Taş Madencisi
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
CS:GO Rütbeleri
Komutlar :
Sürüm - Versiyon :
Şuanda skript sürümü v1.0'dır. Diğer sürümlerde eklenecekler ;
Kod :

Özellikler :
- Adam Öldürme Sayısına Göre CS:GO Rütbelerine Terfi
- Rank Gorme
- Rank Sifirlama
- Rank Atlanildiginda kisiye OZEL MESAJ ve SES EFEKTI.

Komutlar :
- /ranksifirla -> Adminlere özeldir. Sunucunuzda parayla rank sıfırlayabilirsiniz alın size kazanç fikri
- /rankbak -> Oyuncu hangi rank ise özel olarak mesaj ile rankı oyuncuya belirtilir.

Sürüm - Versiyon :
Şuanda skript sürümü v1.0'dır. Diğer sürümlerde eklenecekler ;
- Rank Bilgi -> Hangi rank kaç puan görebileceksiniz.
- Rank Ver -> Adminler istedikleri oyuncuya istedikleri rankı verebilecek alın size kazanç fikri 2
- Şuanki sürümde rankler genel olarak oluşmakta. Diğer sürümlerde bütün ranklar olacaktır.
- /ranksec -> VIP yada Admin'ler istediği rank'I seçebilecektir. Tabii permi kime verirseniz.

Kod :
on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
add 2 to {csgo::%attacker%}
add -1 to {csgo::%victim%}
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 10:
send "&a10 &6puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silverbir"
send "&7 >> &aSilver I &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 30:
send "&630 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silveriki"
send "&7 >> &aSilver II &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 50:
send "&650 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silveruc"
send "&7 >> &aSilver III &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 60:
send "&660 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novabir"
send "&7 >> &aNova I &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 80:
send "&680 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novaiki"
send "&7 >> &aNova II &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 150:
send "&6150 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novauc"
send "&7 >> &aNova III &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 200:
send "&6200 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% keles"
send "&7 >> &aKeles &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 230:
send "&6230 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% guzide"
send "&7 >> &aGuzide &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 270:
send "&6270 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% supreme"
send "&7 >> &aSupreme &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 300:
send "&6300 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% global"
send "&7 >> &aGlobal Elite &4rankina terfi edildin! Mukemmelsin!" to attacker
command /ranksifirla <text>:
permission: rank.sifirla
permission message: &cMaalesef buna yetkin yok!
delete {csgo::%arg%}
send "&7 >> &b%arg 1% Adli Oyuncunun Rank'i sifirlandi." to player
command /rankbak:
if {csgo::%player%} is 10:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER I" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 30:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER II" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 50:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER III" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 60:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA I" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 80:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA II" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 150:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA III" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 200:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lKELES" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 230:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lGUZIDE" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 270:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSUPREME" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 300:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lGLOBAL ELITE" to player
send "&7 >> Henuz Bir Rank'iniz yok."
on death:
attacker is a player
victim is a player
add 2 to {csgo::%attacker%}
add -1 to {csgo::%victim%}
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 10:
send "&a10 &6puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silverbir"
send "&7 >> &aSilver I &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 30:
send "&630 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silveriki"
send "&7 >> &aSilver II &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 50:
send "&650 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% silveruc"
send "&7 >> &aSilver III &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 60:
send "&660 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novabir"
send "&7 >> &aNova I &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 80:
send "&680 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novaiki"
send "&7 >> &aNova II &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 150:
send "&6150 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% novauc"
send "&7 >> &aNova III &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 200:
send "&6200 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% keles"
send "&7 >> &aKeles &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 230:
send "&6230 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% guzide"
send "&7 >> &aGuzide &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 270:
send "&6270 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% supreme"
send "&7 >> &aSupreme &4rankina terfi edildin!" to attacker
if {csgo::%attacker%} is 300:
send "&6300 puana sahipsin" to attacker
loop 2 times:
execute console command "/playsound fireworks.largeBlast %attacker%"
execute console command "/manuadd %attacker% global"
send "&7 >> &aGlobal Elite &4rankina terfi edildin! Mukemmelsin!" to attacker
command /ranksifirla <text>:
permission: rank.sifirla
permission message: &cMaalesef buna yetkin yok!
delete {csgo::%arg%}
send "&7 >> &b%arg 1% Adli Oyuncunun Rank'i sifirlandi." to player
command /rankbak:
if {csgo::%player%} is 10:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER I" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 30:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER II" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 50:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSILVER III" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 60:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA I" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 80:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA II" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 150:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lNOVA III" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 200:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lKELES" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 230:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lGUZIDE" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 270:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lSUPREME" to player
if {csgo::%player%} is 300:
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz &6: &4&lGLOBAL ELITE" to player
send "&7 >> Henuz Bir Rank'iniz yok."
command /rankver <player> <text>:
if %arg 2% is silver1:
set 10 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Silver I yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is silver2:
set 30 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Silver II yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is silver3:
set 50 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Silver III yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is nova1:
set 60 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Nova I yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is nova2:
set 80 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Nova II yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is nova3:
set 150 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Nova III yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is keles:
set 200 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Keles yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is guzide:
set 230 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan Guzide yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
if %arg 2% is globalelite:
set 300 to {csgo::%arg 1%}
send "&7 >> &aRankiniz %player% isimli admin tarafindan GLOBAL ELITE yapilmistir." to %arg 1%
command /rankbilgi:
send "" to player
send "" to player
send "7&>> &aBir Oyuncuyu Oldurdugunuzde &c&l2 PUAN &aalirsiniz." to player
send "7&>> &aOldugunuzde &c&l1 PUAN &akaybedersiniz." to player
send "7&>> &aSILVER I = &c&l10 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aSILVER II = &c&l30 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aSILVER III = &c&l50 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aNOVA I = &c&l160 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aNOVA II = &c&l80 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aNOVA III = &c&l150 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aKELES = &c&l200 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aGUZIDE = &c&l230 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aSUPREME = &c&l270 PUAN" to player
send "7&>> &aGLOBAL ELITE = &c&l300 PUAN" to player
send "" to player
send "" to player
Eğer işinize yaradıysa BEĞEN'meyi unutmayınız. 
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