rightclick with diamond:
loop blocks in radius 3 around target block:
set loop-block to stone
rightclick with diamond:
set block 1 south of targeted block to stone
set block 1 west of targeted block to stone
set block 1 east of targeted block to stone
set block 1 north of targeted block to stone
set targeted block to stone
set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone
set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone
set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone
set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone
Arkadaşın Yaptıgı Gayet İyi + TasarrufluÜstteki arkadaşın attığı kod saçma şekiller doğurabilir.
Kod:rightclick with diamond: set block 1 south of targeted block to stone set block 1 west of targeted block to stone set block 1 east of targeted block to stone set block 1 north of targeted block to stone set targeted block to stone set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone
Yaptığın kod 3x1 şekilde oluşturuyor.Üstteki arkadaşın attığı kod saçma şekiller doğurabilir.
Kod:rightclick with diamond: set block 1 south of targeted block to stone set block 1 west of targeted block to stone set block 1 east of targeted block to stone set block 1 north of targeted block to stone set targeted block to stone set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone
Verdiğim kod 3x3 oluşturuyor. Eğer yüksekliğinde 3 olmasını isterseniz onun adı 3x3 değil 3x3x3 olur.Yaptığın kod 3x1 şekilde oluşturuyor.