acil yardım


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar bi scoreboard skirpti kullanıyorum eski sunucumda calisiyordu şimdikinde çalışmıyor acaba neden skrayfall da mevcut


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Bu Tür Şeyler Olabiliyor. Kodu Yenilediğinde Hata Çıkıyorsa Atarsan Daha Net Yardımcı Olabiliriz Veya Loglarıda Kontrol Et Bazen Oyunda Göstermeyip Loglarda Hata Çıkabiliyor. Arkadaşın Dediği Gibi Sürüm Farklı Olabilir Veya PaperSpigot'dan Spigota Craftbukkite Geçiş Yaptıysanız Buda Etkileyebilir. Olmadı Skript Pluginini Yenilemeyi Deneyiniz. Düşük Bir İhtimal Ama Variables.csv Dosyasını Silebilirsin (kredi gibi verilerin yok ise sil aksi halde oyuncuların kredileri veya ne tür sistem kullanıyorsan verileri gidecektir).


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Kodu at.
Kod bu sorunsuz çalışıyordu:
on join:
    wait 3 ticks
    wipe player sidebar
    set name of sidebar of player to " "
    set score "&cBienvenido al Servidor" in sidebar of player to 15
    set score "&c%player%" in sidebar of player to 14
    while player is online:
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE&c&lRVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER&c&lVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV&c&lER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE&c&lR"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 5 ticks
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&l "
        wait 2 ticks
hatada bu
[13:47:27] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'player' is not an item stack (, line 20: set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"')


Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Kod bu sorunsuz çalışıyordu:
on join:
    wait 3 ticks
    wipe player sidebar
    set name of sidebar of player to " "
    set score "&cBienvenido al Servidor" in sidebar of player to 15
    set score "&c%player%" in sidebar of player to 14
    while player is online:
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE&c&lRVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER&c&lVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV&c&lER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE&c&lR"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 5 ticks
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&l "
        wait 2 ticks
hatada bu
[13:47:27] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'player' is not an item stack (, line 20: set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"')
Kodda hata gözükmüyor. Zaten diğerleri çalışıyormuş. Garip yani.


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Kod bu sorunsuz çalışıyordu:
on join:
    wait 3 ticks
    wipe player sidebar
    set name of sidebar of player to " "
    set score "&cBienvenido al Servidor" in sidebar of player to 15
    set score "&c%player%" in sidebar of player to 14
    while player is online:
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE&c&lRVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER&c&lVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV&c&lER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE&c&lR"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 5 ticks
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&c&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 8 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERVE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSERV"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSER"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lSE"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS"
        wait 2.5 tick
        set name of sidebar of player to "&4&l "
        wait 2 ticks
hatada bu
[13:47:27] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'player' is not an item stack (, line 20: set name of sidebar of player to "&4&lS&c&lERVER"')
Merhaba kardesim serverindaki kodu tam at sana verdigi hata kodundaki 20 satirda hata var incele herhalde ' bole bisey koymussunuz duzeltebilirsiniz

"&4&lS&c&lERVER"' burda fazladan isaret vR