p: &f &6&lMarket &7&l>
command /market [<text>] [<text>]:
arg 1 isn't set:
open chest with 3 row named "&4&lSanal Market" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lBloklar" with lore "&aBlok Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market bloklar"]
format slot 5 of player with gold ingot named "&6&lMadenler" with lore "&aMaden Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market maden"]
format slot 7 of player with redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&aKızıltaş Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market reds"]
format slot 12 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar/Fidanlar" with lore "&aAğaç Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market odun"]
format slot 14 of player with seeds named "&a&lTohumlar" with lore "&aTohumlar Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market tohum"]
format slot 16 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav ve Su" with lore "&aLav ve Su Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market lav"]
format slot 23 of player with light green dye named "&d&lRenkler" with lore "&aRenkler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market renk"]
format slot 21 of player with cactus named "&2&lMalzemeler" with lore "&aMalzemeler Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market malz"]
format slot 25 of player with monster spawner named "&3&lSpawner" with lore "&aSpawner Menüsü Için Tıklayın." to close then run [execute player command "market spawner"]
arg 1 is "tohum":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&2&lTohumlar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 1 of player with 32 seeds named "&4&lBuğday Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a550 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum1"]
format slot 4 of player with 32 pumpkin seeds named "&4&lBalkabağı Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum2"]
format slot 7 of player with 32 melon seeds named "&4&lKarpuz Tohumu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market tohum tohum3"]
arg 2 is "tohum1":
player's balance is greater than 549:
remove 550 from player's balance
give player 32 seeds
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "tohum2":
player's balance is greater than 749:
remove 750 from player's balance
give player 32 pumpkin seeds
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "tohum3":
player's balance is greater than 749:
remove 750 from player's balance
give player 32 melon seeds
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 1 is "renk":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&6&lRenkler" to player
wait a tick
format slot 0 of player with 32 gray dye named "&8Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk1"]
format slot 1 of player with 32 pink dye named "&dPembe Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk2"]
format slot 2 of player with 32 light green dye named "&aAçık Yeşil Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk3"]
format slot 3 of player with 32 yellow dye named "&eSarı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk4"]
format slot 4 of player with 32 purple dye named "&5Mor Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk5"]
format slot 5 of player with 32 cyan dye named "&3Turkuaz Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk6"]
format slot 6 of player with 32 light gray dye named "&7Açık Gri Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk7"]
format slot 7 of player with 32 rose red named "&4Kırmızı Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk8"]
format slot 8 of player with 32 magenta dye named "&5Eflatun Renk" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market renk renk9"]
arg 2 is "renk1":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 gray dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk2":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 pink dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk3":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 light green dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk4":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 yellow dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk5":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 purple dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk6":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 cyan dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk7":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 light gray dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk8":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 rose red
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "renk9":
player's balance is greater than 849:
remove 850 from player's balance
give player 32 magenta dye
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 1 is "spawner":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&3&LSpawner" to player
wait a tick
format slot 2 of player with monster spawner named "&4&lGolem Spawner" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2,000,000 $" to run [execute player command "market spawner golem"]
arg 2 is "golem":
player's balance is greater than 1999999:
remove 2000000 from player's balance
execute console command "ss give %player% IronGolem 1"
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 1 is "lav":
arg 2 isn't set:
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lLav ve Su" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with water bucket named "&b&lSu Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market lav su"]
format slot 5 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lLav Kovası" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market lav lav"]
arg 2 is "lav":
player's balance is greater than 749:
remove 750 from player's balance
give player lava bucket
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "su":
player's balance is greater than 324:
remove 324 from player's balance
give player water bucket
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 1 is "reds":
arg 2 isn't set:
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKızıltaş" to player
wait a tick
format slot 0 of player with 64 redstone named "&4&lKızıltaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds reds"]
format slot 1 of player with 64 33 named "&6&lNormal Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston"]
format slot 2 of player with 64 29 named "&6&lYapışkan Piston" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2350 $" to run [execute player command "market reds piston2"]
format slot 3 of player with 16 hopper named "&7&lHuni" with lore "&7Alış FiyatI: &a1850 $" to run [execute player command "market reds huni"]
arg 2 is "reds":
player's balance is greater than 1849:
remove 1850 from player's balance
give player 64 redstone
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "piston":
player's balance is greater than 1999:
remove 2000 from player's balance
give player 64 piston
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "piston2":
player's balance is greater than 2349:
remove 2350 from player's balance
give player 64 sticky piston
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "huni":
player's balance is greater than 1849:
remove 1850 from player's balance
give player 16 hopper
send "&f &6&lMarket &7&l> &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 1 is "malz":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMalzemeler" to player
wait a tick
format slot 0 of player with 64 cactus named "&2&lKaktüs" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs"]
format slot 1 of player with 64 338 named "&2&lŞeker Kamışı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker"]
format slot 2 of player with 64 egg named "&2&lYumurta" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta"]
format slot 3 of player with 64 bone named "&2&lKemik" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik"]
format slot 4 of player with 64 351:3 named "&2&lKakao" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao"]
format slot 5 of player with 64 wheat named "&2&lBuğday" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday"]
arg 2 is "kaktüs":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKaktüs" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1520 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kaktüs_sat"]
arg 2 is "kaktüs_al":
player's balance is greater than 1519:
remove 1520 from player's balance
give player 64 cactus
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "kaktüs_sat":
player has 64 of cactus:
add 1050 to player's balance
remove 64 cactus from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "şeker":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz şeker_sat"]
arg 2 is "şeker_al":
player's balance is greater than 824:
remove 825 from player's balance
give player 64 sugar cane
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "şeker_sat":
player has 64 of sugar cane:
add 500 to player's balance
remove 64 sugar cane from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "yumurta":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lYumurta" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a500 $" to run [execute player command "market malz yumurta_sat"]
arg 2 is "yumurta_al":
player's balance is greater than 824:
remove 825 from player's balance
give player 64 egg
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "yumurta_sat":
player has 64 of egg:
add 500 to player's balance
remove 64 egg from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "kemik":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKemik" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kemik_sat"]
arg 2 is "kemik_al":
player's balance is greater than 524:
remove 525 from player's balance
give player 64 bone
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "kemik_sat":
player has 64 of bone:
add 255 to player's balance
remove 64 bone from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "kakao":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a825 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a725 $" to run [execute player command "market malz kakao_sat"]
arg 2 is "kakao_al":
player's balance is greater than 824:
remove 825 from player's balance
give player 64 351:3
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "kakao_sat":
player has 64 of 351:3:
add 725 to player's balance
remove 64 351:3 from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "buğday":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKakao" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a655 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market malz buğday_sat"]
arg 2 is "buğday_al":
player's balance is greater than 654:
remove 655 from player's balance
give player 64 wheat
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "buğday_sat":
player has 64 of wheat:
add 425 to player's balance
remove 64 wheat from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 1 is "maden":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMadenler" to player
wait a tick
format slot 1 of player with 64 263 named "&8&lKömür" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1"]
format slot 3 of player with 64 iron ingot named "&7&lDemir" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2"]
format slot 5 of player with 64 gold ingot named "&6&lAltın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a30000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3"]
format slot 7 of player with 64 diamond named "&b&lElmas" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4"]
arg 2 is "maden1":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKömür" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a2000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden1_sat"]
arg 2 is "maden1_al":
player's balance is greater than 1999:
remove 2000 from player's balance
give player 64 coal
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "maden1_sat":
player has 64 coal:
remove 64 coal from player
add 1000 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "maden2":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDemir" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a18000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden2_sat"]
arg 2 is "maden2_al":
player's balance is greater than 24999:
remove 25000 from player's balance
give player 64 iron ingot
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "maden2_sat":
player has a iron ingot:
set {_item.%player%} to number of iron ingot in the player's inventory*281.25
add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
remove all iron ingots from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "maden3":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lAltın" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a33000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a25000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden3_sat"]
arg 2 is "maden3_al":
player's balance is greater than 31999:
remove 32000 from player's balance
give player 64 gold ingot
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "maden3_sat":
player has a gold ingot:
set {_item.%player%} to number of gold ingot in the player's inventory*390.625
add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
remove all gold ingots from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 2 is "maden4":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lElmas" to player
format slot 3 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a35000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_al"]
format slot 5 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a28000 $" to run [execute player command "market maden maden4_sat"]
arg 2 is "maden4_al":
player's balance is greater than 34999:
remove 35000 from player's balance
give player 64 diamond
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para"
arg 2 is "maden4_sat":
player has a diamond:
set {_item.%player%} to number of diamond in the player's inventory*437.5
add {_item.%player%} to player's balance
remove all diamonds from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya"
arg 1 is "bloklar":
arg 2 is "diğer":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lDiğerleri" to player
wait a tick
format slot 1 of player with 5 crafting table named "&7&lCrafting Table" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar crafting"]
format slot 4 of player with 5 furnace named "&7&lFırın" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar furnace"]
format slot 7 of player with 5 chest named "&7&lSandık" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a100 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar sandık"]
arg 2 is "crafting":
player's balance is greater than 99:
remove 100 from player's balance
give player 5 crafting table
arg 2 is "furnace":
player's balance is greater than 99:
remove 100 from player's balance
give player 5 furnace
arg 2 is "sandık":
player's balance is greater than 99:
remove 100 from player's balance
give player 5 chest
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 3 row named "&4&lBloklar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 9 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lNormal Bloklar" with lore "&aTaş, Kırıktaş, Kuvars vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 11 of player with cobblestone stairs named "&7&lMerdivenler" with lore "&aTaş Merdiven, Kırıktaş Merdiven vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar merdiven"]
format slot 13 of player with cobblestone slab named "&7&lBasamaklar" with lore "&aTaş Basamak, Kırıktaş Basamak vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar basamak"]
format slot 15 of player with chest named "&7&lDiğerleri" with lore "&aSandık, Fırın, Çalışma Masası vs." to run [execute player command "market bloklar diğer"]
arg 2 is "basamak":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lBasamaklar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 4 of player with 64 cobblestone slab named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_bas"]
arg 2 is "tas_bas":
player's balance is greater than 749:
give player 64 cobblestone slab
remove 750 from player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para."
arg 2 is "merdiven":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lMerdivenler" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with 64 cobblestone stairs named "&7&lKırıktaş Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas_mer"]
format slot 5 of player with 64 stone brick stairs named "&7&lTaş Tuğla Merdiven" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a720 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tas1_mer"]
arg 2 is "tas_mer":
player's balance is greater than 719:
give player 64 cobblestone stairs
remove 720 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"
arg 2 is "tas1_mer":
player's balance is greater than 719:
give player 64 stone bricks stairs
remove 720 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/720"
arg 2 is "normal":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lNormal Bloklar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 0 of player with 64 stone named "&7&lTaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş"]
format slot 1 of player with 64 cobblestone named "&7&lKırıktaş" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş"]
format slot 2 of player with 64 dirt named "&7&lToprak" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak"]
format slot 3 of player with 64 grass named "&7&lÇimen" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &A355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen"]
format slot 4 of player with 64 stone bricks named "&7&lTaş Tuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış FiyatI: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla"]
format slot 5 of player with 64 bricks block named "&7&lTuğla" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla"]
format slot 6 of player with 64 quartz block named "&7&lKuvars Blok" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1450 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars"]
format slot 7 of player with 64 sand named "&7&lKum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum"]
format slot 8 of player with 64 red sand named "&7&lKırmızı Kum" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $||&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırmızı_kum"]
arg 2 is "kırmızı_kum":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırmızı Kum" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a425 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kkum_sat"]
arg 2 is "kkum_al":
player's balance is greater than 849:
give player 64 red sand
remove 850 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
arg 2 is "kkum_sat":
player has 64 of red sand:
remove 64 red sand from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırmızı Kum"
add 425 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırmızı Kum"
arg 2 is "kum":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKum" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a750 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a325 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kum_sat"]
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
arg 2 is "kum_al":
player's balance is greater than 749:
give player 64 sand
remove 750 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKum"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/750"
arg 2 is "kum_sat":
player has 64 of sand:
remove 64 sand from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKum"
add 325 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kum"
arg 2 is "kuvars":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKuvars" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a 1450 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a1250 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kuvars_sat"]
arg 2 is "kuvars_al":
player's balance is greater than 1449:
give player 64 quartz block
remove 1450 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKuvars"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1450"
arg 2 is "kuvars_sat":
player has 64 of quartz block:
remove 64 quartz block from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKuvars"
add 1250 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kuvars"
arg 2 is "tuğla":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTuğla" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_al"]
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar tuğla_sat"]
arg 2 is "tuğla_al":
player's balance is greater than 1149:
give player 64 bricks block
remove 1150 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTuğla"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
arg 2 is "tuğla_sat":
player has 64 of bricks block:
remove 64 bricks block from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTuğla"
add 755 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Tuğla"
arg 2 is "taştuğla":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş Tuğla" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1150 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taştuğla_sat"]
arg 2 is "taştuğla_al":
player's balance is greater than 1149:
give player 64 stone bricks
remove 1150 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1150"
arg 2 is "taştuğla_sat":
player has 64 of stone bricks:
remove 64 stone bricks from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş Tuğla"
add 755 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş Tuğla"
arg 2 is "çimen":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lÇimen" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a1050 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a355 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar çimen_sat"]
arg 2 is "çimen_al":
player's balance is greater than 1049:
give player 64 grass
remove 1050 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cÇimen"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/1050"
arg 2 is "çimen_sat":
player has 64 of grass:
remove 64 grass from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
add 355 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Çimen"
arg 2 is "toprak":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a755 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a255 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar toprak_sat"]
arg 2 is "toprak_al":
player's balance is greater than 754:
give player 64 dirt
remove 755 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cToprak"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/755"
arg 2 is "toprak_sat":
player has 64 of dirt:
remove 64 dirt from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cToprak"
add 255 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Toprak"
arg 2 is "kırıktaş":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lKırıktaş" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a520 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar kırıktaş_sat"]
arg 2 is "kırıktaş_al":
player's balance is greater than 624:
give player 64 cobblestone
remove 625 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/625"
arg 2 is "kırıktaş_sat":
player has 64 of cobblestone:
remove 64 cobblestone from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cKırıktaş"
add 520 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Kırıktaş"
arg 2 is "taş":
close the player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lTaş" to player
wait a tick
format slot 8 of player with book named "&4&lMenüye Dön" to run [execute player command "market bloklar normal"]
format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "&a&lEşyayı Satın Al" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a850 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_al"]
format slot 5 of player with emerald block named "&a&lEşyayı Sat" with lore "&7Satış Fiyatı: &a625 $" to run [execute player command "market bloklar taş_sat"]
arg 2 is "taş_al":
player's balance is greater than 849:
give player 64 stone
remove 850 from player's balance
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı. Alınan Eşya: &cTaş"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para. &c%player's balance%/850"
arg 2 is "taş_sat":
player has 64 of stone:
remove 64 stone from player
send "{@p} &aSatma Başarılı. Satılan Eşya: &cTaş"
add 625 to player's balance
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Eşya. 64 Taş"
arg 1 is "odun":
arg 2 isn't set:
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdun" to player
wait a tick
format slot 3 of player with 17 named "&e&lOdunlar" with lore "&aOdunlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun odun"]
format slot 5 of player with oak sapling named "&e&lFidanlar" with lore "&aFidanlar Menüsü" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan"]
arg 2 is "odun":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lOdunlar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 1 of player with 64 17 named "&eMeşe Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun1"]
format slot 3 of player with 64 17:1 named "&eLadin Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun2"]
format slot 5 of player with 64 17:2 named "&eHuş Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun3"]
format slot 7 of player with 64 17:3 named "&eOrman Ağacı Odunu" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a525 $" to run [execute player command "market odun odun4"]
arg 2 is "odun1":
player's balance is greater than 519:
remove 520 from player's balance
give player 64 oak wood
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "odun2":
player's balance is greater than 519:
remove 520 from player's balance
give player 64 spruce wood
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "odun3":
player's balance is greater than 519:
remove 520 from player's balance
give player 64 birch wood
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "odun4":
player's balance is greater than 519:
remove 520 from player's balance
give player 64 jungle wood
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı."
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "fidan":
close player's inventory
wait 0.1 second
open chest with 1 row named "&4&lFidanlar" to player
wait a tick
format slot 1 of player with 32 oak sapling named "&eMeşe Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan1"]
format slot 3 of player with 32 spruce sapling named "&eLadin Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan2"]
format slot 5 of player with 32 birch sapling named "&eHuş Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan3"]
format slot 7 of player with 32 jungle sapling named "&eOrman Ağacı Fidanı" with lore "&7Alış Fiyatı: &a315 $" to run [execute player command "market odun fidan4"]
arg 2 is "fidan1":
player's balance is greater than 314:
remove 315 from player's balance
give player 32 oak sapling
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "fidan2":
player's balance is greater than 314:
remove 315 from player's balance
give player 32 spruce sapling
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "fidan3":
player's balance is greater than 314:
remove 315 from player's balance
give player 32 birch sapling
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"
arg 2 is "fidan4":
player's balance is greater than 314:
remove 315 from player's balance
give player 32 jungle sapling
send "{@p} &aSatın Alma Başarılı!"
send "{@p} &4Yetersiz Para!"