Boşlukları ayarlaman gerek sanırım.Teşekkürler Hata çıkarsa belirtirim
[16:21:55 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or mo
re of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the col
on at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (VIP.s
k, line 57: on break of leaves:')
[16:21:55 WARN]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or mo
re of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the col
on at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (VIP.s
k, line 61: on break of grass or dirt:')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 58: chance of 15%')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 59: message "&c[&e+&c] &6Yaprak K?rarken Dallar?n Aras?nda ?ubuk Buldun !"')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 60: give stick to player')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 62: chance of 15%')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 63: message "&c[&e+&c] &6Toprak Kazarken Topra??n ??inde Ta? Buldun !"')
[16:21:56 ERROR]: invalid line - all code has to be put into triggers (, l
ine 64: give cobblestone to player')
[16:21:56 INFO]: Loaded 4 scripts with a total of 5 triggers and 5 commands in 0
.21 seconds
[16:21:56 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 6 errors while reloading the config and al
l scripts!
lobiworldisim: world
oxworldisim: world2
command /ox [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: ox.player
arg 1 is not "sor" or "ayarla":
send "&c/ox sor <soru>"
send "&c/ox ayarla"
else if arg 1 is "sor":
arg 2 is set:
arg 3 is set:
send "&e%arg 2% &c8 saniye sonra yanlış seçim yapanlar atılcak." to player
send "&e%arg 2% &c8 saniye sonra yanlış seçim yapanlar atılcak." to {ox::*}
wait 8 seconds
loop {ox::*}:
if region at loop-value doesn't contain "%arg 3%":
remove loop-value from {ox::*}
teleport loop-value to the spawn point of world "{@lobiworldisim}"
send "&c/ox sor <soru> <cevap:O yada X>"
send "&c/ox sor <soru> <cevap: O yada X>"
else if arg 1 is "ayarla":
{ox::*} is set:
loop {ox::*}:
teleport loop-value to the spawn point of world "{@lobiworldisim}"
delete {ox::*}
send "OX bitti" to players
loop players:
loop-player doesn't have permission "ox.player":
add loop-player to {ox::*}
teleport loop-player to the spawn point of world "{@oxworldisim}"
teleport player to the spawn point of world "{@oxworldisim}"
send "OX BAŞLADI" to players