[İstek] Basit Can Skript


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En iyi cevaplar
Beyler sizden skript isteğim olucak basit bir skript.
Mesela grouplu olucak vipe groupu verdimi vip oyuna 30 kalple başlıcak şimdiden teşşekürler.


Altın Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
command /vip <player>:
set arg-1's maximum health to 30


Obsidyen Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
command /vipcan:
    permission: kalp.vip
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
        wait 2 seccond
        Set player's maximum 1 health to {level.%loop-player%}
o yetkiye girdimi yapmayı bulamadım ama kod yazarak yapabilir olacagını düşünüyorum
- seccond <-- Yazım yanlışının ırzına geçilmiş direk...
- loop-player <-- Bu kod, loop yapılmadan kullanılmaz
- set player's maximum health 1 to {level.%loop-player%} <-- Böyle bir kod yok.


Hayalet Avcısı
En iyi cevaplar
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