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V: Vault
command /pv [<int>] [<text>]:
arg 1 is set:
arg 1 is not between 1 and 53:
send "&cÜzgünüm, 1 ve 53 arasında bir rakam belirtmelisin."
open virtual chest named "{@V} ##%arg 1%" with size 6 to player
set {_n} to 0
loop {Vaults::%player%::%arg 1%::*}:
set slot {_n} of player's current inventory to loop-value
add 1 to {_n}
open virtual chest named "{@V}" with size 6 to player
make gui slot 0 of player with compass named "&6&nArama yap" to run:
close player's inventory
send "&7Arama yapacağın kelimeleri sohbet penceresine yaz."
set {chatGetinfo::%player%} to "Search"
loop 53 times:
add 1 to {_n}
make gui slot {_n} of player with {_n} of chest named "&e&n{@V} ##%{_n}%" with lore "&fAçmak için tıkla" to run:
execute player command "pv %{_n}%"
on chat:
{chatGetinfo::%player%} is "Search":
cancel event
delete {chatGetinfo::%player%}
send "&7Aranıyor.."
set {_n} to 1
loop 53 times:
loop {Vaults::%player%::%{_n}%::*}:
size of {_results::*} is 53:
set {_dividedNames::*} to split "%loop-value-2%" at " "
"%{_dividedNames::*}%" contains message:
add loop-value-2 to {_results::*}
set {_numberR} to size of {_results::*}
set {_resultsInfo::%{_numberR}%} to {_n}
add 1 to {_n}
set {_n} to 0
open virtual chest named "Arama sonuçları" with size 6 to player
loop {_results::*}:
make gui slot {_n} of player with loop-value with lore "&f&n{@V}&7: %{_resultsInfo::%loop-index%}%"
add 1 to {_n}
send "&7Bulundu."
on inventory close:
name of player's current inventory contains "{@V}":
set {_name} to name of player's current inventory
replace all "{@V} ##" with "" in {_name}
delete {Vaults::%player%::%{_name}%::*}
loop all items in player's current inventory:
add loop-item to {Vaults::%player%::%{_name}%::*}
Dilediğiniz gibi kullanabilirsiniz, paylaşabilirsiniz.
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