Pet Skripti - v0.1


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Merhaba Arkadaşlar Bugün Pet Skriptini Tanıtcam

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    skriptname: &4[&aPets++&4]

on first login:
    set {alinmis.%player%} to false
    set {pig.%player%} to false
    set {sheep.%player%} to false
    set {cow.%player%} to false
    set {chicken.%player%} to false
    set {wolf.%player%} to false
    set {ocelot.%player%} to false
    set {spider.%player%} to false
    set {mooshroom.%player%} to false
command /pets <text>:
    permission: fp.pets
    permission message: &4You don't have permission to do this !
        if arg-1 is "al":
            open chest with 1 rows named "&4[&aFabulousPets&4]" to player
            wait 2 ticks
            format slot 0 of player with pig spawn egg named "&cPigPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet pig"]
            format slot 1 of player with sheep spawn egg named "&fSheepPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet sheep"]
            format slot 2 of player with cow spawn egg named "&8CowPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet cow"]
            format slot 3 of player with chicken spawn egg named "&4ChickenPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet chicken"]
            format slot 4 of player with wolf spawn egg named "&5WolfPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet wolf"]
            format slot 5 of player with ocelot spawn egg named "&aOcelotPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet ocelot"]
            format slot 6 of player with spider spawn egg named "&1SpiderPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet spider"]
            format slot 7 of player with mooshroom spawn egg named "&dMooshroomPet" to close then run [make player execute command "pet mooshroom"]
        if arg-1 is "sil":
            set {alinmis.%player%} to false
            set {pig.%player%} to false
            set {sheep.%player%} to false
            set {cow.%player%} to false
            set {chicken.%player%} to false
            set {wolf.%player%} to false
            set {ocelot.%player%} to false
            set {spider.%player%} to false
            set {mooshroom.%player%} to false
            loop all pigs:
                if name of loop-pig contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-pig by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player
            loop all sheeps:
                if name of loop-sheep contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-sheep by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player
            loop all cows:
                if name of loop-cow contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-cow by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player                   
            loop all chickens:
                if name of loop-chicken contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-chicken by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player                   
            loop all wolves:
                if name of loop-wolf contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-wolf by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player                   
            loop all ocelots:
                if name of loop-ocelot contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-ocelot by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player                               
            loop all spiders:
                if name of loop-spider contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-spider by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın silindi." to player                   
            loop all mooshrooms:
                if name of loop-mooshroom contains "%player%":
                    damage loop-mooshroom by 100 hearts
                    send "{@skriptname} &3YEvcil hayvanın silindi." to player                   
command /pet <text>:
    permission message: &4You don't have permission to do this !
        if arg-1 is "pig":
            if player has permission "fp.pig":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:
                                                    set {pig.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a pig at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned pig's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    while spawned pig exists:
                                                        make spawned pig pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks
        if arg-1 is "sheep":
            if player has permission "fp.sheep":       
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:               
                                                    set {sheep.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a sheep at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned sheep's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned sheep pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned sheep exists:
                                                        make spawned sheep pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                       
        if arg-1 is "cow":
            if player has permission "fp.cow":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:           
                                                    set {cow.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a cow at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned cow's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned sheep pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned cow exists:
                                                        make spawned cow pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                       
        if arg-1 is "chicken":
            if player has permission "fp.chicken":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:
                                                    set {chicken.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a chicken at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned chicken's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned chicken pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned chicken exists:
                                                        make spawned chicken pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                       
        if arg-1 is "wolf":
            if player has permission "fp.wolf":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:               
                                                    set {wolf.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a wolf at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned wolf's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned wolf pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned wolf exists:
                                                        make spawned wolf pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                   
        if arg-1 is "ocelot":
            if player has permission "fp.ocelot":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:           
                                                    set {ocelot.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a ocelot at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned ocelot's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned ocelot pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned ocelot exists:
                                                        make spawned ocelot pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                                                               
        if arg-1 is "spider":
            if player has permission "fp.spider":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:                   
                                                    set {spider.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a spider at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned spider's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    make spawned spider pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                    while spawned spider exists:
                                                        make spawned spider pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks                                                       
        if arg-1 is "mooshroom":
            if player has permission "fp.mooshroom":
                if {pig.%player%} is false:
                    if {sheep.%player%} is false:
                        if {cow.%player%} is false:
                            if {chicken.%player%} is false:
                                if {wolf.%player%} is false:
                                    if {ocelot.%player%} is false:
                                        if {spider.%player%} is false:
                                            if {mooshroom.%player%} is false:
                                                if {alinmis.%player%} is false:                   
                                                    set {mooshroom.%player%} to true
                                                    set {alinmis.%player%} to true
                                                    send "{@skriptname} &3Evcil hayvanın yolda !" to player
                                                    wait 3 seconds
                                                    spawn a mooshroom at location of player
                                                    set the last spawned mooshroom's name to "&3%player%&5's Pet"
                                                    while spawned mooshroom exists:
                                                        make spawned mooshroom pathfind to player with speed 2
                                                        wait 3 ticks
on damage of pig:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of sheep:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of cow:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of chicken:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of wolf:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":   
        cancel event
on damage of ocelot:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of spider:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on damage of mooshroom:
    if name of victim contains "&5's Pet":
        cancel event
on rightclick on a pig:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks
on rightclick on a sheep:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks
on rightclick on a cow:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks       
on rightclick on a chicken:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks       
on rightclick on a wolf:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks       
on rightclick on a ocelot:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks   
on rightclick on a spider:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks
on rightclick on a mooshroom:
    if name of clicked entity is "&3%player%&5's Pet":
        make player ride clicked entity
        while vehicle of player is clicked entity:
            set {_target} to targeted block
            make clicked entity pathfind to {_target} with speed 2
            wait 1 ticks

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Nether Yerlisi
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Konu adı "Milli Piyango - v0.1",
Giriş; "Merhaba Arkadaşlar Bugün Pet Skriptini Tanıtcam"
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