İstek Sanal market Skripti


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Merhaba değerli forumgamer üyeleri. Forumda gezerken birkaç tane sanalmarket skripti ve bir tane de falan plugini gördüm. Baktım pek güzel değil gibiydiler. Plugini ise çalıştıramadım nedense. Sizlerden ricam ücretli veya ücretsiz sanal market skripti yapabilecek var ise yazmanız. Ücretli yapıyorsanız kaç tl ona göre bi cevap verirseniz mutlu olurum


Demir Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
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Ayrıca şu konuyada bir bak istersen.
    p: &f &6&lMarket &7&l>

command /market [<text>] [<text>]:
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 3 row named "&4&lSanal Market" to player
            wait a tick
            format slot 3 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lBloklar" with lore "&aBlok Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market bloklar"]
            format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&6&lMadenler" with lore "&aMaden Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market maden"]
            format slot 7 of player with redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&aKızıltaş Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market reds"]
            format slot 12 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar/Fidanlar" with lore "&aAğaç Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market odun"]
            format slot 14 of player with seeds named "&a&lTohumlar" with lore "&aTohumlar Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market tohum"]
            format slot 16 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav ve Su" with lore "&aLav ve Su Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market lav"]
            format slot 23 of player with light green dye named "&d&lRenkler" with lore "&aRenkler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market renk"]
            format slot 21 of player with cactus named "&2&lMalzemeler" with lore "&aMalzemeler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market malz"]
            format slot 25 of player with monster spawner named "&3&lSpawner" with lore "&aSpawner Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market spawner"]
        arg 1 is "tohum":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&2&lTohumlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 32 seeds named "&4&lBuğday Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a550 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum1"]
                format slot 4 of player with 32 pumpkin seeds named "&4&lBalkabağı Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum2"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 melon seeds named "&4&lKarpuz Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum3"]
            arg 2 is "tohum1":
                player's balance is greater than 549:
                    remove 550 from player's balance
                    give player 32 seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "tohum2":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player 32 pumpkin seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "tohum3":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player 32 melon seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
        arg 1 is "renk":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&6&lRenkler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 32 gray dye named "&8Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk1"]
                format slot 1 of player with 32 pink dye named "&dPembe Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk2"]
                format slot 2 of player with 32 light green dye named "&aAçık Yeşil Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk3"]
                format slot 3 of player with 32 yellow dye named "&eSarı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk4"]
                format slot 4 of player with 32 purple dye named "&5Mor Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk5"]
                format slot 5 of player with 32 cyan dye named "&3Turkuaz Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk6"]
                format slot 6 of player with 32 light gray dye named "&7Açık Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk7"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 rose red named "&4Kırmızı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk8"]
                format slot 8 of player with 32 magenta dye named "&5Eflatun Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk9"]
            arg 2 is "renk1":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 gray dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk2":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 pink dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk3":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 light green dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk4":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 yellow dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk5":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 purple dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk6":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 cyan dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk7":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 light gray dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk8":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 rose red
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk9":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 magenta dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "spawner":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&3&LSpawner" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 2 of player with monster spawner named "&4&lGolem Spawner" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2,000,000 $" to run [execute player command "market spawner golem"]
            arg 2 is "golem":
                player's balance is greater than 1999999:
                    remove 2000000 from player's balance
                    execute console command "ss give %player% IronGolem 1"
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "lav":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lLav ve Su" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&b&lSu Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market lav su"]
                format slot 5 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market lav lav"]
            arg 2 is "lav":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player lava bucket
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "su":
                player's balance is greater than 324:
                    remove 324 from player's balance
                    give player water bucket
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "reds":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKızıltaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds reds"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 33 named "&6&lNormal Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 29 named "&6&lYapışkan Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2350 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston2"]
                format slot 3 of player with 16 hopper named "&7&lHuni" with lore "&7Alış FiyatI: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds huni"]
            arg 2 is "reds":
                player's balance is greater than 1849:
                    remove 1850 from player's balance
                    give player 64 redstone
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "piston":
                player's balance is greater than 1999:
                    remove 2000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 piston
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "piston2":
                player's balance is greater than 2349:
                    remove 2350 from player's balance
                    give player 64 sticky piston
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "huni":
                player's balance is greater than 1849:
                    remove 1850 from player's balance
                    give player 16 hopper
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "malz":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMalzemeler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 cactus named "&2&lKaktüs" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 338 named "&2&lŞeker Kamışı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 egg named "&2&lYumurta" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 bone named "&2&lKemik" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik"]
                format slot 4 of player with 64 351:3 named "&2&lKakao" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 wheat named "&2&lBuğday" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday"]
            arg 2 is "kaktüs":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKaktüs" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kaktüs_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1519:
                    remove 1520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 cactus
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kaktüs_sat":
                player has 64 of cactus:
                    add 1050 to player's balance
                    remove 64 cactus from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "şeker":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_sat"]
            arg 2 is "şeker_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 sugar cane
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "şeker_sat":
                player has 64 of sugar cane:
                    add 500 to player's balance
                    remove 64 sugar cane from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "yumurta":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lYumurta" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_sat"]
            arg 2 is "yumurta_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 egg
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "yumurta_sat":
                player has 64 of egg:
                    add 500 to player's balance
                    remove 64 egg from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "kemik":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKemik" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kemik_al":
                player's balance is greater than 524:
                    remove 525 from player's balance
                    give player 64 bone
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kemik_sat":
                player has 64 of bone:
                    add 255 to player's balance
                    remove 64 bone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "kakao":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kakao_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 351:3
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kakao_sat":
                player has 64 of 351:3:
                    add 725 to player's balance
                    remove 64 351:3 from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "buğday":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_sat"]
            arg 2 is "buğday_al":
                player's balance is greater than 654:
                    remove 655 from player's balance
                    give player 64 wheat
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "buğday_sat":
                player has 64 of wheat:
                    add 425 to player's balance
                    remove 64 wheat from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
        arg 1 is "maden":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMadenler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 64 263 named "&8&lKömür" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a30000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4"]
            arg 2 is "maden1":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden1_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1999:
                    remove 2000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 coal
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden1_sat":
                player has 64 coal:
                    remove 64 coal from player
                    add 1000 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden2":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDemir" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden2_al":
                player's balance is greater than 24999:
                    remove 25000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 iron ingot
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden2_sat":
                player has a iron ingot:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of iron ingot in the player's inventory*281.25
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all iron ingots from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden3":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lAltın" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a33000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden3_al":
                player's balance is greater than 31999:
                    remove 32000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 gold ingot
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden3_sat":
                player has a gold ingot:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of gold ingot in the player's inventory*390.625
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all gold ingots from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden4":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lElmas" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden4_al":
                player's balance is greater than 34999:
                    remove 35000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 diamond
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden4_sat":
                player has a diamond:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of diamond in the player's inventory*437.5
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all diamonds from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
        arg 1 is "bloklar":
            arg 2 is "diğer":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDiğerleri" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 5 crafting table named "&7&lCrafting Table" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar crafting"]
                format slot 4 of player with 5 furnace named "&7&lFırın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar furnace"]
                format slot 7 of player with 5 chest named "&7&lSandık" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar sandık"]
            arg 2 is "crafting":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 crafting table
            arg 2 is "furnace":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 furnace
            arg 2 is "sandık":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 chest
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 3 row named "&4&lBloklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 9 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lNormal Bloklar" with lore "&aTaş, Kırıktaş, Kuvars vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 11 of player with cobblestone stairs named "&7&lMerdivenler" with lore "&aTaş Merdiven, Kırıktaş Merdiven vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar merdiven"]
                format slot 13 of player with cobblestone slab named "&7&lBasamaklar" with lore "&aTaş Basamak, Kırıktaş Basamak vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar basamak"]
                format slot 15 of player with chest named "&7&lDiğerleri" with lore "&aSandık, Fırın, Çalışma Masası vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar diğer"]
            arg 2 is "basamak":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lBasamaklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 4 of player with 64 cobblestone slab named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_bas"]
            arg 2 is "tas_bas":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    give player 64 cobblestone slab
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "merdiven":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMerdivenler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with 64 cobblestone stairs named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_mer"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 stone brick stairs named "&7&lTaş Tuğla Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas1_mer"]
            arg 2 is "tas_mer":
                player's balance is greater than 719:
                    give player 64 cobblestone stairs
                    remove 720 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"
            arg 2 is "tas1_mer":
                player's balance is greater than 719:
                    give player 64 stone bricks stairs
                    remove 720 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"   
            arg 2 is "normal":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lNormal Bloklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 stone named "&7&lTaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 cobblestone named "&7&lKırıktaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 dirt named "&7&lToprak" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 grass named "&7&lÇimen" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &A355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen"]
                format slot 4 of player with 64 stone bricks named "&7&lTaş Tuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış FiyatI: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 bricks block named "&7&lTuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla"]
                format slot 6 of player with 64 quartz block named "&7&lKuvars Blok" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1450 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 sand named "&7&lKum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum"]
                format slot 8 of player with 64 red sand named "&7&lKırmızı Kum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırmızı_kum"]
            arg 2 is "kırmızı_kum":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırmızı Kum" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kkum_al":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    give player 64 red sand
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
            arg 2 is "kkum_sat":
                player has 64 of red sand:
                    remove 64 red sand from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
                    add 425 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırmızı Kum"
            arg 2 is "kum":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKum" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_sat"]
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
            arg 2 is "kum_al":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    give player 64 sand
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKum"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/750"
            arg 2 is "kum_sat":
                player has 64 of sand:
                    remove 64 sand from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKum"
                    add 325 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kum"
            arg 2 is "kuvars":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKuvars" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a 1450 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kuvars_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1449:
                    give player 64 quartz block
                    remove 1450 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKuvars"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1450"
            arg 2 is "kuvars_sat":
                player has 64 of quartz block:
                    remove 64 quartz block from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKuvars"
                    add 1250 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kuvars"
            arg 2 is "tuğla":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTuğla" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_al"]
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_sat"]
            arg 2 is "tuğla_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1149:
                    give player 64 bricks block
                    remove 1150 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTuğla"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
            arg 2 is "tuğla_sat":
                player has 64 of bricks block:
                    remove 64 bricks block from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTuğla"
                    add 755 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Tuğla"           
            arg 2 is "taştuğla":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş Tuğla" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_sat"]
            arg 2 is "taştuğla_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1149:
                    give player 64 stone bricks
                    remove 1150 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
            arg 2 is "taştuğla_sat":
                player has 64 of stone bricks:
                    remove 64 stone bricks from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
                    add 755 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş Tuğla"
            arg 2 is "çimen":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lÇimen" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_sat"]
            arg 2 is "çimen_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1049:
                    give player 64 grass
                    remove 1050 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cÇimen"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1050"
            arg 2 is "çimen_sat":
                player has 64 of grass:
                    remove 64 grass from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    add 355  to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Çimen"       
            arg 2 is "toprak":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_sat"]
            arg 2 is "toprak_al":
                player's balance is greater than 754:
                    give player 64 dirt
                    remove 755 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/755"
            arg 2 is "toprak_sat":
                player has 64 of dirt:
                    remove 64 dirt from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    add 255 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Toprak"
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş_al":
                player's balance is greater than 624:
                    give player 64 cobblestone
                    remove 625 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/625"
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş_sat":
                player has 64 of cobblestone:
                    remove 64 cobblestone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
                    add 520 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırıktaş"
            arg 2 is "taş":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_sat"]
            arg 2 is "taş_al":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    give player 64 stone
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
            arg 2 is "taş_sat":
                player has 64 of stone:
                    remove 64 stone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş"
                    add 625 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş"
        arg 1 is "odun":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdun" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar" with lore "&aOdunlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun odun"]
                format slot 5 of player with oak sapling named "&e&lFidanlar" with lore "&aFidanlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan"]
            arg 2 is "odun":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdunlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 64 17 named "&eMeşe Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 17:1 named "&eLadin Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 17:2 named "&eHuş Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 17:3 named "&eOrman Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun4"]
            arg 2 is "odun1":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 oak wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"   
            arg 2 is "odun2":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 spruce wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"       
            arg 2 is "odun3":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 birch wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"       
            arg 2 is "odun4":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 jungle wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"   
            arg 2 is "fidan":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lFidanlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 32 oak sapling named "&eMeşe Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 32 spruce sapling named "&eLadin Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 32 birch sapling named "&eHuş Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 jungle sapling named "&eOrman Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan4"]
            arg 2 is "fidan1":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 oak sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan2":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 spruce sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan3":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 birch sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan4":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 jungle sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"


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Birde bu var çalışırmı bilmem internette buldum.
Ayrıca şu konuyada bir bak istersen.
    p: &f &6&lMarket &7&l>

command /market [<text>] [<text>]:
        arg 1 isn't set:
            open chest with 3 row named "&4&lSanal Market" to player
            wait a tick
            format slot 3 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lBloklar" with lore "&aBlok Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market bloklar"]
            format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&6&lMadenler" with lore "&aMaden Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market maden"]
            format slot 7 of player with redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&aKızıltaş Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market reds"]
            format slot 12 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar/Fidanlar" with lore "&aAğaç Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market odun"]
            format slot 14 of player with seeds named "&a&lTohumlar" with lore "&aTohumlar Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market tohum"]
            format slot 16 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav ve Su" with lore "&aLav ve Su Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market lav"]
            format slot 23 of player with light green dye named "&d&lRenkler" with lore "&aRenkler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market renk"]
            format slot 21 of player with cactus named "&2&lMalzemeler" with lore "&aMalzemeler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market malz"]
            format slot 25 of player with monster spawner named "&3&lSpawner" with lore "&aSpawner Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market spawner"]
        arg 1 is "tohum":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&2&lTohumlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 32 seeds named "&4&lBuğday Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a550 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum1"]
                format slot 4 of player with 32 pumpkin seeds named "&4&lBalkabağı Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum2"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 melon seeds named "&4&lKarpuz Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum3"]
            arg 2 is "tohum1":
                player's balance is greater than 549:
                    remove 550 from player's balance
                    give player 32 seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "tohum2":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player 32 pumpkin seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "tohum3":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player 32 melon seeds
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
        arg 1 is "renk":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&6&lRenkler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 32 gray dye named "&8Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk1"]
                format slot 1 of player with 32 pink dye named "&dPembe Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk2"]
                format slot 2 of player with 32 light green dye named "&aAçık Yeşil Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk3"]
                format slot 3 of player with 32 yellow dye named "&eSarı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk4"]
                format slot 4 of player with 32 purple dye named "&5Mor Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk5"]
                format slot 5 of player with 32 cyan dye named "&3Turkuaz Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk6"]
                format slot 6 of player with 32 light gray dye named "&7Açık Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk7"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 rose red named "&4Kırmızı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk8"]
                format slot 8 of player with 32 magenta dye named "&5Eflatun Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk9"]
            arg 2 is "renk1":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 gray dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk2":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 pink dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk3":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 light green dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk4":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 yellow dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk5":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 purple dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk6":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 cyan dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk7":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 light gray dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk8":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 rose red
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "renk9":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    give player 32 magenta dye
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "spawner":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&3&LSpawner" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 2 of player with monster spawner named "&4&lGolem Spawner" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2,000,000 $" to run [execute player command "market spawner golem"]
            arg 2 is "golem":
                player's balance is greater than 1999999:
                    remove 2000000 from player's balance
                    execute console command "ss give %player% IronGolem 1"
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "lav":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lLav ve Su" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&b&lSu Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market lav su"]
                format slot 5 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market lav lav"]
            arg 2 is "lav":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    give player lava bucket
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "su":
                player's balance is greater than 324:
                    remove 324 from player's balance
                    give player water bucket
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "reds":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKızıltaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds reds"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 33 named "&6&lNormal Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 29 named "&6&lYapışkan Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2350 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston2"]
                format slot 3 of player with 16 hopper named "&7&lHuni" with lore "&7Alış FiyatI: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds huni"]
            arg 2 is "reds":
                player's balance is greater than 1849:
                    remove 1850 from player's balance
                    give player 64 redstone
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "piston":
                player's balance is greater than 1999:
                    remove 2000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 piston
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "piston2":
                player's balance is greater than 2349:
                    remove 2350 from player's balance
                    give player 64 sticky piston
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "huni":
                player's balance is greater than 1849:
                    remove 1850 from player's balance
                    give player 16 hopper
                    send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
        arg 1 is "malz":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMalzemeler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 cactus named "&2&lKaktüs" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 338 named "&2&lŞeker Kamışı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 egg named "&2&lYumurta" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 bone named "&2&lKemik" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik"]
                format slot 4 of player with 64 351:3 named "&2&lKakao" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 wheat named "&2&lBuğday" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday"]
            arg 2 is "kaktüs":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKaktüs" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kaktüs_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1519:
                    remove 1520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 cactus
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kaktüs_sat":
                player has 64 of cactus:
                    add 1050 to player's balance
                    remove 64 cactus from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "şeker":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_sat"]
            arg 2 is "şeker_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 sugar cane
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "şeker_sat":
                player has 64 of sugar cane:
                    add 500 to player's balance
                    remove 64 sugar cane from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "yumurta":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lYumurta" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_sat"]
            arg 2 is "yumurta_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 egg
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "yumurta_sat":
                player has 64 of egg:
                    add 500 to player's balance
                    remove 64 egg from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "kemik":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKemik" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kemik_al":
                player's balance is greater than 524:
                    remove 525 from player's balance
                    give player 64 bone
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kemik_sat":
                player has 64 of bone:
                    add 255 to player's balance
                    remove 64 bone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "kakao":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kakao_al":
                player's balance is greater than 824:
                    remove 825 from player's balance
                    give player 64 351:3
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "kakao_sat":
                player has 64 of 351:3:
                    add 725 to player's balance
                    remove 64 351:3 from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "buğday":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_sat"]
            arg 2 is "buğday_al":
                player's balance is greater than 654:
                    remove 655 from player's balance
                    give player 64 wheat
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "buğday_sat":
                player has 64 of wheat:
                    add 425 to player's balance
                    remove 64 wheat from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
        arg 1 is "maden":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMadenler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 64 263 named "&8&lKömür" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a30000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4"]
            arg 2 is "maden1":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden1_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1999:
                    remove 2000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 coal
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden1_sat":
                player has 64 coal:
                    remove 64 coal from player
                    add 1000 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden2":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDemir" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden2_al":
                player's balance is greater than 24999:
                    remove 25000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 iron ingot
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden2_sat":
                player has a iron ingot:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of iron ingot in the player's inventory*281.25
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all iron ingots from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden3":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lAltın" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a33000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden3_al":
                player's balance is greater than 31999:
                    remove 32000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 gold ingot
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden3_sat":
                player has a gold ingot:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of gold ingot in the player's inventory*390.625
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all gold ingots from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
            arg 2 is "maden4":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lElmas" to player
                format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_sat"]
            arg 2 is "maden4_al":
                player's balance is greater than 34999:
                    remove 35000 from player's balance
                    give player 64 diamond
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
            arg 2 is "maden4_sat":
                player has a diamond:
                    set {_item.%player%} to number of diamond in the player's inventory*437.5
                    add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
                    remove all diamonds from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
        arg 1 is "bloklar":
            arg 2 is "diğer":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDiğerleri" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 5 crafting table named "&7&lCrafting Table" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar crafting"]
                format slot 4 of player with 5 furnace named "&7&lFırın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar furnace"]
                format slot 7 of player with 5 chest named "&7&lSandık" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar sandık"]
            arg 2 is "crafting":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 crafting table
            arg 2 is "furnace":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 furnace
            arg 2 is "sandık":
                player's balance is greater than 99:
                    remove 100 from player's balance
                    give player 5 chest
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 3 row named "&4&lBloklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 9 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lNormal Bloklar" with lore "&aTaş, Kırıktaş, Kuvars vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 11 of player with cobblestone stairs named "&7&lMerdivenler" with lore "&aTaş Merdiven, Kırıktaş Merdiven vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar merdiven"]
                format slot 13 of player with cobblestone slab named "&7&lBasamaklar" with lore "&aTaş Basamak, Kırıktaş Basamak vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar basamak"]
                format slot 15 of player with chest named "&7&lDiğerleri" with lore "&aSandık, Fırın, Çalışma Masası vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar diğer"]
            arg 2 is "basamak":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lBasamaklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 4 of player with 64 cobblestone slab named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_bas"]
            arg 2 is "tas_bas":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    give player 64 cobblestone slab
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para."
            arg 2 is "merdiven":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMerdivenler" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with 64 cobblestone stairs named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_mer"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 stone brick stairs named "&7&lTaş Tuğla Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas1_mer"]
            arg 2 is "tas_mer":
                player's balance is greater than 719:
                    give player 64 cobblestone stairs
                    remove 720 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"
            arg 2 is "tas1_mer":
                player's balance is greater than 719:
                    give player 64 stone bricks stairs
                    remove 720 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"  
            arg 2 is "normal":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lNormal Bloklar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 0 of player with 64 stone named "&7&lTaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş"]
                format slot 1 of player with 64 cobblestone named "&7&lKırıktaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş"]
                format slot 2 of player with 64 dirt named "&7&lToprak" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 grass named "&7&lÇimen" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &A355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen"]
                format slot 4 of player with 64 stone bricks named "&7&lTaş Tuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış FiyatI: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 bricks block named "&7&lTuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla"]
                format slot 6 of player with 64 quartz block named "&7&lKuvars Blok" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1450 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 sand named "&7&lKum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum"]
                format slot 8 of player with 64 red sand named "&7&lKırmızı Kum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırmızı_kum"]
            arg 2 is "kırmızı_kum":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırmızı Kum" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kkum_al":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    give player 64 red sand
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
            arg 2 is "kkum_sat":
                player has 64 of red sand:
                    remove 64 red sand from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
                    add 425 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırmızı Kum"
            arg 2 is "kum":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKum" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_sat"]
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
            arg 2 is "kum_al":
                player's balance is greater than 749:
                    give player 64 sand
                    remove 750 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKum"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/750"
            arg 2 is "kum_sat":
                player has 64 of sand:
                    remove 64 sand from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKum"
                    add 325 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kum"
            arg 2 is "kuvars":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKuvars" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a 1450 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kuvars_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1449:
                    give player 64 quartz block
                    remove 1450 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKuvars"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1450"
            arg 2 is "kuvars_sat":
                player has 64 of quartz block:
                    remove 64 quartz block from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKuvars"
                    add 1250 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kuvars"
            arg 2 is "tuğla":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTuğla" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_al"]
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_sat"]
            arg 2 is "tuğla_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1149:
                    give player 64 bricks block
                    remove 1150 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTuğla"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
            arg 2 is "tuğla_sat":
                player has 64 of bricks block:
                    remove 64 bricks block from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTuğla"
                    add 755 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Tuğla"          
            arg 2 is "taştuğla":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş Tuğla" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_sat"]
            arg 2 is "taştuğla_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1149:
                    give player 64 stone bricks
                    remove 1150 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
            arg 2 is "taştuğla_sat":
                player has 64 of stone bricks:
                    remove 64 stone bricks from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
                    add 755 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş Tuğla"
            arg 2 is "çimen":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lÇimen" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_sat"]
            arg 2 is "çimen_al":
                player's balance is greater than 1049:
                    give player 64 grass
                    remove 1050 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cÇimen"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1050"
            arg 2 is "çimen_sat":
                player has 64 of grass:
                    remove 64 grass from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    add 355  to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Çimen"      
            arg 2 is "toprak":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_sat"]
            arg 2 is "toprak_al":
                player's balance is greater than 754:
                    give player 64 dirt
                    remove 755 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/755"
            arg 2 is "toprak_sat":
                player has 64 of dirt:
                    remove 64 dirt from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
                    add 255 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Toprak"
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_sat"]
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş_al":
                player's balance is greater than 624:
                    give player 64 cobblestone
                    remove 625 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/625"
            arg 2 is "kırıktaş_sat":
                player has 64 of cobblestone:
                    remove 64 cobblestone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
                    add 520 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırıktaş"
            arg 2 is "taş":
                close the player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
                format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_al"]
                format slot 5 of player with emerald block named  "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_sat"]
            arg 2 is "taş_al":
                player's balance is greater than 849:
                    give player 64 stone
                    remove 850 from player's balance
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
            arg 2 is "taş_sat":
                player has 64 of stone:
                    remove 64 stone from player
                    send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş"
                    add 625 to player's balance
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş"
        arg 1 is "odun":
            arg 2 isn't set:
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdun" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 3 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar" with lore "&aOdunlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun odun"]
                format slot 5 of player with oak sapling named "&e&lFidanlar" with lore "&aFidanlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan"]
            arg 2 is "odun":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdunlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 64 17 named "&eMeşe Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 64 17:1 named "&eLadin Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 64 17:2 named "&eHuş Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 64 17:3 named "&eOrman Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun4"]
            arg 2 is "odun1":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 oak wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"  
            arg 2 is "odun2":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 spruce wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"      
            arg 2 is "odun3":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 birch wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"      
            arg 2 is "odun4":
                player's balance is greater than 519:
                    remove 520 from player's balance
                    give player 64 jungle wood
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"  
            arg 2 is "fidan":
                close player's inventory
                wait 0.1 second
                open chest with 1 row named "&4&lFidanlar" to player
                wait a tick
                format slot 1 of player with 32 oak sapling named "&eMeşe Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan1"]
                format slot 3 of player with 32 spruce sapling named "&eLadin Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan2"]
                format slot 5 of player with 32 birch sapling named "&eHuş Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan3"]
                format slot 7 of player with 32 jungle sapling named "&eOrman Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan4"]
            arg 2 is "fidan1":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 oak sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan2":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 spruce sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan3":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 birch sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
            arg 2 is "fidan4":
                player's balance is greater than 314:
                    remove 315 from player's balance
                    give player 32 jungle sapling
                    send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
                    send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
Hocam gece deneyeyim. Geri dönerim. Bu arada sunucum çöküyor konusunun hakkında olarak, sunucuyu açtım. Yine bir şey olursa oradan yazarım. İyi günler


-- -- 1.16.5 & 1.20.1 Survival
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Eğer uğraşırım diyorsan ChestCommands'dan yapabilirsin bunu. İngilizcem iyi diyorsan da BossShop plugini tercihimdir.
İndirme Linki
Video Tanıtım Linki
Dediğim gibi ingilizcene güveniyorsan.


-- -- 1.16.5 & 1.20.1 Survival
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Deluxe Menus onu kullandım permlerde sıkıntı yaşamıştım sadecede. Bazı permleri okumamıştı. Ama beğendiğim bir plugin.


AtinaSaga.Com Türkiyenin ilk MMOSurvival sunucusu
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
buyur chestcommands ile çalışır.


AtinaSaga.Com Türkiyenin ilk MMOSurvival sunucusu
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Hocam deluxemenus var bende.
keçi isimli bi arkadaş ona uyumlu hale getirmişti az bi uğraş gerektiriyor sanırım. şimdi ücretsiz olarak konu açıp paylaşıcam ve deluxemenus isimli plugine uyumlu olarakta paylaşıcam.


Demir Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
keçi isimli bi arkadaş ona uyumlu hale getirmişti az bi uğraş gerektiriyor sanırım. şimdi ücretsiz olarak konu açıp paylaşıcam ve deluxemenus isimli plugine uyumlu olarakta paylaşıcam.
Tamam bekliyorum. Paylaşınca özelden yazarsanız mutlu olurum hocam. Kolay gelsin.
