

Bedrock Kaşifi
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Konu basit , anti aura config ini ayarlayabilecek varmı.

#If a person has been detected for hacking this many times, execute these commands.
#Please visit this page for more information:
  #If this is true, all commands will be executed. For example, hack violations 6 = all commands before "6" run as well.
  #If this is false, only one command will be executed at a time. Setting this to false DOES NOT DISABLE COMMANDS.
  ExecuteAllCommands: true
  2: tempban %PLAYER% 10m
  5: ban %PLAYER% You have been banned for using the %HACKNAME% hack %HACKAMOUNT% times!

#Welcome to the AntiAura configuration!
#Here, you can tighten up detection, change punishment, and more!
#If you ever have any false positives, modifying the configuration will always fix them. Please do not come to me with "bugs" on false positives.
#If you have any issues configurating, or something that needs clarifying, send me a PM. I'll be happy to help.
#If you encounter lag by too many entities being spawned, enable the "DisableCheckWithFullHealthPlayers" option.
  #Check for Forcefield/Killaura during fighting only?
  #Despite the option saying "during PVP", It actually referrs to the person fighting ANYTHING, not just during PVP.
  CheckOnlyDuringPVP: true
    #Enable this forcefield checker? it is designed to catch advanced clients.
    Enabled: true
    #Originally, this value calculated an average based on player behaviour.
    #Some servers didn't like that, so here is a check value.
    #Set this to -1, and this value will automatically be set to the average of normal player hits.
    CheckValue: 0.020
    #If CheckValue is at -1, this is the minimum amount of hits needed on your server to calculate an average.
    MinimumEvaluationChecks: 500
    #Disable the check for entities?
    #If you only have a problem with mobgrinders, use the "MobGrinderCompatibility" option instead.
    NoEntityCheck: false
    #How many times must someone be detected as hacking for the command to execute?
    Threshold: 15
    #How much do you want the players' Threshold to go down every time they make a non-hacking hit?:
    SafeHitDecrease: 10
    #What command would you like to execute when a player is detected for forcefield?
    SecretCommand: kick %PLAYER% KillauraLegit isn't allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (S)
    #Enabling this will enable the old detecton behaviour, which will catch AutoClicker and Macros much better.
    #If you enable this, you may need higher SafeHitDecrease values. *Technically* it MAY detect forcefield faster.
    OldBehaviour: false
    #Currently the plugin checks every hit when the check is intiated.
    #Do you want to only check one hit in every check?
    #THIS WILL FIX ALL FALSE POSITIVES WITH THE MOBINFRONT. However, will make detection slower.
    OneHitPerCheck: true
    #Do you want to turn the MobInFront into a giant entity?
    #This increases the size for someone to hit, decreasing false positives.
    #Also may allow for bypasses if hitting only certain types of entities.
    MobInFrontAsGiant: true
    #Do you want to enable the mob in front?
    #This works by spawning an entity in front of the player and checking if he hits it.
    Enable: true
    #Every time a person hits the player (when the squid is spawned), the number goes up by 1.
    #Every time a person hits the squid (when the squid is spawned), the number goes down by your SafeHitDecrease value in the config.
    #If the number hits this value, the person is detected for hacking (and MobBypassCommand is executed).
    Threshhold: 10
    #As described above, how much should Threshhold go down by on a non-hacking hit?
    #If someone is moving their head very quickly, they may only hit it one in 3 (or even less) times.
    SafeHitDecrease: 5
    #How long (in ticks) do you want the entity spawned? 20 ticks equal one second.
    #Lower this to 15 if your Threshhold plus your SafeHitDecrease is above 16 and people are still kicked!
    TimeSpawned: 20
    #If the distance between the two players is less than this, don't check for MobInFront.
    #If players get false positives while running around or similar, increase it.
    MinDistance: 0.5
    #What commmands do you want to execute when the person is detected bypassing the squid?
    MobBypassCommand: kick %PLAYER% Killaura isn't allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (MobBypass)
    #Disable MobInFront when fighting mobs spawned by a spawner?
    #Disable this if you do not have a server that would have MobGrinders.
    MobGrinderCompatibility: true
    #Do you want to spawn invisible entities around the player to see if he hits them?
    #If enabled, this is enabled all the time, and can catch clients even before they enter PVP.
    #Will only catch basic forcefields that: Hit invisible entities, hit all entities around them (and not just in the field of view).
    Enabled: true
    #Do not check players for forcefield (PlayersAround check) if they have full health?
    #This is great for not checking for forcefield during PVP.
    #Entities are the main lag cause of AntiAura, so enabling this will spawn a lot less entities, giving far less lag.
    DisableCheckWithFullHealthPlayers: false
    #There are three entities spawned around the player. If someone hits entity number 1, enabling this option would mean that he would have to hit entity 2 or 3 to get further detected for Forcefield.
    #Great for plugins like McMMO which could damage a single entity multiple times.
    DontIncreaseThresholdWithSameEntity: true
    #Every time a person hits an NPC, the threshhold goes up.
    #How high should it be before detecting the player as a forcefield user?
    Threshold: 5
    #How much should the Threshold decrease per second?
    #This means even if someone has a huge lag spike and hits an NPC, as long as they don't do it too often, their Threshold will stay low and they won't be detected.
    DecreasePerSecond: 1.0
    #How far should the NPCs be from the player?
    #Setting this to less will definitely catch Forcefield/Killaura faster because hacked clients will think of the players as closer. Just don't set it too low!
    #Setting this too low may cause legitimate clients who are lagging to hit the entities, triggering detection.
    #NEVER set this lower than 1.5.
    DistanceFromPlayer: 3.1
    #Command to execute when caught by the PlayersAround check.
    PlayersAroundCommand: kick %PLAYER% Forcefield is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (A)
    #This is how many ticks between the time of teleporting the NPCs to the correct location around the player.
    #For those with large servers, try a value of 4. For those with small servers, try a value of 1.
    TeleportTime: 1
    #When in PVP, do you want to spawn a non-invisible entity close above the player on his head to see if he hits it?
    #It will not be invisible, meaning even clients that ignore invisible entities will hit it.
    #Also, if you set HeadHeight low enough, even clients that only hit in your field of view may hit it.
    Enabled: true
    #1 is looking right up, -1 is looking down.
    #How far down must the player be looking to spawn the headplayer (only works if DontSpawnHeadPlayerWhenLookingUp is true).
    YLessThan: -0.1
    #How high above the players' head do you want the HeadPlayer to be?
    #The lower, the better! But set this too low and you will start seeing the NPC's legs in your face.
    HeadHeight: 3
    #How much do you want the head threshhold to decrease when the person does not hit the entity?
    HeadHitDecrease: 0.1
    #Command to execute when caught by the HeadPlayer.
    HeadCommand: kick %PLAYER% Killaura is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (H)

#Blocks clients that click too fast.
#Warning: This will catch and prevent the use of mouse macros and jitter clicking.
  #Enable FastClick blockage?
  Enabled: true
  #How many seconds they must consistently click above the maximum.
  Threshold: 5
  #What is the maximum amount of clicks allowed per second?
  #If people get incorrectly kicked for FastClick, It is recommended to first turn this up rather than disable the feature.
  MaxClicksPerSecond: 7
  #What command do you want to execute when FastClick is detected?
  FastClickCommand: kick %PLAYER% AutoClicker/Macros are not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (AutoClick/Macros)

#Block AutoBow. Default settings can and will be fine for this.
#This is blocked as well as detected, so you could leave AutoBowCommand to blank and still have this feature work.
  #Do you want to enable AutoBow blockage?
  #This will temporarily block someone from using AutoBow until they stop using it.
  Enable: true
  #How many times should the person be detected for AutoBow before the command is executed?
  #It goes up and down by 1 - I don't see a reason for a SafeHitDecrease/LowerAmount variable for this one.
  BowThreshhold: 5
  #Command to execute when a player reaches the Bow Threshhold.
  AutoBowCommand: kick %PLAYER% AutoBow is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (AutoBow)

#If people are "Bypassing" this, increase SoupTime. This can't be bypassed. Ever.
  #Do you want to enable anti-Autosoup?
  Enabled: true
  #How long after last hitting someone is the person not allowed to move items in his inventory?
  SoupTime: 1

#Blocks map and tracer hacks. May cause a small amount of lag.
#Lag caused by this feature has been greatly reduced since AntiAura 4.0.
#Lag reduced even more since AntiAura 6.0, to the point where you barely notice it.
#Disabling this feature will also disable Anti-Blindness.
  #Do you want to enable the MapScrewer at all (this ruins minimaps and tracers).
  MapScrewer: true
  #How far away should you check entities and players near the player to hide/unhide them?
  DistanceChecked: 50
  #How far up do you want to check, per player?
  DistanceCheckedY: 15
  #How often do you want people to be checked?
  #Raising this over 15 will decrease realism and make players appear to appear out of nowhere.
  #Decreasing it to 1 will mean totan realism, but may cause a bit of lag.
  #WARNING: /areload WILL NOT change this value! You need to reload/restart the entire server or use PlugMan!
  HowOften: 10
  #If an entity or player is closer than this, they will be visible regardless of if you can actually see them.
  MinDistance: 10
  #This will HIDE ENTITIES FROM YOU if you cannot see them!
  #WARNING! THIS WILL HIDE THEIR NAMETAGS TOO! If you find that to be an issue, disable this.
  HidePlayersThroughBlocks: true
  #Do you want to hide players and entities if they are behind the persons' field of view.
  #This will cause Double-F5 mode to not be able to see entities behind you further away than MinDistance.
  #However, it is great at helping to block tracers and not let hackers know if someone sneaks up on them.
  HidePlayersBehind: true

#Knockback checking has heavily been improved recently.
#If you get false positives, first turn up MinimumKnockbackCheck to 0.2, then increase LowerAmount, Then Threshhold.
  #Do you want to enable AntiKnockback checking at all?
  Enabled: true
  #How many ticks after the player has been hit should it be checked if he has moved?
  #There are 20 ticks in 1 second.
  TicksAfterHitToCheck: 10
  #What is the LOWEST velocity to check a player?
  #Knockback amounts lower than this will not be checked for hacks.
  #Setting this too low means that players just walking normally could change their velocity and be detected.
  #If you get false positives by hitting people with your fists or blocks, RAISE THIS!
  MinimumKnockbackCheck: 0.2
  #Set to true if you want to NOT check players if they are standing next to a wall.
  #Hitting a wall obviously stops the player from being knocked back, which may cause bad results.
  DontCheckOnWalls: true
  #Command to execute when person is detected for Knockback.
  KnockbackCommand: kick %PLAYER% antiknockback is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking!
  #You know how threshholds work by now.
  #If the person is detected for AntiKnockback, raise value by 1.
  #If the person is not detected for AntiKnockback, lower value by LowerAmount.
  #If value hits the Threshhold, command is executed.
  #It is not recommended you change this! Raise the LowerAmount variable instead!
  Threshhold: 6
  #How much do you want to lower the threshhold when a player is detected as legit?
  #If hacked clients have a higher detect rate than normal people, it may be a good idea to set a low Difference and a high LowerAmount.
  #With the above suggestion, legit players would be detected more but kept below the threshholds, wheras hacked clients who were detected more would get kicked.
  LowerAmount: 2
  #If a player is sprinting torwards another player, he may travel too far forward after being hit and trigger the detection.
  #Disable this only if MinimumKnockbackCheck is at at LEAST 0.2, if not higher.
  DontCheckIfPlayerIsSprinting: true

#Some things about the plugin itself that are'nt related to any specific detection.
  #Time after using a CrackShot weapon a person should not be checked for forcefield.
  #The value is in ticks: 20 ticks is 1 second.
  #This is useless if you do not have the CrackShot plugin.
  CrackShotCompatibilityTime: 40
  #How many minutes do you want the AutoUpdater notification to remind you after last reminding you?
  AutoUpdaterMinutes: 60
  #Don't change this. It will reset your whole config if you do.
  version: 37
  #Do you want to call a FAKE LEAVE EVENT to the server that tells OTHER PLUGINS that the player has "LEFT" when he is actually kicked?
  #Good for plugins like CombatLog, to punish a player as if he left willingly during PVP.
  #If you have this enabled, you MUST have a kicking command in ALL the hack checks, or the plugin will not function correctly!
  CallFakeLeaveEvent: false
  #If the person says invalid chat, execute this command.
  #This for clients that send invalid messages to the server to kick themselves during PVP and not be detected by current plugins.
  InvalidChatCommand: tempban %PLAYER% 30m Banned for invalid chat used for PVP Logging!
  #Do you want to enable the AntiAura.bypass permission for admins not to be checked?
  #This won't affect the AntiAura.debug or AntiAura.reload permission nodes.
  EnablePermissions: false
  #Do you want to show debug messages?
  #This will tell you exactly what kicked the person and what value to change if the person was not kicked correctly.
  #You may want to disable it to reduce unnecessary spam on a server that has already managed to configure the plugin successfully.
  ShowDebug: true
  #Enabling this will use the Player#getTargetBlock() method in the Spigot API, Instead of my own code, to get the block a player is looking at.
  EnableTargetblockChecking: false

#This is a work in progress and may not work against all clients.
  #Enable critical blocking? This is a work in progress and may not work against all clients.
  #Instead of just doing a critical when jumping.
  Enabled: true
  #The decrease amount on a non-hacking hit.
  SafeHitDecrease: 2.0
  #Ticks after hit to check. Set to 5 if you get false positives.
  TicksAfterHitToCheck: 10
  #How high should the number reach before detection?
  #5 or lower is recommended - You could try higher - or lower.
  Threshhold: 5
  #Command to execute when criticals is detected.
  CriticalsCommand: kick %PLAYER% Criticals is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking!

#Blockage of TriggerBot (instant hitting of entities)?
  #Enable TriggerBot blockage?
  Enabled: true
  #How many times must a player hit an invisible entity in front of him to be detected?
  Threshold: 4
  #How much should the Threshold decrease when the player doesn't hit the entity?
  SafeHitDecrease: 1
  #How often do you want to check for TriggerBot?
  #For those that see particles in front of them, this is how often you see them.
  #This is in ticks, 20 ticks equal one second.
  #You must restart/reload the plugin for changes of this option to take effect.
  CheckFrequency: 40
  #Command to execute when TriggerBot is detected
  TriggerBotCommand: kick %PLAYER% TriggerBot is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (TriggerBot)

#This will work fine on the default.
#This is a basic spambot-blockage thing to block spambots from running around on cracked servers.
#Feel free to disable.
    #Do you want to enable the CAPTCHA?
    #This will make users type certain letters in chat before they can do ANYTHING!
    Enabled: true
    #Do you want to enable typing of the CAPTCHA Only when the server is detected to be under a spam attack?
    #This is detected by checking the amount of joins and seeing if there are more joins than usual.
    EnabledOnlyWhenSpammed: true
    #Do you want to apply the CAPTCHA to ONLY new players? Existing players won't be asked for a CAPTCHA.
    #Warning: According to Bukkit's API, logging in and then re-logging in 5 seconds later counts as an "Existing player".
    NewPlayersOnly: true
    #Command to execute when detected.
    CaptchaCommand: kick %PLAYER% You failed the captcha!
    #Message to send to people. CAPTCHA is replaced with the CAPTCHA.
    Message: Please type CAPTCHA to move and type commands!
    #This will stop all chat from a player until he has moved.
    #Will only stop simple spambots.
    StopChatBeforeMovement: true
    #Do you want to disable join and leave messages under an attack?
    #This will only disable the messages if the server is detected to be under a bot attack.
    DisableJoinAndLeaveMessages: true
#If you have NoCheatPlus anything below here is techically blocked by that.
#However, you may also want these checks on top of NoCheatPlus.
EnableNormalChecks: true

#Blocks the step hack, where people instantly climb up blocks without jumping.
#Should also block flight if they move up too fast, should also block HighJump, should also block spider.
  #Enable Step/HighJump/Spiider/Etc blockage?
  #You must restart the server for changes of this value to take effect.
  Enabled: true
  #How often do you want to check if the person has moved too much?
  #This value is in ticks. 20 ticks 1 second.
  #You must restart the server for changes here to take effect.
  TimePerCheck: 4
  #In the TimePerCheck, what is the maximum distance a player can move upwards?
  MaxDistanceMovedUpwards: 1.9
  #If a person is dragged back for hacking, do you want to force them to the ground?
  #This is better for blocking people who try and fly upwards slowly, or for things like FastLadder.
  ForceUserToGround: true      
  #Command to execute when Step is detected?
  StepCommand: kick %PLAYER% Step/FastFlight is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (Step)

#Options to do with accounting for launch pad velocity.
  #If a player gets a velocity twice, enabling this will double the height he can go.
  #For example, being launched twice from a launch pad would make AntiAura allow people to go up twice the height, even if they never got that much velocity.
  #Enabling this may be exploited by clients, allowing them to fly if they have not yet touched the ground.
  AllowMultipleVelocities: false
  #Calculate velocity from the clients' velocity, and NOT the event's velocity?
  #WARNING: Clients can fake their own velocity! This may be bypassed by some very advanced clients (I doubt it will happen though).
  UsePlayerVelocity: false

#This blocks any unexpected Y movement.
#If a player goes upward unexpectedly without any blocks underneath him, this drags them down.
  #Enable Spider blockage?
  Enabled: true
  #Height to drag people down for Spider?
  #A player standing normally on the ground has a value of "1" here.
  #A value of 3 may not stop people spidering up slabs.
  MaxHeightOffGround: 2.5
  #How many times must a person be detected for Spider to be kicked?
  Threshold: 5
  SpiderCommand: kick %PLAYER% Spider is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (Spider)

#Block flight hacks?
    #Enable fly checks?
    Enabled: true
    #How many times must the person be detected as flying to be detected?
    Threshhold: 3
    #When the player is detected to be doing legitimate activities, how much should the Threshhold be lowered?
    LowerAmount: 1.0
    #This value is automatically added onto the MaxDistancePerSecond of a player if he has a jump potion.
    #If this was at 2, the jump height for a player with Jump II would be 6 blocks off the ground.
    ValuePerPotionLevel: 2
    #How long should the player be allowed to not be standing on a block without going down significantly?
    #This value is in TICKS: 20 ticks equal one second.
    TimeInTheAir: 30
    #What command do you want to execute when someone is detected for flying?
    FlightCommand: kick %PLAYER% Flying is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking!

#If the player is teleported further than this distance, all flight and speed checks will be cancelled.
#New checks are initiated as soon as the player moves.
CancelChecksIfPlayerIsTeleportedDistance: 10
#Time to not check a player for any movement hacks after teleportation. Value is in ticks, 100 ticks = 5 seconds.
DontCheckTime: 21

#Again, should work fine on the default config.
#This also blocks Jesus and Sneak (jesus = moving too fast in water, sneak = moving too fast while sneaking).
    #Enable Speedhack checks?
    #This can also catch step and highjump, due to both of those involving the player moving too quickly.
    Enabled: true
    #This speed is automatically added onto the normal speed of a player if he has a potion.
    #If people get dragged back when using speed potions, increase this.
    ValuePerPotionLevel: 2
    #How many more blocks can players travel than normal walking speed before being dragged back?
    #If people are exploiting this to go 10% faster, feel free to turn it down.
    SpeedLeniency: 0.1
    #How many times must the player be detected for speed hacks to be kicked?
    Threshhold: 5
    #When the player is detected to be doing legitimate activities, how much should the Threshhold be lowered?
    LowerAmount: 1.0
    #What command do you want to execute when someone is detected for flying?
    SpeedCommand: kick %PLAYER% SpeedHack is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking!
    #Setting this to true will make people detected for hacks keep looking in the same direction they were looking at when dragged back.
    #Keeping this to false will make people look the same direction they were with their last non-violating movement.
    #This does NOT affect the location the player is teleported - Only the direction he is looking when teleported.
    KeepDirection: false
    #Maximum speed while sneaking.
    #Increase this if you get rubber-banded while sneaking.
    MaxSneakingSpeed: 1.2

#Blocks the "reach" hack, where people hit entities further away than normally possible.
#Currently I don't kick people for this; I will add that functionality soon.
  #What is the maximum distance away that people can hit entities?
  MaxDistance: 4

#Blocks FastPlace, a hack where people place blocks too fast.
  #Enable blockage of this hack?
  Enabled: true
  #How many times must the person be detected to be kicked?
  Threshold: 5
  #How many blocks should a person be allowed to place per second to be detected?
  MaxBlocksAllowedPerSecond: 6
  #Command to execute when FastPlace is detected?
  FastPlaceCommand: kick %PLAYER% FastPlace is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (FastPlace)

#Blocks NoFall, a hack where people take no fall damage.
  #Enable blockage of this hack?
  Enabled: true
  #How many times must the person be detected to be kicked?
  Threshold: 15
  #How long, in ticks, do you want to allow the person to be falling but still be "on the ground"?
  LeniencyTime: 5
  #Do you want to force the player to be dragged to the ground from the air?
  #Setting this to false will suspend the player in the air until they disable NoFall or die.
  DragToGround: true
  #Do you want to damage the player is he is detected for NoFall?
  #May kill people if you don't drag them to the ground and they don't disable NoFall quick enough.
  DamagePlayer: true
  #Command to execute when NoFall is detected?
  NoFallCommand: kick %PLAYER% NoFall is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (NoFall)

#Blocks people from moving through blocks.
#This isn't implemented yet. However, it means that when it is, you won't have to reset your config.
  #Enable blockage Phase?
  Enabled: true
  #Threshold for how many times user must be detected as hacking before the command executing.
  Threshold: 5
  #Command to execute when FastBreak is detected?
  PhaseCommand: kick %PLAYER% Phase is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (Phase)

#Blocks people placing blocks too fast.
#Should block nuker, but it depends on the client.
#Will also prevent people breaking blocks if using the "derp" hack.
  #Enable blockage of FastBreak, GhostHand, Nuker, etc?
  Enabled: true
  #If this block can be broken in under this time, ignore FastBreak checks?
  #Time is in milliseconds. 500 = half a second.
  BreakSpeedIgnore: 500
  #Threshold for how many times user must be detected as hacking before the command executing.
  Threshold: 5
  #Max blocks allowed to be broken in survival per second. Keep in mind that people could have highly-enchanted tools.
  MaxSurvivalBlocksPerSecond: 20
  #Command to execute when FastBreak is detected?
  FastBreakCommand: kick %PLAYER% FastBreak is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (FastBreak)

#Blocks the NoSwing hack.
  #Really wouldn't recommend you disable it. If you do, hackers can bypass AutoClicker, FastBreak, And a ton of other hacks.
  Enabled: true
  #Amount of times person must be detected to be kicked.
  Threshold: 5
  #Decrease of the threshold with a safe interaction.
  SafeInteractDecrease: 0.5
  #In ticks, how long after the person has done an action as to when they place something.
  #For example, if they place a block, but then swing 1 tick later, they won't detected.
  SwingLeniency: 2
  #Command to execute when NoSwing is detected.
  NoSwingCommand: kick %PLAYER% NoSwing is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (NoSwing)

#Blocks the NoFire hack, a hack where clients cannot be set on fire.
  #Enable blockage of this hack?
  Enabled: true
  #Amount of times person must be detected to be kicked.
  Threshold: 3
  #Decrease of the threshold with a safe interaction.
  SafeFireDecrease: 1
  #Command to execute when AntiFire is detected.
  AntiFireCommand: kick %PLAYER% AntiFire is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (AntiFire)

#Blocks the PotionSaver hack, a hack where potion effects do not go down.
#Blocks the NoPotion hack, a hack where potion effects can be immediately removed.
  #Enable blockage of this hack?
  Enabled: true
  #Amount of times person must be detected to be kicked.
  Threshold: 2
  #If a player is on fire and puts it out, do you want to re-light him on fire?
  #May light players on fire who used /heal or other commands while on fire.
  ReLightPlayer: false
  #Decrease of the threshold with a safe interaction.
  SafePotionDecrease: 0.5
  #Command to execute when AntiFire is detected.
  AntiPotionCommand: kick %PLAYER% AntiPotion is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (AntiPotion)

#Block regeneration hack? This blocks clients from regenerating health really fast, and so being unkillable.
  #Do you want to enable regeneration blocking?
  Enabled: true
  #What is the maximum amount of half-hearts allowed for each regeneration? A value of 2 equals one heart.
  MaxHalfHeartsPerRegen: 1.0
  #How many seconds since a person last regenerated health can they be allowed to do so again?
  #On DEFAULT minecraft, this is 4 seconds. However, some of your plugins may make this longer or shorter.
  #If people without regen get kicked for using it, set this to lower.
  RegenDelay: 3.0
  #Command to execute when regen is detected.
  RegenCommand: kick %PLAYER% Regen is not allowed!#broadcast %PLAYER% was kicked for hacking! (Regen)
  #NThere is no need for a Threshold or SafeHitDecrease here, because changing them would do almost nothing.
  #I have set the Threshold to 5 and Safe-Regen-Decrease to 1.

#This "Blocks" manual BowAimbot. There's no way to "detect" it, and hence no way to kick the player for it.
  #Let me explain how this works:
  #You are changing the velocity of arrows that are shot from the player.
  #For example, a value of 1.1 would make the arrow shoot faster than on a normal server.
  #Because the arrow has a different velocity than the hacked client expects, it makes the aiming marker useless.
  ArrowVelocity: 1.3

#You can ignore anything down here. It's pretty much stuff you won't ever want to change, but is there just in case.

#Stuff related to what name to choose. You can usually ignore this. The defaults are fine.
  #Takes special measures to stop crashes. May cause slight memory leaks, but nothing serious.
  #Really, only enable this if I tell you to.
  StopCrashes: false
  #Force dependency download?
  ForceDependencyDownload: true
  #Not recommended if you don't have an SSD since it goes through the player files.
  #Gives NPCs real names of people that were previously on your server.
  RealisticPlayerNames: false
  #Do you want to generate a random numeric name for the fake players?
  #Set this to false to just have a "_" for all player names.
  RandomPlayerNames: true
  #Do you want the MapScrewer mobs and the Forcefield around checking mobs to be invisible (I recommend you leave as true)?
  Invisible: true
  #Spawn creepers instead of squids ?
  CreepersInsteadOfSquids: false

Son düzenleme:


Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Kod içine ekleyip atabilirsen daha iyi olur, boşluklar var çünkü.


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
@Ragnarak bu plugini aldığıma pişmanım.
Kesinlikle paranızı böyle eklentilere israf etmeyin.
LibsDisguises diye bir yan eklentisi var sürekli hata veriyor.
Gidin üzerine biraz daha para biriktirin AAC alın arkadaşlar.
Rezillikten başka bir şey değildir AntiAura (Hack Blocker).


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
@Ragnarak bu plugini aldığıma pişmanım.
Kesinlikle paranızı böyle eklentilere israf etmeyin.
LibsDisguises diye bir yan eklentisi var sürekli hata veriyor.
Gidin üzerine biraz daha para biriktirin AAC alın arkadaşlar.
Rezillikten başka bir şey değildir AntiAura (Hack Blocker).
LibsDisguises doğru sürüm bulmak çok zor diğer sürümlerde hata oluyor mecbur 1.7 1.8 sunucu olan arkadaşlar anti aura almak zorunda kalıyor AAC üstüne plugin tanımam bende


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Bende NoHacks var bayada işe yarıyor hiç hatasını görmedim libsdisguises'in ?

kill aurayı 5 saniye içerinsde tespit edip consoldan ban yiyor 1 saatlik. kendiniz ayarbiiliyonuz.


Taş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ayarlayabilecek varsa üşenmeden ücretli yapsın bana


Obsidyen Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
@Ragnarak bu plugini aldığıma pişmanım.
Kesinlikle paranızı böyle eklentilere israf etmeyin.
LibsDisguises diye bir yan eklentisi var sürekli hata veriyor.
Gidin üzerine biraz daha para biriktirin AAC alın arkadaşlar.
Rezillikten başka bir şey değildir AntiAura (Hack Blocker).
Konusunu okusan iyi edersin.
Bu sürümler arada bir hata veriyor oda sunucuya bir zararı olmuyor.


Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Bende NoHacks var bayada işe yarıyor hiç hatasını görmedim libsdisguises'in ?

kill aurayı 5 saniye içerinsde tespit edip consoldan ban yiyor 1 saatlik. kendiniz ayarbiiliyonuz.
Config ini verebilme şansın varmı dostum ?
