Lütfen Yardım Edin İstek Skript


En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar Benim Factions Serverimde Sanal Para eklemek İstiyorum /money Komutuyla Tamamen Bağımsız Olmalı Mesela 50 Lapis Kırınca 1 Kredi Gelicek 15 Kredide Kredi Sandığı Alabilicekler Bu Kredi Sandığının İçinden 5-10-15-20 Kredi Çıksın Belirli Şanslarla Bide Bu Krediyle Kredi Market Olsun Kredi Markette Mesela Verimlilik 6 Servet 4 Kırılmazlık 4 Kazma 60 Krediye Alınsın Bunun Gibi Bi Örnek Verirseniz Geri Kalanını Ben Yparım Bunda Lütfen Yardım Edin Bana...


Altın Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Saatlerimi verdim bir teşekkür isterim ve serverin IP sini :D
on break of lapis ore:
    add 1 to {kırılan.%player%}
    if {kırılan.%player%} is greater than or equal to 50:
        add 1 to {kredi.%player%}
        send "&f&l50 Lapis Lazuli Cevheri &3&lKazarak &f&l1 Kredi &3&lKazandınız."
        set {kırılan.%player%} to 0
command /kredi [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&3&lHesabınızda &f&l%{kredi.%player%}% &3&lKredi Var." to player
        if arg-1 is "Market":
            open chest with 6 rows named "             &b&lKredi Market" to player
            format slot 0 of player with diamond helmet of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Kask" to close then run [execute player command "al kask"]
            format slot 8 of player with diamond leggings of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Pantolon" to close then run [execute player command "al pantolon"]
            format slot 20 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Göğüslük" to close then run [execute player command "al göğüslük"]
            format slot 24 of player with diamond boots of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Bot" to close then run [execute player command "al bot"]
            format slot 40 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 8 named "&a&lKeskinlik 8 Kılıç" to close then run [execute player command "al kılıç"]
            format slot 49 of player with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Kazma" to close then run [execute player command "al kazma"]
            format slot 45 of player with diamond axe of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Balta" to close then run [execute player command "al balta"]
            format slot 53 of player with diamond shovel of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Kürek" to close then run [execute player command "al kürek"]
command /al [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&b&l/Al Bot &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Pantolon &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Göğüslük &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kask &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kılıç &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kazma &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Balta &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kürek &615" to player
        if arg-1 is "pantolon":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond leggings of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Pantolon" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "bot":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond boots of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Bot" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player               
        if arg-1 is "göğüslük":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Göğüslük" to player   
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kask":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond helmet of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Kask" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kazma":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Kazma" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kılıç":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 8 named "&b&lKeskinlik 8 Kılıç" to player   
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "balta":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Balta" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kürek":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Kürek" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player               
on join:
    if {kırılan.%player%} isn't set:
        set {kırılan.%player%} to 0


En iyi cevaplar
Teşekkürler Ya Server Daha Açılmadı Şuanda Sw Nitradoda Ama Batihosta geçicem Ordada İp HyperNW.batihost.com falan olucak :D skype eklersen iletişimde oluruz
Skype: a.altundag245

Saatlerimi verdim bir teşekkür isterim ve serverin IP sini :D
on break of lapis ore:
    add 1 to {kırılan.%player%}
    if {kırılan.%player%} is greater than or equal to 50:
        add 1 to {kredi.%player%}
        send "&f&l50 Lapis Lazuli Cevheri &3&lKazarak &f&l1 Kredi &3&lKazandınız."
        set {kırılan.%player%} to 0
command /kredi [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&3&lHesabınızda &f&l%{kredi.%player%}% &3&lKredi Var." to player
        if arg-1 is "Market":
            open chest with 6 rows named "             &b&lKredi Market" to player
            format slot 0 of player with diamond helmet of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Kask" to close then run [execute player command "al kask"]
            format slot 8 of player with diamond leggings of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Pantolon" to close then run [execute player command "al pantolon"]
            format slot 20 of player with diamond chestplate of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Göğüslük" to close then run [execute player command "al göğüslük"]
            format slot 24 of player with diamond boots of protection 10 named "&a&lKoruma 10 Bot" to close then run [execute player command "al bot"]
            format slot 40 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 8 named "&a&lKeskinlik 8 Kılıç" to close then run [execute player command "al kılıç"]
            format slot 49 of player with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Kazma" to close then run [execute player command "al kazma"]
            format slot 45 of player with diamond axe of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Balta" to close then run [execute player command "al balta"]
            format slot 53 of player with diamond shovel of efficiency 10 named "&a&lVerimlilik 10 Kürek" to close then run [execute player command "al kürek"]
command /al [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&b&l/Al Bot &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Pantolon &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Göğüslük &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kask &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kılıç &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kazma &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Balta &615" to player
            send "&b&l/Al Kürek &615" to player
        if arg-1 is "pantolon":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond leggings of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Pantolon" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "bot":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond boots of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Bot" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player              
        if arg-1 is "göğüslük":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Göğüslük" to player  
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kask":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond helmet of protection 10 named "&b&lKoruma 10 Kask" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kazma":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Kazma" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kılıç":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 8 named "&b&lKeskinlik 8 Kılıç" to player  
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "balta":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Balta" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player
        if arg-1 is "kürek":
            if {kredi.%player%} is greater than or equal to 15:
                remove 15 from {kredi.%player%}
                give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 10 named "&b&lVerimlilik 10 Kürek" to player
                send "&b&lBaşarıyla Alındı!" to player
                send "&4Yeterli miktarda krediniz yok." to player              
on join:
    if {kırılan.%player%} isn't set:
        set {kırılan.%player%} to 0
Çok teşekkürler Ya tabii ki Sw İp Veririm Ama Daha açılmadı Ben Sana Açılınca İp Atarım Değişicek Çünkü Skype Ekle İletişimde Olalım
Skype: a.altundag245 Yetki Veririm :D
