Öncelikle Merhaba;
Ben Muscing;
Bugün sizlere gelişmiş klan sistemini tanıtacağım.
Bu klan sistemi bize klan yetkileri ve klan hakkında bilgiler veriyor.
Üstelik menü sistemiyle daha şık bir hale getirdim.
GUI Desteklidir.
Iyi Forumlar
Ben Muscing;
Bugün sizlere gelişmiş klan sistemini tanıtacağım.
Bu klan sistemi bize klan yetkileri ve klan hakkında bilgiler veriyor.
Üstelik menü sistemiyle daha şık bir hale getirdim.
GUI Desteklidir.
command /f:
open chest with 3 rows named "&bKlan Menüsü" to player
wait 0.1 seconds
set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
format slot 2 of player with Grass named "&6> &bSenin Klanın &6<" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/klan"]
format slot 4 of player with 42 named "&6> &bKlan Yardım &6<" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/klanbiblgi"]
command /klan:
open chest with 5 row named "&bSenin Klanın" to player
wait 0.1 seconds
set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
format slot 3 of player with 1 of 266 named "&6Klan Paranı Ögrenmek Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f money"]
format slot 6 of player with 1 of Bed named "&6Klan Evi Kaydetmek Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f sethome"]
format slot 9 of player with 1 of 2 named "&6Klan Evine Gitmek Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f home"]
format slot 13 of player with 1 of 284 named "&6Klan Claim Kaldırmak Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f unclaim"]
format slot 15 of player with 1 of 256 named "&6Otomatik Claim Için Tıkla" to close then run [execute player command "/f autoclaim"]
format slot 23 of player with 1 of 358 named "&6Otomatik Claim Kapatmak Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f autoclaim"]
format slot 27 of player with 1 of 41 named "&6Istek Gönder" to close then run [execute player command "/f invite"]
format slot 29 of player with 1 of 152 named "&6Klandan At!" to close then run [execute player command "/f Kick"]
format slot 31 of player with 1 of 123 named "&6Klandan Ayrıl!" to close then run [execute player command "/f Leave"]
format slot 37 of player with 1 of 57 named "&6Klanda Moderatör Ver!" to close then run [execute player command "/f mod"]
format slot 38 of player with 1 of 133 named "&6Klanda Liderligi Ver!" to close then run [execute player command "/f leader"]
format slot 40 of player with 1 of 22 named "&6Klan Sohbeti Için Tıkla!" to close then run [execute player command "/f Chat"]
command /klanbilgi:
open chest with 2 row named "&bKlan Bilgi" to player
wait 0.1 seconds
set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
format slot 2 of player with 1 of 276 named "&6Klan Oluşturur." to close then run [execute player command "/f create"]
format slot 4 of player with 1 of 42 named "&6Klana Katılır." to close then run [execute player command "/f join"]
format slot 6 of player with 1 of Book named "&6Klan Komutları" to close then run [execute player command "/f help"]
Iyi Forumlar