Kill Chest | Skript | By; NoCRY


En iyi cevaplar

    message: &6&l%player%'s Sandigi
    sound: ORB_PICKUP

on death of player:
    play "{@sound}" to attacker
    set the block at location of victim to chest
    set {_dchest} to block at location of victim
    add inventory of victim to {_dchest}
    add helmet of victim to {_dchest}
    add chestplate of victim to {_dchest}
    add leggings of victim to {_dchest}
    add boots of victim to {_dchest}
    clear drops
    set {_holo} to block above {_dchest}
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    create interactive holo object "{@message}" with id "%{_loc}%" at location of {_holo}

on break of chest:
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    delete holo object "%{_loc}%"

on hologram touch:
    set {_id} to "%event-string%" parsed as number
    set {_xs} to floor({_id}/10000000000)
    set {_zs} to floor(({_id} - {_xs}*10000000000)/1000000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - ({_xs}*10000000000 + {_zs}*1000000000))
    set {_x} to floor({_id}/1000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_x}*1000000)
    set {_y} to floor({_id}/1000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_y}*1000)
    set {_z} to floor({_id})
    if {_xs} is equal to 1:
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
    if {_zs} is equal to 1:
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
    set {_location} to location
    subtract 0.5 from {_x}
    subtract 0.5 from {_y}
    subtract 0.5 from {_z}
    set x-coordinate of {_location} to {_x}
    set y-coordinate of {_location} to {_y}
    set z-coordinate of {_location} to {_z}
    open the inventory of the block at {_location} to player

Skriptin tam çalışabilmesi için holographic displays , SkyRayfall Gereklidir.



JavaScript, Html5, Css,Skript
En iyi cevaplar

    message: &6&l%player%'s Sandigi
    sound: ORB_PICKUP

on death of player:
    play "{@sound}" to attacker
    set the block at location of victim to chest
    set {_dchest} to block at location of victim
    add inventory of victim to {_dchest}
    add helmet of victim to {_dchest}
    add chestplate of victim to {_dchest}
    add leggings of victim to {_dchest}
    add boots of victim to {_dchest}
    clear drops
    set {_holo} to block above {_dchest}
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    create interactive holo object "{@message}" with id "%{_loc}%" at location of {_holo}

on break of chest:
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    delete holo object "%{_loc}%"

on hologram touch:
    set {_id} to "%event-string%" parsed as number
    set {_xs} to floor({_id}/10000000000)
    set {_zs} to floor(({_id} - {_xs}*10000000000)/1000000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - ({_xs}*10000000000 + {_zs}*1000000000))
    set {_x} to floor({_id}/1000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_x}*1000000)
    set {_y} to floor({_id}/1000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_y}*1000)
    set {_z} to floor({_id})
    if {_xs} is equal to 1:
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
    if {_zs} is equal to 1:
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
    set {_location} to location
    subtract 0.5 from {_x}
    subtract 0.5 from {_y}
    subtract 0.5 from {_z}
    set x-coordinate of {_location} to {_x}
    set y-coordinate of {_location} to {_y}
    set z-coordinate of {_location} to {_z}
    open the inventory of the block at {_location} to player

Skriptin tam çalışabilmesi için holographic displays , SkyRayfall Gereklidir.

Konu Üzerindeki Fotoğraf Çalışmıyor.
Ayrıca Biraz Açıklarsan Skriptin Amacını Nasıl Kurulur Çalıştırılır Anlatırsan Sevinirim.


En iyi cevaplar

    message: &6&l%player%'s Sandigi
    sound: ORB_PICKUP

on death of player:
    play "{@sound}" to attacker
    set the block at location of victim to chest
    set {_dchest} to block at location of victim
    add inventory of victim to {_dchest}
    add helmet of victim to {_dchest}
    add chestplate of victim to {_dchest}
    add leggings of victim to {_dchest}
    add boots of victim to {_dchest}
    clear drops
    set {_holo} to block above {_dchest}
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of {_dchest}
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    create interactive holo object "{@message}" with id "%{_loc}%" at location of {_holo}

on break of chest:
    set {_x} to x-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_x}
    set {_y} to y-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_y}
    set {_z} to z-coordinate of block
    add 0.5 to {_z}
    if {_x} is less than 0:
        set {_xs} to 1
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
        set {_xs} to 0
    if {_z} is less than 0:
        set {_zs} to 1
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
        set {_zs} to 0
    set {_loc} to (10000000000*{_xs} + 1000000000*{_zs} + 1000000*{_x} + 1000*{_y} + {_z})
    delete holo object "%{_loc}%"

on hologram touch:
    set {_id} to "%event-string%" parsed as number
    set {_xs} to floor({_id}/10000000000)
    set {_zs} to floor(({_id} - {_xs}*10000000000)/1000000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - ({_xs}*10000000000 + {_zs}*1000000000))
    set {_x} to floor({_id}/1000000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_x}*1000000)
    set {_y} to floor({_id}/1000)
    set {_id} to ({_id} - {_y}*1000)
    set {_z} to floor({_id})
    if {_xs} is equal to 1:
        set {_x} to -1*{_x}
    if {_zs} is equal to 1:
        set {_z} to -1*{_z}
    set {_location} to location
    subtract 0.5 from {_x}
    subtract 0.5 from {_y}
    subtract 0.5 from {_z}
    set x-coordinate of {_location} to {_x}
    set y-coordinate of {_location} to {_y}
    set z-coordinate of {_location} to {_z}
    open the inventory of the block at {_location} to player

Skriptin tam çalışabilmesi için holographic displays , SkyRayfall Gereklidir.

Brom Skripti atmışsın iyi güzel,
fakat skript hakkında bir kaç görsel & anlatım olsa daha düzel olmazmıydı ?