kredi skripti lazım ama aynı skript içinde /vipal gibi seyler olması /flyal /paraal /hvipal gibi


Zombi Katili
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kredi skripti lazım ama aynı skript içinde /vipal gibi seyler olması /flyal /paraal /hvipal gibi
bitane /vipa lolsa yeter ben editlerim gerisini

bide eknot : bu konuyla ilgi deil ama buna chestcommands menusu yapabilen olursa guzel olur sadece bi not
moderatorler uayarı atmassa sevinirim /magaza


Elmas Madencisi
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Hocam ChestCommands Menusunu Yapabilirim. Ama Skript İle İlgili Bilgim Olmadığından Onu Yapamıycam. Öbür Türlü Eğer Skript Olursa Özelden Bana Mesaj At...

Bu Arada Skript İçin Sunucu Türü Ne? Faction mı SkyBlock mu ?

Hocam Halil Akdeniz Arkadaşımızın Yaptığı Kredi Skripti Biraz Araştırarak Daha İyilerini Bulabilirsin..SKRİPT BANA AİT DEĞİL. FARKLI BİR FORUMDAN ALDIM.
#---------------------------------|> Kod Yazarı: Halil Akdeniz <|---------------------------------#
    {lapiskazma.%player%} = 0
    {kredi.%player%} = 0
on break of lapis ore:
    if player has permission "kredisansi.use":
        if {lapiskazma.%player%} is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "krediver %player% 1"
            add -9999 to {lapiskazma.%player%}
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Tebrikler. Bizden 1 Kredi Kazandiniz"
            add 2 to {lapiskazma.%player%}
        if {lapiskazma.%player%} is greater than 9999:
            execute console command "krediver %player% 1"
            add -9999 to {lapiskazma.%player%}
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Tebrikler. Bizden 1 Kredi Kazandiniz"
            add 1 to {lapiskazma.%player%}

command /lapis:
        send "&8[&3Banka&8] &4%{lapiskazma.%player%}% &6Tane Lapis Kazdin"

command /krediver <player> <int>:
    usage: "&eKullanim: &4/krediver <oyuncu> <verilecek kredi sayisi>"
    permission: krediver.admin
    permission message: &8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &cBu Komutu Kullanmaya Izniniz Yok!
        arg 1 is set:
            add arg-2 to {kredi.%arg 1%}
            send "&8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &6Oyuncuya basariyla gonderildi"
command /kredim:
        send "&aKredin = &6%{kredi.%player%}%"
command /kredigonder <text>:
    usage: &8[&a+&8] &6 Gonderecegin kisiyi actlirlemelisin!
        if arg 1 is set:
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 0:
                execute console command "krediver %arg-1% 1"
                send "&8[&a+&8] &6 Kredi oyuncuya basariyla gonderildi"
                add -1 to {kredi.%player%}
                send "&8[&a+&8] &6 Yeterli kredin yok!"
            send "&8[&a+&8] &6 Gonderecegin kisiyi actlirlemelisin!"
                                         #Kredi ozellikleri
command /kredicevir25m:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 14:
            execute console command "money give %player% 25000000"
            add -15 to {kredi.%player%}
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &615 Kredi 25 Milyon Liraya Cevrildi"
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Yeterli Krediye Sahip Degilsin"
command /kredicevir50m:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 24:
            execute console command "money give %player% 50000000"
            add -25 to {kredi.%player%}
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &625 Kredi 50 Milyon Liraya Cevrildi"
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Yeterli Krediye Sahip Degilsin"
command /kredicevir75m:
        if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 39:
            execute console command "money give %player% 75000000"
            add -40 to {kredi.%player%}
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &640 Kredi 75 Milyon Liraya Cevrildi"
            send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Yeterli Krediye Sahip Degilsin"
command /kredisansi:
        if player has permission "kredisansi.use":
            send "&8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &6Bu ozelligi zaten almissin!" to player
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than 30:
                execute console command "manuaddp %player% kredisansi.use"
                add -30 to {kredi.%player%}
                send "&8[&3SunucuIsmi&8] &6Bu ozelligi basariyla aldin! Artik kirdigin lapis sayisi 2'ye katlanacak!."
                send "&8[&3Banka&8] &6Yeterli Krediye Sahip Degilsin"
command /kredimagazasi:
        if world is "plotworld":
            send "&6Bu menuyu bu dunyada kullanamassin!" to player
            wait 0.1 seconds
            open chest with 2 rows named "&4&lMENU/KREDI MAGAZA" to player
            wait 1 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with iron ingot named "&2&l25 Milyon Lira" with lore "&cTikla ve 15 krediye 25M al" to close then run [make player execute command "kredicevir25m"]
            format slot 11 of player with gold ingot named "&2&l50 Milyon Lira" with lore "&cTikla ve 25 krediye 50M al" to close then run [make player execute command "kredicevir50m"]
            format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&2&l75 Milyon Lira" with lore "&cTikla ve 40 krediye 75M al" to close then run [make player execute command "kredicevir75m"]
            format slot 13 of player with quartz named "&2&lMenuye Geri Don" with lore "&cTikla ve menuye geri don" to close then run [make player execute command "kredi"]
            format slot 15 of player with gold nugget named "&2&lKredi Sansi!" with lore "&cTikla ve 30 krediye kirdigin lapislerin katsayisi 2'ye ciksin!" to close then run [make player execute command "kredisansi"]
            format slot 1 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 12 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 14 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
on command "/menus":
    cancel event
    wait 0.1 seconds ticks
    execute player command "menu"
command /kredi:
        wait 0.1 seconds
        open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lMENU/KREDI" to player
        wait 1 ticks
        format slot 6 of player with emerald named "&2&lKredi Magazasi" with lore "&cMagzaya gitmek icin tikla" to close then run [make player execute command "kredimagazasi"]
        format slot 0 of player with paper named "&2&lKredin" with lore "&c%{kredi.%player%}%" to act unstealable
        format slot 2 of player with lapis named "&2&lKirdigin Lapis Sayisi" with lore "&c%{lapiskazma.%player%}%" to act unstealable
        format slot 8 of player with quartz named "&8<<<&6&l&oKredi Menusu" to act unstealable
        format slot 4 of player with redstone named "&2&lKredi Gonder" with lore "&cKredi gondermek icin: /kredigonder <kisi>" to act unstealable
        format slot 5 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
        format slot 3 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
        format slot 1 of player with none named "" to act unstealable
        format slot 7 of player with none named "" to act unstealable