Levye ile çalma sistemi kesilmiştir, kendiniz geliştirebilirsiniz.
Açıklama: Garry's Mod oyunundaki gibi dükkanlarınızda satışlarda kullanabilirsiniz.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432579043,1432577445][/DOUBLEPOST]Küçük değişiklikler yapıldı.
Açıklama: Garry's Mod oyunundaki gibi dükkanlarınızda satışlarda kullanabilirsiniz.
command /moneypot [<int>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&bKullanım&7: /moneypot &7<&amiktar (rakam)&7>"
if arg 1 is smaller than 100:
send "&cEn az &a100{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim} &catabilirsiniz!"
if {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.para} is smaller than arg 1:
send "&cYeterli paranız yok!"
if block at {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son} is sign:
if distance between {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son} and player is smaller than 2:
remove arg 1 from {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.para}
if {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.monetpot.%{tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}%.para} is not set:
set {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.monetpot.%{tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}%.para} to 0
if {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.monetpot.%{tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}%.para} is smaller than 0:
set {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.monetpot.%{tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}%.para} to 0
add arg 1 to {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.monetpot.%{tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}%.para}
send "&bBaşarıyla moneypota &a%arg 1%{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim} &beklediniz!"
set {_eskipara} to line 3 of block at {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}
replace all "{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim}" or "&a" with "" in {_eskipara}
set {_eskipara} to {_eskipara} parsed as integer
add arg 1 to {_eskipara}
set line 3 of block at {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son} to "&a%{_eskipara}%{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim}"
set {_kimin} to line 2 of block at {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}
loop all players:
if loop-player is {_kimin}:
send "&9%player%&b, &bmoney potunuza &a%arg 1%{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim} &bekledi." to loop-player
send "&bMoneypot bulunamadı."
on sign change:
if line 1 is "Money Pot":
set line 1 to "Money Pot"
set line 2 to "%player%"
set line 3 to "&a0{@tsc.sergun26.darkrp.para.birim}"
on leftclick on sign:
if line 1 is "Money Pot":
if line 2 is set:
if line 3 is set:
cancel event
if {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.kirma} is 1:
if line 2 is "%player%":
set clicked block to air
send "&bBaşarıyla moneypot kaldırıldı."
delete {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son}
send "&9---&bMoney Pot&9---"
send "&bPara koymak için&7: /&6moneypot &2miktar"
send "&bİçindeki para&7: %line 2%"
send "&bSahip&7: &a%line 3%"
set {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.son} to location of clicked block
if line 2 is "%player%":
send "&aKaldırmak için tekrar vurun"
set {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.kirma} to 1
wait 0.6 second
delete {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.kirma}
if player has permission "tsc.darkrp.moneypot.kir":
send "&aKaldırmak için tekrar vurun"
set {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.kirma} to 1
wait 0.6 second
delete {tsc.sergun26.darkrp.oyuncular.%player%.moneypot.kirma}
send "&9---------------"
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