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Merhaba,Bugün Sizlerle Bir Skipt Paylaşacağım.
Tamamen Türkçe ve TitleManager,LetItRun,WorldGuard,ClearLagg,MineResetLite İle Çalışan Bir Event Skriptidir.
Her 8 Saatte %20 Şans ile MadenEventi veya %40 Şans ile RainEventi Yapar.
Manuel Yapmak İsterseniz "/MadenEventi" komutuyla maden eventi,"RainEventi" Komutuyla RainEventi Yapabilirsiniz.
Güncel +
Güncel +
Tamamen Türkçe ve TitleManager,LetItRun,WorldGuard,ClearLagg,MineResetLite İle Çalışan Bir Event Skriptidir.
Her 8 Saatte %20 Şans ile MadenEventi veya %40 Şans ile RainEventi Yapar.
Manuel Yapmak İsterseniz "/MadenEventi" komutuyla maden eventi,"RainEventi" Komutuyla RainEventi Yapabilirsiniz.
- Options kısmındaki "regionismi" kısmını madeneventinin kazılacak yerine tanımladığınız regionun (attığınız wg ) ismi ile değiştirmeniz.
- Options kısmındaki "mrlismi" kısmını madeneventinin kazılacak yerine MineResetLite ile oluşturduğunuz Maden İsmi ile değiştirmeniz.
- Rain Eventinin Olacağı Yerin Tam Ortasına Gelip "/rain add RainEventi" yazmanız.
madeneventi: regionismi
madeneventireset: mrlismi
command /madeneventi:
permission: event.madeneventi
execute console command "/mrl reset MadenEventi"
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventi Başlıyor!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 5 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l1 &6&lDakika!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 30 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l30 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l20 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l10 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l9 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l8 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l7 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l6 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l5 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l4 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l3 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l2 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventine Son &4&l1 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/rg flag {@madeneventi} build -w world allow"
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventi &4&lBaşladı!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp MadenEventi!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l3 &6&lDakika!"
wait 1 minute
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l2 &6&lDakika!"
wait 1 minute
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l1 &6&lDakika!"
wait 30 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l30 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l20 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l10 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l9 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l8 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l7 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l6 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l5 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l4 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l3 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l2 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l1 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/rg flag {@madeneventi} build -w world deny"
execute console command "/mrl reset {@madeneventireset}"
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lMaden Eventi Bitti."
command /raineventi:
permission: event.raineventi
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventi Başlıyor!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 5 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l1 &6&lDakika!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 30 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l30 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l20 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l10 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l9 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l8 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l7 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l6 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l5 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l4 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l3 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l2 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventine Son &4&l1 &6&lSaniye!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventi &4&lBaşladı!{nl} &3&lGitmek İçin &e&l/Warp RainEventi!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &3&lKafanıza Dikkat Edin!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &2&lDemir!"
execute console command "/rain 265 RainEventi"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l2 &6&lDakika!"
wait 29 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &2&lAltın!"
execute console command "/rain 266 RainEventi"
wait 30 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &2&lElmas!"
execute console command "/rain 264 RainEventi"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l1 &6&lDakika!"
wait 29 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &2&lXP!"
execute console command "/rain xporbs RainEventi"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l30 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l20 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 10 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l10 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l9 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l8 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l7 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l6 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l5 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l4 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l3 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l2 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &2&lPişmiş Koyun Eti!"
execute console command "/rain 424 RainEventi"
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventinin Bitmesine Son &4&l1 &6&lSaniye!"
wait 1 seconds
execute console command "/tm bc &6&lRain Eventi Bitti."
execute console command "/lagg clear"
every 480 minutes:
chance of 20%:
execute console command "/madeneventi"
chance of 40%:
execute console command "/raineventi"
Güncel +
Güncel +