Dul Bırakan
Ďℍ₰ ƐXƬΛSY ☠™ //// ƵŦ|☪ Naked™
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
Adam Öldürünce 2 kalp Eklencek Yani normalde 10 kalbin varya 12 Kalbin olcak
on death of player:
attacker is a player:
heal attacker by 2.5 hearts
send "&4 %victim% 'i Keserek &a2.5&4 Can Kazandin!" to attacker
on death:
[tab]victim is a player
[tab]attacker is a player
[tab]if maximum health of attacker is smaller than 20:
[tab][tab]add 2 to maximum health of attacker
BekliyorumKonuyu editlemissin ben 2.5 can dolcak sandım yapıp atıcam telefondayım suan
on first login:
set {%player%.puan} to 0
command /puan:
send "&6Puaniniz: &4 %{%player%.puan}%" to player
on death of player:
attacker is a player:
if {%victim%.puan} is smaller than 1:
send "&aOyuncunun Puani Olmadigindan Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 9:
send "&aMaksimum Puana Sahip oldugun icin Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
send "&a+1 Puan Kazandin" to attacker
add 1 to {%attacker%.puan}
remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
on death of player:
attacker is a player:
wait 1 second
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
set the maximum health of the victim to 20
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 1:
set the maximum health of the victim to 22
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 2:
set the maximum health of the victim to 24
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 3:
set the maximum health of the victim to 26
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 4:
set the maximum health of the victim to 28
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 5:
set the maximum health of the victim to 30
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 6:
set the maximum health of the victim to 32
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 7:
set the maximum health of the victim to 34
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 8:
set the maximum health of the victim to 36
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 9:
set the maximum health of the victim to 38
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 10:
set the maximum health of the victim to 40
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 20
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 1:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 22
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 2:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 24
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 3:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 26
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 4:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 28
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 5:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 30
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 6:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 32
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 7:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 34
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 8:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 36
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 9:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 38
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 10:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 40
if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 10:
send "Maksimum Puana Eristin Daha Fazla Can Kazanamazsin" to attacker
Hatası varsa yazar mısın [tab] yazan yerlere tab tuşunu yapmalısınolmadı
on first login:
set {%player%.puan} to 0
command /puan:
send "&6Puaniniz: &4 %{%player%.puan}%" to player
on death of player:
attacker is a player:
if {%victim%.puan} is smaller than 1:
send "&aOyuncunun Puani Olmadigindan Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 9:
send "&aMaksimum Puana Sahip oldugun icin Puan Kazanamadin" to attacker
remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
send "&a+1 Puan Kazandin" to attacker
add 1 to {%attacker%.puan}
remove 1 from {%victim%.puan}
send "&4Geberdigin icin -1 Puan Kaybettin" to victim
on death of player:
attacker is a player:
wait 1 second
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
set the maximum health of the victim to 20
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 1:
set the maximum health of the victim to 22
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 2:
set the maximum health of the victim to 24
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 3:
set the maximum health of the victim to 26
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 4:
set the maximum health of the victim to 28
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 5:
set the maximum health of the victim to 30
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 6:
set the maximum health of the victim to 32
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 7:
set the maximum health of the victim to 34
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 8:
set the maximum health of the victim to 36
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 9:
set the maximum health of the victim to 38
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 10:
set the maximum health of the victim to 40
if {%victim%.puan} is equal to 0:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 20
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 1:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 22
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 2:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 24
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 3:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 26
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 4:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 28
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 5:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 30
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 6:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 32
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 7:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 34
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 8:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 36
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 9:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 38
if {%attacker%.puan} is equal to 10:
set the maximum health of the attacker to 40
if {%attacker%.puan} is greater than 10:
send "Maksimum Puana Eristin Daha Fazla Can Kazanamazsin" to attacker
Of Nasıl Bulcam yaozaman hocam nasıl yapıldığını unuttum ama +2.5 gibi bişi ekleniyordu onu arastırıp bulman lazım o kod satırını![]()
Baya zaman oldu ugrasmayalıı "set" kısmını "add" yaparak yapabileceğimizi bile unutmusumBen olmasam forumda skripter kalmıyacak he.
Buyur bilader denemedim ama çalışması gerek:
Kod:on death: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player: add 2.5 to maximum health of attacker message "<red>%victim%:Ohaa resmen iliğimi kuruttu .s .s" to attacker on death: if victim is a player: if maximum health of victim is larger than 10: set maximum health of victim to 10
TheProfessional bunuda YaparmısınBen olmasam forumda skripter kalmıyacak he.
Buyur bilader denemedim ama çalışması gerek:
Kod:on death: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player: add 2.5 to maximum health of attacker message "<red>%victim%:Ohaa resmen iliğimi kuruttu .s .s" to attacker on death: if victim is a player: if maximum health of victim is larger than 10: set maximum health of victim to 10