command /arrowrain <player>:
set {arrowraintarget.%arg 1%} to 1
command /arrowrainstop <player>:
set {arrowraintarget.%arg 1%} to 0
run arg-1 command "/killall arrow" as op
every 3 ticks:
loop all players:
if {arrowraintarget.%loop-player%} is 1:
spawn arrow at block 3 blocks above loop-player
on join:
set {arrowraintarget.%player%} to 0
on quit:
set {arrowraintarget.%player%} to 0
place of flower pot:
send "&4&l☢ &cNukleer bomba %location of event-block% da aktiflesti. Herkes o noktadan uzaklassin!!" to players
wait 5 second
loop blocks in radius 10 around event-block:
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 10 around event-block:
kill the loop-entity
wait 2 seconds
loop blocks in radius 15 around event-block:
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 15 around event-block:
kill the loop-entity
wait 2 seconds
loop blocks in radius 20 around event-block:
set loop-block to air
loop entities in radius 20 around event-block:
kill the loop-entity
Bizim spawn gitti Okumadım scripti eğğ :PHP:place of flower pot: send "&4&l☢ &cNukleer bomba %location of event-block% da aktiflesti. Herkes o noktadan uzaklassin!!" to players wait 5 second loop blocks in radius 10 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 10 around event-block: kill the loop-entity wait 2 seconds loop blocks in radius 15 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 15 around event-block: kill the loop-entity wait 2 seconds loop blocks in radius 20 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 20 around event-block: kill the loop-entity wait 2 seconds
Kastırabilme ihtimali var, az önce yaptım.
Ciddi değilsindir herhalde..Bizim spawn gitti Okumadım scripti eğğ :
Üzdün bea,hemde çok fena üzdünBizim spawn gitti Okumadım scripti eğğ :
bunu biliyorumda daha güzel bir şey lazımTikla Bir Arkadaşıma ait Plugin İstersen bunu dene
teşşekürler deniyiceyimUygun Sürümler
1.9 - 1.10
1.8 - 1.7 [ Plugin ]
Kullanışlı 1.7 - 1.8 [ Plugin ]
ne oluyor bunda biraz açıklarmısın?PHP:place of flower pot: send "&4&l☢ &cNukleer bomba %location of event-block% da aktiflesti. Herkes o noktadan uzaklassin!!" to players wait 5 second loop blocks in radius 10 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 10 around event-block: kill the loop-entity wait 2 seconds loop blocks in radius 15 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 15 around event-block: kill the loop-entity wait 2 seconds loop blocks in radius 20 around event-block: set loop-block to air loop entities in radius 20 around event-block: kill the loop-entity
Kastırabilme ihtimali var, az önce yaptım.
on command "/fakeopver":
[TAB]broadcast "&7CONSOLE : Opped arkadasininismi
[TAB]cancel event
bunu biliyorumda daha güzel bir şey lazım
teşşekürler deniyiceyim
ne oluyor bunda biraz açıklarmısın?
güzel teşşekürlerO bir nükleer bomba. Yere saksı koyduğunda Alarm veriyor, sonra sırasıyla 10, 15, 20 blok etrafındakileri öldürüp blokları siliyor.
command /fakekick [<player>] [<text>]:
permission: fake.kick
permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&rUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&rUnknown command. Type ""/help"" for help."
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
kick arg 1 due to "{@kprefix}%nl%%colored arg 2%"
send "{@prefix} &7Trollendin! xD &8(&7%arg 1%&8)!"