Oyuncular Spawn'da Dogmuyor!


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Merhaba Ben ByMe! Arkadaşlar bir sorum olacak. Bu Sorum şu: Sunucuma İlk giren biri başka dünyada doguyor. Ve Rastgele doguyor. Ramdomtp vs yok. pluginer olmama ragmen sorunu bulamadım.

Bunlara Kadar Denedim:
/mv setspawn
Spawn TP Plugini
Lobby Plugini
Essentials Degiştirdim
/Authme setspawn


En iyi cevaplar
Öncelikle spawn yapıcağın bölgeye git sırayla bunları yazarsan sevinirim ;
1-) /mv setspawn
2-) /authme setspawn
3-) /essentials setspawn
4-) /setspawn
5-) /setspawn oyuncu , admin , kurucu , default grouplarında neler varsa sırayla yaz örnek ;
/setspawn oyuncu
/setspawn rehber gibi .
Yardımcı olabildiysem sevinirim .


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Öncelikle spawn yapıcağın bölgeye git sırayla bunları yazarsan sevinirim ;
1-) /mv setspawn
2-) /authme setspawn
3-) /essentials setspawn
4-) /setspawn
5-) /setspawn oyuncu , admin , kurucu , default grouplarında neler varsa sırayla yaz örnek ;
/setspawn oyuncu
/setspawn rehber gibi .
Yardımcı olabildiysem sevinirim .
Dostum authme set spawn denedim konuyu dikkatle incelersen sevinirim.
Ayriyetten Setspawn oyuncu falan olmuyor.


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
onun internette skriptleri var 3 4 tane at birbirini tamamlıyo hepsi ve düzgün çalışıyor ben öyle yaptım :)


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
onun internette skriptleri var 3 4 tane at birbirini tamamlıyo hepsi ve düzgün çalışıyor ben öyle yaptım :)
Şunu fark ettim. skript ile setspawn oluşturuyor. betacraft skyblock plugin paketini kullanıyorum bekleyin skripti atayım essentials'Da spawn.yml'ye spawn bilgileri gelmiyor

Skripti inceleyin düzeltip atın lütfen
    {bc.cobblestoneCounter.%player%} = 0
    {bc.cobblestoneCounterreward.%player%} = 0
    {bc.odulsaat.%player%} = 0
    {bc.oduldakika.%player%} = 0
    {slowmode.%player%.zaman} = 0
    {slowmode.setzaman} = 0
    {hwCount.%player%} = 0
    Automessage: 300
    duyuruprefix: &6&lDuyuru &8>
every 2 minutes:
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &7Sunucumuza Hosgeldiniz. Ada olusturmak icin &a/is :)"
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &eSunucumuz &a1.7,1.8 &eOlmak uzere skyblock uzerine kurulmustur."
    broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &bKufur &aHack Vb Seyler Yasaktir. Aninda ban atilir. "
every minute:
    loop all players:
        add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 59:
            add 1 to {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}
            remove 60 from {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$10.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 10000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 1:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$20.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 20000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saat 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$30.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 30000"
                add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 2 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$50.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 50000"
        if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 1:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
        chance of 5%:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
                    send "&6&l> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/2 saat &7var." to loop-player

command /sayaç [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /sayac
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığın &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%player%}%"
            if player has permission "bc.sayacadmin":
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7oyuncusunun,"
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığı &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%arg 1%}%"
                message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /giveall [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
        else if arg 2 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
            if player has permission "giveall.admin":
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
on join:
    set join message to ""
    set {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} to 1

on quit:
    set quit message to ""
    set {bc.odulsaat.%player%} to 0
    set {bc.oduldakika.%player%} to 0
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            remove player from {onlineVipler::*}
command /onlineodul [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /onlineödül
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7şuanda çevrimiçi değil."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is smaller than 1:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/2 saat &7var"
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun online-ödül süresi: &6%{bc.odulsaat.%arg 1%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%arg 1%}% dakika&7"
command /giveallmoney [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "bc.giveallmoney":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveallmoney para değeri"
                broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
                loop all players:
                    execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /feedall:
        if player has permission "bc.feedall":
            broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkesin açlığını sildi!"
            loop all players:
                execute console command "feed %loop-player%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /a [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.AdminChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/a mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.AdminChat"
                add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lAdmin Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online staff::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /z [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.RehberChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/z mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.RehberChat"
                add loop-player to {_online rehber::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lRehber Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online rehber::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /discoarmor:
        if player has permission "vip.discoarmor":
            if {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is not set:
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} to "AKTIF"
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} to "AKTIF"
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini açtınız." to player
                while {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is "AKTIF":
                    {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} is "AKTIF":
                        dye player's helmet (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's chestplate (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's leggings (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's boots (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        wait 1 tick
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini kapattınız." to player
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor}
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger}
            send "Bu komutu kullanabilmek için /magaza yazıp satın almalısınız!" to player
command /sm:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc mute all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player
command /st:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc clear all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player           

command /spawn:
        teleport player to {spawn}
        message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın!"
on join:
    teleport player to {spawn}
    set join message to ""
on first join:
    teleport player to {spawn}    
command /temizle:
        execute player command "/sc clear own"
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
    permission: skript.admin
        set {vspawn} to location of player
        message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"
on damage:
    if y-coordinate of victim is below 0:
        cancel event
        teleport victim to {vspawn}
        send "&4&lUyarı &8> &7Adadan düştüğün için başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın." to victim
command /ananbizdee:
    permission: skylord.ol
    permission message: &7Öncelikle adanı &a1000 level &7yap!
    usage: /skylordol
        execute console command "/manuadd %player% skylord"
        message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Artık &aSkyLord &7oldun!"
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &a%player% &7isimli oyucu artık &aSkyLord" to players
command /tabloyugizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /onayla:
        execute player command "is confirm"
command /adakomutları:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /adakomutlari:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /gizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /raineventyap:
    permission: Rain.event
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7dakika sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 30 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &630 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 20 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &610 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &69 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &68 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &67 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &66 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &65 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &64 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &63 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &62 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Elmaslar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% diamond 3"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Altınlar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% goldingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Ender Dragon tecrübeleri dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% 384"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Demirler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% ironingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zümrütler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% emerald 3"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Event bitti, eventı başlatan admin: &6%player%" to players
on portal:
    message "&6&l> &4&lNethere gittiğinizde ordada 1 tane portal yapın!" to player

command /clearchat:
        if player has permission "bc.chat":
            loop 70 times:
                broadcast " "
            send "&7Sohbet &6%player% &7tarafından temizlendi." to all players
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /chat <text>:
    usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
        if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
            if arg 1 is "ac":
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
                delete {Sohbet}
                execute console command "announce interval 180"
            if arg 1 is "kapat":
                loop 70 times:
                    broadcast " "
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
                set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
                execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
on command "/bukkit:op":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    chance of 100%:
        send "&6&l> &6%victim% &6adlı oyuncunun kafası düştü!" to attacker
        execute console command "give %attacker% 397:3 1 {SkullOwner:%victim%}"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.oylamabaslat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                    set {yes} to 0
                    set {no} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla.%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "&6Yönetici %player%&7, bir oylama başlattı:"
                    broadcast "&7Soru: &6&l&o%arg-2%"
                    broadcast "&7Kabul etmek için &a/evet&7, reddetmek için &c/hayir &7yazabilirsiniz."
                    broadcast "&7Oylama &6%arg-1% &7saniye sonra sonuçlanacak."
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&6&lOylama tamamlandı (&6%arg 2%&7)"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &aEvet &7> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &cHayır &7> &c%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &aevet &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."

command /hayir:
    aliases: /hayır
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &ahayır &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."
command /cekilisyap:
        if player has permission "bc.cekilis":
            loop all players:
                add loop-player to {cekilistekiler::*}
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &610 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &69 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &68 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &67 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &66 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &65 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &64 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &63 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &62 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &61 saniye&7!"
            wait 3 seconds
            set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            broadcast "                    &6&lKAZANAN &8> &6&l%{kazanancekilis}%"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            clear {cekilistekiler::*}
on login:
    if {Sohbet} is not set:
        if player is op:
            if {op} is not set:
                set join message to ""
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                broadcast "                     &6&lONLINE ADMIN &8> &6&l%player%"
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                set join message to ""
            if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                set join message to "&6&lTWPSky &8> &8%name of player% &7SkyBlock sunucusuna giriş yaptı!"
                set join message to ""
            if player has permission "rSkript.vip.giris":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    if player is op:
                    set join message to ""
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    broadcast "                 &6&lONLINE VIP &8> &b&l%player%"
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    set join message to ""
        set join message to ""
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            add player to {onlineVipler::*}
command /girismesaj [<text>]:
        if player has permission "ruddeTR.GirisMesaj.Ayar":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is not "op" or "vip" or "default":
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is "default":
                if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar}
                    send "&7Oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar_vip} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar_vip}
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "op":
                if {op} is not set:
                    set {op} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Yöneticiler artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {op} is "HOOK":
                    clear {op}
                    send "&7Yöneticiler giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /ates:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if {bc.effect.%player%} is not set:
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkacak, &ofaçan yansın!"
                set {bc.effect.%player%} to on
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkmayacak."
                clear {bc.effect.%player%}
command /babane [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/babane komut"
                loop all players:
                    execute loop-player command "/%arg 1%"
#command /store:
#    trigger:
#        execute player command "/magaza"
command /hackwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /hile, /hw
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.give":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is not "warn" or "unwarn":
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is "warn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 0:
                    loop 60 times:
                        send " " to arg 2
                    send "&7&oBüyük suç: Hile" to arg 2
                    send "&7&o       Hileden dolayı uyarı aldınız. 1 Saat hapse gönderildiniz. Eğer 2 kez daha uyarılırsanız süresiz hapse gireceksiniz. Hile kullanımı oyun akışına aykırı ve büyük bir suçtur!" to arg 2
                    send "&7---------------------" to arg 2
                    send "&7&oNOT: Bu mesajı sadece siz görüyorsunuz." to arg 2
                    add 1 to {hwCount.%arg 2%}
                    send "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusu başarıyla uyarıldı." to player
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1h"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 1:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 24 saat hapse gönderildi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1d"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 2:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 7 gün hapse girdi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 7d"
            if arg 1 is "unwarn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is larger than 0:
                    message "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusunun başarıyla 1 uyarısını sildiniz."
                    remove 1 from {hwCount.%arg 2%}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."

command /hackwarncount [<player>]:
    aliases: /hwc
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.see":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: /hwc -nick-" to player
            if {hwCount.%arg 1%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusunun sicili temiz." to player
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusu &6%{hwCount.%arg 1%}% &7adet uyarı almış." to player

Birde essentialsı atayım ondada hata varsa düzeltin.
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
# If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
#   - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
#   - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
#   - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
#   - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks

# If you have problems join the Essentials help support channel: http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 Essentials (Global)                  | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: 'none'

# The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
nickname-prefix: ''

# The maximum length allowed in nicknames. The nickname prefix is included in this.
max-nick-length: 15

# Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
change-displayname: true

# When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
change-playerlist: false

# When essentialschat.jar isn't used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname.
# This setting is ignored if essentialschat.jar is used, and defaults to 'true'.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
# Do not edit this setting unless you know what you are doing!
#add-prefix-suffix: false

# If the teleport destination is unsafe, should players be teleported to the nearest safe location?
# If this is set to true, Essentials will attempt to teleport players close to the intended destination.
# If this is set to false, attempted teleports to unsafe locations will be cancelled with a warning.
teleport-safety: true

# The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
teleport-cooldown: 2

# The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports.  If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
teleport-delay: 2

# The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after they have been teleported by a command.
# This will also prevent the player attacking other players.
teleport-invulnerability: 4

# The delay, in seconds, required between /heal or /feed attempts.
heal-cooldown: 60

# What to prevent from /i /give.
# e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 46,11,10
item-spawn-blacklist: 52,90

# Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules.
# Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
# Example permissions (these go in your permissions manager):
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.give.item-all
#  - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-all
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-bucket # Unlimited liquid placing
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference/ICheat#Item.2FGive
permission-based-item-spawn: false

# Mob limit on the /spawnmob command per execution.
spawnmob-limit: 10

# Shall we notify users when using /lightning?
warn-on-smite: true

# motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt.

# When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take priority.
# Commands in this list, will tell Essentials to 'not give up' the command to other plugins.
# In this state, which plugin 'wins' appears to be almost random.
# If you have two plugin with the same command and you wish to force Essentials to take over, you need an alias.
# To force essentials to take 'god' alias 'god' to 'egod'.
# See http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#aliases for more information

- more
- nick
- emore
- stack

# Disabling commands here will prevent Essentials handling the command, this will not affect command conflicts.
# Commands should fallback to the vanilla versions if available.
# You should not have to disable commands used in other plugins, they will automatically get priority.
- nick
- more
- emore
- stack

# These commands will be shown to players with socialSpy enabled.
# You can add commands from other plugins you may want to track or
# remove commands that are used for something you dont want to spy on.
  - msg
  - w
  - r
  - mail
  - m
  - t
  - whisper
  - emsg
  - tell
  - er
  - reply
  - ereply
  - email
  - action
  - describe
  - eme
  - eaction
  - edescribe
  - etell
  - ewhisper
  - pm

# If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
# This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
# If you are using an unsupported permissions system, simply delete this section.
# Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
# These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
  - afk
  - afk.auto
  - back
  - back.ondeath
  - balance
  - balance.others
  - balancetop
  - build
  - chat.color
  - chat.format
  - chat.shout
  - chat.question
  - clearinventory
  - compass
  - depth
  - delhome
  - getpos
  - geoip.show
  - help
  - helpop
  - home
  - home.others
  - ignore
  - info
  - itemdb
  - kit
  - kits.tools
  - list
  - mail
  - mail.send
  - me
  - motd
  - msg
  - msg.color
  - nick
  - near
  - pay
  - ping
  - protect
  - r
  - rules
  - realname
  - seen
  - sell
  - sethome
  - setxmpp
  - signs.create.protection
  - signs.create.trade
  - signs.break.protection
  - signs.break.trade
  - signs.use.balance
  - signs.use.buy
  - signs.use.disposal
  - signs.use.enchant
  - signs.use.free
  - signs.use.gamemode
  - signs.use.heal
  - signs.use.info
  - signs.use.kit
  - signs.use.mail
  - signs.use.protection
  - signs.use.repair
  - signs.use.sell
  - signs.use.time
  - signs.use.trade
  - signs.use.warp
  - signs.use.weather
  - spawn
  - suicide
  - time
  - tpa
  - tpaccept
  - tpahere
  - tpdeny
  - warp
  - warp.list
  - world
  - worth
  - xmpp

# Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
# All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
# Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
# For Item meta information visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Item_Meta
# 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Kits
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:4 looting:1 fireaspect:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_BOT
      - 322:1 4
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:5 looting:2 fireaspect:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_BOT
      - 322:1 8
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:5 looting:3 fireaspect:2 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_BOT
      - 322:1 16
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
# Essentials Sign Control
# See http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial for instructions on how to use these.
# To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
# Essentials Colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
# Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.

  - color
  - balance
  - buy
  # sell
  - trade
  - free
  - disposal
  - warp
  - kit
  - mail
  - enchant
  - gamemode
  - heal
  - info
  - spawnmob
  - repair
  - time
  - weather

# How many times per second can Essentials signs be interacted with per player.
# Values should be between 1-20, 20 being virtually no lag protection.
# Lower numbers will reduce the possibility of lag, but may annoy players.
sign-use-per-second: 4

# Backup runs a batch/bash command while saving is disabled.
  # Interval in minutes.
  interval: 30
  # Unless you add a valid backup command or script here, this feature will be useless.
  # Use 'save-all' to simply force regular world saving without backup.
  #command: 'rdiff-backup World1 backups/World1'

# Set this true to enable permission per warp.
per-warp-permission: false

# Sort output of /list command by groups.
# You can hide and merge the groups displayed in /list by defining the desired behaviour here.
# Detailed instructions and examples can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/List
    # To merge groups, list the groups you wish to merge
    #Staff: owner admin moderator
    Admins: owner admin
    # To limit groups, set a max user limit
    #builder: 20
    # To hide groups, set the group as hidden
    #default: hidden
    # Uncomment the line below to simply list all players with no grouping
    #Players: '*'

# More output to the console.
debug: false

# Set the locale for all messages.
# If you don't set this, the default locale of the server will be used.
# For example, to set language to English, set locale to en, to use the file "messages_en.properties".
# Don't forget to remove the # in front of the line.
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Locale
locale: tr

# Turn off god mode when people exit.
remove-god-on-disconnect: true

# Auto-AFK
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be set as afk.
# This feature requires the player to have essentials.afk.auto node.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk: 300

# Auto-AFK Kick
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be kicked from the server.
# essentials.afk.kickexempt node overrides this feature.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk-kick: -1

# Set this to true, if you want to freeze the player, if he is afk.
# Other players or monsters can't push him out of afk mode then.
# This will also enable temporary god mode for the afk player.
# The player has to use the command /afk to leave the afk mode.
freeze-afk-players: false

# When the player is afk, should he be able to pickup items?
# Enable this, when you don't want people idling in mob traps.
disable-item-pickup-while-afk: false

# This setting controls if a player is marked as active on interaction.
# When this setting is false, you will need to manually un-AFK using the /afk command.
cancel-afk-on-interact: true

# Should we automatically remove afk status when the player moves?
# Player will be removed from AFK on chat/command regardless of this setting.
# Disable this to reduce server lag.
cancel-afk-on-move: true

# You can disable the death messages of Minecraft here.
death-messages: true

# Should operators be able to join and part silently.
# You can control this with permissions if it is enabled.
allow-silent-join-quit: false

# You can set a custom join message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-join-message: "none"

# You can set a custom quit message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-quit-message: "none"

# Add worlds to this list, if you want to automatically disable god mode there.
#  - world_nether

# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for teleporting between worlds with essentials commands.
# This applies to /world, /back, /tp[a|o][here|all], but not warps.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
# This does not affect the /home command, there is a separate toggle below for this.
world-teleport-permissions: false

# The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
# If this number is below 1, the maximum stack size size is given. If over-sized stacks.
# are not enabled, any number higher than the maximum stack size results in more than one stack.
default-stack-size: -1

# Over-sized stacks are stacks that ignore the normal max stack size.
# They can be obtained using /give and /item, if the player has essentials.oversizedstacks permission.
# How many items should be in an over-sized stack?
oversized-stacksize: 64

# Allow repair of enchanted weapons and armor.
# If you set this to false, you can still allow it for certain players using the permission.
# essentials.repair.enchanted
repair-enchanted: true

# Allow 'unsafe' enchantments in kits and item spawning.
# Warning: Mixing and overleveling some enchantments can cause issues with clients, servers and plugins.
unsafe-enchantments: true

#Do you want essentials to keep track of previous location for /back in the teleport listener?
#If you set this to true any plugin that uses teleport will have the previous location registered.
register-back-in-listener: false

#Delay to wait before people can cause attack damage after logging in.
login-attack-delay: 5

#Set the max fly speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-fly-speed: 0.8

#Set the max walk speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-walk-speed: 0.8

#Set the maximum amount of mail that can be sent within a minute.
mails-per-minute: 1000

# Set the maximum time /tempban can be used for in seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable, and essentials.tempban.unlimited can be used to override.
max-tempban-time: -1

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsHome                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Allows people to set their bed at daytime.
update-bed-at-daytime: true

# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for using homes to teleport between worlds.
# This applies to the /home only.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
world-home-permissions: false

# Allow players to have multiple homes.
# Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home.
# You can set the default number of multiple homes using the 'default' rank below.
# To remove the home limit entirely, give people 'essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited'.
# To grant different home amounts to different people, you need to define a 'home-rank' below.
# Create the 'home-rank' below, and give the matching permission: essentials.sethome.multiple.<home-rank>
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Multihome
  oyuncu: 3
  vip: 5
  megavip: 6
  ultravip: 7
# In this example someone with 'essentials.sethome.multiple' and 'essentials.sethome.multiple.vip' will have 5 homes.

# Set timeout in seconds for players to accept tpa before request is cancelled.
# Set to 0 for no timeout.
tpa-accept-cancellation: 120

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsEco                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Essentials_Economy

# Defines the balance with which new players begin.  Defaults to 0.
starting-balance: 60

# worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
# These are now defined in worth.yml

# Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
# Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
  # /example costs $1000 PER USE
  #example: 1000
  #/kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
  kit-coin: 1000

# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
currency-symbol: 'T'

# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
max-money: 50000000

# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely.  Users need 'essentials.eco.loan' perm to go below 0.
min-money: -10000

# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsHelp                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Show other plugins commands in help.
non-ess-in-help: true

# Hide plugins which do not give a permission.
# You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
# The individual permission is: essentials.help.<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help regardless.
# You can use negative permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
hide-permissionless-help: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsChat                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #


  # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks.  Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  # Note that users with the "essentials.chat.spy" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  # Users with essentials.chat.shout can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  # Users with essentials.chat.question can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  radius: 0

  # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # If set to the default chat format which "should" be compatible with ichat.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Chat_Formatting

  format: '{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &f{MESSAGE}'
  #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'

    Oyuncu: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &f{MESSAGE}'
    Admin: '&c&l{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &2{MESSAGE}'
    Rehber: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &a{MESSAGE}'
    Kurucu: '&c&l{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &b{MESSAGE}'
    Moderator: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &3{MESSAGE}'
    skylord: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &c{MESSAGE}'
    vip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &6{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&f {MESSAGE}'
    highvip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &8{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&a {MESSAGE}'
    ultimatevip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &a{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&e {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 EssentialsProtect                    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #


  # Degistirebileceginiz ozellikler.
    lava-flow: false
    water-flow: false
    water-bucket-flow: false
    fire-spread: false
    lava-fire-spread: false
    flint-fire: false
    lightning-fire-spread: false
    portal-creation: false
    tnt-explosion: true
    tnt-playerdamage: false
    tnt-minecart-explosion: true
    tnt-minecart-playerdamage: false
    fireball-explosion: true
    fireball-fire: true
    fireball-playerdamage: false
    witherskull-explosion: true
    witherskull-playerdamage: false
    wither-spawnexplosion: true
    wither-blockreplace: true
    creeper-explosion: false
    creeper-playerdamage: false
    creeper-blockdamage: true
    enderdragon-blockdamage: true
    enderman-pickup: false
    villager-death: false
    # Monsters won't follow players.
    # permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this.
    entitytarget: false
    # Prevent the spawning of creatures.
      creeper: false
      skeleton: false
      spider: false
      giant: false
      zombie: false
      slime: false
      ghast: false
      pig_zombie: false
      enderman: false
      cave_spider: false
      silverfish: false
      blaze: false
      magma_cube: false
      ender_dragon: false
      pig: false
      sheep: false
      cow: false
      chicken: false
      squid: false
      wolf: false
      mushroom_cow: false
      snowman: false
      ocelot: false
      iron_golem: false
      villager: false
      wither: false
      bat: false
      witch: false
      horse: false

  # Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
  # Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
    max-height: -1

  # Disable various default physics and behaviors.
    # Should fall damage be disabled?
    fall: false

    # Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
    # They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
    pvp: false

    # Should drowning damage be disabled?
    # (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value.)
    drown: false
    suffocate: false

    # Should damage via lava be disabled?  Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
    lavadmg: false

    # Should arrow damage be disabled?
    projectiles: false

    # This will disable damage from touching cacti.
    contactdmg: false

    # Burn, baby, burn!  Should fire damage be disabled?
    firedmg: false

    # Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
    lightning: false

    # Should Wither damage be disabled?
    wither: false

    # Disable weather options?
      storm: false
      thunder: false
      lightning: false

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                EssentialsAntiBuild                   | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

  # Disable various default physics and behaviors
  # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/AntiBuild

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
    # Set true to disable building for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
    build: true

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
    # Set true to disable using for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using items.
    use: true

    # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
    warn-on-build-disallow: true

  # For which block types would you like to be alerted?
  # You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
  # 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
    on-placement: 11,46


    # Oyuncularin koyamayacagi blok listesi?
    placement: 385,407,408,342,343

    # Oyuncularin kullanamayacagi blok listesi (cakmak vb.)?
    usage: 51,385,342,343,344

    # Oyuncularin kiramayacaklari blok listesi?

    # Oyuncularin pistonla itemeyecegi blok listesi?

    # Oyuncularin dispanzerle firlatamayacagi blok listesi
    dispenser: 332,344

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Essentials Spawn / New Players            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

  # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  # If not, set to ''
  #announce-format: ''
  announce-format: ''

  # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  spawnpoint: newbies

  # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  # This kit will be given regardless of cost, and permissions.
  #kit: ''

# Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
# Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
# Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
respawn-listener-priority: high

# When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: true

# End of File <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
# If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
#   - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
#   - Indents are correct: YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation
#   - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrophe)
#   - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks

# If you have problems join the Essentials help support channel: http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 Essentials (Global)                  | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
ops-name-color: 'none'

# The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
nickname-prefix: ''

# The maximum length allowed in nicknames. The nickname prefix is included in this.
max-nick-length: 15

# Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
change-displayname: true

# When this option is enabled, the (tab) player list will be updated with the displayname.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
change-playerlist: false

# When essentialschat.jar isn't used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname.
# This setting is ignored if essentialschat.jar is used, and defaults to 'true'.
# The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
# Do not edit this setting unless you know what you are doing!
#add-prefix-suffix: false

# If the teleport destination is unsafe, should players be teleported to the nearest safe location?
# If this is set to true, Essentials will attempt to teleport players close to the intended destination.
# If this is set to false, attempted teleports to unsafe locations will be cancelled with a warning.
teleport-safety: true

# The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
teleport-cooldown: 2

# The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports.  If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
teleport-delay: 2

# The delay, in seconds, a player can't be attacked by other players after they have been teleported by a command.
# This will also prevent the player attacking other players.
teleport-invulnerability: 4

# The delay, in seconds, required between /heal or /feed attempts.
heal-cooldown: 60

# What to prevent from /i /give.
# e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 46,11,10
item-spawn-blacklist: 52,90

# Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules.
# Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
# Example permissions (these go in your permissions manager):
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.give.item-all
#  - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-all
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemname]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-[itemid]
#  - essentials.unlimited.item-bucket # Unlimited liquid placing
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Command_Reference/ICheat#Item.2FGive
permission-based-item-spawn: false

# Mob limit on the /spawnmob command per execution.
spawnmob-limit: 10

# Shall we notify users when using /lightning?
warn-on-smite: true

# motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt.

# When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take priority.
# Commands in this list, will tell Essentials to 'not give up' the command to other plugins.
# In this state, which plugin 'wins' appears to be almost random.
# If you have two plugin with the same command and you wish to force Essentials to take over, you need an alias.
# To force essentials to take 'god' alias 'god' to 'egod'.
# See http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#aliases for more information

- more
- nick
- emore
- stack

# Disabling commands here will prevent Essentials handling the command, this will not affect command conflicts.
# Commands should fallback to the vanilla versions if available.
# You should not have to disable commands used in other plugins, they will automatically get priority.
- nick
- more
- emore
- stack

# These commands will be shown to players with socialSpy enabled.
# You can add commands from other plugins you may want to track or
# remove commands that are used for something you dont want to spy on.
  - msg
  - w
  - r
  - mail
  - m
  - t
  - whisper
  - emsg
  - tell
  - er
  - reply
  - ereply
  - email
  - action
  - describe
  - eme
  - eaction
  - edescribe
  - etell
  - ewhisper
  - pm

# If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
# This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
# If you are using an unsupported permissions system, simply delete this section.
# Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
# These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
  - afk
  - afk.auto
  - back
  - back.ondeath
  - balance
  - balance.others
  - balancetop
  - build
  - chat.color
  - chat.format
  - chat.shout
  - chat.question
  - clearinventory
  - compass
  - depth
  - delhome
  - getpos
  - geoip.show
  - help
  - helpop
  - home
  - home.others
  - ignore
  - info
  - itemdb
  - kit
  - kits.tools
  - list
  - mail
  - mail.send
  - me
  - motd
  - msg
  - msg.color
  - nick
  - near
  - pay
  - ping
  - protect
  - r
  - rules
  - realname
  - seen
  - sell
  - sethome
  - setxmpp
  - signs.create.protection
  - signs.create.trade
  - signs.break.protection
  - signs.break.trade
  - signs.use.balance
  - signs.use.buy
  - signs.use.disposal
  - signs.use.enchant
  - signs.use.free
  - signs.use.gamemode
  - signs.use.heal
  - signs.use.info
  - signs.use.kit
  - signs.use.mail
  - signs.use.protection
  - signs.use.repair
  - signs.use.sell
  - signs.use.time
  - signs.use.trade
  - signs.use.warp
  - signs.use.weather
  - spawn
  - suicide
  - time
  - tpa
  - tpaccept
  - tpahere
  - tpdeny
  - warp
  - warp.list
  - world
  - worth
  - xmpp

# Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
# All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
# Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]...
# For Item meta information visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Item_Meta
# 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds.
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Kits
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:4 looting:1 fireaspect:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:1 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&6&lVIP_BOT
      - 322:1 4
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:5 looting:2 fireaspect:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:2 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&3&lHIGH_VIP_BOT
      - 322:1 8
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
    delay: 172800
      - 276 1 sharpness:5 looting:3 fireaspect:2 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KILIC
      - 277 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KUREK
      - 278 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KAZMA
      - 279 1 efficiency:4 fortune:3 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_BALTA
      - 310 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_KASK
      - 311 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_ZIRH
      - 312 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_PANTOLON
      - 313 1 protection:4 durability:3 name:&e&lULTIMATE_VIP_BOT
      - 322:1 16
      - 340 1 name:&6&n&lKitlerinizi_baska_oyunculara_para_ile_satmayiniz!
# Essentials Sign Control
# See http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Sign_Tutorial for instructions on how to use these.
# To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
# Essentials Colored sign support will be enabled when any sign types are enabled.
# Color is not an actual sign, it's for enabling using color codes on signs, when the correct permissions are given.

  - color
  - balance
  - buy
  # sell
  - trade
  - free
  - disposal
  - warp
  - kit
  - mail
  - enchant
  - gamemode
  - heal
  - info
  - spawnmob
  - repair
  - time
  - weather

# How many times per second can Essentials signs be interacted with per player.
# Values should be between 1-20, 20 being virtually no lag protection.
# Lower numbers will reduce the possibility of lag, but may annoy players.
sign-use-per-second: 4

# Backup runs a batch/bash command while saving is disabled.
  # Interval in minutes.
  interval: 30
  # Unless you add a valid backup command or script here, this feature will be useless.
  # Use 'save-all' to simply force regular world saving without backup.
  #command: 'rdiff-backup World1 backups/World1'

# Set this true to enable permission per warp.
per-warp-permission: false

# Sort output of /list command by groups.
# You can hide and merge the groups displayed in /list by defining the desired behaviour here.
# Detailed instructions and examples can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/List
    # To merge groups, list the groups you wish to merge
    #Staff: owner admin moderator
    Admins: owner admin
    # To limit groups, set a max user limit
    #builder: 20
    # To hide groups, set the group as hidden
    #default: hidden
    # Uncomment the line below to simply list all players with no grouping
    #Players: '*'

# More output to the console.
debug: false

# Set the locale for all messages.
# If you don't set this, the default locale of the server will be used.
# For example, to set language to English, set locale to en, to use the file "messages_en.properties".
# Don't forget to remove the # in front of the line.
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Locale
locale: tr

# Turn off god mode when people exit.
remove-god-on-disconnect: true

# Auto-AFK
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be set as afk.
# This feature requires the player to have essentials.afk.auto node.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk: 300

# Auto-AFK Kick
# After this timeout in seconds, the user will be kicked from the server.
# essentials.afk.kickexempt node overrides this feature.
# Set to -1 for no timeout.
auto-afk-kick: -1

# Set this to true, if you want to freeze the player, if he is afk.
# Other players or monsters can't push him out of afk mode then.
# This will also enable temporary god mode for the afk player.
# The player has to use the command /afk to leave the afk mode.
freeze-afk-players: false

# When the player is afk, should he be able to pickup items?
# Enable this, when you don't want people idling in mob traps.
disable-item-pickup-while-afk: false

# This setting controls if a player is marked as active on interaction.
# When this setting is false, you will need to manually un-AFK using the /afk command.
cancel-afk-on-interact: true

# Should we automatically remove afk status when the player moves?
# Player will be removed from AFK on chat/command regardless of this setting.
# Disable this to reduce server lag.
cancel-afk-on-move: true

# You can disable the death messages of Minecraft here.
death-messages: true

# Should operators be able to join and part silently.
# You can control this with permissions if it is enabled.
allow-silent-join-quit: false

# You can set a custom join message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-join-message: "none"

# You can set a custom quit message here, set to "none" to disable.
# You may use color codes, use {USERNAME} the player's name or {PLAYER} for the player's displayname.
custom-quit-message: "none"

# Add worlds to this list, if you want to automatically disable god mode there.
#  - world_nether

# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for teleporting between worlds with essentials commands.
# This applies to /world, /back, /tp[a|o][here|all], but not warps.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
# This does not affect the /home command, there is a separate toggle below for this.
world-teleport-permissions: false

# The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
# If this number is below 1, the maximum stack size size is given. If over-sized stacks.
# are not enabled, any number higher than the maximum stack size results in more than one stack.
default-stack-size: -1

# Over-sized stacks are stacks that ignore the normal max stack size.
# They can be obtained using /give and /item, if the player has essentials.oversizedstacks permission.
# How many items should be in an over-sized stack?
oversized-stacksize: 64

# Allow repair of enchanted weapons and armor.
# If you set this to false, you can still allow it for certain players using the permission.
# essentials.repair.enchanted
repair-enchanted: true

# Allow 'unsafe' enchantments in kits and item spawning.
# Warning: Mixing and overleveling some enchantments can cause issues with clients, servers and plugins.
unsafe-enchantments: true

#Do you want essentials to keep track of previous location for /back in the teleport listener?
#If you set this to true any plugin that uses teleport will have the previous location registered.
register-back-in-listener: false

#Delay to wait before people can cause attack damage after logging in.
login-attack-delay: 5

#Set the max fly speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-fly-speed: 0.8

#Set the max walk speed, values range from 0.1 to 1.0
max-walk-speed: 0.8

#Set the maximum amount of mail that can be sent within a minute.
mails-per-minute: 1000

# Set the maximum time /tempban can be used for in seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable, and essentials.tempban.unlimited can be used to override.
max-tempban-time: -1

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsHome                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Allows people to set their bed at daytime.
update-bed-at-daytime: true

# Set to true to enable per-world permissions for using homes to teleport between worlds.
# This applies to the /home only.
# Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
world-home-permissions: false

# Allow players to have multiple homes.
# Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home.
# You can set the default number of multiple homes using the 'default' rank below.
# To remove the home limit entirely, give people 'essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited'.
# To grant different home amounts to different people, you need to define a 'home-rank' below.
# Create the 'home-rank' below, and give the matching permission: essentials.sethome.multiple.<home-rank>
# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Multihome
  oyuncu: 3
  vip: 5
  megavip: 6
  ultravip: 7
# In this example someone with 'essentials.sethome.multiple' and 'essentials.sethome.multiple.vip' will have 5 homes.

# Set timeout in seconds for players to accept tpa before request is cancelled.
# Set to 0 for no timeout.
tpa-accept-cancellation: 120

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsEco                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Essentials_Economy

# Defines the balance with which new players begin.  Defaults to 0.
starting-balance: 60

# worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
# These are now defined in worth.yml

# Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE.
# Some commands like /repair have sub-costs, check the wiki for more information.
  # /example costs $1000 PER USE
  #example: 1000
  #/kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
  kit-coin: 1000

# Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
currency-symbol: 'T'

# Set the maximum amount of money a player can have.
# The amount is always limited to 10 trillion because of the limitations of a java double.
max-money: 50000000

# Set the minimum amount of money a player can have (must be above the negative of max-money).
# Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans completely.  Users need 'essentials.eco.loan' perm to go below 0.
min-money: -10000

# Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command.
economy-log-enabled: false

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsHelp                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Show other plugins commands in help.
non-ess-in-help: true

# Hide plugins which do not give a permission.
# You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
# The individual permission is: essentials.help.<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help regardless.
# You can use negative permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
hide-permissionless-help: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsChat                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #


  # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks.  Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  # Note that users with the "essentials.chat.spy" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  # Users with essentials.chat.shout can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  # Users with essentials.chat.question can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  radius: 0

  # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # If set to the default chat format which "should" be compatible with ichat.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Chat_Formatting

  format: '{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &f{MESSAGE}'
  #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'

    Oyuncu: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &f{MESSAGE}'
    Admin: '&c&l{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &2{MESSAGE}'
    Rehber: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &a{MESSAGE}'
    Kurucu: '&c&l{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &b{MESSAGE}'
    Moderator: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &3{MESSAGE}'
    skylord: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] {DISPLAYNAME}&6&l > &c{MESSAGE}'
    vip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &6{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&f {MESSAGE}'
    highvip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &8{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&a {MESSAGE}'
    ultimatevip: '&8[&3{ISLAND_LEVEL}&8] &a{DISPLAYNAME}&6&l >&e {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 EssentialsProtect                    | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #


  # Degistirebileceginiz ozellikler.
    lava-flow: false
    water-flow: false
    water-bucket-flow: false
    fire-spread: false
    lava-fire-spread: false
    flint-fire: false
    lightning-fire-spread: false
    portal-creation: false
    tnt-explosion: true
    tnt-playerdamage: false
    tnt-minecart-explosion: true
    tnt-minecart-playerdamage: false
    fireball-explosion: true
    fireball-fire: true
    fireball-playerdamage: false
    witherskull-explosion: true
    witherskull-playerdamage: false
    wither-spawnexplosion: true
    wither-blockreplace: true
    creeper-explosion: false
    creeper-playerdamage: false
    creeper-blockdamage: true
    enderdragon-blockdamage: true
    enderman-pickup: false
    villager-death: false
    # Monsters won't follow players.
    # permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this.
    entitytarget: false
    # Prevent the spawning of creatures.
      creeper: false
      skeleton: false
      spider: false
      giant: false
      zombie: false
      slime: false
      ghast: false
      pig_zombie: false
      enderman: false
      cave_spider: false
      silverfish: false
      blaze: false
      magma_cube: false
      ender_dragon: false
      pig: false
      sheep: false
      cow: false
      chicken: false
      squid: false
      wolf: false
      mushroom_cow: false
      snowman: false
      ocelot: false
      iron_golem: false
      villager: false
      wither: false
      bat: false
      witch: false
      horse: false

  # Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
  # Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
    max-height: -1

  # Disable various default physics and behaviors.
    # Should fall damage be disabled?
    fall: false

    # Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
    # They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
    pvp: false

    # Should drowning damage be disabled?
    # (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value.)
    drown: false
    suffocate: false

    # Should damage via lava be disabled?  Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
    lavadmg: false

    # Should arrow damage be disabled?
    projectiles: false

    # This will disable damage from touching cacti.
    contactdmg: false

    # Burn, baby, burn!  Should fire damage be disabled?
    firedmg: false

    # Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
    lightning: false

    # Should Wither damage be disabled?
    wither: false

    # Disable weather options?
      storm: false
      thunder: false
      lightning: false

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                EssentialsAntiBuild                   | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

  # Disable various default physics and behaviors
  # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/AntiBuild

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
    # Set true to disable building for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
    build: true

    # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
    # Set true to disable using for those people.
    # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using items.
    use: true

    # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
    warn-on-build-disallow: true

  # For which block types would you like to be alerted?
  # You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
  # 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
    on-placement: 11,46


    # Oyuncularin koyamayacagi blok listesi?
    placement: 385,407,408,342,343

    # Oyuncularin kullanamayacagi blok listesi (cakmak vb.)?
    usage: 51,385,342,343,344

    # Oyuncularin kiramayacaklari blok listesi?

    # Oyuncularin pistonla itemeyecegi blok listesi?

    # Oyuncularin dispanzerle firlatamayacagi blok listesi
    dispenser: 332,344

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |            Essentials Spawn / New Players            | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

  # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  # If not, set to ''
  #announce-format: ''
  announce-format: ''

  # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  spawnpoint: newbies

  # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  # This kit will be given regardless of cost, and permissions.
  #kit: ''

# Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning.
# Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
# Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning.
respawn-listener-priority: high

# When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
respawn-at-home: true

# End of File <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.


Blind Bandit
En iyi cevaplar
Skripti inceledim ve böyle bir yer buldum
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
permission: skript.admin
set {vspawn} to location of player
message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"

Orada ki {vspawn} yerine {spawn} yazıp spawnın olması gereken yere git ve o komutu yaz muhtemelen olacak.
Ayrıca oyuncular dünyadan aşağıya düştüklerinde ölmeden spawna giderler. Ama o gidecekleri yer de vspawn olarak yazılmış. O kısmı istersen sil ya da kendine göre editle.
Bir yer daha gördüm essentialsda teleport-safety : true diye belki o sprun çıkartıyordur basamak kuvars bloğu vb yerlere spawn ayarlıyorsan onu false yap veya spawn ayarlanacak yerin bloğunu değiştir.


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Skripti inceledim ve böyle bir yer buldum
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
permission: skript.admin
set {vspawn} to location of player
message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"

Orada ki {vspawn} yerine {spawn} yazıp spawnın olması gereken yere git ve o komutu yaz muhtemelen olacak.
Ayrıca oyuncular dünyadan aşağıya düştüklerinde ölmeden spawna giderler. Ama o gidecekleri yer de vspawn olarak yazılmış. O kısmı istersen sil ya da kendine göre editle.
Bir yer daha gördüm essentialsda teleport-safety : true diye belki o sprun çıkartıyordur basamak kuvars bloğu vb yerlere spawn ayarlıyorsan onu false yap veya spawn ayarlanacak yerin bloğunu değiştir.
Teşekkürler deneyecegim.


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
Nasıl doğmuyorlar, Öncelikle bu pluginlerin yüklü olup olmadığını kontrol et, skript'e gerek yok;

1- Multiverse-Core
2- Authme

Şimdi spawn'ın olacağı yere git, sırasıyla şu komutları yaz;

/mv setspawn
/authme setfirstspawn
/authme setspawn

Attığın betacraft'ın skriptinde şu dikkatimi çekti;

on join:
teleport player to {spawn}
set join message to ""

on first join:
teleport player to {spawn}

Burada oyuncuları spawna ışınlıyor fakat sen {spawn} variablesını setlemedin muhtemelen.

O kodun arasına şunu ekle;

command /spawnbelirle:
    permission: op
        set {spawn} to player's location
        send "&aSpawn Belirlendi!" to player


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Sana atsam sen ayarlayabilirmisin? Çünki ekledim essentials bozuldu nasıl oluyor anlamadım:
    {bc.cobblestoneCounter.%player%} = 0
    {bc.cobblestoneCounterreward.%player%} = 0
    {bc.odulsaat.%player%} = 0
    {bc.oduldakika.%player%} = 0
    {slowmode.%player%.zaman} = 0
    {slowmode.setzaman} = 0
    {hwCount.%player%} = 0
    Automessage: 300
    duyuruprefix: &6&lDuyuru &8>
every 2 minutes:
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &7Sunucumuza Hosgeldiniz. Ada olusturmak icin &a/is :)"
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &eSunucumuz &a1.7,1.8 &eOlmak uzere skyblock uzerine kurulmustur."
    broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &bKufur &aHack Vb Seyler Yasaktir. Aninda ban atilir. "
every minute:
    loop all players:
        add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 59:
            add 1 to {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}
            remove 60 from {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$10.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 10000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 1:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$20.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 20000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saat 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$30.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 30000"
                add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 2 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$50.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 50000"
        if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 1:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
        chance of 5%:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
                    send "&6&l> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/2 saat &7var." to loop-player

command /sayaç [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /sayac
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığın &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%player%}%"
            if player has permission "bc.sayacadmin":
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7oyuncusunun,"
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığı &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%arg 1%}%"
                message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /giveall [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
        else if arg 2 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
            if player has permission "giveall.admin":
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
on join:
    set join message to ""
    set {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} to 1

on quit:
    set quit message to ""
    set {bc.odulsaat.%player%} to 0
    set {bc.oduldakika.%player%} to 0
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            remove player from {onlineVipler::*}
command /onlineodul [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /onlineödül
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7şuanda çevrimiçi değil."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is smaller than 1:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/2 saat &7var"
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun online-ödül süresi: &6%{bc.odulsaat.%arg 1%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%arg 1%}% dakika&7"
command /giveallmoney [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "bc.giveallmoney":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveallmoney para değeri"
                broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
                loop all players:
                    execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /feedall:
        if player has permission "bc.feedall":
            broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkesin açlığını sildi!"
            loop all players:
                execute console command "feed %loop-player%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /a [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.AdminChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/a mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.AdminChat"
                add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lAdmin Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online staff::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /z [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.RehberChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/z mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.RehberChat"
                add loop-player to {_online rehber::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lRehber Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online rehber::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /discoarmor:
        if player has permission "vip.discoarmor":
            if {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is not set:
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} to "AKTIF"
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} to "AKTIF"
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini açtınız." to player
                while {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is "AKTIF":
                    {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} is "AKTIF":
                        dye player's helmet (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's chestplate (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's leggings (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's boots (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        wait 1 tick
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini kapattınız." to player
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor}
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger}
            send "Bu komutu kullanabilmek için /magaza yazıp satın almalısınız!" to player
command /sm:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc mute all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player
command /st:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc clear all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player           

command /spawn:
        teleport player to {spawn}
        message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın!"
on join:
    teleport player to {spawn}
    set join message to ""
on first join:
    teleport player to {vspawn}    
command /temizle:
        execute player command "/sc clear own"
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
    permission: skript.admin
        set {spawn} to location of player
        message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"
command /spawnbelirle:
    permission: op
        set {spawn} to player's location
        send "&aSpawn Belirlendi!" to player
on damage:
    if y-coordinate of victim is below 0:
        cancel event
        teleport victim to {vspawn}
        send "&4&lUyarı &8> &7Adadan düştüğün için başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın." to victim
command /ananbizdee:
    permission: skylord.ol
    permission message: &7Öncelikle adanı &a1000 level &7yap!
    usage: /skylordol
        execute console command "/manuadd %player% skylord"
        message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Artık &aSkyLord &7oldun!"
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &a%player% &7isimli oyucu artık &aSkyLord" to players
command /tabloyugizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /onayla:
        execute player command "is confirm"
command /adakomutları:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /adakomutlari:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /gizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /raineventyap:
    permission: Rain.event
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7dakika sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 30 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &630 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 20 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &610 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &69 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &68 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &67 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &66 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &65 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &64 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &63 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &62 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Elmaslar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% diamond 3"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Altınlar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% goldingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Ender Dragon tecrübeleri dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% 384"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Demirler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% ironingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zümrütler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% emerald 3"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Event bitti, eventı başlatan admin: &6%player%" to players
on portal:
    message "&6&l> &4&lNethere gittiğinizde ordada 1 tane portal yapın!" to player

command /clearchat:
        if player has permission "bc.chat":
            loop 70 times:
                broadcast " "
            send "&7Sohbet &6%player% &7tarafından temizlendi." to all players
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /chat <text>:
    usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
        if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
            if arg 1 is "ac":
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
                delete {Sohbet}
                execute console command "announce interval 180"
            if arg 1 is "kapat":
                loop 70 times:
                    broadcast " "
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
                set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
                execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
on command "/bukkit:op":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    chance of 100%:
        send "&6&l> &6%victim% &6adlı oyuncunun kafası düştü!" to attacker
        execute console command "give %attacker% 397:3 1 {SkullOwner:%victim%}"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.oylamabaslat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                    set {yes} to 0
                    set {no} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla.%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "&6Yönetici %player%&7, bir oylama başlattı:"
                    broadcast "&7Soru: &6&l&o%arg-2%"
                    broadcast "&7Kabul etmek için &a/evet&7, reddetmek için &c/hayir &7yazabilirsiniz."
                    broadcast "&7Oylama &6%arg-1% &7saniye sonra sonuçlanacak."
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&6&lOylama tamamlandı (&6%arg 2%&7)"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &aEvet &7> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &cHayır &7> &c%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &aevet &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."

command /hayir:
    aliases: /hayır
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &ahayır &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."
command /cekilisyap:
        if player has permission "bc.cekilis":
            loop all players:
                add loop-player to {cekilistekiler::*}
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &610 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &69 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &68 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &67 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &66 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &65 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &64 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &63 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &62 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &61 saniye&7!"
            wait 3 seconds
            set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            broadcast "                    &6&lKAZANAN &8> &6&l%{kazanancekilis}%"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            clear {cekilistekiler::*}
on login:
    if {Sohbet} is not set:
        if player is op:
            if {op} is not set:
                set join message to ""
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                broadcast "                     &6&lONLINE ADMIN &8> &6&l%player%"
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                set join message to ""
            if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                set join message to "&6&lTWPSky &8> &8%name of player% &7SkyBlock sunucusuna giriş yaptı!"
                set join message to ""
            if player has permission "rSkript.vip.giris":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    if player is op:
                    set join message to ""
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    broadcast "                 &6&lONLINE VIP &8> &b&l%player%"
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    set join message to ""
        set join message to ""
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            add player to {onlineVipler::*}
command /girismesaj [<text>]:
        if player has permission "ruddeTR.GirisMesaj.Ayar":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is not "op" or "vip" or "default":
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is "default":
                if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar}
                    send "&7Oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar_vip} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar_vip}
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "op":
                if {op} is not set:
                    set {op} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Yöneticiler artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {op} is "HOOK":
                    clear {op}
                    send "&7Yöneticiler giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /ates:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if {bc.effect.%player%} is not set:
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkacak, &ofaçan yansın!"
                set {bc.effect.%player%} to on
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkmayacak."
                clear {bc.effect.%player%}
command /babane [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/babane komut"
                loop all players:
                    execute loop-player command "/%arg 1%"
#command /store:
#    trigger:
#        execute player command "/magaza"
command /hackwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /hile, /hw
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.give":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is not "warn" or "unwarn":
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is "warn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 0:
                    loop 60 times:
                        send " " to arg 2
                    send "&7&oBüyük suç: Hile" to arg 2
                    send "&7&o       Hileden dolayı uyarı aldınız. 1 Saat hapse gönderildiniz. Eğer 2 kez daha uyarılırsanız süresiz hapse gireceksiniz. Hile kullanımı oyun akışına aykırı ve büyük bir suçtur!" to arg 2
                    send "&7---------------------" to arg 2
                    send "&7&oNOT: Bu mesajı sadece siz görüyorsunuz." to arg 2
                    add 1 to {hwCount.%arg 2%}
                    send "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusu başarıyla uyarıldı." to player
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1h"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 1:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 24 saat hapse gönderildi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1d"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 2:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 7 gün hapse girdi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 7d"
            if arg 1 is "unwarn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is larger than 0:
                    message "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusunun başarıyla 1 uyarısını sildiniz."
                    remove 1 from {hwCount.%arg 2%}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."

command /hackwarncount [<player>]:
    aliases: /hwc
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.see":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: /hwc -nick-" to player
            if {hwCount.%arg 1%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusunun sicili temiz." to player
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusu &6%{hwCount.%arg 1%}% &7adet uyarı almış." to player


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
    {bc.cobblestoneCounter.%player%} = 0
    {bc.cobblestoneCounterreward.%player%} = 0
    {bc.odulsaat.%player%} = 0
    {bc.oduldakika.%player%} = 0
    {slowmode.%player%.zaman} = 0
    {slowmode.setzaman} = 0
    {hwCount.%player%} = 0
    Automessage: 300
    duyuruprefix: &6&lDuyuru &8>
every 2 minutes:
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &7Sunucumuza Hosgeldiniz. Ada olusturmak icin &a/is :)"
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &eSunucumuz &a1.7,1.8 &eOlmak uzere skyblock uzerine kurulmustur."
    broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &bKufur &aHack Vb Seyler Yasaktir. Aninda ban atilir. "
every minute:
    loop all players:
        add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 59:
            add 1 to {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}
            remove 60 from {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$10.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 10000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 1:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$20.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 20000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saat 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$30.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 30000"
                add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 2 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$50.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 50000"
        if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 1:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
        chance of 5%:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
                    send "&6&l> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/2 saat &7var." to loop-player

command /sayaç [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /sayac
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığın &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%player%}%"
            if player has permission "bc.sayacadmin":
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7oyuncusunun,"
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığı &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%arg 1%}%"
                message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /giveall [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
        else if arg 2 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
            if player has permission "giveall.admin":
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
on join:
    set join message to ""
    set {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} to 1

on quit:
    set quit message to ""
    set {bc.odulsaat.%player%} to 0
    set {bc.oduldakika.%player%} to 0
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            remove player from {onlineVipler::*}
command /onlineodul [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /onlineödül
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7şuanda çevrimiçi değil."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is smaller than 1:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/2 saat &7var"
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun online-ödül süresi: &6%{bc.odulsaat.%arg 1%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%arg 1%}% dakika&7"
command /giveallmoney [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "bc.giveallmoney":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveallmoney para değeri"
                broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
                loop all players:
                    execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /feedall:
        if player has permission "bc.feedall":
            broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkesin açlığını sildi!"
            loop all players:
                execute console command "feed %loop-player%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /a [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.AdminChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/a mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.AdminChat"
                add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lAdmin Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online staff::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /z [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.RehberChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/z mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.RehberChat"
                add loop-player to {_online rehber::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lRehber Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online rehber::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /discoarmor:
        if player has permission "vip.discoarmor":
            if {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is not set:
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} to "AKTIF"
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} to "AKTIF"
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini açtınız." to player
                while {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is "AKTIF":
                    {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} is "AKTIF":
                        dye player's helmet (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's chestplate (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's leggings (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's boots (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        wait 1 tick
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini kapattınız." to player
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor}
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger}
            send "Bu komutu kullanabilmek için /magaza yazıp satın almalısınız!" to player
command /sm:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc mute all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player
command /st:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc clear all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player          

command /temizle:
        execute player command "/sc clear own"
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
    permission: skript.admin
        set {vspawn} to location of player
        message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"
on damage:
    if y-coordinate of victim is below 0:
        cancel event
        teleport victim to {vspawn}
        send "&4&lUyarı &8> &7Adadan düştüğün için başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın." to victim
command /ananbizdee:
    permission: skylord.ol
    permission message: &7Öncelikle adanı &a1000 level &7yap!
    usage: /skylordol
        execute console command "/manuadd %player% skylord"
        message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Artık &aSkyLord &7oldun!"
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &a%player% &7isimli oyucu artık &aSkyLord" to players
command /tabloyugizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /onayla:
        execute player command "is confirm"
command /adakomutları:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /adakomutlari:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /gizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /raineventyap:
    permission: Rain.event
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7dakika sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 30 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &630 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 20 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &610 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &69 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &68 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &67 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &66 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &65 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &64 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &63 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &62 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Elmaslar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% diamond 3"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Altınlar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% goldingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Ender Dragon tecrübeleri dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% 384"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Demirler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% ironingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zümrütler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% emerald 3"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Event bitti, eventı başlatan admin: &6%player%" to players
on portal:
    message "&6&l> &4&lNethere gittiğinizde ordada 1 tane portal yapın!" to player

command /clearchat:
        if player has permission "bc.chat":
            loop 70 times:
                broadcast " "
            send "&7Sohbet &6%player% &7tarafından temizlendi." to all players
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /chat <text>:
    usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
        if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
            if arg 1 is "ac":
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
                delete {Sohbet}
                execute console command "announce interval 180"
            if arg 1 is "kapat":
                loop 70 times:
                    broadcast " "
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
                set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
                execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
on command "/bukkit:op":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    chance of 100%:
        send "&6&l> &6%victim% &6adlı oyuncunun kafası düştü!" to attacker
        execute console command "give %attacker% 397:3 1 {SkullOwner:%victim%}"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.oylamabaslat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                    set {yes} to 0
                    set {no} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla.%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "&6Yönetici %player%&7, bir oylama başlattı:"
                    broadcast "&7Soru: &6&l&o%arg-2%"
                    broadcast "&7Kabul etmek için &a/evet&7, reddetmek için &c/hayir &7yazabilirsiniz."
                    broadcast "&7Oylama &6%arg-1% &7saniye sonra sonuçlanacak."
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&6&lOylama tamamlandı (&6%arg 2%&7)"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &aEvet &7> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &cHayır &7> &c%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &aevet &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."

command /hayir:
    aliases: /hayır
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &ahayır &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."
command /cekilisyap:
        if player has permission "bc.cekilis":
            loop all players:
                add loop-player to {cekilistekiler::*}
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &610 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &69 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &68 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &67 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &66 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &65 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &64 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &63 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &62 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &61 saniye&7!"
            wait 3 seconds
            set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            broadcast "                    &6&lKAZANAN &8> &6&l%{kazanancekilis}%"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            clear {cekilistekiler::*}
on login:
    if {Sohbet} is not set:
        if player is op:
            if {op} is not set:
                set join message to ""
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                broadcast "                     &6&lONLINE ADMIN &8> &6&l%player%"
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                set join message to ""
            if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                set join message to "&6&lTWPSky &8> &8%name of player% &7SkyBlock sunucusuna giriş yaptı!"
                set join message to ""
            if player has permission "rSkript.vip.giris":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    if player is op:
                    set join message to ""
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    broadcast "                 &6&lONLINE VIP &8> &b&l%player%"
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    set join message to ""
        set join message to ""
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            add player to {onlineVipler::*}
command /girismesaj [<text>]:
        if player has permission "ruddeTR.GirisMesaj.Ayar":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is not "op" or "vip" or "default":
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is "default":
                if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar}
                    send "&7Oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar_vip} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar_vip}
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "op":
                if {op} is not set:
                    set {op} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Yöneticiler artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {op} is "HOOK":
                    clear {op}
                    send "&7Yöneticiler giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /ates:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if {bc.effect.%player%} is not set:
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkacak, &ofaçan yansın!"
                set {bc.effect.%player%} to on
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkmayacak."
                clear {bc.effect.%player%}
command /babane [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/babane komut"
                loop all players:
                    execute loop-player command "/%arg 1%"
#command /store:
#    trigger:
#        execute player command "/magaza"
command /hackwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /hile, /hw
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.give":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is not "warn" or "unwarn":
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is "warn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 0:
                    loop 60 times:
                        send " " to arg 2
                    send "&7&oBüyük suç: Hile" to arg 2
                    send "&7&o       Hileden dolayı uyarı aldınız. 1 Saat hapse gönderildiniz. Eğer 2 kez daha uyarılırsanız süresiz hapse gireceksiniz. Hile kullanımı oyun akışına aykırı ve büyük bir suçtur!" to arg 2
                    send "&7---------------------" to arg 2
                    send "&7&oNOT: Bu mesajı sadece siz görüyorsunuz." to arg 2
                    add 1 to {hwCount.%arg 2%}
                    send "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusu başarıyla uyarıldı." to player
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1h"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 1:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 24 saat hapse gönderildi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1d"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 2:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 7 gün hapse girdi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 7d"
            if arg 1 is "unwarn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is larger than 0:
                    message "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusunun başarıyla 1 uyarısını sildiniz."
                    remove 1 from {hwCount.%arg 2%}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."

command /hackwarncount [<player>]:
    aliases: /hwc
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.see":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: /hwc -nick-" to player
            if {hwCount.%arg 1%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusunun sicili temiz." to player
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusu &6%{hwCount.%arg 1%}% &7adet uyarı almış." to player

Direk o kısımları sildim, bunu sunucunuza yükleyin.
Sonrasında spawnınıza gidip şu komutları yazın;

/mv setspawn
/authme setfirstspawn
/authme setspawn

Olması gerekiyor.


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Betacraft pl paketini kullanıyorsanız kendi spawnı vardır, EssentialsSpawn yoksa yükleyin eğer varsa spawna /esetspawn yazın :şapka:


Kömür Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
    {bc.cobblestoneCounter.%player%} = 0
    {bc.cobblestoneCounterreward.%player%} = 0
    {bc.odulsaat.%player%} = 0
    {bc.oduldakika.%player%} = 0
    {slowmode.%player%.zaman} = 0
    {slowmode.setzaman} = 0
    {hwCount.%player%} = 0
    Automessage: 300
    duyuruprefix: &6&lDuyuru &8>
every 2 minutes:
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &7Sunucumuza Hosgeldiniz. Ada olusturmak icin &a/is :)"
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &eSunucumuz &a1.7,1.8 &eOlmak uzere skyblock uzerine kurulmustur."
    broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &bKufur &aHack Vb Seyler Yasaktir. Aninda ban atilir. "
every minute:
    loop all players:
        add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 59:
            add 1 to {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}
            remove 60 from {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$10.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 10000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 1:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$20.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 20000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saat 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$30.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 30000"
                add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 2 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$50.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 50000"
        if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 1:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
        chance of 5%:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
                    send "&6&l> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/2 saat &7var." to loop-player

command /sayaç [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /sayac
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığın &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%player%}%"
            if player has permission "bc.sayacadmin":
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7oyuncusunun,"
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığı &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%arg 1%}%"
                message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /giveall [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
        else if arg 2 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
            if player has permission "giveall.admin":
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
on join:
    set join message to ""
    set {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} to 1

on quit:
    set quit message to ""
    set {bc.odulsaat.%player%} to 0
    set {bc.oduldakika.%player%} to 0
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            remove player from {onlineVipler::*}
command /onlineodul [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /onlineödül
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7şuanda çevrimiçi değil."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is smaller than 1:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/2 saat &7var"
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun online-ödül süresi: &6%{bc.odulsaat.%arg 1%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%arg 1%}% dakika&7"
command /giveallmoney [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "bc.giveallmoney":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveallmoney para değeri"
                broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
                loop all players:
                    execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /feedall:
        if player has permission "bc.feedall":
            broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkesin açlığını sildi!"
            loop all players:
                execute console command "feed %loop-player%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /a [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.AdminChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/a mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.AdminChat"
                add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lAdmin Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online staff::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /z [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.RehberChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/z mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.RehberChat"
                add loop-player to {_online rehber::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lRehber Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online rehber::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /discoarmor:
        if player has permission "vip.discoarmor":
            if {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is not set:
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} to "AKTIF"
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} to "AKTIF"
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini açtınız." to player
                while {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is "AKTIF":
                    {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} is "AKTIF":
                        dye player's helmet (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's chestplate (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's leggings (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's boots (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        wait 1 tick
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini kapattınız." to player
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor}
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger}
            send "Bu komutu kullanabilmek için /magaza yazıp satın almalısınız!" to player
command /sm:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc mute all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player
command /st:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc clear all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player         

command /temizle:
        execute player command "/sc clear own"
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
    permission: skript.admin
        set {vspawn} to location of player
        message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"
on damage:
    if y-coordinate of victim is below 0:
        cancel event
        teleport victim to {vspawn}
        send "&4&lUyarı &8> &7Adadan düştüğün için başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın." to victim
command /ananbizdee:
    permission: skylord.ol
    permission message: &7Öncelikle adanı &a1000 level &7yap!
    usage: /skylordol
        execute console command "/manuadd %player% skylord"
        message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Artık &aSkyLord &7oldun!"
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &a%player% &7isimli oyucu artık &aSkyLord" to players
command /tabloyugizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /onayla:
        execute player command "is confirm"
command /adakomutları:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /adakomutlari:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /gizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /raineventyap:
    permission: Rain.event
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7dakika sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 30 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &630 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 20 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &610 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &69 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &68 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &67 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &66 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &65 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &64 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &63 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &62 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Elmaslar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% diamond 3"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Altınlar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% goldingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Ender Dragon tecrübeleri dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% 384"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Demirler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% ironingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zümrütler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% emerald 3"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Event bitti, eventı başlatan admin: &6%player%" to players
on portal:
    message "&6&l> &4&lNethere gittiğinizde ordada 1 tane portal yapın!" to player

command /clearchat:
        if player has permission "bc.chat":
            loop 70 times:
                broadcast " "
            send "&7Sohbet &6%player% &7tarafından temizlendi." to all players
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /chat <text>:
    usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
        if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
            if arg 1 is "ac":
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
                delete {Sohbet}
                execute console command "announce interval 180"
            if arg 1 is "kapat":
                loop 70 times:
                    broadcast " "
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
                set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
                execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
on command "/bukkit:op":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    chance of 100%:
        send "&6&l> &6%victim% &6adlı oyuncunun kafası düştü!" to attacker
        execute console command "give %attacker% 397:3 1 {SkullOwner:%victim%}"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.oylamabaslat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                    set {yes} to 0
                    set {no} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla.%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "&6Yönetici %player%&7, bir oylama başlattı:"
                    broadcast "&7Soru: &6&l&o%arg-2%"
                    broadcast "&7Kabul etmek için &a/evet&7, reddetmek için &c/hayir &7yazabilirsiniz."
                    broadcast "&7Oylama &6%arg-1% &7saniye sonra sonuçlanacak."
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&6&lOylama tamamlandı (&6%arg 2%&7)"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &aEvet &7> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &cHayır &7> &c%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &aevet &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."

command /hayir:
    aliases: /hayır
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &ahayır &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."
command /cekilisyap:
        if player has permission "bc.cekilis":
            loop all players:
                add loop-player to {cekilistekiler::*}
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &610 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &69 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &68 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &67 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &66 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &65 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &64 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &63 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &62 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &61 saniye&7!"
            wait 3 seconds
            set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            broadcast "                    &6&lKAZANAN &8> &6&l%{kazanancekilis}%"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            clear {cekilistekiler::*}
on login:
    if {Sohbet} is not set:
        if player is op:
            if {op} is not set:
                set join message to ""
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                broadcast "                     &6&lONLINE ADMIN &8> &6&l%player%"
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                set join message to ""
            if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                set join message to "&6&lTWPSky &8> &8%name of player% &7SkyBlock sunucusuna giriş yaptı!"
                set join message to ""
            if player has permission "rSkript.vip.giris":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    if player is op:
                    set join message to ""
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    broadcast "                 &6&lONLINE VIP &8> &b&l%player%"
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    set join message to ""
        set join message to ""
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            add player to {onlineVipler::*}
command /girismesaj [<text>]:
        if player has permission "ruddeTR.GirisMesaj.Ayar":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is not "op" or "vip" or "default":
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is "default":
                if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar}
                    send "&7Oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar_vip} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar_vip}
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "op":
                if {op} is not set:
                    set {op} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Yöneticiler artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {op} is "HOOK":
                    clear {op}
                    send "&7Yöneticiler giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /ates:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if {bc.effect.%player%} is not set:
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkacak, &ofaçan yansın!"
                set {bc.effect.%player%} to on
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkmayacak."
                clear {bc.effect.%player%}
command /babane [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/babane komut"
                loop all players:
                    execute loop-player command "/%arg 1%"
#command /store:
#    trigger:
#        execute player command "/magaza"
command /hackwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /hile, /hw
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.give":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is not "warn" or "unwarn":
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is "warn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 0:
                    loop 60 times:
                        send " " to arg 2
                    send "&7&oBüyük suç: Hile" to arg 2
                    send "&7&o       Hileden dolayı uyarı aldınız. 1 Saat hapse gönderildiniz. Eğer 2 kez daha uyarılırsanız süresiz hapse gireceksiniz. Hile kullanımı oyun akışına aykırı ve büyük bir suçtur!" to arg 2
                    send "&7---------------------" to arg 2
                    send "&7&oNOT: Bu mesajı sadece siz görüyorsunuz." to arg 2
                    add 1 to {hwCount.%arg 2%}
                    send "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusu başarıyla uyarıldı." to player
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1h"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 1:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 24 saat hapse gönderildi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1d"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 2:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 7 gün hapse girdi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 7d"
            if arg 1 is "unwarn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is larger than 0:
                    message "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusunun başarıyla 1 uyarısını sildiniz."
                    remove 1 from {hwCount.%arg 2%}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."

command /hackwarncount [<player>]:
    aliases: /hwc
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.see":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: /hwc -nick-" to player
            if {hwCount.%arg 1%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusunun sicili temiz." to player
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusu &6%{hwCount.%arg 1%}% &7adet uyarı almış." to player

Direk o kısımları sildim, bunu sunucunuza yükleyin.
Sonrasında spawnınıza gidip şu komutları yazın;

/mv setspawn
/authme setfirstspawn
/authme setspawn

Olması gerekiyor.
Dusuncespawnbelirleyi sildinizmi? sildiyseniz oyuncular adadan düştügünde nerde dogacaklar? bi deniyeyim.

    {bc.cobblestoneCounter.%player%} = 0
    {bc.cobblestoneCounterreward.%player%} = 0
    {bc.odulsaat.%player%} = 0
    {bc.oduldakika.%player%} = 0
    {slowmode.%player%.zaman} = 0
    {slowmode.setzaman} = 0
    {hwCount.%player%} = 0
    Automessage: 300
    duyuruprefix: &6&lDuyuru &8>
every 2 minutes:
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &7Sunucumuza Hosgeldiniz. Ada olusturmak icin &a/is :)"
    chance of 10%:
        broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &eSunucumuz &a1.7,1.8 &eOlmak uzere skyblock uzerine kurulmustur."
    broadcast "{@duyuruprefix} &bKufur &aHack Vb Seyler Yasaktir. Aninda ban atilir. "
every minute:
    loop all players:
        add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 59:
            add 1 to {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}
            remove 60 from {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$10.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 10000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 1:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$20.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 20000"
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 30:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 1 saat 30 dakikadır bulunduğunuz için &6$30.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
                execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 30000"
                add 1 to {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}
        else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is 2:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
            send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Sunucuda 2 saattir bulunduğunuz için &6$50.000 &7kazandın." to loop-player
            execute console command "eco give %loop-player% 50000"
        if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 1:
            set {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} to 0
            set {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} to 0
        chance of 5%:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is smaller than 1:
                    send "&6&l> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is smaller than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var." to loop-player
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%} is larger than 30:
                    send "&6&l> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%loop-player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%loop-player%}%dk/2 saat &7var." to loop-player

command /sayaç [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /sayac
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığın &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%player%}%"
            if player has permission "bc.sayacadmin":
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7oyuncusunun,"
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Kırdığı &6Cobblestone &7sayısı: &6%{bc.cobbleCounter.%arg 1%}%"
                message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /giveall [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if arg 1 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
        else if arg 2 is not set:
            message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveall eşya adı miktar (lore)"
            if player has permission "giveall.admin":
                if arg 3 is not set:
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
                    loop all players:
                        execute console command "give %loop-player% %arg 1% %arg 2% %arg 3%"
                    send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7herkese &6%arg 1%(%arg 2%) &7verdi." to all players
on join:
    set join message to ""
    set {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} to 1

on quit:
    set quit message to ""
    set {bc.odulsaat.%player%} to 0
    set {bc.oduldakika.%player%} to 0
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            remove player from {onlineVipler::*}
command /onlineodul [<offline player>]:
    aliases: /onlineödül
        if arg 1 is offline:
            if {bc.kayitlioyuncu.%arg 1%} is not set:
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7sunucuya &426.01.2016 18.30 &7tarihinden beri girmediği için işlem uygulanamıyor."
                message "&4&lHata &8> &6%arg 1% &7şuanda çevrimiçi değil."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$10.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/30 dakika &7var"
            else if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is smaller than 1:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$20.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.oduldakika.%player%}% dakika/1 saat &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is smaller than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$30.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/1 saat 30dk &7var"
            else if {bc.odulsaat.%player%} is larger than 0:
                if {bc.oduldakika.%player%} is larger than 30:
                    message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6$50.000 &7ödülünü almanıza &6%{bc.odulsaat.%player%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%player%}%dk/2 saat &7var"
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% &7adlı oyuncunun online-ödül süresi: &6%{bc.odulsaat.%arg 1%}% saat %{bc.oduldakika.%arg 1%}% dakika&7"
command /giveallmoney [<integer>]:
        if player has permission "bc.giveallmoney":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/giveallmoney para değeri"
                broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkese &6$%arg 1% &7verdi!"
                loop all players:
                    execute console command "eco give %loop-player% %arg 1%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."
command /feedall:
        if player has permission "bc.feedall":
            broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &6Yönetici %player%&7, herkesin açlığını sildi!"
            loop all players:
                execute console command "feed %loop-player%"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /a [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.AdminChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/a mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.AdminChat"
                add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lAdmin Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online staff::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /z [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.RehberChat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut kullanımı: &6/z mesaj" to player
            loop all players:
                loop-player has permission "bc.RehberChat"
                add loop-player to {_online rehber::*}
            send "&c&l< &e&lRehber Sohbet &c&l> %player%: &e%arg 1%" to {_online rehber::*}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /discoarmor:
        if player has permission "vip.discoarmor":
            if {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is not set:
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} to "AKTIF"
                set {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} to "AKTIF"
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini açtınız." to player
                while {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor} is "AKTIF":
                    {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger} is "AKTIF":
                        dye player's helmet (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's chestplate (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's leggings (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        dye player's boots (random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255, random integer between 0 and 255)
                        wait 1 tick
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7&6DiscoArmor &7özelliğini kapattınız." to player
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmor}
                delete {ruddeTR.%player%.DiscoArmorChanger}
            send "Bu komutu kullanabilmek için /magaza yazıp satın almalısınız!" to player
command /sm:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc mute all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player
command /st:
        if player has permission "rSkript.st":
            execute player command "sc clear all"
            send "&7Bu komutu kullanabilmek icin gerekli yetkiniz yok." to player         

command /temizle:
        execute player command "/sc clear own"
command /dusunceburadandevamet:
    permission: skript.admin
        set {vspawn} to location of player
        message "Dusunce dogulacak yer kaydedildi!"
on damage:
    if y-coordinate of victim is below 0:
        cancel event
        teleport victim to {vspawn}
        send "&4&lUyarı &8> &7Adadan düştüğün için başlangıç noktasına ışınlandın." to victim
command /ananbizdee:
    permission: skylord.ol
    permission message: &7Öncelikle adanı &a1000 level &7yap!
    usage: /skylordol
        execute console command "/manuadd %player% skylord"
        message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Artık &aSkyLord &7oldun!"
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &a%player% &7isimli oyucu artık &aSkyLord" to players
command /tabloyugizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /onayla:
        execute player command "is confirm"
command /adakomutları:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /adakomutlari:
        execute player command "/is help"
command /gizle:
        execute player command "/featherboard toggle"
command /raineventyap:
    permission: Rain.event
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7dakika sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 30 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &630 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 20 seconds
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &610 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &69 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &68 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &67 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &66 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &65 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &64 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &63 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &62 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&6&lDuyuru &8> &7Envanterinizde yer açın &61 &7saniye sonra itemler envanterinize gelecektir!"
        wait 1 second
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Elmaslar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% diamond 3"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Altınlar dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% goldingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Ender Dragon tecrübeleri dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% 384"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Demirler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% ironingot 5"
        wait 30 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zümrütler dağıtılıyor!" to players
        loop all players:
            execute console command "give %loop-player% emerald 3"
        wait 5 seconds
        send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Event bitti, eventı başlatan admin: &6%player%" to players
on portal:
    message "&6&l> &4&lNethere gittiğinizde ordada 1 tane portal yapın!" to player

command /clearchat:
        if player has permission "bc.chat":
            loop 70 times:
                broadcast " "
            send "&7Sohbet &6%player% &7tarafından temizlendi." to all players
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /chat <text>:
    usage: /chat -ac/kapat-
        if player has permission "bc.chat.admin":
            if arg 1 is "ac":
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti aktif etti." to all players
                delete {Sohbet}
                execute console command "announce interval 180"
            if arg 1 is "kapat":
                loop 70 times:
                    broadcast " "
                send "&7Yönetici &6%player% &7sohbeti kapattı." to all players
                set {Sohbet} to "Kapali"
                execute console command "announce interval 9999999"
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
on command "/bukkit:op":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:pl":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on command "/bukkit:plugins":
    kick the player due to "Cok zekisiniz :d"
on death:
    attacker is a player
    victim is a player
    chance of 100%:
        send "&6&l> &6%victim% &6adlı oyuncunun kafası düştü!" to attacker
        execute console command "give %attacker% 397:3 1 {SkullOwner:%victim%}"
command /oylama [<integer>] [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.oylamabaslat":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/oylama süre konu"
                    set {yes} to 0
                    set {no} to 0
                    loop all players:
                        set {oyla.%loop-player%} to false
                    broadcast "&6Yönetici %player%&7, bir oylama başlattı:"
                    broadcast "&7Soru: &6&l&o%arg-2%"
                    broadcast "&7Kabul etmek için &a/evet&7, reddetmek için &c/hayir &7yazabilirsiniz."
                    broadcast "&7Oylama &6%arg-1% &7saniye sonra sonuçlanacak."
                    set {OylamaBitis} to true
                    loop arg-1 times:
                        wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&6&lOylama tamamlandı (&6%arg 2%&7)"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &aEvet &7> &a%{yes}%"
                    broadcast "&6&l> &cHayır &7> &c%{no}%"
                    set {OylamaBitis} to false
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gerekli yetkiniz yok."

command /evet:
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {yes}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &aevet &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."

command /hayir:
    aliases: /hayır
        if {OylamaBitis} is true:
            if {oyla.%player%} is false:
                add 1 to {no}
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Oyunuzu &ahayır &7olarak kaydettiniz."
                set {oyla.%player%} to true
                message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Zaten bir oy kullandınız."
            message "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Şuanda aktif bir oylama yok."
command /cekilisyap:
        if player has permission "bc.cekilis":
            loop all players:
                add loop-player to {cekilistekiler::*}
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &610 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &69 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &68 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &67 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &66 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &65 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &64 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &63 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &62 saniye&7!"
            wait 1 second
            broadcast "&6&lÇekiliş &8> &7Çekilişe son &61 saniye&7!"
            wait 3 seconds
            set {kazanancekilis} to random element of {cekilistekiler::*}
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            broadcast "                    &6&lKAZANAN &8> &6&l%{kazanancekilis}%"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
            clear {cekilistekiler::*}
on login:
    if {Sohbet} is not set:
        if player is op:
            if {op} is not set:
                set join message to ""
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                broadcast "                     &6&lONLINE ADMIN &8> &6&l%player%"
                broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                set join message to ""
            if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                set join message to "&6&lTWPSky &8> &8%name of player% &7SkyBlock sunucusuna giriş yaptı!"
                set join message to ""
            if player has permission "rSkript.vip.giris":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    if player is op:
                    set join message to ""
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    broadcast "                 &6&lONLINE VIP &8> &b&l%player%"
                    broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------"
                    set join message to ""
        set join message to ""
    if player has permission "bc.VipList":
        if player doesn't have permission "bc.benallahim":
            add player to {onlineVipler::*}
command /girismesaj [<text>]:
        if player has permission "ruddeTR.GirisMesaj.Ayar":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is not "op" or "vip" or "default":
                send "&7Komut kullanımı: (&6/girismesaj -op/vip/default-&7)" to player
            if arg 1 is "default":
                if {GirisMesajlar} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar}
                    send "&7Oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "vip":
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is not set:
                    set {GirisMesajlar_vip} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {GirisMesajlar_vip} is "HOOK":
                    clear {GirisMesajlar_vip}
                    send "&7VIP oyuncular giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            if arg 1 is "op":
                if {op} is not set:
                    set {op} to "HOOK"
                    send "&7Yöneticiler artık giriş yaptığında mesaj gelmeyecektir." to player
                if {op} is "HOOK":
                    clear {op}
                    send "&7Yöneticiler giriş yaparken artık mesaj gelecektir." to player
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."
command /ates:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if {bc.effect.%player%} is not set:
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkacak, &ofaçan yansın!"
                set {bc.effect.%player%} to on
                message "&a&lBaşarılı &8> &7Artık vücudundan alev çıkmayacak."
                clear {bc.effect.%player%}
command /babane [<text>]:
        if player has permission "bc.op":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                message "&6&lKullanım &8> &7/babane komut"
                loop all players:
                    execute loop-player command "/%arg 1%"
#command /store:
#    trigger:
#        execute player command "/magaza"
command /hackwarn [<text>] [<player>]:
    aliases: /hile, /hw
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.give":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 2 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is not "warn" or "unwarn":
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: &6/hackwarn -warn/unwarn- -nick-" to player
            if arg 1 is "warn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 0:
                    loop 60 times:
                        send " " to arg 2
                    send "&7&oBüyük suç: Hile" to arg 2
                    send "&7&o       Hileden dolayı uyarı aldınız. 1 Saat hapse gönderildiniz. Eğer 2 kez daha uyarılırsanız süresiz hapse gireceksiniz. Hile kullanımı oyun akışına aykırı ve büyük bir suçtur!" to arg 2
                    send "&7---------------------" to arg 2
                    send "&7&oNOT: Bu mesajı sadece siz görüyorsunuz." to arg 2
                    add 1 to {hwCount.%arg 2%}
                    send "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusu başarıyla uyarıldı." to player
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1h"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 1:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 24 saat hapse gönderildi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 1d"
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is 2:
                    broadcast " "
                    broadcast "&7&o&l%arg 2%&o, hile kullanımından dolayı 7 gün hapse girdi!"
                    execute console command "jail %arg 2% 1 7d"
            if arg 1 is "unwarn":
                if {hwCount.%arg 2%} is larger than 0:
                    message "&7&o&l%arg 2% &ooyuncusunun başarıyla 1 uyarısını sildiniz."
                    remove 1 from {hwCount.%arg 2%}
            message "&4&lHata &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için gereken yetkiye sahip değilsin."

command /hackwarncount [<player>]:
    aliases: /hwc
        if player has permission "bc.hackwarn.see":
            if arg 1 is not set:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &7Komut Kullanımı: /hwc -nick-" to player
            if {hwCount.%arg 1%} is 0:
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusunun sicili temiz." to player
                send "&6&lBilgi &8> &6%arg 1% oyuncusu &6%{hwCount.%arg 1%}% &7adet uyarı almış." to player

Direk o kısımları sildim, bunu sunucunuza yükleyin.
Sonrasında spawnınıza gidip şu komutları yazın;

/mv setspawn
/authme setfirstspawn
/authme setspawn

Olması gerekiyor.
Sıkıntı şu şu an essentilas'Da setspawn komutu işe yaramıyor. hata:null diyor yazdıgımda

Birde zararlı mobda öldüklerinde flatroom'Da doguyorlar.Yani oranın yapıldıgı yerdeki dünyada rastgele doguyorlar. Dedigini yaptım adadan düşünce sıkıntı yok tüm komutları yazdım tek /setspawn yazdıgımda hata:null yazıyor.