Op bilsin derken x_x kb cidden beynim yandı düşünürkenYa sadece adam kendini op bilsin istiyorum ama olmasın manuadd fln kullanmasin
command /fakeopver <player>:
player has permission "fakeop.ver":
arg-1 is set:
send "&eYou are now op!" to arg-1
execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm1"
execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm2"
execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm3"
execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm4"
execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm5"
send "&6Bir oyuncu ismi girmedin" to player
send "&6Bu komutu kullanamazsin." to player
command /fakeopal <player>:
player has permission "fakeop.al":
arg-1 is set:
send "&eYou are no longer op!" to arg-1
execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm1"
execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm2"
execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm3"
execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm4"
execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm5"
send "&6Bir oyuncu ismi girmedin" to player
send "&6Bu komutu kullanamazsin." to player
Teşekkür ederim tam aradığım .dKod:command /fakeopver <player>: trigger: player has permission "fakeop.ver": arg-1 is set: send "&eYou are now op!" to arg-1 execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm1" execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm2" execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm3" execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm4" execute console command "manuaddp %arg-1% perm5" else: send "&6Bir oyuncu ismi girmedin" to player else: send "&6Bu komutu kullanamazsin." to player command /fakeopal <player>: trigger: player has permission "fakeop.al": arg-1 is set: send "&eYou are no longer op!" to arg-1 execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm1" execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm2" execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm3" execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm4" execute console command "manudelp %arg-1% perm5" else: send "&6Bir oyuncu ismi girmedin" to player else: send "&6Bu komutu kullanamazsin." to player