Skript block koyma


Kızıltaş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
on rightclick with diamond:
    set block at location of targeted block to stone
Bu kodu kullanarak tıkladığım bloğu taş yapıyorum fakat ben sadece bir yere tıklayarak 3x3lük bir alan taş yapmak istiyorum nasıl yapabilirim ?


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
rightclick with diamond:
    loop blocks in radius 3 around target block:
        set loop-block to stone

Yararlı olduysa bir beğeniyi çok görme.


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Üstteki arkadaşın attığı kod saçma şekiller doğurabilir.

rightclick with diamond:
    set block 1 south of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 west of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 east of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 north of targeted block to stone
    set targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone


Bratackk <3
En iyi cevaplar
Üstteki arkadaşın attığı kod saçma şekiller doğurabilir.

rightclick with diamond:
    set block 1 south of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 west of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 east of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 north of targeted block to stone
    set targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone
Arkadaşın Yaptıgı Gayet İyi + Tasarruflu


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
Üstteki arkadaşın attığı kod saçma şekiller doğurabilir.

rightclick with diamond:
    set block 1 south of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 west of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 east of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 north of targeted block to stone
    set targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 southwest of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northeast of targeted block to stone
    set block 1 northwest of targeted block to stone
Yaptığın kod 3x1 şekilde oluşturuyor.