Umut Savas
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Konuya Uğraşamıyacağım işim var İnşallah Beğenirsiniz.
Yanlışlarımı Düzeltin Yorumdan Kaçınmayın
p: Serverismi
#///// Olasılık Bölümü \\\\\#
on chat:
if {kontrolyapildi.%player%} is true:
if chat message contains "küfürolasılığı": #ör: lan "yalan"
send ""
#///// Küfür Bölümü \\\\\#
on chat:
if {kontrolyapildi.%player%} is true:
if chat message contains "küfür":
if player is op:
cancel event
wait 0.5 seconds
send "{@p} &9&l> &cOpsun Diye Kufur Etmicen Dimi"
execute console command "mute %player% 1m"
execute console command "effect %player% 2 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 4 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 17 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 9 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 15 60 255"
wait 59 seconds
execute console command "effect %player% clear"
cancel event
wait 0.5 seconds
send "{@p} &9&l> &cLutfen Kufur Etme"
execute console command "mute %player% 1m"
execute console command "effect %player% 2 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 4 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 17 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 9 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 15 60 255"
wait 59 seconds
execute console command "effect %player% clear"
#///// Reklam Bölümü \\\\\#
on chat:
if {kontrolyapildi.%player%} is true:
if chat message contains "reklam":
if player is op:
cancel event
wait 0.5 seconds
send "{@p} &9&l> &cOpsun Diye Kendi Serverindemi Reklam Yapıyon!!"
execute console command "mute %player% 1m"
execute console command "effect %player% 2 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 4 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 17 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 9 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 15 60 255"
wait 59 seconds
execute console command "effect %player% clear"
cancel event
wait 0.5 seconds
send "{@p} &9&l> &cLutfen Kufur Etme"
execute console command "mute %player% 1m"
execute console command "effect %player% 2 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 4 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 17 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 9 60 255"
execute console command "effect %player% 15 60 255"
wait 59 seconds
execute console command "effect %player% clear"
command /kontrol:
if {kurulumyapildi.%player%} is false:
set {kurulumyapildi.%player%} to true
send "&cLutfen Bekleyiniz." to player
wait 0.5 seconds
send "&cLutfen Bekleyiniz.." to player
wait 0.5 seconds
send "&cLutfen Bekleyiniz..." to player
wait 5 seconds
set {kontrolyapildi.%player%} to true
send "&cKontrol Tamamlandi"
remove slowness from player
on chat:
{kontrolyapildi.%player%} is false
cancel event
send "&cDosya Kontrol yapilmadi &6/kontrol"
on damage:
attacker is player
{kontrolyapildi.%attacker%} is false
cancel event
send "&cDosya Kontrol yapilmadi &6/kontrol"
on login:
set {kurulumyapildi.%player%} to false
set {kontrolyapildi.%player%} to false
apply slowness 255 to player for 1 hour
on chat:
if {kontrolyapildi.%player%} is true:
{mesajyazdi.%player%} is false
set {mesajyazdi.%player%} to true
wait 2 seconds
set {mesajyazdi.%player%} to false
{mesajyazdi.%player%} is true
send ""
on command "/warp":
{kontrolyapildi.%player%} is false
cancel event
send "&cDosya Kontrol yapilmadi &6/kontrol"
on command "/tp":
{kontrolyapildi.%player%} is false
cancel event
send "&cDosya Kontrol yapilmadi &6/kontrol"
on command "/msg":
{kontrolyapildi.%player%} is false
cancel event
send "&cDosya Kontrol yapilmadi &6/kontrol"
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