Savaş kombosu skripte yeniyim yardım


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar bana kombolu bir skript lazım söyle;

Mesela sağ sağ sol yaptığınızda adama ok atıabiliceksiniz falan
yada sol sağ sol yaptığınızda dağılan oklar atabiliceksiniz

bunu skriptle başarmak mümkünmü yada hillem plugin yazmakmı gerek lütfen yardım


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Aga script bilirim az cok ama nasil sag sol kombnosu yapcam hic bi fikrim yok


Nether Yerlisi
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Wynncraft'çı hırgız seni :>

Eğer bunu "Konu ile alakasız mesaj" ile silecekseniz şunu okuyun. Arkadaş Wynncraft'takini istemiş bende bunu belirttim.


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaslar bana sadece en azindan komutlari soyleyin get left click flm oyle bisyler vardi galiba oyle komutlar aradigim sey zor ztn lutfen yardim edin


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Kardesim İstedigim Skript bende var ama alıntı sahibini bilmiyorum

Aa yok Buldum:

Buda Kodu
#      __      __ .__                            .___      
#     /  \    /  \|__|_____________  _______   __| _/ ______
#     \   \/\/   /|  |\___   /\__  \ \_  __ \ / __ | /  ___/
#      \        / |  | /    /  / __ \_|  | \// /_/ | \___ \
#       \__/\  /  |__|/_____ \(____  /|__|   \____ |/____  >
#         \/             \/     \/             \/     \/

    # --- Wand Names --- #
    Tier1: &7Apprentice Wand
    Tier2: &2Adept Wand
    Tier3: &6Master Wand
    Tier4: &4Grandmaster Wand
    Tier5: &8Shadowmaster Wand
    # --- Don't change anything below! --- #
    Super-Wand-Names: "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}"
on join:
    set {mana.%player%} to 20
    if {wizard.%player%.level} is not set:
        set {wizard.%player%.level} to 1
        set {wizard.%player%.exp} to 0
    make player execute command "/wizard lcheck"
every 1 second:
    loop all players:
        if {mana.%loop-player%} is less than 20:
            add 1 to {mana.%loop-player%}
on first join:
    set {wizard.%player%.level} to 1
command /wizarda [<text="">] [<text>]:
    permission: wizard.admin-command
        arg 1 is "":
            send "/wizarda"
        arg 1 is "wands":
            player has stick named "{@Tier1}" or "{@Tier2}" or "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
                send "You already had a wand!"
                stop trigger
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier1}" to the player
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier2}" to the player
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier3}" to the player
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier4}" to the player
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier5}" to the player
on death of a living entity:
    loop players in radius 20 around the victim:
        if {wizard.%loop-player%.killcount} is more than {wizard.%loop-player%.goalexp}:
            add 1 to {wizard.%loop-player%.level}
            make the loop-player execute "/wizard lcheck"
        add 1 to {wizard.%loop-player%.exp}
        chance of 50%:
            add 1 to {wizard.%loop-player%.exp}
        chance of 25%:
            add 1 to {wizard.%loop-player%.exp}
command /wizard [<text="">]:
        arg 1 is "wand":
            player has stick named "{@Tier1}" or "{@Tier2}" or "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
                send "You already had a wand!"
                stop trigger
                give 1 stick named "{@Tier1}" to the player
        arg 1 is "clear":
            set {wizard.%player%.click1} to "none"
            set {wizard.%player%.click2} to "none"
            wait a second
            set {wizard.%player%.performing} to false
        arg 1 is "stats":
            send "&6&lIGN:&r&e %player%"
            send "&5&lTitle:&r&d %{wizard.%player%.title}%"
            send "&9&lMana:&r&3 %{mana.%player%}%"
            send "&2&lLevel:&r&a %{wizard.%player%.level}%"
            send "&3&lExperience: &b%{wizard.%player%.exp}%/%{wizard.%player%.goalexp}%"
        arg 1 is "lcheck":
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is less than 9:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 500
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Apprentice"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 9:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 625
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Journeyman"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 19:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 750
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Adept"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 29:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 900
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Master"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 39:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 1250
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Master"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 49:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 1500
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Grandmaster"
            if {wizard.%player%.level} is more than 59:
                set {wizard.%player%.goalexp} to 1750
                set {wizard.%player%.title} to "Legendary"
            set player's display name to "%player% - &8[&6Lvl%{wizard.%player%.level}%&8]"
command /castspell:
        if {wizard.%player%.click1} is "right":
            if {wizard.%player%.click2} is "right":
                # Teleport - Tier 2 to 5 - Right - Right - Right
                if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 10:
                    send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                if {mana.%player%} is smaller than 5:
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                    send "&9You do not have enough mana."
                name of held item is "{@Tier2}" or "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
                    set {wizard.%player%.tptarget} to location of targeted block
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.tptarget} is larger than 16:
                        send "&dTry teleporting somewhere closer!"
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.tptarget} is smaller than 16:
                        send "&dTeleported!"
                        teleport player to {wizard.%player%.tptarget}
                        make the console execute command "/playsound mob.endermen.portal %player%"
                        subtract 5 from {mana.%player%}
            if {wizard.%player%.click2} is "left":
                # Lightning - Tier 1 to 3 Wands only - Right - Right - Left
                if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 35:
                    send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                if {mana.%player%} is smaller than 10:
                    send "&9You do not have enough mana."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                set {wizard.%player%.lttarget} to location of targeted block
                name of held item is "{@Tier3}":
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.lttarget} is larger than 16:
                        send "&dYou can not strike lightning that far!"
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.lttarget} is smaller than 16:
                        loop 3 times:
                            strike lightning at targeted block
                            create a safe explosion of force 2 at the targeted block
                        subtract 10 from {mana.%player%}
                name of held item is "{@Tier4}":
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.lttarget} is larger than 24:
                        send "&dYou can not strike lightning that far!"
                    distance between the player and {wizard.%player%.lttarget} is smaller than 24:
                        loop 3 times:
                            strike lightning at targeted block
                            create a safe explosion of force 2 at the targeted block
                        subtract 10 from {mana.%player%}
                # Shadowmorph - Tier 5 Wand only - Right - Right - Left
                name of held item is "{@Tier5}":
                    if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 50:
                        send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                        make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                    spawn 15 bats at location of player
                    spawn 15 bats at location of player's head
                    apply swiftness 2 to player for 7 seconds
                    apply invisibility to player for 7 seconds
                    wait 5 seconds
                    loop entities in radius 50 around the player:
                        loop-entity is bat:
                            kill loop-entity
                    wait 2 seconds
                    spawn 15 bats at location of player
                    spawn 15 bats at location of player's head
                    wait 5 seconds
                    loop entities in radius 50 around the player:
                        loop-entity is bat:
                            kill loop-entity
                    subtract 10 from {mana.%player%}
        if {wizard.%player%.click1} is "left":
            if {wizard.%player%.click2} is "right":
                # Heal Aura - Right - Left - Right
                if {mana.%player%} is smaller than 7:
                    send "&9You do not have enough mana."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                send "&d%player% healed you!"
                make the console execute command "/playsound %player%"
                heal the player by 3.5 hearts
                loop players in radius 5 around the player:
                    heal the loop-player by 3.5 hearts
                    send "&d%player% healed you!" to loop-player
                    make the console execute command "/playsound %loop-player%"
                    exit loop
                subtract 7 from {mana.%player%}
            if {wizard.%player%.click2} is "left":
                if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 25:
                    send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                if {mana.%player%} is smaller than 15:
                    send "&9You do not have enough mana."
                    make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                # Meteor - Right - Left - Left
                name of held item is "{@Tier3}":
                    create a safe explosion of force 1 2 meters in front of the player's head
                    create a safe explosion of force 1 4 meters in front of the player's head
                    create a safe explosion of force 2 6 meters in front of the player's head
                    create a safe explosion of force 2 8 meters in front of the player's head
                    create a safe explosion of force 2 10 meters in front of the player's head
                    create a safe explosion of force 2 12 meters in front of the player's head
                # Meteor Storm - Right - Left - Left
                name of held item is "{@Tier4}":
                    if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 40:
                        send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                        make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                    loop entities in radius 6 around the player:
                        create a fake explosion 10 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 8 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 6 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 4 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 2 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a safe explosion of force 1 at the loop-entity
                    subtract 15 from {mana.%player%}
                name of held item is "{@Tier5}":
                    if {wizard.%player%.level} is smaller than 60:
                        send "&4You are incapable of casting more complex spells."
                        make player execute command "/wizard clear"
                    loop entities in radius 7 around the player:
                        create a fake explosion 10 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 8 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 6 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 4 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a fake explosion 2 meters above the loop-entity's head
                        wait 1 ticks
                        create a safe explosion of force 1 at the loop-entity
                    subtract 15 from {mana.%player%}
        set {wizard.%player%.click1} to "none"
        set {wizard.%player%.click2} to "none"
        wait a second
        set {wizard.%player%.performing} to false
        chance of 50%:
            make player execute command "/wizard lcheck"   
on join:
    set {attack.%player%} to 3
every 1.3 second:
    loop all players:
        if {attack.%loop-player%} is less than 2:
            add 2 to {attack.%loop-player%}
on leftclick with stick:
    cancel event
    name of held item is "{@Tier1}" or "{@Tier2}" or "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
        {wizard.%player%.performing} is true:
            cancel event
            make the console execute command "/playsound %player%"
            if {wizard.%player%.click1} is "right" or "left":
                set {wizard.%player%.click2} to "left"
                make player execute command "/castspell"
            set {wizard.%player%.click1} to "left"
            name of held item is "&7Apprentice Wand":
                make the player shoot an arrow at speed 2
                make the console execute command "/playsound random.pop %player%"
            name of held item is "&2Adept Wand":
                make the player shoot an arrow at speed 5
                make the player shoot an snowball at speed 5
                make the console execute command "/playsound random.pop %player%"
on leftclick with stick:
    cancel event
    {wizard.%player%.performing} is true:
        cancel event
    name of held item is "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
        if {attack.%player%} is less than 2:
            cancel event
        if {attack.%player%} is more than 2:
            name of held item is "&6Master Wand":
                make the player shoot a fireball
                subtract 2 from {attack.%player%}
                make the console execute command "/playsound mob.ghast.fireball %player%"
            name of held item is "&4Grandmaster Wand":
                create a safe explosion of force 1 2 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 1 4 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 6 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 8 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 10 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 12 meters in front of the player's head
                subtract 2 from {attack.%player%}
            name of held item is "&8Shadowmaster Wand":
                create a safe explosion of force 1 2 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 4 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 6 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 8 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 2 10 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 3 12 meters in front of the player's head
                spawn 5 bats 12 meters in front of the player's head
                subtract 2 from {attack.%player%}
on rightclick with stick:
    name of held item is "{@Tier1}" or "{@Tier2}" or "{@Tier3}" or "{@Tier4}" or "{@Tier5}":
        {wizard.%player%.performing} is true:
            make the console execute command "/playsound %player%"
            if {wizard.%player%.click1} is "right" or "left":
                set {wizard.%player%.click2} to "right"
                make player execute command "/castspell"
            set {wizard.%player%.click1} to "right"
            make the console execute command "/playsound %player%"
            set {wizard.%player%.performing} to true
            wait 3 seconds
            set {wizard.%player%.performing} to false
            set {wizard.%player%.click1} to "none"
            set {wizard.%player%.click2} to "none"

on projectile hit:
    delete the projectilee a safe explosion of force 2 10 meters in front of the player's head
                create a safe explosion of force 3 12 meters in front of the player's head
                spawn 5 bats 12 meters in front of the player's head
                subtract 2 from {attack.%p

Buda aradıgın kod

if {wizard.%player%.click1} is "left":
            if {wizard.%player%.click2} is "right":

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Zombi Katili
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