Kredi Skripti Lazım


Taş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
command /krediver <player> <int>:
permission: op
add arg-2 to {kredi.%arg 1%}
send "&a&lBasarili! &c&l%arg 1%'e &3&l%arg 2% &c&lkredi verdin."
send "&6&lSize &3&l%player% &6&ltarafindan &4&l%arg 2% &6&lkredi verildi" to arg 1
command /kredim:
send "&b&lKredin &l= &4&l%{kredi.%player%}%"
Mesela /market yazsınlar orda Ultra,Elite,Premiu,HeroVIP satılsın


Demir Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
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#                         AYARLAR                                #
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    #Skript Versiyonu Lütfen Değişmeyin.
    versiyon: 1.0
    #Skript Yapımcısı Değiştirmezseniz Seviniriz.
    yapimci: SkynetMC

    #Güncelleme Kontrolu [1.1]'de Gelecek'tir!
    guncel: Evet
    #Bilgi Ekranı [1]
    bilgi1: Mesala VIP Suresi 30 GUN
    #Bilgi Ekranı [2]
    bilgi2: Krediler Gerçek Paradır
    #Bilgi Ekranı [3]
    bilgi3: Edit Kazma Ozellikleri.
    #VIP Ekranı [1]
    vip1: IronVip
    #VIP Ekranı [2]
    vip2: GoldVip
    #VIP Ekranı [3]
    vip3: SkyVip
    #VIP Ekranı [4]
    vip4: Yok
    #Para Ekranı [1]
    sat1: 5M
    #Para Ekranı [2]
    sat2: 15M
    #Para Ekranı [3]
    sat3: 50M
    #Para Ekranı [4]
    sat4: 100M
    #Para Ekranı [5]
    sat5: 250M
    #Edit Ekranı [1]
    edit: EditKazma
    #Sunucu Ismi [Düzenlenebilir!]
    prefix: &cSkyNet &9> &r

# Otomatik Girişte Sorgulama Sistemi #

on join:
    if {kredi.%player%} is not set:
        set {kredi.%player%} to 0
# Mağaza Sistemi + VIP - Para - Edit Item Satın Alma Sistemi #

command /magaza [<text>]:
    usage: &8[&cKoruma&8] &7Sadece &c/magaza &7Yazmanız Yeterlidir&8!
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 5 row named "&cKredi: &e&l%{kredi.%player%}%" to player
            wait 3 tick
            format slot 0 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 1 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 2 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 3 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 4 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 5 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 6 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 7 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 8 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 9 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 11 of player with white glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 13 of player with red glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 15 of player with white glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 17 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 18 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 21 of player with yellow glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 23 of player with light green glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 26 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 27 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 29 of player with white glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 31 of player with blue glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 33 of player with white glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 35 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 36 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 37 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 38 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 39 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 40 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 41 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 42 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 43 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 44 of player with black glass named "&8&l&m-&r" with lore "" to close
            format slot 12 of player with iron block named "&7&l{@vip1}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e15 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@vip1}"]
            format slot 14 of player with gold block named "&6&l{@vip2}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e25 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@vip2}"]
            format slot 30 of player with diamond block named "&b&l{@vip3}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e35 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@vip3}"]
            format slot 32 of player with emerald block named "&a&l{@vip4}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e50 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@vip4}"]
            format slot 10 of player with paper named "&1&l{@sat1}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e2 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@sat1}"]
            format slot 19 of player with paper named "&2&l{@sat2}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e5 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@sat2}"]
            format slot 28 of player with paper named "&3&l{@sat3}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e10 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@sat3}"]
            format slot 16 of player with paper named "&4&L{@sat4}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e15 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@sat4}"]
            format slot 20 of player with sugar named "&6&lBilgiler" with lore "&8&l&m-&r &41.&6 {@bilgi1} &8&l&m-&r" to close
            format slot 22 of player with sugar named "&6&lBilgiler" with lore "&8&l&m-&r &42.&e {@bilgi2} &8&l&m-&r" to close
            format slot 24 of player with sugar named "&6&lBilgiler" with lore "&8&l&m-&r &43.&b {@bilgi3} &8&l&m-&r" to close
            format slot 25 of player with paper named "&5&l{@sat5}" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e30 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@sat5}"]
            format slot 34 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&6&lEdit Kazma" with lore "&7Gereken &cKredi: &e10 &7TL" to close then run [make player execute command "magaza {@edit}"]
        arg 1 is "{@vip1}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 14:
                execute console command "pex user %player% group set {@vip1}"
                add -30 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@vip1} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@vip2}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 24:
                execute console command "pex user %player% group set {@vip2}"
                add -50 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@vip2} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@vip3}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 34:
                execute console command "pex user %player% group set {@vip3}"
                add -90 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@vip3} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@vip4}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 49:
                execute console command "pex user %player% group set {@vip4}"
                add -130 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@vip4} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@sat1}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 1:
                execute console command "eco give %player% 5000000"
                add -2 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@sat1} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@sat2}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 4:
                execute console command "eco give %player% 3000000"
                add -5 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@sat2} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@sat3}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 9:
                execute console command "eco give %player% 50000000"
                add -10 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@sat3} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@sat4}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 14:
                execute console command "eco give %player% 100000000"
                add -15 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@sat4} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@sat5}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 29:
                execute console command "eco give %player% 250000000"
                add -30 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@sat5} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
        arg 1 is "{@edit}":
            {kredi.%player%} is greater than 14:
                execute console command "kit {@edit} %player%"
                add -15 to {kredi.%player%}
                broadcast "&8[&cSunucu&8] &e%player% &7adlı Kişi &c{@edit} &7Satın Almıştır&8!"
                send "{@prefix}&7Hesabınız'da Yeterli &aKredi&7'niz Bulunmamaktadır&8!"
# Kullanıcı'ya Kredi Verme Sistemi #
command /kredi [<text=yardım>] [<offlineplayer>] [<int>]:
    usage: &c/Kredi &&bYardım &7Yazmanız Yeterlidir&8!
        player is op:
            arg 1 is "yardım":
                message "&8&l&m-----&r &8[ &aKredi &bSistemi &4Kullanım &8]&r &8&l&m-----" to player
                message "&9> &7Kullanım: &c/Kredi &bVer &8[&eIsim&8] &8[&aKredi&8]" to player
                message "&9> &7Kullanım: &c/Kredi &bAl &8[&eIsim&8] &8[&aKredi&8]" to player
                message "&9> &7Kullanım: &c/Kredi &bBak &8[&eIsim&8]" to player
                message "&9> &7Kullanım: &c/Kredi &bSıfırla &8[&eIsim&8]" to player
                message "&9> &7Versiyon: &d{@versiyon}" to player
                message "&9> &7Guncelmi: &a{@guncel}" to player
                message "&9> &7Skript By: &6{@yapimci}" to player
                message "&8&l&m-----&r &8[ &aKredi &bSistemi &4Kullanım &8]&r &8&l&m-----" to player
            arg 1 is "bak":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        message "&8[&e%arg 2%&8] &7adlı Kişinin &8[&a%{kredi.%arg 2%}%&8] &7Kredi'si Vardır&8!" to player
            if arg 1 is "ver":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        message "&7Yetkili, &8[&a%arg 3%&8] &7Kredi'yi Hesabınıza Yatırmıştır&8!" to arg 2
                        message "&7Başarıyla, &8[&e%arg 2%&8] &7adlı Kişi'ye &8[&a%arg 3%&8] &7Kredi Verdiniz&8!" to player
                        add arg-3 to {kredi.%arg 2%}
            if arg 1 is "al":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Başarıyla, &8[&e%arg 2%&8] &7adlı Kişi'den &8[&a%arg 3%&8] &7Kredi Aldınız&8!"
                        remove arg-3 from {kredi.%arg 2%}
            if arg 1 is "sıfırla":
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if arg 3 is not set:
                        send "{@prefix} &7Başarıyla, &8[&e%arg 2%&8] &7adlı Kişi'nin &aKredisi'ni &7Sıfırladınız&8!" to player
                        set {kredi.%arg 2%} to 0
# Kullanıcı'nın Kredi'sini Sorgulama Sistemi #

command /kredim:
    usage: &7Sadece &c/Kredim &7Yazmanız Yeterlidir&8!
        send "{@prefix}&cKredi: &e&l%{kredi.%player%}% &aKredi'niz &7Vardır&8!"
