Kömür Madencisi
- En iyi cevaplar
- 0
#Coded by : Kemalist1881
#Forum :
prefix: &8[&3PREFIX&8] #Server ismi veya serverin sistemi.
deathbounty: 8 #Ölünce kaç bounty gideceği.
killbounty: 12 #Öldürünce kaç bounty gelceği.
playerprefix: on #Kapatılmaz
permission: bounty.perm #Yetki ayarlar.
on death:
add {@killbounty} to {bounty.%attacker%}
remove {@deathbounty} from {bounty.%victim%}
on death:
send "{@prefix} &3You've lost &8[&e{@deathbounty}&8] &3points for dying&8!" to player
on death:
victim is a player
attacker is a player
heal the attacker
send "{@prefix} &3You've ganied &8[&e{@killbounty}&8] &3points for killing %colored player's prefix% %player's display name%&8!" to attacker
on chat:
cancel event
loop all players:
if loop-player has the permission "{@permission}":
send "&8[&e%{bounty.%player%}%&8] %colored player's prefix% %player's display name%&8: &f%colored message%" to loop-player
on join:
add 0 to {bounty.%player%}
XKMB ve Chat Color ile bağlayabilirsiniz !