Yardım Minecraft Lav Yükseliyor Skript


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En iyi cevaplar
Merhaba ben bir lav yükseliyor serverı için bir skript aldım ama nedense skripti servera atıp başlatınca chatte skriptin hatalı olduğu gözüküyo rica etsem size skripti yazsam buradan siz baksanız skripte Ondan sonra hatalı olan yeri bana söylerseniz ve nasıl düzeltilceğini bu forumdan ama discorddan da atabilirsiniz discordum: SpiderMan Ama Ağ Atmayan#5467 sk ve txt uzantılı dosya atamadığım için skripti kopyalayıp buraya yapıştırıcam lütfen hata olan yeri söyleyin


{pvp} = true
{pvpdurum} = "&aAçık"
{oyun::kazanmasayisi::%player%} = 0
{oyun::puan::%player%} = 0

on drop:
if name of event-item is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event

on inventory click:
if name of clicked item is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if name of player's current inventory contains "&8Puan:":
cancel event

on place:
if name of player's tool is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if off hand tool of player is chest named "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if player's tool is crafting table:
cancel event
else if off hand tool of player is crafting table:
cancel event

on inventory click:
if "%event.getAction()%" is "swap with hotbar":
if name of slot event.getHotbarButton() of inventory of player contains "&cEşya Al":
cancel event

on rightclick with chest:
if name of player's tool is "&cEşya Al":
close player's inventory

on rightclick with crafting table:
close player's inventory
open crafting table to player

function esyaAlMenu(p:player):
if {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} is not set:
set {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} to 0
open virtual chest with size 6 named "&8Puan: &c%{oyun::puan::%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
make gui slot 10 of {_p} with diamond sword with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d10 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond sword, 10)
make gui slot 19 of {_p} with netherite sword with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d20 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite sword, 20)
make gui slot 13 of {_p} with diamond helmet with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond helmet, 15)
make gui slot 14 of {_p} with diamond chestplate with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond chestplate, 15)
make gui slot 15 of {_p} with diamond leggings with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond leggings, 15)
make gui slot 16 of {_p} with diamond boots with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond boots, 15)
make gui slot 22 of {_p} with netherite helmet with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite helmet, 25)
make gui slot 23 of {_p} with netherite chestplate with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite chestplate, 25)
make gui slot 24 of {_p} with netherite leggings with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite leggings, 25)
make gui slot 25 of {_p} with netherite boots with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite boots, 25)
make gui slot 37 of {_p} with bow with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d10 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, bow, 10)
make gui slot 38 of {_p} with arrow with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d1 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, arrow, 1)
make gui slot 39 of {_p} with golden apple with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d4 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, golden apple, 4)
make gui slot 40 of {_p} with crying obsidian named "&eŞans Bloğu" with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d20 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, crying obsidian, 20)

function esyaAl(p:player, i:item, pm:integer):
if {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} >= {_pm}:
remove {_pm} from {oyun::puan::%{_p}%}
give {_i} to {_p}'s inventory
broadcast " &c%{_p}% &fsandıktan &a%{_i}% &fsatın aldı!"

command /ayarla [<text>]:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
if arg-1 is set:
set {kat} to 0
set {_loc} to location of player
set {basloc} to location of player
set {pvp} to false
set {pvpdurum} to "&cKapalı"
execute console command "/whitelist off"
execute console command "/time set day all"
execute player command "/setworldspawn"
execute player command "/setspawn"
execute player command "/worldborder center - -"
execute console command "/worldborder set 100"
execute console command "/worldborder damage buffer 0.1"
execute console command "/worldborder damage amount 5"
execute console command "/gamerule doFireTick false"
execute console command "/effect give @a minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
set {_loc1} to location of block 7 west 7 south {_loc}
set {_loc2} to location of block 7 east 7 north 8 above {_loc}
loop all blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is not air:
set block at loop-block to air
set block at block 1 below {_loc} to bedrock
loop 4 times:
if loop-value is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 south loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 north loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value west {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value east {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value south {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value north {_loc} to bedrock
loop 4 times:
if loop-value-2 is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south {_loc} to bedrock
loop 3 times:
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
wait 0.5 seconds
loop all players:
set loop-player's gamemode to survival
clear loop-player's inventory
teleport loop-player to {_loc}
give a chest named "&cEşya Al" to loop-player's inventory
set {_loc1} to location at block 50 west block 50 south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block 50 north block 50 east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to 0
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to 255
set {mod} to "Normal"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is lava:
set loop-block to dirt
if arg-1 is "bolelmas":
set {mod} to "Bol Elmas"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 20:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to diamond ore
else if arg-1 is "boldemir":
set {mod} to "Bol Demir"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 80:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to iron ore
else if arg-1 is "herseybol":
set {mod} to "her şey Bol"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 20:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to diamond ore
else if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 80:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to iron ore
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to gold ore
send "/ayarla <normal/bolelmas/boldemir/herseybol>"

command /durdur:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim

command /canlandir <player>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /canlandir <isim>
if gamemode of arg-1 is spectator:
teleport arg-1 to {basloc}
set arg-1's gamemode to survival
clear arg-1's inventory
execute console command "/effect give %arg-1% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
send "Canlandırıldı"
send "Oyuncu yaşıyor"

command /itemver <player>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /itemver <isim>

command /sil:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
loop 200 times:
broadcast ""
broadcast "Sohbet silindi lo"

command /aboneekle [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /aboneekle <isim>
if {aboneler::%arg-1%} is not set:
set {aboneler::%arg-1%} to arg-1
send " &eAbonelere eklendi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu abonelere ekli silmek için /abonesil isim"

command /abonesil [<player>]:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /abonesil <isim>
if {aboneler::%arg-1%} is set:
delete {aboneler::%arg-1%}
send " &eAbonelerden silindi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu abone değil eklemek için /aboneekle isim"

command /yayinciekle [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /yayinciekle <isim>
if {yayincilar::%arg-1%} is not set:
set {yayincilar::%arg-1%} to arg-1
send " &eYayincilara eklendi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu yayincilara ekli silmek için /yayincisil isim"

command /yayincisil [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /yayincisil <isim>
if {yayincilar::%arg-1%} is set:
delete {yayincilar::%arg-1%}
send " &eYayıncılardan silindi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu yayıncı değil eklemek için /yayinciekle isim"

command /baslat <number> <number> <number> <boolean>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /baslat <kasilma_suresi> <lav_yukselme_suresi> <lav_kac_saniyede_bir_yukselsin> <droplar_aktif_olsun_mu-true,false>
execute console command "/durdur"
set {oyundurum} to true
set {_lavgecikme} to arg-3
execute console command "/difficulty peaceful"
loop all players:
remove a chest named "&cEşya Al" from loop-player's inventory
close loop-player's inventory
loop 4 times:
if loop-value is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 south loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 north loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
loop 4 times:
if loop-value-2 is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
loop 3 times:
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set {kalansure} to arg-1*60
broadcast "&cisim &8> &c%{kalansure}% Saniye &fsonra herkes yukarıya ışınlanacak!"
if arg-4 is true:
dropDusur(random integer between 1 and 3)
loop {kalansure} times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
remove 1 from {kalansure}
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
wait 1 seconds
stop loop
if {oyundurum} is false:
loop all players:
teleport loop-player to {basloc}
wait 1 seconds
set {kalansure} to arg-2*60
if arg-4 is true:
dropDusur(random integer between 1 and 3)
broadcast "&cisim &8> &c%{kalansure}% Saniye &fsonra lav yükselecek!"
loop {kalansure} times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
remove 1 from {kalansure}
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
wait 1 seconds
stop loop
if {oyundurum} is false:
execute console command "/whitelist on"
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fLav yükselmeye başladı, lav &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 20)%. Kata &fulaştığında PVP Açılacak"
set {kat} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} - 5)
loop all players:
if y-coordinate of loop-player < {kat}:
clear loop-player's inventory
set loop-player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/difficulty easy"
execute console command "/worldborder set 1 1200"
set {_loc} to {basloc}
loop 260 times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
if {_loc} is {basloc}:
if {kat} <= 252:
if {kat} >= round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 20):
if {pvp} is false:
set {pvp} to true
set {pvpdurum} to "&aAçık"
loop 5 times:
broadcast "&cisim &8> &cPVP &fAÇILDI!"
if {kat} = round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 70):
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fTüm sular &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85)%. Katta &ftemizlenecek!"
if {kat} = round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85):
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fTüm sular &ctemizleniyor!"
add 1 to {kat}
set {_size} to {basloc}.getWorld().getWorldBorder().getSize()/2
set {_loc1} to location at block {_size} west block {_size} south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block {_size} north block {_size} east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to {kat}
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to {kat}
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is air:
set loop-block to lava
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Lav Kat: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kat}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kat}%"
wait "%{_lavgecikme}% seconds" parsed as timespan
stop loop
stop loop
stop loop

function sulariTemizle():
set {_kat} to 256
loop 255 times:
if {_kat} > {kat}:
set {_size} to {basloc}.getWorld().getWorldBorder().getSize()/2
set {_loc1} to location at block {_size} west block {_size} south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block {_size} north block {_size} east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to {_kat}
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to {_kat}
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is water:
set loop-block to air
remove 1 from {_kat}
stop loop

function barBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add lavyukseliyor {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor max %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"

function katBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add lavyukseliyor {""text"":""Lav Kat: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kat}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor max 255"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kat}%"

function barDurdur():
execute console command "/bossbar remove lavyukseliyor"

function modBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add mod {""text"":""Mod: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{mod}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod max 1"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod value 1"

function modDurdur():
execute console command "/bossbar remove mod"

command /puanver [<player>] [<integer>]:
permission: op
usage: /puanver <isim> <miktar>
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
add arg-2 to {oyun::puan::%arg-1%}
send "&cisim &8> &c%arg-1% &fisimli oyuncuya &a%arg-2% &fpuan verildi!"

function oyunDurdur():
set {oyundurum} to false
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fOyun durduruldu!"
execute console command "/whitelist on"

function dropDusur(adet: integer):
set {_loc1} to location at block 30 west block 30 south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block 30 north block 30 east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} - 2)
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 5)
set {_x} to 1
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is not air:
set {_blocklar::%{_x}%} to location of loop-block
add 1 to {_x}
loop {_adet} times:
set {_x} to random integer between 1 and size of {_blocklar::*}
set {_basloc} to {_blocklar::%{_x}%}
set y-coordinate of {_basloc} to 255
spawn falling crying obsidian at {_basloc}
set {_b} to last spawned falling block
while {_b}.isOnGround() is false:
launch star firework colored red at location of {_b} timed 1
wait 1 tick
spawn 1 primed TNT at block above location of {_b}
set fuse time of the last spawned primed TNT to 0

function baslangicItemVer(p:player):
if {aboneler::%{_p}%} is not set:
give 1 netherite pickaxe of unbreaking 3 and efficiency 3 to {_p}
give 1 stone axe to {_p}
give 24 steak to {_p}
give 35 torch to {_p}
give 1 netherite pickaxe of unbreaking 3 and efficiency 3 to {_p}
give 1 stone axe to {_p}
give 24 steak to {_p}
give 35 torch to {_p}
give 1 bow to {_p}
give 3 arrow to {_p}
give 1 water bucket to {_p}

function girisFunction(p:player):
force {_p} to respawn
teleport {_p} to {basloc}
if {kat} > 0:
set {_p}'s gamemode to spectator
clear {_p}'s inventory
set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
if {oyundurum} is false:
if {_p} does not have chest named "&cEşya Al":
give a chest named "&cEşya Al" to {_p}'s inventory
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod players @a"
execute console command "/effect give %{_p}% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
if {aboneler::%{_p}%} is set:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&aAbone &f%{_p}%"
else if {yayincilar::%{_p}%} is set:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&dYayıncı &f%{_p}%"
else if {_p} is op:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&cYetkili &f%{_p}%"
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&9Takipçi &f%{_p}%"

on block break:
loop all players in radius 2 around event-block:
if loop-player is not player:
if location of block below loop-player is location of event-block:
cancel event
set {_n} to true
if {_n} is true:
send "&fAlt kırmak &cyasaktır!"

on death of player:
execute console command "playsound minecraft:custom.bruh player %player% %x-coordinate of player% %y-coordinate of player% %z-coordinate of player% 0.3"
if {oyun::sondamage::%player%} is set:
if {aboneler::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%} is set:
add 3 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%victim% &fisimli oyuncuyu öldürdüğün için &a3 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
add 2 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%victim% &fisimli oyuncuyu öldürdüğün için &a2 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
set {backpos::%player%} to player's location
force the player to respawn
set player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/effect give %player% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
if {oyundurum} is true:

on respawn:
teleport player to {backpos::%player%}

on damage:
if damage cause is fall:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on quit:
if {oyundurum} is true:
if {oyun::sondamage::%player%} is set:
add 2 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%player% &fisimli oyuncu oyundan kaçtığı için &a2 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {backpos::%player%}

function oyunBitir(p:player):
set {_yasayan} to 0
loop all players:
if loop-player is not {_p}:
if gamemode of loop-player is survival:
add 1 to {_yasayan}
set {_yasayanname} to loop-player
if {_yasayan} = 1:

function bitirAltFunc(yasayanname:player):
execute console command "/tm bc &fKazanan, &a%{_yasayanname}%"
add 1 to {oyun::kazanmasayisi::%{_yasayanname}%}
execute console command "/durdur"
loop 10 times:
launch star firework colored red at location of {_yasayanname} timed 1
wait 0.1 seconds

on damage:
if victim is a player:
if attacker is a player:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event
set {oyun::sondamage::%victim%} to attacker

on break:
if event-block is iron_ore:
clear drops
give a iron ingot to player
else if event-block is gold_ore:
clear drops
give a gold ingot to player
else if event-block is diamond_ore:
clear drops
give a diamond to player
else if event-block is coal_ore:
clear drops
give a coal to player

on damage:
if damage cause is projectile:
if projectile is fishing rod:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on fishing:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on bucket empty:
if {kat} >= round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85):
cancel event
send "Lav &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85)%&c. Kata &fulaştığında su koyma kapandı!"
on join:

on first join:

on load:
if {oyundurum} is false:
execute console command "/whitelist on"

on chat:
cancel event
if {aboneler::%player%} is set:
broadcast "&aAbone &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
else if {yayincilar::%player%} is set:
broadcast "&dYayıncı &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
else if player is op:
broadcast "&cYetkili &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
broadcast "&9Takipçi &f%player% &8: &f%message%"

on break of crying obsidian:
clear drops
loop random integer between 1 and 5 times:
drop random item out of all sword or chestplate or helmet or leggings or boots at location of event-block
spawn falling crying obsidian at location of event-block
set {_c} to last spawned entity
loop 60 times:
set block 1 above location of {_c} to air
set block 2 above location of {_c} to air
set block 3 above location of {_c} to air
push {_c} upwards at speed 0.1
wait 1 ticks
kill {_c}


Yeni Doğmuş
En iyi cevaplar
Merhaba ben bir lav yükseliyor serverı için bir skript aldım ama nedense skripti servera atıp başlatınca chatte skriptin hatalı olduğu gözüküyo rica etsem size skripti yazsam buradan siz baksanız skripte Ondan sonra hatalı olan yeri bana söylerseniz ve nasıl düzeltilceğini bu forumdan ama discorddan da atabilirsiniz discordum: SpiderMan Ama Ağ Atmayan#5467 sk ve txt uzantılı dosya atamadığım için skripti kopyalayıp buraya yapıştırıcam lütfen hata olan yeri söyleyin


{pvp} = true
{pvpdurum} = "&aAçık"
{oyun::kazanmasayisi::%player%} = 0
{oyun::puan::%player%} = 0

on drop:
if name of event-item is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event

on inventory click:
if name of clicked item is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if name of player's current inventory contains "&8Puan:":
cancel event

on place:
if name of player's tool is "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if off hand tool of player is chest named "&cEşya Al":
cancel event
else if player's tool is crafting table:
cancel event
else if off hand tool of player is crafting table:
cancel event

on inventory click:
if "%event.getAction()%" is "swap with hotbar":
if name of slot event.getHotbarButton() of inventory of player contains "&cEşya Al":
cancel event

on rightclick with chest:
if name of player's tool is "&cEşya Al":
close player's inventory

on rightclick with crafting table:
close player's inventory
open crafting table to player

function esyaAlMenu(p:player):
if {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} is not set:
set {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} to 0
open virtual chest with size 6 named "&8Puan: &c%{oyun::puan::%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
make gui slot 10 of {_p} with diamond sword with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d10 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond sword, 10)
make gui slot 19 of {_p} with netherite sword with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d20 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite sword, 20)
make gui slot 13 of {_p} with diamond helmet with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond helmet, 15)
make gui slot 14 of {_p} with diamond chestplate with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond chestplate, 15)
make gui slot 15 of {_p} with diamond leggings with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond leggings, 15)
make gui slot 16 of {_p} with diamond boots with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d15 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, diamond boots, 15)
make gui slot 22 of {_p} with netherite helmet with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite helmet, 25)
make gui slot 23 of {_p} with netherite chestplate with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite chestplate, 25)
make gui slot 24 of {_p} with netherite leggings with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite leggings, 25)
make gui slot 25 of {_p} with netherite boots with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d25 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, netherite boots, 25)
make gui slot 37 of {_p} with bow with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d10 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, bow, 10)
make gui slot 38 of {_p} with arrow with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d1 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, arrow, 1)
make gui slot 39 of {_p} with golden apple with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d4 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, golden apple, 4)
make gui slot 40 of {_p} with crying obsidian named "&eŞans Bloğu" with lore "" and "&7Ücret: &d20 Puan" to run function esyaAl({_p}, crying obsidian, 20)

function esyaAl(p:player, i:item, pm:integer):
if {oyun::puan::%{_p}%} >= {_pm}:
remove {_pm} from {oyun::puan::%{_p}%}
give {_i} to {_p}'s inventory
broadcast " &c%{_p}% &fsandıktan &a%{_i}% &fsatın aldı!"

command /ayarla [<text>]:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
if arg-1 is set:
set {kat} to 0
set {_loc} to location of player
set {basloc} to location of player
set {pvp} to false
set {pvpdurum} to "&cKapalı"
execute console command "/whitelist off"
execute console command "/time set day all"
execute player command "/setworldspawn"
execute player command "/setspawn"
execute player command "/worldborder center - -"
execute console command "/worldborder set 100"
execute console command "/worldborder damage buffer 0.1"
execute console command "/worldborder damage amount 5"
execute console command "/gamerule doFireTick false"
execute console command "/effect give @a minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
set {_loc1} to location of block 7 west 7 south {_loc}
set {_loc2} to location of block 7 east 7 north 8 above {_loc}
loop all blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is not air:
set block at loop-block to air
set block at block 1 below {_loc} to bedrock
loop 4 times:
if loop-value is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 south loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 north loop-value-2 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value west {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value east {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value south {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value north {_loc} to bedrock
loop 4 times:
if loop-value-2 is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south {_loc} to bedrock
loop 3 times:
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {_loc} to bedrock
wait 0.5 seconds
loop all players:
set loop-player's gamemode to survival
clear loop-player's inventory
teleport loop-player to {_loc}
give a chest named "&cEşya Al" to loop-player's inventory
set {_loc1} to location at block 50 west block 50 south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block 50 north block 50 east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to 0
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to 255
set {mod} to "Normal"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is lava:
set loop-block to dirt
if arg-1 is "bolelmas":
set {mod} to "Bol Elmas"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 20:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to diamond ore
else if arg-1 is "boldemir":
set {mod} to "Bol Demir"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 80:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to iron ore
else if arg-1 is "herseybol":
set {mod} to "her şey Bol"
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is stone:
if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 20:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to diamond ore
else if y-coordinate of loop-block is between 0 and 80:
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to iron ore
chance of 3%:
set loop-block to gold ore
send "/ayarla <normal/bolelmas/boldemir/herseybol>"

command /durdur:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim

command /canlandir <player>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /canlandir <isim>
if gamemode of arg-1 is spectator:
teleport arg-1 to {basloc}
set arg-1's gamemode to survival
clear arg-1's inventory
execute console command "/effect give %arg-1% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
send "Canlandırıldı"
send "Oyuncu yaşıyor"

command /itemver <player>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /itemver <isim>

command /sil:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
loop 200 times:
broadcast ""
broadcast "Sohbet silindi lo"

command /aboneekle [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /aboneekle <isim>
if {aboneler::%arg-1%} is not set:
set {aboneler::%arg-1%} to arg-1
send " &eAbonelere eklendi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu abonelere ekli silmek için /abonesil isim"

command /abonesil [<player>]:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /abonesil <isim>
if {aboneler::%arg-1%} is set:
delete {aboneler::%arg-1%}
send " &eAbonelerden silindi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu abone değil eklemek için /aboneekle isim"

command /yayinciekle [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /yayinciekle <isim>
if {yayincilar::%arg-1%} is not set:
set {yayincilar::%arg-1%} to arg-1
send " &eYayincilara eklendi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu yayincilara ekli silmek için /yayincisil isim"

command /yayincisil [<player>]:
permission: op
usage: /yayincisil <isim>
if {yayincilar::%arg-1%} is set:
delete {yayincilar::%arg-1%}
send " &eYayıncılardan silindi!"
send " &eBu oyuncu yayıncı değil eklemek için /yayinciekle isim"

command /baslat <number> <number> <number> <boolean>:
permission: op
permission message: yetkin yok bilader enayi değiliz heralde - isim
usage: /baslat <kasilma_suresi> <lav_yukselme_suresi> <lav_kac_saniyede_bir_yukselsin> <droplar_aktif_olsun_mu-true,false>
execute console command "/durdur"
set {oyundurum} to true
set {_lavgecikme} to arg-3
execute console command "/difficulty peaceful"
loop all players:
remove a chest named "&cEşya Al" from loop-player's inventory
close loop-player's inventory
loop 4 times:
if loop-value is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 south loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 north loop-value-2 above {basloc} to air
loop 4 times:
if loop-value-2 is 4:
loop 3 times:
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 west loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 north loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 1 below loop-value-1 east loop-value-2 south loop-value-3 above {basloc} to air
loop 3 times:
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 west loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 north (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set block at block 4 east loop-value-1 south (loop-value-2) - 1 above {basloc} to air
set {kalansure} to arg-1*60
broadcast "&cisim &8> &c%{kalansure}% Saniye &fsonra herkes yukarıya ışınlanacak!"
if arg-4 is true:
dropDusur(random integer between 1 and 3)
loop {kalansure} times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
remove 1 from {kalansure}
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
wait 1 seconds
stop loop
if {oyundurum} is false:
loop all players:
teleport loop-player to {basloc}
wait 1 seconds
set {kalansure} to arg-2*60
if arg-4 is true:
dropDusur(random integer between 1 and 3)
broadcast "&cisim &8> &c%{kalansure}% Saniye &fsonra lav yükselecek!"
loop {kalansure} times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
remove 1 from {kalansure}
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
wait 1 seconds
stop loop
if {oyundurum} is false:
execute console command "/whitelist on"
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fLav yükselmeye başladı, lav &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 20)%. Kata &fulaştığında PVP Açılacak"
set {kat} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} - 5)
loop all players:
if y-coordinate of loop-player < {kat}:
clear loop-player's inventory
set loop-player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/difficulty easy"
execute console command "/worldborder set 1 1200"
set {_loc} to {basloc}
loop 260 times:
if {oyundurum} is true:
if {_loc} is {basloc}:
if {kat} <= 252:
if {kat} >= round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 20):
if {pvp} is false:
set {pvp} to true
set {pvpdurum} to "&aAçık"
loop 5 times:
broadcast "&cisim &8> &cPVP &fAÇILDI!"
if {kat} = round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 70):
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fTüm sular &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85)%. Katta &ftemizlenecek!"
if {kat} = round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85):
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fTüm sular &ctemizleniyor!"
add 1 to {kat}
set {_size} to {basloc}.getWorld().getWorldBorder().getSize()/2
set {_loc1} to location at block {_size} west block {_size} south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block {_size} north block {_size} east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to {kat}
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to {kat}
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is air:
set loop-block to lava
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor name {""text"":""Lav Kat: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kat}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kat}%"
wait "%{_lavgecikme}% seconds" parsed as timespan
stop loop
stop loop
stop loop

function sulariTemizle():
set {_kat} to 256
loop 255 times:
if {_kat} > {kat}:
set {_size} to {basloc}.getWorld().getWorldBorder().getSize()/2
set {_loc1} to location at block {_size} west block {_size} south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block {_size} north block {_size} east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to {_kat}
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to {_kat}
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is water:
set loop-block to air
remove 1 from {_kat}
stop loop

function barBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add lavyukseliyor {""text"":""Kalan Süre: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kalansure}% Saniye"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor max %{kalansure}%"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kalansure}%"

function katBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add lavyukseliyor {""text"":""Lav Kat: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{kat}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor max 255"
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor value %{kat}%"

function barDurdur():
execute console command "/bossbar remove lavyukseliyor"

function modBaslat():
execute console command "/bossbar add mod {""text"":""Mod: "",""color"":""white"",""extra"":[{""text"":""%{mod}%"",""color"":""red""}]}"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod max 1"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod value 1"

function modDurdur():
execute console command "/bossbar remove mod"

command /puanver [<player>] [<integer>]:
permission: op
usage: /puanver <isim> <miktar>
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
add arg-2 to {oyun::puan::%arg-1%}
send "&cisim &8> &c%arg-1% &fisimli oyuncuya &a%arg-2% &fpuan verildi!"

function oyunDurdur():
set {oyundurum} to false
broadcast "&cisim &8> &fOyun durduruldu!"
execute console command "/whitelist on"

function dropDusur(adet: integer):
set {_loc1} to location at block 30 west block 30 south of {basloc}
set {_loc2} to location at block 30 north block 30 east of {basloc}
set y-coordinate of {_loc1} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} - 2)
set y-coordinate of {_loc2} to round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 5)
set {_x} to 1
loop blocks within {_loc1} and {_loc2}:
if loop-block is not air:
set {_blocklar::%{_x}%} to location of loop-block
add 1 to {_x}
loop {_adet} times:
set {_x} to random integer between 1 and size of {_blocklar::*}
set {_basloc} to {_blocklar::%{_x}%}
set y-coordinate of {_basloc} to 255
spawn falling crying obsidian at {_basloc}
set {_b} to last spawned falling block
while {_b}.isOnGround() is false:
launch star firework colored red at location of {_b} timed 1
wait 1 tick
spawn 1 primed TNT at block above location of {_b}
set fuse time of the last spawned primed TNT to 0

function baslangicItemVer(p:player):
if {aboneler::%{_p}%} is not set:
give 1 netherite pickaxe of unbreaking 3 and efficiency 3 to {_p}
give 1 stone axe to {_p}
give 24 steak to {_p}
give 35 torch to {_p}
give 1 netherite pickaxe of unbreaking 3 and efficiency 3 to {_p}
give 1 stone axe to {_p}
give 24 steak to {_p}
give 35 torch to {_p}
give 1 bow to {_p}
give 3 arrow to {_p}
give 1 water bucket to {_p}

function girisFunction(p:player):
force {_p} to respawn
teleport {_p} to {basloc}
if {kat} > 0:
set {_p}'s gamemode to spectator
clear {_p}'s inventory
set {_p}'s gamemode to survival
if {oyundurum} is false:
if {_p} does not have chest named "&cEşya Al":
give a chest named "&cEşya Al" to {_p}'s inventory
execute console command "/bossbar set lavyukseliyor players @a"
execute console command "/bossbar set mod players @a"
execute console command "/effect give %{_p}% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
if {aboneler::%{_p}%} is set:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&aAbone &f%{_p}%"
else if {yayincilar::%{_p}%} is set:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&dYayıncı &f%{_p}%"
else if {_p} is op:
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&cYetkili &f%{_p}%"
set {_p}'s tablist name to "&9Takipçi &f%{_p}%"

on block break:
loop all players in radius 2 around event-block:
if loop-player is not player:
if location of block below loop-player is location of event-block:
cancel event
set {_n} to true
if {_n} is true:
send "&fAlt kırmak &cyasaktır!"

on death of player:
execute console command "playsound minecraft:custom.bruh player %player% %x-coordinate of player% %y-coordinate of player% %z-coordinate of player% 0.3"
if {oyun::sondamage::%player%} is set:
if {aboneler::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%} is set:
add 3 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%victim% &fisimli oyuncuyu öldürdüğün için &a3 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
add 2 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%victim% &fisimli oyuncuyu öldürdüğün için &a2 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
set {backpos::%player%} to player's location
force the player to respawn
set player's gamemode to spectator
execute console command "/effect give %player% minecraft:night_vision 1000000 1"
if {oyundurum} is true:

on respawn:
teleport player to {backpos::%player%}

on damage:
if damage cause is fall:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on quit:
if {oyundurum} is true:
if {oyun::sondamage::%player%} is set:
add 2 to {oyun::puan::%{oyun::sondamage::%player%}%}
send "&c%player% &fisimli oyuncu oyundan kaçtığı için &a2 Puan &fkazandın!" to {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {oyun::sondamage::%player%}
delete {backpos::%player%}

function oyunBitir(p:player):
set {_yasayan} to 0
loop all players:
if loop-player is not {_p}:
if gamemode of loop-player is survival:
add 1 to {_yasayan}
set {_yasayanname} to loop-player
if {_yasayan} = 1:

function bitirAltFunc(yasayanname:player):
execute console command "/tm bc &fKazanan, &a%{_yasayanname}%"
add 1 to {oyun::kazanmasayisi::%{_yasayanname}%}
execute console command "/durdur"
loop 10 times:
launch star firework colored red at location of {_yasayanname} timed 1
wait 0.1 seconds

on damage:
if victim is a player:
if attacker is a player:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event
set {oyun::sondamage::%victim%} to attacker

on break:
if event-block is iron_ore:
clear drops
give a iron ingot to player
else if event-block is gold_ore:
clear drops
give a gold ingot to player
else if event-block is diamond_ore:
clear drops
give a diamond to player
else if event-block is coal_ore:
clear drops
give a coal to player

on damage:
if damage cause is projectile:
if projectile is fishing rod:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on fishing:
if {pvp} is false:
cancel event

on bucket empty:
if {kat} >= round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85):
cancel event
send "Lav &c%round(y-coordinate of {basloc} + 85)%&c. Kata &fulaştığında su koyma kapandı!"
on join:

on first join:

on load:
if {oyundurum} is false:
execute console command "/whitelist on"

on chat:
cancel event
if {aboneler::%player%} is set:
broadcast "&aAbone &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
else if {yayincilar::%player%} is set:
broadcast "&dYayıncı &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
else if player is op:
broadcast "&cYetkili &f%player% &8: &f%message%"
broadcast "&9Takipçi &f%player% &8: &f%message%"

on break of crying obsidian:
clear drops
loop random integer between 1 and 5 times:
drop random item out of all sword or chestplate or helmet or leggings or boots at location of event-block
spawn falling crying obsidian at location of event-block
set {_c} to last spawned entity
loop 60 times:
set block 1 above location of {_c} to air
set block 2 above location of {_c} to air
set block 3 above location of {_c} to air
push {_c} upwards at speed 0.1
wait 1 ticks
kill {_c}
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