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Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Merhaba ben hep kendi skriptlerimi kendim ayaprım. ama bunu beceremedim. Sunucumda Market yazan bütün tabelarladaki market yazsinin asd olmasınıı istiyorum.


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Sanırım market kurarken zorluk çekiyorsun bu eklenti senin için yapıldı :D
Linki görebilmek için üye olmanız gerekiyor. Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Eğer marketi türkçe istiyorsan messagese gir bütün yazıları sil bunu yaz türkçe olur kendim ayarladım
# Colors:
# &0-9, &a-f
# {0}, {1}, {2}, etc are variables. You can swap them around, but adding a new variable won't work. Removing them will work

not-looking-at-shop: "&cNo QuickShop found. You must be looking at one."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
no-creative-break: "&cYou cannot break other players shops in creative mode.  Use survival instead."
no-double-chests: "&cYou don't have permission to create a double-chest shop."
shop-already-owned: "&cThat is already a shop."
chest-was-removed: "&cThat chest was removed."
price-too-cheap: "&cPrice must be greater than &e$0.01"
no-price-change: "&cThat wouldn't result in a price change!"
you-cant-afford-a-new-shop: "&cIt costs {0} to create a new shop."
you-cant-afford-to-change-price: "&cIt costs {0} to change the price in your shop."
success-created-shop: "&aCreated shop."
success-removed-shop: "&aShop removed."
shops-arent-locked: "&cRemember, shops are NOT protected from theft! If you want to stop thieves, lock it with LWC, Lockette, etc!"
shop-creation-cancelled: "&cCancelled Shop Creation."
shop-purchase-cancelled: "&cSatin Alma Iptal Edildi."
shop-stock-too-low: "&cThe shop only has {0} {1} left"
you-cant-afford-to-buy: "&cThat costs {0}, but you only have {1}"
negative-amount: "&cDerp, can't trade negative amounts"
player-bought-from-your-store: "&c{0} purchased {1} {2} from your store."
shop-out-of-stock: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, has run out of {3}"
shop-has-no-space: "&cThe shop only has room for {0} more {1}."
you-dont-have-that-many-items: "&cYou only have {0} {1}."
the-owner-cant-afford-to-buy-from-you: "&cBunun Fiyati &e${0} &cAma Sizin Paraniz &e${1}"
player-sold-to-your-store: "&a{0} sold {1} {2} to your store."
shop-out-of-space: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, is now full."
fee-charged-for-price-change: "&aYou pay &c{0}&a to change the price."
price-is-now: "&aThe shops new price is &e{0}"
thats-not-a-number: "&cInvalid number"
no-price-given: "&cPlease give a valid price."
average-price-nearby: "&aAverage Price Nearby: &e{0}"
shop-has-changed: "&cThe shop you tried to use has changed since you clicked it!"
nearby-shop-this-way: "&aShop is {0} blocks away from you."
no-nearby-shop: "&cNo shops matching {0} nearby."
buying-more-than-selling: "&cWARNING: You are buying items for more than you are selling them!"
not-enough-space: "&cYou only have room for {0} more of that!"
refill-success: "&aRefill success"
empty-success: "&aEmpty success"

    successful-purchase: "&aSatin Alma Basarili:"
    successfully-sold: "&aSuccessfully Sold:"
    item-name-and-price: "&e{0} Adet {1} &aUcret &e{2}"
    enchants: "&5Enchants"
    stored-enchants: "&5Stored Enchants"
    shop-information: "&aMarket Bilgileri:"
    owner: "&aSahibi: &e{0}"
    item: "&aEsya: &e{0}"
    space: "&aSpace: &e{0}"
    stock: "&aStok &e{0}"
    price-per: "&a&e{0} &4Tanesi &a- &e${1}"
    total-value-of-chest: "&aTotal value of Chest: &e{0}"
    damage-percent-remaining: "&e{0}% &aRemaining."
    this-shop-is-buying: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatin Aliyor&a."
    this-shop-is-selling: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatiyor&a."
bypassing-lock: "&cBypassing a QuickShop lock!"
that-is-locked: "&cThat shop is locked."

how-many-buy: "&a&3ALMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz."
how-many-sell: "&aSATMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz"

not-allowed-to-create: "&cYou may not create a shop here."
blacklisted-item: "&cThat item is blacklisted. You may not sell it"
how-much-to-trade-for: "&aEnter how much you wish to trade one &e{0}&a for in chat."

   #success-created-unlimited: "&aUnlimited QuickShop created."
   toggle-unlimited: "&aShop is now {0}"
   no-owner-given: "&cNo owner given. Use &a/qs setowner <player>&c"
   new-owner: "&aNew owner: &e{0}"
   now-buying: "&aNow &dBUYING&a &e{0}"
   now-selling: "&aNow &bSELLING &e{0}"
   cleaning: "&aCleaning up shops with 0 stock..."
   reloading: "&aReloading..."
   cleaned: "&aCleaned &e{0}&a shops"
   no-type-given: "&cUsage: /qs find <item>"
       title: "&aQuickShop Help"
       unlimited: "&eMakes a shop unlimited"
       setowner: "&eChanges who owns a shop"
       buy: "&eChanges a shop to &dBUY&e mode"
       sell: "&eChanges a shop to &bSELL&e mode"
       clean: "&eRemoves all (loaded) shops with 0 stock"
       price: "&eChanges the buy/selling price of one of your shops"
       find: "&eLocates the nearest shop of a specific type."
       reload: "&eReloads QuickShop from config.yml"
       refill: "&eAdds a given number of items to a shop"
       empty: "&eRemoves all stock from a shop"
    #Line 1 is used as an identifier at the moment, so I kind of need it to work, thats why I won't let you change it
    #Line 3 is the item name... There really isnt anything to change.
    selling: "Satiyor {0}"
    buying: "Buying {0}"
    price: "Tanesi {0}"
Son düzenleme:


Bedrock Kaşifi
En iyi cevaplar
Sanırım market kurarken zorluk çekiyorsun bu eklenti senin için yapıldı :D
Linki görebilmek için üye olmanız gerekiyor. Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Eğer marketi türkçe istiyorsan messagese gir bütün yazıları sil bunu yaz türkçe olur kendim ayarladım
# Colors:
# &0-9, &a-f
# {0}, {1}, {2}, etc are variables. You can swap them around, but adding a new variable won't work. Removing them will work

not-looking-at-shop: "&cNo QuickShop found. You must be looking at one."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
no-creative-break: "&cYou cannot break other players shops in creative mode.  Use survival instead."
no-double-chests: "&cYou don't have permission to create a double-chest shop."
shop-already-owned: "&cThat is already a shop."
chest-was-removed: "&cThat chest was removed."
price-too-cheap: "&cPrice must be greater than &e$0.01"
no-price-change: "&cThat wouldn't result in a price change!"
you-cant-afford-a-new-shop: "&cIt costs {0} to create a new shop."
you-cant-afford-to-change-price: "&cIt costs {0} to change the price in your shop."
success-created-shop: "&aCreated shop."
success-removed-shop: "&aShop removed."
shops-arent-locked: "&cRemember, shops are NOT protected from theft! If you want to stop thieves, lock it with LWC, Lockette, etc!"
shop-creation-cancelled: "&cCancelled Shop Creation."
shop-purchase-cancelled: "&cSatin Alma Iptal Edildi."
shop-stock-too-low: "&cThe shop only has {0} {1} left"
you-cant-afford-to-buy: "&cThat costs {0}, but you only have {1}"
negative-amount: "&cDerp, can't trade negative amounts"
player-bought-from-your-store: "&c{0} purchased {1} {2} from your store."
shop-out-of-stock: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, has run out of {3}"
shop-has-no-space: "&cThe shop only has room for {0} more {1}."
you-dont-have-that-many-items: "&cYou only have {0} {1}."
the-owner-cant-afford-to-buy-from-you: "&cBunun Fiyati &e${0} &cAma Sizin Paraniz &e${1}"
player-sold-to-your-store: "&a{0} sold {1} {2} to your store."
shop-out-of-space: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, is now full."
fee-charged-for-price-change: "&aYou pay &c{0}&a to change the price."
price-is-now: "&aThe shops new price is &e{0}"
thats-not-a-number: "&cInvalid number"
no-price-given: "&cPlease give a valid price."
average-price-nearby: "&aAverage Price Nearby: &e{0}"
shop-has-changed: "&cThe shop you tried to use has changed since you clicked it!"
nearby-shop-this-way: "&aShop is {0} blocks away from you."
no-nearby-shop: "&cNo shops matching {0} nearby."
buying-more-than-selling: "&cWARNING: You are buying items for more than you are selling them!"
not-enough-space: "&cYou only have room for {0} more of that!"
refill-success: "&aRefill success"
empty-success: "&aEmpty success"

    successful-purchase: "&aSatin Alma Basarili:"
    successfully-sold: "&aSuccessfully Sold:"
    item-name-and-price: "&e{0} Adet {1} &aUcret &e{2}"
    enchants: "&5Enchants"
    stored-enchants: "&5Stored Enchants"
    shop-information: "&aMarket Bilgileri:"
    owner: "&aSahibi: &e{0}"
    item: "&aEsya: &e{0}"
    space: "&aSpace: &e{0}"
    stock: "&aStok &e{0}"
    price-per: "&a&e{0} &4Tanesi &a- &e${1}"
    total-value-of-chest: "&aTotal value of Chest: &e{0}"
    damage-percent-remaining: "&e{0}% &aRemaining."
    this-shop-is-buying: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatin Aliyor&a."
    this-shop-is-selling: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatiyor&a."
bypassing-lock: "&cBypassing a QuickShop lock!"
that-is-locked: "&cThat shop is locked."

how-many-buy: "&a&3ALMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz."
how-many-sell: "&aSATMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz"

not-allowed-to-create: "&cYou may not create a shop here."
blacklisted-item: "&cThat item is blacklisted. You may not sell it"
how-much-to-trade-for: "&aEnter how much you wish to trade one &e{0}&a for in chat."

   #success-created-unlimited: "&aUnlimited QuickShop created."
   toggle-unlimited: "&aShop is now {0}"
   no-owner-given: "&cNo owner given. Use &a/qs setowner <player>&c"
   new-owner: "&aNew owner: &e{0}"
   now-buying: "&aNow &dBUYING&a &e{0}"
   now-selling: "&aNow &bSELLING &e{0}"
   cleaning: "&aCleaning up shops with 0 stock..."
   reloading: "&aReloading..."
   cleaned: "&aCleaned &e{0}&a shops"
   no-type-given: "&cUsage: /qs find <item>"
       title: "&aQuickShop Help"
       unlimited: "&eMakes a shop unlimited"
       setowner: "&eChanges who owns a shop"
       buy: "&eChanges a shop to &dBUY&e mode"
       sell: "&eChanges a shop to &bSELL&e mode"
       clean: "&eRemoves all (loaded) shops with 0 stock"
       price: "&eChanges the buy/selling price of one of your shops"
       find: "&eLocates the nearest shop of a specific type."
       reload: "&eReloads QuickShop from config.yml"
       refill: "&eAdds a given number of items to a shop"
       empty: "&eRemoves all stock from a shop"
    #Line 1 is used as an identifier at the moment, so I kind of need it to work, thats why I won't let you change it
    #Line 3 is the item name... There really isnt anything to change.
    selling: "Satiyor {0}"
    buying: "Buying {0}"
    price: "Tanesi {0}"
[DOUBLEPOST=1410603143,1410603104][/DOUBLEPOST]Sanırım market kurarken zorluk çekiyorsun bu eklenti senin için yapıldı :D
Linki görebilmek için üye olmanız gerekiyor. Giriş yap veya üye ol.
Eğer marketi türkçe istiyorsan messagese gir bütün yazıları sil bunu yaz türkçe olur kendim ayarladım
# Colors:
# &0-9, &a-f
# {0}, {1}, {2}, etc are variables. You can swap them around, but adding a new variable won't work. Removing them will work

not-looking-at-shop: "&cNo QuickShop found. You must be looking at one."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to do that."
no-creative-break: "&cYou cannot break other players shops in creative mode.  Use survival instead."
no-double-chests: "&cYou don't have permission to create a double-chest shop."
shop-already-owned: "&cThat is already a shop."
chest-was-removed: "&cThat chest was removed."
price-too-cheap: "&cPrice must be greater than &e$0.01"
no-price-change: "&cThat wouldn't result in a price change!"
you-cant-afford-a-new-shop: "&cIt costs {0} to create a new shop."
you-cant-afford-to-change-price: "&cIt costs {0} to change the price in your shop."
success-created-shop: "&aCreated shop."
success-removed-shop: "&aShop removed."
shops-arent-locked: "&cRemember, shops are NOT protected from theft! If you want to stop thieves, lock it with LWC, Lockette, etc!"
shop-creation-cancelled: "&cCancelled Shop Creation."
shop-purchase-cancelled: "&cSatin Alma Iptal Edildi."
shop-stock-too-low: "&cThe shop only has {0} {1} left"
you-cant-afford-to-buy: "&cThat costs {0}, but you only have {1}"
negative-amount: "&cDerp, can't trade negative amounts"
player-bought-from-your-store: "&c{0} purchased {1} {2} from your store."
shop-out-of-stock: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, has run out of {3}"
shop-has-no-space: "&cThe shop only has room for {0} more {1}."
you-dont-have-that-many-items: "&cYou only have {0} {1}."
the-owner-cant-afford-to-buy-from-you: "&cBunun Fiyati &e${0} &cAma Sizin Paraniz &e${1}"
player-sold-to-your-store: "&a{0} sold {1} {2} to your store."
shop-out-of-space: "&5Your shop at {0}, {1}, {2}, is now full."
fee-charged-for-price-change: "&aYou pay &c{0}&a to change the price."
price-is-now: "&aThe shops new price is &e{0}"
thats-not-a-number: "&cInvalid number"
no-price-given: "&cPlease give a valid price."
average-price-nearby: "&aAverage Price Nearby: &e{0}"
shop-has-changed: "&cThe shop you tried to use has changed since you clicked it!"
nearby-shop-this-way: "&aShop is {0} blocks away from you."
no-nearby-shop: "&cNo shops matching {0} nearby."
buying-more-than-selling: "&cWARNING: You are buying items for more than you are selling them!"
not-enough-space: "&cYou only have room for {0} more of that!"
refill-success: "&aRefill success"
empty-success: "&aEmpty success"

    successful-purchase: "&aSatin Alma Basarili:"
    successfully-sold: "&aSuccessfully Sold:"
    item-name-and-price: "&e{0} Adet {1} &aUcret &e{2}"
    enchants: "&5Enchants"
    stored-enchants: "&5Stored Enchants"
    shop-information: "&aMarket Bilgileri:"
    owner: "&aSahibi: &e{0}"
    item: "&aEsya: &e{0}"
    space: "&aSpace: &e{0}"
    stock: "&aStok &e{0}"
    price-per: "&a&e{0} &4Tanesi &a- &e${1}"
    total-value-of-chest: "&aTotal value of Chest: &e{0}"
    damage-percent-remaining: "&e{0}% &aRemaining."
    this-shop-is-buying: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatin Aliyor&a."
    this-shop-is-selling: "&aBu Market Esya &dSatiyor&a."
bypassing-lock: "&cBypassing a QuickShop lock!"
that-is-locked: "&cThat shop is locked."

how-many-buy: "&a&3ALMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz."
how-many-sell: "&aSATMAK &aIstediginiz miktari konusma penceresine yaziniz"

not-allowed-to-create: "&cYou may not create a shop here."
blacklisted-item: "&cThat item is blacklisted. You may not sell it"
how-much-to-trade-for: "&aEnter how much you wish to trade one &e{0}&a for in chat."

   #success-created-unlimited: "&aUnlimited QuickShop created."
   toggle-unlimited: "&aShop is now {0}"
   no-owner-given: "&cNo owner given. Use &a/qs setowner <player>&c"
   new-owner: "&aNew owner: &e{0}"
   now-buying: "&aNow &dBUYING&a &e{0}"
   now-selling: "&aNow &bSELLING &e{0}"
   cleaning: "&aCleaning up shops with 0 stock..."
   reloading: "&aReloading..."
   cleaned: "&aCleaned &e{0}&a shops"
   no-type-given: "&cUsage: /qs find <item>"
       title: "&aQuickShop Help"
       unlimited: "&eMakes a shop unlimited"
       setowner: "&eChanges who owns a shop"
       buy: "&eChanges a shop to &dBUY&e mode"
       sell: "&eChanges a shop to &bSELL&e mode"
       clean: "&eRemoves all (loaded) shops with 0 stock"
       price: "&eChanges the buy/selling price of one of your shops"
       find: "&eLocates the nearest shop of a specific type."
       reload: "&eReloads QuickShop from config.yml"
       refill: "&eAdds a given number of items to a shop"
       empty: "&eRemoves all stock from a shop"
    #Line 1 is used as an identifier at the moment, so I kind of need it to work, thats why I won't let you change it
    #Line 3 is the item name... There really isnt anything to change.
    selling: "Satiyor {0}"
    buying: "Buying {0}"
    price: "Tanesi {0}"
İşimi Zorlaştırmayamı Çalışıyorsun? -_-


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ben zannetimki market kurarken zorlanıyorsun item id felandı