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7You left your island.'
LEFT_ISLAND_COOP: '&e&lIsland | &7You are no longer a co-op member of {0}''s island.'
LEFT_ISLAND_COOP_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7You are no longer a co-op member of the island {0}.'
MATERIAL_NOT_SOLID: '&c&lError | &7You must provide a solid material.'
MAXIMUM_LEVEL: '&c&lError | &7The maximum level for this upgrade is {0}.'
MESSAGE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent {0} the message!'
MISSION_CANNOT_COMPLETE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot complete this mission yet.'
MISSION_NO_AUTO_REWARD: '&e&lMission | &7You have all the required materials to finish {0} - use /is missions to complete!'
MISSION_NOT_COMPLETE_REQUIRED_MISSIONS: '&c&lError | &7You must complete {0} before completing this mission.'
MISSION_STATUS_COMPLETE: '&e&lMission | &7Changed the status of the mission {0} to completed for {1}.'
MISSION_STATUS_COMPLETE_ALL: '&e&lMission | &7Changed the status of all the missions to completed for {0}.'
MISSION_STATUS_RESET: '&e&lMission | &7Reset the status of the mission {0} for {1}.'
MISSION_STATUS_RESET_ALL: '&e&lMission | &7Reset the status of all the missions for {0}.'
MODULE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: '&e&lModule | &7This module is already loaded.'
  &e&lModule | &7{0} by {1}
  &e&lModule | &7&m--------------------
  &e&lModule | &7{2}
MODULE_LOADED_SUCCESS: '&e&lModule | &7Successfully loaded the module {0}.'
MODULE_LOADED_FAILURE: '&e&lModule | &7Couldn''t load the module {0}. Check out the console for more information.'
MODULE_UNLOADED_SUCCESS: '&e&lModule | &7Successfully unloaded the module.'
MODULES_LIST: '&fModules ({0}): {1}'
NAME_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} changed his island name to {1}.'
NAME_BLACKLISTED: '&c&lError | &7You cannot use that name.'
NAME_CHAT_FORMAT: '&8[&e{0}&8] &r'
NAME_SAME_AS_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7You cannot use player names as island names.'
NAME_TOO_LONG: '&c&lError | &7Island names cannot be more than 16 chars long.'
NAME_TOO_SHORT: '&c&lError | &7Island names cannot be less than 3 chars long.'
NO_BAN_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to ban players.'
NO_CLOSE_BYPASS: '&c&lError | &7This island is not opened to the public.'
NO_CLOSE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to close the island to the public.'
NO_COMMAND_PERMISSION: '&fUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.'
NO_COOP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to add players as co-op members.'
NO_DELETE_WARP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to delete warps.'
NO_DEMOTE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to demote players.'
NO_DEPOSIT_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to deposit money to island bank.'
NO_DISBAND_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to disband your island.'
NO_EXPEL_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to expel players from your island.'
NO_INVITE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to invite players.'
NO_ISLAND_CHEST_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to access the island''s chest.'
NO_ISLAND_INVITE: '&c&lError | &7Could not find any invites from this island.'
NO_ISLANDS_TO_PURGE: '&c&lError | &7There were no islands to purge.'
NO_KICK_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to kick players.'
NO_MORE_DISBANDS: '&c&lError | &7You can''t disband any more islands.'
NO_MORE_WARPS: '&c&lError | &7Your island can''t have any more warps.'
NO_NAME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You cannot change the name of your island.'
NO_OPEN_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to open the island to the public.'
NO_PERMISSION_CHECK_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to get information about permissions.'
NO_PROMOTE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to promote players.'
NO_RANKUP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to rankup upgrades.'
NO_RATINGS_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to check ratings.'
NO_SET_BIOME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island biome.'
NO_SET_DISCORD_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island discord.'
NO_SET_HOME_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set the teleport location of the island.'
NO_SET_PAYPAL_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island paypal email.'
NO_SET_ROLE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set roles for players.'
NO_SET_SETTINGS_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to change island settings.'
NO_SET_WARP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to set island warps.'
NO_TRANSFER_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be the island''s leader in order to transfer the leadership.'
NO_UNCOOP_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to remove players from being co-op members.'
NO_UPGRADE_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You are lacking the permission to upgrade into another level.'
NO_WITHDRAW_PERMISSION: '&c&lError | &7You must be at least {0} in order to withdraw money from island bank.'
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO_DEPOSIT: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have enough money to deposit {0} dollars into your island''s bank.'
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO_UPGRADE: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have enough money.'
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_TO_WARP: '&c&lError | &7You don''t have enough money to use island warps.'
OPEN_MENU_WHILE_SLEEPING: '&7&oYou''re too tired to interact with menus, don''t you think?'
  &e&lPanel | &7Toggled island panel &cOFF&7.
  &e&lPanel | &7Running /is will teleport you to the island.
  &e&lPanel | &7Toggled island panel &aON&7.
  &e&lPanel | &7Running /is will open the panel for you.
PERMISSION_CHANGED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} of {1}''s island.'
PERMISSION_CHANGED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} of the island {1}.'
PERMISSION_CHANGED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the permission {0} for all the islands.'
PERMISSIONS_RESET_PLAYER: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully reset all the permissions for {0} to default values!'
PERMISSIONS_RESET_ROLES: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully reset all the permissions of the island to default values!'
PLAYER_ALREADY_BANNED: '&c&lError | &7This player is already banned.'
PLAYER_ALREADY_COOP: '&c&lError | &7This player is already coop.'
PLAYER_ALREADY_IN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7This player is already inside an island.'
PLAYER_ALREADY_IN_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7{0} is already a {1}.'
PLAYER_EXPEL_BYPASS: '&c&lError | &7This user cannot be expelled from the island.'
PLAYER_JOIN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} joined the server.'
PLAYER_NOT_BANNED: '&c&lError | &7This player is not banned.'
PLAYER_NOT_COOP: '&c&lError | &7This player is not co-op.'
PLAYER_NOT_INSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7This player is not inside your island.'
PLAYER_NOT_ONLINE: '&c&lError | &7This player is not online!'
PLAYER_QUIT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the server.'
PROMOTE_PLAYERS_WITH_LOWER_ROLE: '&c&lError | &7You can only promote players with a lower island role than yours.'
PROMOTED_MEMBER: '&e&lIsland | &7You promoted {0} to a {1} in his island.'
PURGE_CLEAR: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully cleared all the queued islands to be purged.'
  &e&lIsland | &7{0} islands will be purged when server restarts.
  &e&lIsland | &7You can cancel it anytime using /is admin purge cancel.
RANKUP_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the level of the upgrade {0} for {1}''s island.'
RANKUP_SUCCESS_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the level of the upgrade {0} for all the islands.'
RANKUP_SUCCESS_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the level of the upgrade {0} for {1}.'
RATE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} has rated your island {1} out of 5!.'
RATE_CHANGE_OTHER: '&e&lIsland | &7You changed the rating of {0} to {1}.'
RATE_OWN_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You can''t rate your own island.'
RATE_REMOVE_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully removed all ratings of {0}.'
RATE_REMOVE_ALL_ISLANDS: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully removed all ratings of all the islands.'
RATE_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7You rated this island with {0} stars!'
REACHED_BLOCK_LIMIT: '&e&lUpgrades | &7You have reached the island''s limit for {0} Block.'
RECALC_ALREADY_RUNNING: '&c&lError | &7Your island is already being recalculated.'
RECALC_ALREADY_RUNNING_OTHER: '&c&lError | &7This island is already being recalculated.'
RECALC_ALL_ISLANDS: '&e&lIsland | &7Recalculating all islands...'
RECALC_ALL_ISLANDS_DONE: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully finished recalculating all islands.'
RECALC_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Processing your request...'
RELOAD_COMPLETED: '&e&lIsland | &7Reload is finished!'
RELOAD_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lIsland | &7Starting to reload configurations...'
REVOKE_INVITE_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} revoked the invitation of {1} to the island.'
RESET_WORLD_SUCCEED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully reset the world {0} for {1}''s island.'
RESET_WORLD_SUCCEED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully reset the world {0} for all the islands.'
RESET_WORLD_SUCCEED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully reset the world {0} for {1}.'
SAME_NAME_CHANGE: '&c&lError | &7You must enter a different name from your current island name.'
SCHEMATIC_LEFT_SELECT: '&e&lSchematics | &7Selected position #2 ({0})'
SCHEMATIC_NOT_READY: '&c&lError | &7You haven''t selected two positions.'
SCHEMATIC_PROCCESS_REQUEST: '&e&lSchematics | &7Processing your request...'
  &e&lSchematics | &7You have selected two positions. Run /is admin schematic <name> to create a new schematic.
  &e&lSchematics | &7Make sure you stand at the teleportation location when executing the command.
SCHEMATIC_RIGHT_SELECT: '&e&lSchematics | &7Selected position #1 ({0})'
SCHEMATIC_SAVED: '&e&lSchematics | &7Successfully saved schematic!'
SELF_ROLE_CHANGE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot change the role of yourself.'
SET_UPGRADE_LEVEL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of {0} for {1}''s island.'
SET_UPGRADE_LEVEL_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully updated the level of {0} for {1}.'
SET_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully created a new warp at {0}.'
SET_WARP_OUTSIDE: '&c&lError | &7You cannot set warps outside your island.'
SETTINGS_UPDATED: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to {1}''s island.'
SETTINGS_UPDATED_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to the island {1}.'
SETTINGS_UPDATED_ALL: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully updated the settings {0} to all the islands.'
SIZE_BIGGER_MAX: '&c&lError | &7You cannot set a size bigger than the max island size.'
SPAWN_TELEPORT_SUCCESS: '&e&lSpawn | &7Successfully teleported {0} to spawn.'
SPAWN_SET_SUCCESS: '&e&lSpawn | &7Successfully updated the spawn location to {0}.'
SPY_TEAM_CHAT_FORMAT: '&7[Spy] &e[{0}] {1}&f: &7{2}'
SYNC_UPGRADES: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully synced all upgrade values of {0}''s island.'
SYNC_UPGRADES_ALL: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully synced all upgrade values of all the islands.'
SYNC_UPGRADES_NAME: '&e&lUpgrades | &7Successfully synced all upgrade values of {0}.'
TEAM_CHAT_FORMAT: '&e[{0}] {1}&f: &7{2}'
TELEPORT_LOCATION_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You are not inside your island.'
TELEPORT_OUTSIDE_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot teleport outside of your protection range.'
TELEPORT_WARMUP: '&7&oYou will be teleported in {0}... Do not move!'
TELEPORT_WARMUP_CANCEL: '&7&oYou moved and so the telportation was cancelled.'
TITLE_SENT: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully sent {0} the title!'
TELEPORTED_FAILED: '&e&lIsland | &7It seems like this island has no safe blocks. Please contact a staff member.'
TELEPORTED_SUCCESS: '&e&lIsland | &7You were teleported to your island.'
TELEPORTED_TO_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7Successfully teleported to this island warp.'
TELEPORTED_TO_WARP_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7The player {0} teleported to the island warp {1}.'
TOGGLED_BYPASS_OFF: '&e&lBypass | &7Toggled bypass mode &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_BYPASS_ON: '&e&lBypass | &7Toggled bypass mode &aON&7.'
TOGGLED_FLY_OFF: '&e&lFly | &7Toggled island fly &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_FLY_ON: '&e&lFly | &7Toggled island fly &aON&7.'
TOGGLED_SCHEMATIC_OFF: '&e&lSchematics | &7Toggling schematic mode &cOFF&7.'
  &e&lSchematics | &7Toggling schematic mode &aON&7.
  &e&lSchematics | &7Select an area using a golden axe.
TOGGLED_SPY_OFF: '&e&lSpy | &7Toggled spy chat &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_SPY_ON: '&e&lSpy | &7Toggled spy chat &aON&7.'
TOGGLED_STACKED_BLOCKS_OFF: '&e&lStacker | &7Toggling blocks stacker &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_STACKED_BLOCKS_ON: '&e&lStacker | &7Toggling blocks stacker &aON&7.'
TOGGLED_TEAM_CHAT_OFF: '&e&lChat | &7Toggling team chat &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_TEAM_CHAT_ON: '&e&lChat | &7Toggling team chat &aON&7.'
TOGGLED_WORLD_BORDER_OFF: '&e&lBorder | &7Toggling world border &cOFF&7.'
TOGGLED_WORLD_BORDER_ON: '&e&lBorder | &7Toggling world border &aON&7.'
TRANSFER_ADMIN: '&e&lIsland | &7You transferred {0}''s leadership to {1}.'
TRANSFER_ADMIN_ALREADY_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7{0} is already the leader of his island.'
TRANSFER_ADMIN_DIFFERENT_ISLAND: '&c&lError | &7These players are not in the same islands.'
TRANSFER_ADMIN_NOT_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7This player is not a leader of any islands.'
TRANSFER_ALREADY_LEADER: '&c&lError | &7You''re already the leader of this island.'
TRANSFER_BROADCAST: '&e&lIsland | &7The island''s leadership has been transferred to {0}.'
UNBAN_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} was UNBANNED from the island by {1}.'
UNCOOP_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} removed {1} from being a co-op member.'
UNCOOP_AUTO_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7There are no island members online and therefore you were un-cooped automatically.'
UNCOOP_LEFT_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lIsland | &7{0} left the game and is no longer a co-op member.'
UNIGNORED_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7{0}''s island is now un-ignored from top islands.'
UNIGNORED_ISLAND_NAME: '&e&lIsland | &7The island {0} is now un-ignored from top islands.'
UNLOCK_WORLD_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lWorlds | &7Your {0} world is now unlocked!'
UNSAFE_WARP: '&e&lIsland | &7&oLooks like this warp is unsafe. Please try another warp.'
UPDATED_PERMISSION: '&e&lIsland | &7Updated permissions for {0}.'
UPDATED_SETTINGS: '&e&lIsland | &7Updated the island settings {0}.'
UPGRADE_COOLDOWN_FORMAT: '&c&lError | &7You may only upgrade again in {0}.'
VISITOR_BLOCK_COMMAND: '&c&lError | &7You cannot use that command on other islands.'
WARP_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7There is already a warp with this name.'
  &e&lWarps | &7Enter a new lore (Type "-cancel" to cancel):
  &e&lWarps | &7You can separate lines by using "\n".
WARP_CATEGORY_ICON_NEW_NAME: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a name (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_CATEGORY_ICON_NEW_TYPE: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a new material type (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_CATEGORY_ICON_UPDATED: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully updated the category''s icon.'
WARP_CATEGORY_ILLEGAL_NAME: '&c&lError | &7You can only use alphabetical letters, numbers and ''_'' for warp category names.'
WARP_CATEGORY_NAME_TOO_LONG: '&c&lError | Warp category names cannot be longer than 255 chars.'
WARP_CATEGORY_SLOT: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a new slot (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_CATEGORY_SLOT_ALREADY_TAKEN: '&c&lError | &7This slot is already taken by another category.'
WARP_CATEGORY_SLOT_SUCCESS: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully changed the category''s slot to {0}.'
WARP_CATEGORY_RENAME: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a new name (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_CATEGORY_RENAME_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7This name is already taken by another category.'
WARP_CATEGORY_RENAME_SUCCESS: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully renamed the category to {0}.'
  &e&lWarps | &7Enter a new lore (Type "-cancel" to cancel):
  &e&lWarps | &7You can separate lines by using "\n".
WARP_ICON_NEW_NAME: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a name (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_ICON_NEW_TYPE: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a new material type (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_ICON_UPDATED: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully updated the warp''s icon.'
WARP_ILLEGAL_NAME: '&c&lError | &7You can only use alphabetical letters, numbers and ''_'' for warp names.'
WARP_LOCATION_UPDATE: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully updated the warp''s location to your location.'
WARP_NAME_TOO_LONG: '&c&lError | Warp names cannot be longer than 255 chars.'
WARP_PUBLIC_UPDATE: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully opened the warp to the public.'
WARP_PRIVATE_UPDATE: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully closed the warp to the public.'
WARP_RENAME: '&e&lWarps | &7Enter a new name (Type "-cancel" to cancel):'
WARP_RENAME_ALREADY_EXIST: '&c&lError | &7This name is already taken by another warp.'
WARP_RENAME_SUCCESS: '&e&lWarps | &7Successfully renamed the warp to {0}.'
  &e&lBank | &7Island bank has only {0} dollars inside it.
  &e&lBank | &7&oWithdrawing all money..."
WITHDRAW_ANNOUNCEMENT: '&e&lBank | &7{0} withdrawn ${1} from the island bank!'
WITHDRAW_ERROR: '&c&lError | &7{0}.'
WITHDRAWN_MONEY: '&e&lBank | &7You withdrawn ${0} from {1}''s island bank!'
WITHDRAWN_MONEY_NAME: '&e&lBank | &7You withdrawn ${0} from the island bank of {1}!'
WORLD_NOT_ENABLED: '&e&lWorlds | &7This world is not enabled on the server.'
WORLD_NOT_UNLOCKED: '&e&lWorlds | &7The {0} world is not unlocked yet!'


IP: LavivaNW.Keyubu.Com
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