Zombi Katili
- Mesajlar
- 203
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
- Beğeniler
- 29
- Puanları
- 0
on death of horse:
if victim's name is set:
clear drops"
Bu kısımda at'ın üstündeki eyer ve deri düşüyor ve yerde kalıyor silmiyor düşen itemleri.Neden böyle yardım edermisiniz
on death of horse:
if victim's name is set:
clear drops"
Bu kısımda at'ın üstündeki eyer ve deri düşüyor ve yerde kalıyor silmiyor düşen itemleri.Neden böyle yardım edermisiniz
on leftclick with book:
if name of player's tool is "&6At Kitabi":
if {AT.%player%} is not set:
spawn a horse at player
equip the spawned horse with saddle
set spawned horse's name to "&6%player%"
set {AT.%player%} to true
if {AT.%player%} is false:
spawn a horse at player
equip the spawned horse with saddle
set spawned horse's name to "&6%player%"
set {AT.%player%} to true
if {AT.%player%} is true:
send "&6Zaten at cagirmissin geri yollamak icin kitaba sag tikla."
on rightclick with book:
if name of player's tool is "&6At Kitabi":
if {AT.%player%} is true:
loop all horses:
display name of loop-entity is "&6%player%"
kill loop-entity
set {AT.%player%} to false
if {AT.%player%} is false:
send "&6At cagirmak icin kitaba sol tikla."
on damage:
if victim is a horse:
if victim's name is set:
if attacker is player:
send "&6Sahibi olan bir ata vuramazsin" to attacker
cancel event
cancel event
on death of horse:
if victim's name is set:
clear drops
command /at [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "kitap":
give 1 book named "&6At Kitabi" to player
if arg 1 is "bug":
delete {AT.%player%}
send "&6Bug basariyla düzeltildi"
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&6/at kitap 1 tane at kitabi verir." to player
send "&6/at bug Olusan bugu düzeltir" to player