MineCraft Sürpriz Kutu Skripti[Paylaşım][Options'lu]


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
options: #Ödülleri ve şansları ayarlayabilirsiniz.
1item: 10 diamond
2item: 50 diamond
3item: 20 iron ingot
4item: 30 gold ingot
5item: 10 diamond
1sans: 15
2sans: 20
3sans: 50
4sans: 25
prefix: &c&l[ &eSürpriz Kutu &c&l] &r&9>&c
on rightclick with chest:
if {kutuac.%player%} isn't set:
if name of player's tool is "&lSüpriz Kutu":
remove 1 chest named "&lSüpriz Kutu" from player
set {kutuac.%player%} to "1"
cancel event
wait 3 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
format slot 11 of player with {@1item} to be unstealable
wait 5 tick
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
format slot 12 of player with {@2item} to be unstealable
wait 5 tick
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
format slot 13 of player with {@3item} to be unstealable
wait 5 tick
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
format slot 14 of player with {@4item} to be unstealable
wait 5 tick
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
format slot 15 of player with {@5item} to be unstealable
wait 5 tick
delete {kutuac.%player%}
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.5
wait 5 tick
close player's inventory
set {kutuac.%player%} to "1"
play raw sound "random.click" at player with pitch 1 volume 0.5
if chance of {@1sans}%:
give {@1item} to player
send "{@prefix} sürpriz Kutudan:&e {@1item} &cçıktı." to player
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 13 of player with {@1item} named "&9" to be unstealable
play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.5 second
play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
delete {kutuac.%player%}
wait 1 tick
close player's inventory
else if chance of {@2sans}%:
give {@2item} to player
send "{@prefix} sürpriz Kutudan:&e {@2item} &cçıktı." to player
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 13 of player with {@2item} named "&9" to be unstealable
play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.5 second
play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
delete {kutuac.%player%}
wait 1 tick
close player's inventory
else if chance of {@3sans}%:
give {@3item} to player
send "{@prefix} sürpriz Kutudan:&e {@3item} &cçıktı." to player
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 13 of player with {@3item} named "&9" to be unstealable
play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.5 second
play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 4
delete {kutuac.%player%}
wait 1 tick
close player's inventory
else if chance of {@4sans}%:
give {@4item} to player
send "{@prefix} sürpriz Kutudan:&e {@4item} &cçıktı." to player
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 13 of player with {@4item} named "&9" to be unstealable
play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.5 second
play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
delete {kutuac.%player%}
wait 1 tick
close player's inventory
give {@5item} to player
send "{@prefix} sürpriz Kutudan:&e {@5item} &cçıktı." to player
wait 1 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 13 of player with {@5item} named "&9" to be unstealable
play raw sound "random.successful_hit" at player with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.5 second
play raw sound "fireworks.twinkle" at player with pitch 1 volume 5
delete {kutuac.%player%}
wait 1 tick
close player's inventory
on inventory close:
if {kutuac.%player%} is set:
wait 2 tick
open chest with 3 rows named "&6Süpriz Kutu" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 11 of player with {@1item} to be unstealable
format slot 12 of player with {@2item} to be unstealable
format slot 13 of player with {@3item} to be unstealable
format slot 14 of player with {@4item} to be unstealable
format slot 15 of player with {@5item} to be unstealable
command /surpriz kutu:
if player is op:
give 1 chest named "&lSüpriz Kutu" to player
command /herkese surpriz kutu:
if player is op:
give 1 chest named "&lSüpriz Kutu" to all players
send " Herkeze 1 adet sürpriz kutu verildi." to all players

Gerekli Add-on ve ya plugin yoktur.

/herkese surpriz kutu: herkese sürpriz kutu verir :)
/surpriz kutu: Kişiye sürpriz kutu verir.

Perm bulunmamaktadır. Komutları sadece oplar kullanabilir.

Gelelim resimlere :)




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Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Kodda boşluk yok, lütfen alıntı yerine kod olarak ekleyin.. Ayrıca formatı ANSI, Utf-8 değil. Fotoğraflardan da anlayabileceğimiz gibi. Onun dışında mantığı çok basit zaten, geliştirilebilir.
