tag: &5[&bTAG&5]
command /setkitnpc:
permission: op
spawn 1 iron golem at location of player
set name of last spawned entity to "&4Kits"
apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
set {kitnpc} to location of player
command /killkitnpc:
permission: op
loop all entities:
name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits"
kill loop-entity
every second:
loop all entities:
name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits"
teleport loop-entity to {kitnpc}
on damage:
name of victim contains "&4Kits"
cancel event
on right click on entity:
name of clicked entity contains "&4Kits"
if {nospam.%player%} is true:
send "{@tag} &6Please dont spam the npc" to player
set {nospam.%player%} to true
wait 1 second
set {nospam.%player%} to false
on death:
set {nospam.%victim%} to false
on join:
set {nospam.%player%} to false
on damage:
if damage cause is burning:
if victim's name is "&4Deneme":
cancel event
heal victim
SpigotMC 'de Bulunan NPC Skripti
Kod:options: tag: &5[&bTAG&5] command /setkitnpc: permission: op trigger: spawn 1 iron golem at location of player set name of last spawned entity to "&4Kits" apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days set {kitnpc} to location of player command /killkitnpc: permission: op trigger: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits" kill loop-entity every second: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits" teleport loop-entity to {kitnpc} on damage: name of victim contains "&4Kits" cancel event on right click on entity: name of clicked entity contains "&4Kits" if {nospam.%player%} is true: send "{@tag} &6Please dont spam the npc" to player else: set {nospam.%player%} to true send "&6PUT COMMANDS HERE IN CODES" wait 1 second set {nospam.%player%} to false on death: set {nospam.%victim%} to false on join: set {nospam.%player%} to false
Burayı Kendine Göre Uyarlayabilirsin.
Diğer arkadaş gerekli olan Skript'i ulaştırdı sağ olsun, size de teşekkürler.itilmeyi bilmiyorumda yanma olayı şöyle.
ve eğer npc yapacaksan ateş değilde direk tüm damageleri engellersen damage almayacağı için knockbackde yemez.
veya npc yi sürekli olduğu yere tp leyemiyide deneyebilirsin.
Kod:on damage: if damage cause is burning: if victim's name is "&4Deneme": cancel event heal victim
command /demirciyarat:
if player has permission "demirci.yetkili":
spawn villager at player
set name of spawned villager to "&6&lDemirci"
apply slowness 100000 to spawned villager for 999999999 days
set {_loc} to location of block at spawned villager
loop all villagers in radius 1 of block at {_loc}:
set {_villager} to loop-entity
while health of {_villager} is more than 0:
wait 5 ticks
teleport {_villager} to {_loc}
Saldırgan moblar kullandım farklı farklı, bunların saldırmasını nasıl engelleyebilirim? Ateş adında Blaze örneğin.SpigotMC 'de Bulunan NPC Skripti
Kod:options: tag: &5[&bTAG&5] command /setkitnpc: permission: op trigger: spawn 1 iron golem at location of player set name of last spawned entity to "&4Kits" apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days set {kitnpc} to location of player command /killkitnpc: permission: op trigger: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits" kill loop-entity every second: loop all entities: name of loop-entity contains "&4Kits" teleport loop-entity to {kitnpc} on damage: name of victim contains "&4Kits" cancel event on right click on entity: name of clicked entity contains "&4Kits" if {nospam.%player%} is true: send "{@tag} &6Please dont spam the npc" to player else: set {nospam.%player%} to true send "&6PUT COMMANDS HERE IN CODES" wait 1 second set {nospam.%player%} to false on death: set {nospam.%victim%} to false on join: set {nospam.%player%} to false
Burayı Kendine Göre Uyarlayabilirsin.
Saldırgan moblar kullandım farklı farklı, bunların saldırmasını nasıl engelleyebilirim? Ateş adında Blaze örneğin.
on damage:
event-entity is blaze
name of attacker contains "BLAZENİN İSMİ":
cancel event
Bunu Denermisin LütfenPHP:on damage: event-entity is blaze name of attacker contains "BLAZENİN İSMİ": cancel event
Bunu Denermisin LütfenPHP:on damage: event-entity is blaze name of attacker contains "BLAZENİN İSMİ": cancel event
İkisi de olmadı, ama sanırım o kadar önemli bir husus değil, teşekkürler yine de.attacker is blaze yapman gerek.
İkisi de olmadı, ama sanırım o kadar önemli bir husus değil, teşekkürler yine de.
on damage:
if attacker is blaze:
if attacker's name is "&6Blaze":
cancel event
on shoot:
if projectile is fireball:
if shooter is blaze:
if shooter's name is "&6Blaze":
cancel event
Skriptle Biraz Zor GalibaBu arada hasarı değil, direk saldırmasını engellemek istiyordum.
Son yazılanı denemedim, onu da deneyeyim bi'Skriptle Biraz Zor Galiba
https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/disable-player-attacking-mobs-animals.84125/Son yazılanı denemedim, onu da deneyeyim bi'
I-ıh o da olmadı, neyse ya, o kadar önemli değildi zaten. Böyle de olur ^-^ Teşekkürler tekrardan.