# #
# Welcome to CharsAPI config ;] #
# #
# -Author: Merbio #
# #
# This option allows you to change translation of plugin.
# Translates are in folder: CharsAPI/Language
# To change translate you change there any 'language' to translate name file
# If you want, you can create your own translate by creating file in CharsAPI/Language
# To make simplify this, in CharsAPI/Language you will be have Empty Translation File.
# Exapmle configuration:
# Your created file: XY.yml
# language: XY
# If you want you can public your translation:
# on Spigot in comment: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/charsapi.3439/
# or you can send to me file on private message to add this to source of plugin ;]
language: EN
# #
# Builder Options Section #
# #
# Max font size blocade when you use command /ch font <SIZE>
max_font_size: 30
# How many blocks over player will be builded chars
space_over_player: 2
# How many blocks buillder will be create spacing in chars
# when you using default font
letter: 1
word: 3
# if equals 'true' blocks in chars when will be building
# will be replace any air blocks
only_air_blocade: true
# #
# Exceptions Section #
# #
# allows to make notify you in console when plugin use too much
# falling blocks in what time, what can make laggs
enable_falling_blocks_notify: true
# numbers of maximum blocks handling in one time to where you no will be inform
ammount_falling_blocks_to_notify: 10000