on chat:
loop all players:
if message contains "%loop-player%":
if {ignore.%loop-player%.%player%} is not set:
if {ignore.%player%.%loop-player%} is not set:
send loop-players title " " with subtitle "&6%player% senden bahsetti!" for 1 seconds
if {ignore.%loop-player%.%player%} is not true:
if {ignore.%player%.%loop-player%} is not true:
send loop-players title " " with subtitle "&6%player% senden bahsetti!" for 1 seconds
if {_message} is not set:
set {_message} to message
replace all "%loop-player%" with "&a%loop-player%&r" in message
if {ignore.%loop-player%.%player%} is not set:
if {ignore.%player%.%loop-player%} is not set:
set action bar of loop-player to coloured "&6%{_message}%"
play sound "LEVEL_UP" to loop-player with volume 10 and pitch 5
if {ignore.%loop-player%.%player%} is not true:
if {ignore.%player%.%loop-player%} is not true:
set action bar of loop-player to coloured "&6%{_message}%"
play sound "LEVEL_UP" to loop-player with volume 10 and pitch 5
# Temelleri nasıl düzelttiğimi beğenmediyseniz, sorunu görmezden gelin. sadece aşağıdaki tüm kodu kaldırın.
command /ignore [<offlineplayer>]:
if arg is set:
set {ignore.%player%.%arg%} to true
set {ignoreset.%player%} to true
wait 0.1 second
make player execute command "/ignoreplayer %arg%"
wait 0.1 second
set {ignoreset.%player%} to false
delete {ignoreset.%player%}
message "/Ignore <player>"
command /unignore [<offlineplayer>]:
if arg is set:
set {ignore.%player%.%arg%} to false
set {ignoreset.%player%} to true
wait 0.1 second
make player execute command "/unignoreplayer %arg%"
wait 0.1 second
set {ignoreset.%player%} to false
delete {ignoreset.%player%}
delete {ignore.%player%.%arg%}
message "/UnIgnore <player>"
on command "/unignoreplayer":
if {ignoreset.%player%} is not set:
cancel event
if {ignoreset.%player%} is false:
cancel event
on command "/ignoreplayer":
if {ignoreset.%player%} is not set:
cancel event
if {ignoreset.%player%} is false:
cancel event