[İSTEK]KanEmici Ability

Dul Bırakan

Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
En iyi cevaplar
Adam Öldürünce 2 kalp Eklencek Yani normalde 10 kalbin varya 12 Kalbin olcak


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        heal attacker by 2.5 hearts
        send "&4 %victim% 'i Keserek &a2.5&4 Can Kazandin!" to attacker

Al bakalım :)
Linki görebilmek için üye olmanız gerekiyor. Giriş yap veya üye ol.

Dul Bırakan

Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
En iyi cevaplar
Olmadı İStegim gibi deyil cana 2.5 kalp kattı eklemedi ben eklemesini istiom 20 kalp e kadar eklicek
Son düzenleme:


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
on death:
[tab]victim is a player
[tab]attacker is a player
[tab]if maximum health of attacker is smaller than 20:
[tab][tab]add 2 to maximum health of attacker
Olması lazım


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Konuyu editlemissin ben 2.5 can dolcak sandım yapıp atıcam telefondayım suan


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Şu şekilde yaptım uzun zamandır skriptle ugrasmadıgımdan +2.5 can vermeyi unuttum.Attığım skriptde Adam öldürdükçe Puan kazanirsin, ölen kişi ise puan düşer.En fazla 10 puana sahip olayabiliyorsun en az ise 0.
Her puan oyuncunun canina +2 can ekliyor(1 kalp)

Mesela ben seni öldürdüm +1 puan (2 can) kazanıyorum sen öldüğün için -1 Puan (2 can) kaybediyorsun.
Skripti denemedim calısmazsa biyerde yazım hatası gibi saçma bi hata yapmısımdır onuda düzeltirsin :)

on first login:
    set {%player%.puan} to 0

command /puan:
        send "&6Puaniniz: &4 %{%player%.puan}%" to player

on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        if {%victim%.puan} is smaller than 1:
            send "&aOyuncunun Puani Olmadigindan Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
            if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 9:
                send "&aMaksimum Puana Sahip oldugun icin Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
                remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
                send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
                send "&a+1 Puan Kazandin" to attacker
                add 1 to {%attacker%.puan}
                remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
                send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim

on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        wait 1 second
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 20
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 1:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 22
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 2:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 24
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 3:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 26
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 4:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 28
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 5:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 30
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 6:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 32
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 7:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 34
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 8:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 36
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 9:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 38
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 10:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 40
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 20
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 1:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 22
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 2:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 24
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 3:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 26
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 4:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 28
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 5:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 30
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 6:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 32
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 7:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 34
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 8:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 36
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 9:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 38
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 10:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 40
        if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 10:
            send "Maksimum Puana Eristin Daha Fazla Can Kazanamazsin" to attacker
Son düzenleme:


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
on first login eklemeyi unutmusum oyuncunun ilkgirisinde oyuncunun puanini 0'a esitlemen gerek yapmayı bilmiyorsan yapıp atayım onuda.Skriptin calısması için sunucuya ilk kez girmiş olman gerekir ya yeni hesap açıp dene yada oyuncu bilgilerini silmen lazım :)

on first login:
    set {%player%.puan} to 0

command /puan:
        send "&6Puaniniz: &4 %{%player%.puan}%" to player

on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        if {%victim%.puan} is smaller than 1:
            send "&aOyuncunun Puani Olmadigindan Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
            if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 9:
                send "&aMaksimum Puana Sahip oldugun icin Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
                remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
                send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
                send "&a+1 Puan Kazandin" to attacker
                add 1 to {%attacker%.puan}
                remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
                send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim

on death of player:
    attacker is a player:
        wait 1 second
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 20
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 1:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 22
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 2:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 24
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 3:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 26
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 4:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 28
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 5:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 30
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 6:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 32
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 7:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 34
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 8:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 36
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 9:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 38
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 10:
            set the maximum health of the victim to 40
        if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 20
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 1:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 22
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 2:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 24
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 3:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 26
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 4:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 28
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 5:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 30
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 6:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 32
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 7:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 34
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 8:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 36
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 9:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 38
        if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 10:
            set the maximum health of the attacker to 40
        if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 10:
            send "Maksimum Puana Eristin Daha Fazla Can Kazanamazsin" to attacker
Son düzenleme:

Dul Bırakan

Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
En iyi cevaplar
Ya Puansız olcak Çünkü ben Yetenek Yapcam Kite Yetenk Eklicem

Serverime Gelirsen Anlarsın



Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
ozaman hocam nasıl yapıldığını unuttum ama +2.5 gibi bişi ekleniyordu onu arastırıp bulman lazım o kod satırını :)


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ben olmasam forumda skripter kalmıyacak he.
Buyur bilader denemedim ama çalışması gerek:

on death:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            add 2.5 to maximum health of attacker
            message "<red>%victim%:Ohaa resmen iliğimi kuruttu .s .s" to attacker
on death:
    if victim is a player:
        if maximum health of victim is larger than 10:
            set maximum health of victim to 10
Baya zaman oldu ugrasmayalıı "set" kısmını "add" yaparak yapabileceğimizi bile unutmusum :D

Dul Bırakan

Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
En iyi cevaplar
Ben olmasam forumda skripter kalmıyacak he.
Buyur bilader denemedim ama çalışması gerek:

on death:
    if attacker is a player:
        if victim is a player:
            add 2.5 to maximum health of attacker
            message "<red>%victim%:Ohaa resmen iliğimi kuruttu .s .s" to attacker
on death:
    if victim is a player:
        if maximum health of victim is larger than 10:
            set maximum health of victim to 10
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