Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
prefix: &8[&3Report&8]
command /report [<player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
message "&8&m---------------&3 Reporting &8&m---------------%nl%&6/report &7<player name> <Rule ##> <description>%nl%&3Offences&8:%nl%&81. &7Harassment%nl%&82. &7Inappropriate Launguage%nl%&83. &7Spam%nl%&84. &7Adversiting%nl%&85. &7Revealing Personal Information%nl%&86. &7Hacking%nl%&87. &7Inappropriate Skin%nl%&88. &7Other"
if arg 2 is not set:
message "&8&m---------------&3 Reporting &8&m---------------%nl%&6/report &7<player name> <Rule ##> <description>%nl%&3Offences&8:%nl%&81. &7Harassment%nl%&82. &7Inappropriate Launguage%nl%&83. &7Spam%nl%&84. &7Adversiting%nl%&85. &7Revealing Personal Information%nl%&86. &7Hacking%nl%&87. &7Inappropriate Skin%nl%&88. &7Other"
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is not "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8":
send "{@prefix} &7You must write something between 1-8 numbers&8."
if arg 2 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8":
if arg 3 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &7After typing the numbers, you need to write up the description&8."
if arg 2 is not set:
message "&8&m---------------&3 Reporting &8&m---------------%nl%&6/report &7<player name> <Rule ##> <description>%nl%&3Offences&8:%nl%&81. &7Harassment%nl%&82. &7Inappropriate Launguage%nl%&83. &7Spam%nl%&84. &7Adversiting%nl%&85. &7Revealing Personal Information%nl%&86. &7Hacking%nl%&87. &7Inappropriate Skin%nl%&88. &7Other"
if {command.%player%.reportlastused} was less than 30 seconds ago:
send "{@prefix} &7Please wait &c30 seconds &7before report again!"
else if arg 2 is "1":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cHarrasmet &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cHarrasmet" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "2":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cInnappropriate Language &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cInnappropriate Language" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "3":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cSpamming &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cSpam" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "4":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cAdversting &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cAdversting" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "5":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cRevealing Personal Information &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cRevealing Personal Information" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "6":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cHacking &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cHacking" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "7":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cInnappropriate Skin &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cInnappropriate Skin" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "8":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
send "{@prefix} %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1% &7was reported with reason &cOther &7description&8: &a%arg 3%" to player
set {command.%player%.reportlastused} to now
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "report.mod":
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
send "&7Reporter&8: %colored player's prefix%%player%" to loop-player
send "&7Reported Player&8: %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&7Report Reason&8: &cOther" to loop-player
send "&7Description&8: &c%arg 3%" to loop-player
send json "&7Punish&8: " then "&3&lX" tooltip "&3History %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/lookup %arg 1%" then "&6&lK" tooltip "&6Kick %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/kick %arg 1%" then "&2&lM" tooltip "&2Mute %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/mute %arg 1%" then "&4&lB" tooltip "&4Ban %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" suggest "/ban %arg 1%" then "&5&lG" tooltip "&5Go to %colored arg 1's prefix%%arg 1%" run "/goto %arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&8&l&m------------------------------" to loop-player
Çok önceden serverimde kullanmıştım, yayınlayayım dedim
Ek Olarak:
command /sidebar [<Text>] [<Player>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&c/sidebar <minimize|maximize>"
if arg 2 is not set:
if arg 1 is "Maximize":
execute console command "/featherboard show %player% default"
send "&aThe sidebar is now maximized."
if arg 1 is "Minimize":
execute console command "/featherboard show %player% minimize"
send "&aThe sidebar is now minimized."
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 1 is "Maximize":
execute console command "/featherboard show %arg 2% default"
send "&aThe sidebar is now maximized." to arg 2
send "&a%arg 2's chat name%&a's sidebar is now maximized."
if arg 1 is "Minimize":
execute console command "/featherboard show %arg 2% minimize"
send "&aThe sidebar is now minimized." to arg 2
send "&a%arg 2's chat name%&a's sidebar is now minimized."
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