Skript anlayan ingilizcesi iyi biri varsa girsin içeri


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En iyi cevaplar
Arkadaşlar 1 arkadaşım bana bir konuda yardım istedi bende sizden istiyorum elimde türkçeleştirilicek bir dosya var inglizcesi sağlam birisi varsa bana yardım edebilirmi örnek olarak :
error: "Use &ldeleteisland confirm &r&cto delete the island you are on."
noid: "Cannot identify island."
use: "Use &ldelete [name] &r&cto delete the player instead."
Mesela bunun gibi 400 satırı geçik bir iş var yardım ederseniz çok sevnirim Skyp ekleyin. Duttyselo1


En iyi cevaplar
ben yaparım, hobi gibi bir şey :D


Sudan Çıkmış
En iyi cevaplar
help: "temporarily give a player full access to your island"
invited: "[name] made [player] a coop player!"
madeyoucoopy: "[name] made you a coop player!"
notincoop: "[name] is not in your coop!"
onyourteam: "Player is already on your team!"
removed: "[name] removed your coop status!"
removesuccess: "[name] is no longer a coop player."
success: "[name] is now a coop player until they log out or you uncoop or expel them."
uncoop: "remove full island access from player"
useexpel: "Use expel or uncoop to remove."
removing: "Removing [name]'s island."
drankAcid: "drank acid."
drankAcidAndDied: "just drank acid and died."
commandNotReady: "You can't use that command right now."
noIsland: "You do not have an island!"
noIslandOther: "That player does not have an island!"
noPermission: "You don't have permission to use that command!"
noTeam: "Player is not in a team."
notOnIsland: "You are not in an island space!"
maxIslands: "The world is full of islands! Try again later!"
offlinePlayer: "That player is offline or doesn't exist."
unknownCommand: "Unknown command."
unknownPlayer: "That player is unknown."
useInGame: "This command must be used in-game."
wrongWorld: "You cannot do that in this world."
expelled: "You were expelled from that island!"
fail: "[name] cannot be expelled!"
notonisland: "Player is not trespassing on your island!"
notyourself: "You cannot expel yourself!"
success: "You expelled [name]!"
errorCantJoinIsland: "You couldn't join the island, maybe it's full."
errorCoolDown: "You can invite that player again in [time] minutes"
errorThatPlayerIsAlreadyInATeam: "That player is already in a team."
errorYouCannotInviteYourself: "You can not invite yourself!"
errorYouMustHaveIslandToInvite: "You must have an island in order to invite people to it!"
errorYourIslandIsFull: "Your island is full, you can't invite anyone else."
hasJoinedYourIsland: "[name] has joined your island!"
help: "Use [/island invite <playername>] to invite a player to your island."
inviteSentTo: "Invite sent to [name]"
nameHasInvitedYou: "[name] has invited you to join their island!"
onlyIslandOwnerCanInvite: "Only the leader can invite!"
removingInvite: "Removing your previous invite."
toAcceptOrReject: "to accept or reject the invite."
warningYouWillLoseIsland: "WARNING: You will lose your current island if you accept!"
youCanInvite: "You can invite [number] more players."
youCannotInvite: "You can't invite any more players."
youHaveJoinedAnIsland: "You have joined an island! Use /island team to see the other members."
cannotTeleport: "You cannot teleport when falling!"
donate: "Welcome to A SkyBlock by tastybento"
errorCouldNotCreateIsland: "Could not create your Island. Please contact a server moderator."
errorInvalidPlayer: "That player is invalid or does not have an island!"
errorLevelNotReady: "Can't use that command right now! Try again in a few seconds."
errorYouDoNotHavePermission: "You do not have permission to use that command!"
helpAcceptReject: "accept or reject an invitation."
helpChallenges: "/challenges: &fshow challenges"
helpColor: "&e"
helpControlPanel: "open the island GUI."
helpExpel: "force a player from your island."
helpInvite: "invite a player to join your island."
helpIsland: "start an island, or teleport to your island."
helpIslandSpawn: "go to spawn."
helpKick: "remove a team player from your island."
helpLeave: "leave another player's island."
helpLevel: "calculate your island level"
helpLevelPlayer: "see another player's island level."
helpLock: "Locks island so visitors cannot enter it"
helpMakeLeader: "transfer the island to <player>."
helpRestart: "restart your island and remove the old one."
helpSetHome: "set your teleport point for /island."
helpSettings: "see island protection and game settings"
helpTeam: "view your team information."
helpTeleport: "teleport to your island."
helpTop: "see the top ranked islands."
helpWarp: "Warp to <player>'s welcome sign."
helpWarps: "Lists all available welcome-sign warps."
islandDeletedLifeboats: "Island deleted! Head to the lifeboats!"
islandLevelis: "Island level is"
new: "Creating a new island for you..."
resetConfirm: "Type /island confirm within [seconds] seconds to delete your island and restart!"
resetMustRemovePlayers: "You must remove all players from your island before you can restart it (/island kick <player>). See a list of players currently part of your island using /island team."
resetNoMore: "No more resets are allowed for your island!"
resetOnlyOwner: "Only the owner may restart this island. Leave this island in order to start your own (/island leave)."
resetPleaseWait: "Please wait, generating new island"
resetTo: "Cleared reset limit"
resetWait: "You have to wait [time] seconds before you can do that again."
resetYouHave: "You have [number] resets left."
subtitle: "by tastybento"
teleport: "Teleporting you to your island. (/island help for more info)"
title: "A SkyBlock"
url: ""
islandProtected: "Island protected."
TNTdamage: "TNT Damage"
allowed: "Allowed"
anvil: "Anvil use"
armorstand: "Armor Stand use"
beacon: "Beacon use"
bed: "Bed use"
breakblocks: "Break blocks"
breeding: "Breeding"
brewingstand: "Potion Brewing"
bucket: "Bucket use"
chest: "Chest use"
chestdamage: "Chest damage by TNT"
creeperdamage: "Creeper damage"
creepergriefing: "Creeper griefing"
croptrample: "Crop trampling"
disallowed: Disallowed
door: "Door use"
enchantingtable: "Enchanting table use"
enderpearl: "Enderpearl use"
fire: "Fire"
furnace: "Furnace use"
gate: "Gate use"
horseinventoryaccess: "Visitor horse inventory access"
horseriding: "Visitor horse riding"
hurtanimals: "Hurting animals"
hurtmonsters: "Hurting monsters"
jukebox: "Jukebox use"
leash: "Leash use"
lever: "Lever or Button Use"
netherpvp: "Nether PvP"
placeblocks: "Place blocks"
portaluse: "Portal use"
pressureplate: "Visitors activate pressure plates"
pvp: "PvP"
redstone: "Redstone use"
settingsgeneraltitle: "General Island World Settings"
settingsgeneraldesc: "General Island World Settings"
settingsislandtitle: "Island Settings"
settingsislanddesc: "These rules apply to visitors on this island"
settingsspawntitle: "Spawn Settings"
settingsspawndesc: "These rules apply at spawn"
shears: "Shears use"
spawnegg: "Spawn egg use"
teleportwhenfalling: "Teleport when falling"
title: "Island Guard Settings"
visitordrop: "Visitor item dropping"
visitorkeepitems: "Visitor keep item on death"
visitorpickup: "Visitor item pick-up"
withergriefing: "Wither griefing"
workbench: "Workbench use"
errorNoTeam: "You do not have a team!"
errorNotPartOfTeam: "That player is not part of your island team!"
errorOnlyLeaderCan: "Only the leader can kick people off the island!"
errorPlayerNotInTeam: "That player is not in your team!"
nameRemoved: "[name] has been removed from the island."
nameRemovedYou: "[name] has removed you from their island!"
lavaTip: "Tip: If obsidian was not intended, it can be scooped back up again with a bucket."
errorLeadersCannotLeave: "Leaders cannot leave an island. Make someone else the leader first."
errorYouAreTheLeader: "You cannot leave because you are the leader. Make someone the leader first."
errorYouCannotLeaveIsland: "You can't leave your island if you are the only person. Try restart if you want a new one!"
errorYouMustBeInWorld: "You must be in the island world to leave your team!"
nameHasLeftYourIsland: "[name] has left your island!"
youHaveLeftTheIsland: "You have left the island and returned to the player spawn."
calculating: "Calculating island level. This will take a few seconds..."
errornotYourIsland: "Only the leader can do that."
islandLevel: "Island level"
enteringspawn: "Entering Spawn"
islandlocked: "Island is locked to visitors"
leavingspawn: "Leaving Spawn"
locking: "Locking island"
nowentering: "Now entering [name]'s island"
nowleaving: "Now leaving [name]'s island"
unlocking: "Unlocking island"
errorGeneralError: "Could not change leaders."
errorNotYourIsland: "This isn't your island, so you can't give it away!"
errorPlayerMustBeOnline: "That player must be online to transfer the island."
errorRemoveAllPlayersFirst: "Remove all players from your team other than the player you are transferring to."
errorThatPlayerIsNotInTeam: "That player is not part of your island team!"
errorYouMustBeInTeam: "You must be in a team to transfer your island."
nameIsNowTheOwner: "[name] is now the owner of your island!"
youAreNowTheOwner: "You are now the owner of your island."
buy: "Buy(Sol Tık)"
buyproblem: "There was a problem purchasing [description]"
islandhelpMiniShop: "Opens the MiniShop"
outofstock: "Out Of Stock"
sell: "Sell(Sag Tık)"
sellproblem: "You do not have enough [description] to sell."
title: "&EMiniShop"
youbought: "You bought [number] [description] for [price]"
youcannotafford: "You cannot afford [description]!"
yousold: "You sold [number] [description] for [price]"
error: "Island animal breeding limit of [number] reached!"
hopper: "Island hopper limit of [number] reached!"
villager: "Island villager breeding limit of [number] reached!"
spawnisprotected: "The Nether spawn area is protected."
headline: "[A Skyblock News] While you were offline..."
acidFound: "[number] sahipsiz ada vardır. Do '/asit purge unowned confirm' to delete them within 20 seconds."
allowPurge: "Purge protection removed"
alreadyRunning: "Purge is already running, please wait for it to finish!"
calculating: "Calculating which islands have been inactive for more than [time] days."
countingUnowned: "Counting unowned islands and checking player files. This could take some time..."
finished: "Finished purging of inactive islands."
noneFound: "No inactive islands to remove."
nowWaiting: "Now waiting..."
preventPurge: "Island is protected from purging"
purgeCancelled: "Purge cancelled."
removingAt: "Removing island at location [location]"
removingName: "Purge: Removing [name]'s island"
skyblockFound: "There are [number] unowned islands. Do '/asadmin purge unowned confirm' to delete them within 20 seconds."
stillChecking: "Still checking player files..."
thisWillRemove: "[number] inactive islands found. Islands with level < [level] will be removed."
typeConfirm: "Type /[label] confirm to proceed within 10 seconds"
usage: "Usage: /[label] purge [TimeInDays]"
warning: "DANGER! Do not run this with players on the server! MAKE BACKUP OF WORLD!"
Bu kadar bir kod işim kaldı bana yardimci olucak arkadaşlar skyp eklesin ... duttyselo1 lütfen yardim edin

