[MULTİDUEL] Tabela Sistemli | İstatistikler | Ayarlanabilir Kitler | GUI | Vee ScoreBoard


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
loop all blocks in radius 10 of loop-player:
if loop-block is sign:
if line 1 of loop-block is "&3[&bDUEL&3]":
if {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%} is set:
set line 2 of loop-block to "&a%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%"
set line 3 of loop-block to "%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::STATUS}%"
set line 4 of loop-block to "&8[&a%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::pLAYERS}%&7/&a2&8]"

Burda Nereyi Silcez Anlayamadım silip atarsan sevirim


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
loop all blocks in radius 10 of loop-player:
if loop-block is sign:
if line 1 of loop-block is "&3[&bDUEL&3]":
if {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%} is set:
set line 2 of loop-block to "&a%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%"
set line 3 of loop-block to "%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::STATUS}%"
set line 4 of loop-block to "&8[&a%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::pLAYERS}%&7/&a2&8]"

Burda Nereyi Silcez Anlayamadım silip atarsan sevirim
Orası Değil
every 1 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::INGAME} is true:
            {DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::SCOREBOARD} is true:
                display board named "&b&lDUEL" to loop-player
                make score "&6Players:" in board of loop-player to 11
                loop {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::PLAYERS::*}:
                    add 1 to {_s}
                    set {_player.%{_s}%} to loop-value
                make score "%{_player.1}%" in board of loop-player to 10
                make score "%{_player.2}%" in board of loop-player to 9
                make score "&e          " in board of loop-player to 8
                make score "&6Arena:" in board of loop-player to 7
                make score "%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%" in board of loop-player to 6
                make score "&9          " in board of loop-player to 5
                make score "&6Duel Type:" in board of loop-player to 4
                make score "%{DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::TYPE}%" in board of loop-player to 3
                make score "&6          " in board of loop-player to 2
                make score "&6Status" in board of loop-player to 1
                make score "%{DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::STATUS}%" in board of loop-player to 0
                move display of loop-player to SIDEBAR       
                display board named "" to loop-player
            display board named "" to loop-player


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
burayı full kaldırımmı

tablo kalsın, sadece yanıp sönmesini istemiyom


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
skype adresini verirmisin baska sorunlarda varda yardım edersen sevinirim

yukardaki 5. sorunu nasıl kaldırabilirim beklemesin orda itemleri düssün direk iısınlansın lobby cektigim yere


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
İletişim Celil.Vtec

    p: &3[&bDUEL&3]

command /dueladmin [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: duel.admin
    permission message: &4You Don't Have Permission
        if arg 1 isn't set:
            send "&8&m----------[ &6HELP &8&m]---------- "
            send " "
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin Create <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin Remove <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetToggleType <Arena> <type>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetSpawn1 <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetSpawn2 <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetDefaultInv <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetLobby <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin Enable <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin Disable <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin SetMainLobby"
            send "{@p} &a&l/DuelAdmin List"
        if arg 1 is "create":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} isn't set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} to arg 2
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&4&lCLOSED"
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS} to 0
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE} to "1vs1"
                    open chest with 1 rows named "&aSet Toggle Type Menu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with golden sword named "&61vs1" to close then run [set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE} to "1vs1"]
                    format slot 8 of player with lava bucket named "&6BuildUHC" to close then run [set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE} to "BuildUHC"]
                    send "{@p} &7Arena has been created: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cThis name already exists in arena"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "remove":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    delete {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%}
                    delete {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::*}
                    send "{@p} &7Arena has been removed: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "settoggletype":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    if arg 3 is set:
                        if arg 3 is "1vs1" or "builduhc":
                            set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE} to arg 3
                            send "{@p} &7&lType &7has been set: &6&l%arg 2% &7- &a&l%{DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE}%"
                            send "{@p} &cUnknown type. (1vs1 - BuildUHC)"
                        send "{@p} &cPlease select a duel type"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "setspawn1":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::SPAWN1} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &6&lSpawnpoint 1 of %arg 2% &7has been set"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "setspawn2":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::SPAWN2} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &6&lSpawnpoint 2 of %arg 2% &7has been set"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "setdefaultinv" or "setdefaultinventory":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::HELMET} to helmet of the player
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::CHESTPLATE} to chestplate of the player
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::LEGGINGS} to leggings of the player
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::BOOTS} to boots of the player
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::INVENTORY} to player's serialized inventory
                    send "{@p} &7&lDuel Kit &7has been set: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "setlobby":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::LOBBY} to player's location
                    send "{@p} &6&lLobby of %arg 2% &7has been set"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "setmainlobby":
            set {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY} to player's location
            send "{@p} &6&lMain Lobby &7has been set"
        if arg 1 is "list":
            open chest with 1 rows named "&aDuel List" to player
            loop {DUEL::Arena::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE} is "1vs1" or "builduhc":   
                    format slot {_s}-1 of player with light green clay named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7PLAYERS: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7STATUS: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7TYPE: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close
        if arg 1 isn't "create" or "enable" or "disable" or "remove" or "settoggletype" or "setspawn1" or "setspawn2" or "setdefaultinv" or "setdefaultinventory" or "setlobby" or "setmainlobby" or "list":
            send "{@p} &cUnknown Command"
            send "{@p} &c/dueladmin"
        if arg 1 is "enable":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&aWaiting"
                    send "{@p} &7Arena has been &7&lenabled&7: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "disable":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&4&lCLOSED"
                    send "{@p} &7Arena has been &7&ldisabled&7: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"

command /duel [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 isn't set:
            send "&8&m----------[ &6HELP &8&m]---------- "
            send " "
            send "{@p} &a&l/Duel list"
            send "{@p} &a&l/Duel Join <Arena>"
            send "{@p} &a&l/Duel Leave"
            send "{@p} &a&l/Duel Stats"
        if arg 1 is "list":
            open chest with 1 rows named "&aDuel List" to player
            loop {DUEL::Arena::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                format slot {_s}-1 of player with light green clay named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7PLAYERS: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7STATUS: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7TYPE: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
        if arg 1 is "join":
            if arg 2 is set:
                if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} is false:
                    if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%} is set:
                        if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} is "&aWaiting":
                            if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS} is 0 or 1:
                                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BACK} to player's location
                                add player to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}
                                add 1 to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS}
                                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::Arena} to arg 2
                                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::TYPE} to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE}
                                invoke "save-inv" from player
                                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::TYPE} is "builduhc":
                                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BUILD} to true
                                wait 1 ticks
                                clear player's inventory
                                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} to true
                                set player's hunger to 20
                                set player's health to 20
                                play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.1
                                set player's game mode to survival
                                remove invisibility and speed and haste and regeneration and strength from player
                                teleport player to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::LOBBY}
                                send "{@p} &a%player% &7has joinned the game. &8[&a%{DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2&8]" to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}
                                set slot 8 of player's inventory to magma cream named "&cLeft the game"
                                if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS} is 2:
                                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&2Starting"
                                    set {_x} to 10
                                    set level of {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*} to 10
                                    send "{@p} &aGame starting in &6&l10 seconds" to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}
                                    loop 10 times:
                                        if {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS} is 2:
                                            play raw sound "note.pling" at {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*} with pitch 1 volume 0.1
                                            set level of {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*} to {_x}
                                            remove 1 from {_x}
                                            wait 1 seconds
                                            send "{@p} &cThe countdown has been stop because somebody left the game." to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}
                                            set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&aWaiting"
                                            set level of {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*} to 0
                                            stop trigger
                                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS} to "&4&lINGAME"
                                    play raw sound "random.pop" at {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*} with pitch 1 volume 0.1
                                    add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::GAMEPLAYED}
                                    send "{@p} &6Game started, good luck" to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}
                                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::SCOREBOARD} to false
                                    clear player's inventory
                                    wait 1 seconds
                                    loop {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}:
                                        equip loop-value with {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::HELMET}
                                        equip loop-value with {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::CHESTPLATE}
                                        equip loop-value with {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::LEGGINGS}
                                        equip loop-value with {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::BOOTS}
                                        restore inventory of loop-value from variable {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::INVENTORY}
                                    loop {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}:
                                        add 1 to {_spawn}
                                        teleport loop-value to {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::SPAWN%{_spawn}%}
                                    loop {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PLAYERS::*}:
                                        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-value%::SCOREBOARD} to true
                                    set {DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::PVP} to true
                                send "{@p} &cThis arena is full"
                            send "{@p} &cThis arena is %{DUEL::Arena::%arg 2%::STATUS}%"
                        send "{@p} &cArena is not found: &6&l%arg 2%"
                    send "{@p} &cYou are already in game!"
                send "{@p} &cPlease select a name arena"
        if arg 1 is "leave":
            if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} is true:
                set {_arena} to {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::Arena}
                send "{@p} &a%player% &7left the game. &8[&a%{DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS}-1%&7/&a2&8]" to {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
                if {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY} is set:
                    teleport player to {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY}
                    teleport player to {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BACK}
                clear player's inventory
                wait 1 ticks
                invoke "give-inv" from player
                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BUILD} to false
                set player's health to 20
                set player's hunger to 20
                set level of player to 0
                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} to false
                play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.1
                loop 10 times:
                    set {_color} to "black" or "green" or "brown" or "blue" or "purple" or "cyan" or "light gray" or "gray" or "pink" or "yellow" or "light blue" or "magenta" or "orange" or "white"
                    set {_form} to "ball" or "large ball" or "creeper" or "star" or "burst"
                    set {_fireworkeffect} to "%{_form}% firework colored %{_color}%"
                    launch flickering trailing {_form} firework colored {_color} and white at {_winner} timed 5
                set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::SCOREBOARD} to false
                remove player from {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
                remove 1 from {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS}
                if {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::STATUS} is "&4&lINGAME":
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::STATUS} to "&4CLOSED"
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PVP} to false
                    if {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::TYPE} is "builduhc":
                        loop {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::BLOCKS::*}:
                            set block at loop-value to air
                    loop {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}:
                        set {_winner} to loop-value
                    set {_losser} to player
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS} to 0
                    clear {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
                    clear {_winner}'s inventory
                    wait 1 ticks
                    invoke "give-inv" from {_winner}
                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::INGAME} to false
                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::BUILD} to false
                    set {_winner}'s health to 20
                    set {_winner}'s hunger to 20
                    broadcast "{@p} &9%{_winner}% &6has won &9%{_losser}%"
                    add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::WIN}
                    add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_losser}%::LOSE}
                    add 10 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::ELO}
                    remove 5 from {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_losser}%::ELO}
                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_losser}%::SCOREBOARD} to false
                    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::SCOREBOARD} to false
                    set level of {_winner} to 0
                    if {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY} is set:
                        teleport {_winner} to {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY}
                        teleport {_winner} to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::BACK}
                    wait 2 seconds
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::STATUS} to "&aWaiting"
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS} to 0
                    delete {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
                    set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PVP} to false
                send "{@p} &cYou are not in game now!"
        if arg 1 is "stats":
            if arg 2 isn't set:
                open chest with 1 rows named "&aSTATS" to player
                format slot 0 of player with golden sword named "&6Wins" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::WIN}%" to close
                format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&6Game played" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::GAMEPLAYED}%" to close
                format slot 4 of player with sunflower named "&6ELO" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::ELO}%" to close
                format slot 6 of player with redstone named "&6Deaths" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::DEATHS}%" to close
                format slot 8 of player with glowstone dust named "&6Kills" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::KILLS}%" to close
            if arg 2 is set:
                open chest with 1 rows named "&a%arg 2%'s STATS" to player
                format slot 0 of player with golden sword named "&6Wins" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%arg 2%::WIN}%" to close
                format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&6Game played" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%arg 2%::GAMEPLAYED}%" to close
                format slot 4 of player with sunflower named "&6ELO" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%arg 2%::ELO}%" to close
                format slot 6 of player with redstone named "&6Deaths" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%arg 2%::DEATHS}%" to close
                format slot 8 of player with glowstone dust named "&6Kills" with lore "&a%{DUEL::PLAYER::%arg 2%::KILLS}%" to close

on death of player:
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::INGAME} is true:
        if {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::Arena}%::STATUS} is "&4&lINGAME":
            set death message to ""
            set {_arena} to {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::Arena}
            remove victim from {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
            loop {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}:
                set {_winner} to loop-value
            remove 2 from {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS}
            add 10 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::ELO}
            remove 5 from {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::ELO}
            add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::KILLS}
            add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::DEATHS}
            add 1 to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::WIN}
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::INGAME} to false
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::INGAME} to false
            loop {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::BLOCKS::*}:
                set block at loop-value to air
            set {_losser} to victim
            clear victim's inventory
            clear {_winner}'s inventory
            set level of victim to 0
            set victim's hunger to 20
            set victim's health to 20
            set level of {_winner} to 0
            set {_winner}'s hunger to 20
            set {_winner}'s health to 20
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::SCOREBOARD} to false
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::SCOREBOARD} to false
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::BUILD} to false
            set {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::BUILD} to false
            invoke "give-inv" from {_winner}
            invoke "give-inv" from {_losser}
            broadcast "{@p} &9%{_winner}% &6has won &9%victim%"
            remove {_winner} from {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
            loop 10 times:
                set {_color} to "black" or "green" or "brown" or "blue" or "purple" or "cyan" or "light gray" or "gray" or "pink" or "yellow" or "light blue" or "magenta" or "orange" or "white"
                set {_form} to "ball" or "large ball" or "creeper" or "star" or "burst"
                set {_fireworkeffect} to "%{_form}% firework colored %{_color}%"
                launch flickering trailing {_form} firework colored {_color} and white at {_winner} timed 5
            if {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY} is set:
                teleport {_winner} to {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY}
                teleport {_losser} to {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY}
                teleport {_winner} to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::BACK}
                teleport {_losser} to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_losser}%::BACK}
            wait 2 seconds
            set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::STATUS} to "&aWaiting"
            delete {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS::*}
            set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PLAYERS} to 0
            set {DUEL::Arena::%{_arena}%::PVP} to false

on quit:
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} is true:
        make player execute command "/duel leave"

every 1 seconds:
    loop all players:
        loop all blocks in radius 10 of loop-player:
            if loop-block is sign:
                if line 1 of loop-block is "&3[&bDUEL&3]":
                    if {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%} is set:       
                        set line 2 of loop-block to "&a%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%"
                        set line 3 of loop-block to "%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::STATUS}%"
                        set line 4 of loop-block to "&8[&a%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2&8]"

on sign change:
    player is op
    if line 1 is "[duel]":
        if line 2 is "join":
            if {DUEL::Arena::%line 3%} is set:
                set line 1 to "&3[&bDUEL&3]"
                set line 2 to "%line 3%"
                set line 1 to "&3[&bDUEL&3]"
                set line 2 to "Cannot find"
                set line 3 to "Arena!"
        if line 2 is "leave":
            set line 1 to "&3[&bDUEL&3]"
            set line 2 to "&lLEAVE"

on damage:
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::INGAME} is true:
        if {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%victim%::ARENA}%::PVP} is false:
            cancel event

on break:
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} is true:
        if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BUILD} is true:
            loop {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::ARENA}%::BLOCKS::*}:
                if loop-value is event-block's location:
                    cancel event
            cancel event

every 1 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if {DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::INGAME} is true:
            {DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::SCOREBOARD} is true:
                display board named "&b&lDUEL" to loop-player
                make score "&6Players:" in board of loop-player to 11
                loop {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::PLAYERS::*}:
                    add 1 to {_s}
                    set {_player.%{_s}%} to loop-value
                make score "%{_player.1}%" in board of loop-player to 10
                make score "%{_player.2}%" in board of loop-player to 9
                make score "&e          " in board of loop-player to 8
                make score "&6Arena:" in board of loop-player to 7
                make score "%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%" in board of loop-player to 6
                make score "&9          " in board of loop-player to 5
                make score "&6Duel Type:" in board of loop-player to 4
                make score "%{DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::TYPE}%" in board of loop-player to 3
                make score "&6          " in board of loop-player to 2
                make score "&6Status" in board of loop-player to 1
                make score "%{DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%loop-player%::ARENA}%::STATUS}%" in board of loop-player to 0
                move display of loop-player to SIDEBAR       
                display board named "" to loop-player
            display board named "" to loop-player

on place:
    if event-block isn't fire:
        if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} is true:
            if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::BUILD} is true:
                add event-block's location to {DUEL::Arena::%{DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::ARENA}%::BLOCKS::*}
                cancel event

on rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of clicked block is "&3[&bDUEL&3]":
        if {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of clicked block%} is set:
            cancel event
            execute player command "/duel join %uncolored line 2 of clicked block%"
on rightclick on sign:
    if line 1 of clicked block is "&3[&bDUEL&3]":
        if line 2 is "&lLEAVE":
            cancel event
            execute player command "/duel leave"

on join:
    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::INGAME} to false
    set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::SCOREBOARD} to false
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::WIN} isn't set:
        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::WIN} to 0
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::GAMEPLAYED} isn't set:
        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::GAMEPLAYED} to 0
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::ELO} isn't set:
        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::ELO} to 0
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::KILLS} isn't set:
        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::KILLS} to 0
    if {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::DEATHS} isn't set:
        set {DUEL::PLAYER::%player%::DEATHS} to 0

on rightclick with magma cream:
    tool's display name is "&cLeft the game":
        make player execute command "/duel leave"
sub "save-inv":
    set {_value} to parameter 1
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set {inv.%{_value}%.%{_count}%.main} to slot {_count} of {_value}'s inventory
        add 1 to {_count}
    set {inv.%{_value}%.helmet.main} to {_value}'s helmet
    set {inv.%{_value}%.chest.main} to {_value}'s chestplate
    set {inv.%{_value}%.legs.main} to {_value}'s leggings
    set {inv.%{_value}%.feet.main} to {_value}'s boots

sub "give-inv":
    set {_value} to parameter 1
    set {_count} to 0
    loop 36 times:
        set slot {_count} of {_value}'s inventory to {inv.%{_value}%.%{_count}%.main}
        add 1 to {_count}
    set the helmet of {_value} to {inv.%{_value}%.helmet.main}
    set the chestplate of {_value} to {inv.%{_value}%.chest.main}
    set the leggings of {_value} to {inv.%{_value}%.legs.main}
    set the boots of {_value} to {inv.%{_value}%.feet.main}

on respawn:
    if {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY} is set:
        teleport player to {DUEL::Arena::SETTINGS::MAINLOBBY}
        teleport player to {DUEL::PLAYER::%{_winner}%::BACK}


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
sen beni eklesen ben seni ekledim kbl etmedin herhalde gelmedi

Sykpem Semihphlvn

kardeş Burda Tabela Ne yazıcaz Anlayamadım

join leave
Arena 1


Birde Maca Giriş Yapınca oyuncuların envateri neden siliniyo itemleri olsun envaterde bnm sw faction oldugundan adamlar setleriyle 1v1 atıcak yumurkla setsiz degl bide

mac kazanınca kazanıda kaybedenle aynanda atsın spawnda kazanan arena yerinde kalıyo aynanda atamaz buyuk ihtimal cunku savasdan kacamassın der o yüzden belli bir süre sonra atsın,

Bir de Kaybeden Kişi setmainlobby cekilen yere atınca back yazıp tekrar arena gelebiliyo cok sacma olmus adam durmadna back yazar diger adam kacamaz


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
sen beni eklesen ben seni ekledim kbl etmedin herhalde gelmedi

Sykpem Semihphlvn

kardeş Burda Tabela Ne yazıcaz Anlayamadım

join leave
Arena 1


Birde Maca Giriş Yapınca oyuncuların envateri neden siliniyo itemleri olsun envaterde bnm sw faction oldugundan adamlar setleriyle 1v1 atıcak yumurkla setsiz degl bide

mac kazanınca kazanıda kaybedenle aynanda atsın spawnda kazanan arena yerinde kalıyo aynanda atamaz buyuk ihtimal cunku savasdan kacamassın der o yüzden belli bir süre sonra atsın,

Bir de Kaybeden Kişi setmainlobby cekilen yere atınca back yazıp tekrar arena gelebiliyo cok sacma olmus adam durmadna back yazar diger adam kacamaz
Dostum Faction Sunucuda Kullanılacak Bir Eklenti Değil Bu PvP Sunucular İçin Kullanılmalı. Hataları Kendin Düzeltmeni İsteyeceğim, PvP İçin Ayarlanmıştır !


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Ya hocam Allahını seviyorsan yardım et.

            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 6 rows named "&a1vs1 arenaları" to player
            loop {DUEL::Arena::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&aBEKLENIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with light green wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&4&lOYNANIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with red wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&4&lKAPALI":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with gray wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&2BAŞLIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]

kodu böyle değiştirdim fakat mesela DemonsBreeze'e sağ tıkladım SG4'ü seçiyor yani sürekli en sağdakini seçiyor yardım edebilirmisin, lütfen!


Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Ya hocam Allahını seviyorsan yardım et.

            wait 3 tick
            open chest with 6 rows named "&a1vs1 arenaları" to player
            loop {DUEL::Arena::*}:
                add 1 to {_s}
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&aBEKLENIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with light green wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&4&lOYNANIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with red wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&4&lKAPALI":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with gray wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]
                if {DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS} is "&2BAŞLIYOR":
                    format slot {_s}+19 of player with wool named "&6%loop-value%" with lore "&7OYUNCULAR: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2||&7DURUM: %{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::STATUS}%||&7Türü: &a%{DUEL::Arena::%loop-value%::TYPE}%" to close then run [make player execute command "/duel join %loop-value%"]

kodu böyle değiştirdim fakat mesela DemonsBreeze'e sağ tıkladım SG4'ü seçiyor yani sürekli en sağdakini seçiyor yardım edebilirmisin, lütfen!
Bak şimdi, eğer loop kulanırsan ve loopun içinde format slot ve run [] şekline kullanırsan hep sondaki olur. Nedenini bilmiyorum. Ayınısını ben de yaşamıştım.


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Bak şimdi, eğer loop kulanırsan ve loopun içinde format slot ve run [] şekline kullanırsan hep sondaki olur. Nedenini bilmiyorum. Ayınısını ben de yaşamıştım.
ha neyse tabelalı sisteme geçtim :)

every 1 seconds:
    loop all players:
        loop all blocks in radius 10 of loop-player:
            if loop-block is sign:
                if line 1 of loop-block is "&61VS1":
                    if {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%} is set:       
                        set line 2 of loop-block to "&c%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%"
                        set line 3 of loop-block to "&a%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::PLAYERS}%&7/&a2"
                        set line 4 of loop-block to "%{DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::STATUS}%"
                        {DUEL::Arena::%uncolored line 2 of loop-block%::STATUS} is "&4&lOYNANIYOR":
                            set {_kordinat_1} to location 1 meters below 2 meters south loop-block # *Altı (Güney)
                            set block at {_kordinat_1} to red glass

bu kodda eğer STATUS is Oynanıyor ise o tabelanın arkasına bi kırmızı cam bloğu yerleştiricek OYNANIYOR ise kısmını yaptım arkaya blok yerleştirmesini yapamadım


Taş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Skripti yapanın ellerine sağlık :) ama Türkçe Yapsaydınız Daha Güzel Olurdu İngilizce Olduğunu görünce bir an alıntı zannettim :(
