Yardım Skript De Bazilari Hata Veriyor


En iyi cevaplar
Skript Plugininin Sürümü
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Arkadaşlar Sizden Ricam Skript Konusunda Fazla Bi Bilgim Yok Bu Skriptleride Bi Arkadaş Attı Oda başka yerden Aldi Herhalde Neyse Kısa keseyim serverime yükledigim skriptler hata degil fakat warning gibi bieşy veriyor buda göze kötü geliyor bunları ben düzeltemedigim için sizden yardım istiyorum 1.si buydu 2.si arkdaşın bana attigi fccoin ben bunu bpcoin e çeviriyorum skript çalışmıyor bu 2 sini sizden ricam yaparsaniz çok sevinirim şimdiden teşekkürler
Ekran Alıntısı1.PNG


tag: &3FACTION &8&l>

{fccoin.%player%} = 0
{block::%player%::*} = 0

on break of mossy cobblestone:
add 3 to {block::%player%::kırdı}
set {block::%player%::kırıyor} to 3
if {block::%player%::katla} is not set:
set {block::%player%::katla} to 1
if {boosted::%player%::boosted} is set:
set {block::%player%::katla} to {block::%player%::katla}*{boosted::%player%::boosted}
set action bar of player to "&6&lx%{block::%player%::kırdı}% &eadet &6&lYosunlu Taş &ebloğu kırıldı ve &a&l%{block::%player%::kırdı}*{block::%player%::katla}% FC'&eye satıldı!"
while {block::%player%::kırıyor} is greater than 0:
wait 1 seconds
if {block::%player%::kırdı} is greater than or equal to 1:
add {block::%player%::kırdı}*{block::%player%::katla} to {fccoin.%player%}
delete {block::%player%::*}

on break of obsidian:
add 9 to {block::%player%::kırdı}
set {block::%player%::kırıyor} to 3
if {block::%player%::katla} is not set:
set {block::%player%::katla} to 1
if {boosted::%player%::boosted} is set:
set {block::%player%::katla} to {block::%player%::katla}*{boosted::%player%::boosted}
set action bar of player to "&6&lx%{block::%player%::kırdı}% &eadet &6&lObsidyen &ebloğu kırıldı ve &a&l%{block::%player%::kırdı}*{block::%player%::katla}% FC'&eye satıldı!"
while {block::%player%::kırıyor} is greater than 0:
wait 1 seconds
if {block::%player%::kırdı} is greater than or equal to 1:
add {block::%player%::kırdı}*{block::%player%::katla} to {fccoin.%player%}
delete {block::%player%::*}

every 1 seconds:
loop all players:
if {block::%loop-player%::kırıyor} is greater than 0:
remove 1 from {block::%loop-player%::kırıyor}

every 1 minutes:
loop {boosted::lists::*}:
remove 1 from {boosted::%loop-value%::%{boosted::%loop-value%::boosted}%}
if {boosted::%loop-value%::%{boosted::%loop-value%::boosted}%} is smaller than or equal to 0:
delete {boosted::%loop-value%::*}
send "{@tag} &cBoosted süreniz bitti !" to loop-value
remove loop-value from {boosted::lists::*}

on break of mossy cobblestone:
if player has 63 mossy cobblestone:
remove 64 mossy cobblestone from player
add 1 to {yosunlutaskazma.%player%}

on break of obsidian:
if player has 127 obsidian:
remove 128 obsidian from player
add 1 to {yosunlutaskazma.%player%}

command /fc [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "{@tag} &eHesabınızdaki Factions Coin &a%{fccoin.%player%}% &a&l⛁"

on break of mossy cobblestone or obsidian:
wait 1 ticks
loop entities in radius 8 around player:
if loop-entity is a dropped item:
wait 1 ticks
clear loop-entity

command /lc [<text>] [<offline player>] [<number>]:
permission: perm.lccommands
permission message:&3FACTION &8&l> &cBunu yapmaya yetkiniz yok!
if arg 1 is "ver" or "gönder" or "add":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
add arg 3 to {fccoin.%arg 2%}
send "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &eAdlı oyuncuya &a%arg 3% &6Coin &egönderildi." to player
send "{@tag} &eHesabınıza &a%arg 3% &6Coin &eAktarıldı." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &cBir sayı belirleyiniz."
send "{@tag} &cBir kişi belirleyiniz."
else if arg 1 is "sil" or "remove":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 3 is smaller than or equal to {fccoin.%arg 2%}:
remove arg 3 from {fccoin.%arg 2%}
send "{@tag} &e%arg 2% &7Adlı oyuncudan &c%arg 3% &eCoin &7sildiniz." to player
send "{@tag} &eToplamda &a%arg 3% &6Coininiz &eSilindi." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &c%arg 2% Adlı oyuncunun %arg 3% Coini yok ! &7&l[&e%arg 2%'nin Coini --> &c%{fccoin.%arg 2%}%&7&l]."
send "{@tag} &cBir sayı belirleyiniz."
send "{@tag} &cBir kişi belirleyiniz."
else if arg 1 is "boosted" or "bonus":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is equal to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
set {boosted::%arg 2%::boosted} to arg 3
set {boosted::%arg 2%::%{boosted::%arg 2%::boosted}%} to 1440
delete {block::%player%::katla}
add arg 2 to {boosted::lists::*}
send "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &eAdlı oyuncuya bonus olarak &6x%arg 3% &eKazış gücü verdiniz." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &eArtık yosunlu taşlar senin için &6%arg 3% Kat &efazla veriyor." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &7Verdiğiniz sayının &c1,2,3,4 veya 5'den &7biri olması lazım."
send "{@tag} &cBir kişi belirleyiniz."
else if arg 1 is "otuz" or "o":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is equal to 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
set {boosted::%arg 2%::boosted} to arg 3
set {boosted::%arg 2%::%{boosted::%arg 2%::boosted}%} to 30
delete {block::%player%::katla}
add arg 2 to {boosted::lists::*}
send "{@tag} &6%arg 2% &eAdlı oyuncuya bonus olarak &6x%arg 3% &eKazış gücü verdiniz." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &eArtık yosunlu taşlar senin için &6%arg 3% Kat &efazla veriyor." to arg 2
send "{@tag} &7Verdiğiniz sayının &c1,2,3,4 veya 5'den &7biri olması lazım."
send "{@tag} &cBir kişi belirleyiniz."

command /fcsifirla <player>:
usage: "&3FACTION &8&l> &7Faction Coin sıfırlamak için &a/fcsifirla Oyuncu"
permission: fckredisifirla.admin
permission message: &cÜzgünüm! Bu komutu kullanamazsın.
arg 1 is set:
set {fccoin.%player%} to 0
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a%arg-1% &7isimli oyuncunun faction coini sıfırlandı."

on first join:
set {fccoin.%player%} to 0

command /vip+kazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 74999:
add -75000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 2 named "&6VIP&c+ &6Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a75.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eVIP+ Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /mvipkazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 99999:
add -100000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 6 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&aMVIP Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a100.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /mvip+kazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 124999:
add -125000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 7 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aKazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a125.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP+ Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /betakazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 349999:
add -350000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 9 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Beta Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a350.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eBeta Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /opulentkazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 549999:
add -550000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 10 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Opulent Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a550.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eOpulent Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /gouijankazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 749999:
add -750000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 11 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Gouijan Kazma" to player
send "&&3FACTION &8&l> &a750.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eGouijan Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /kronoskazmasial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 999999:
add -1000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 12 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Kronos Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eKronos Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /hybriskazmasial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1499999:
add -1500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 13 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Hybris Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eHybris Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /metiskazmasial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1999999:
add -2000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 14 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Metis Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMetis Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /themiskazmasial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 2499999:
add -2500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 278 of efficiency 15 and unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 named "&6Themis Kazma" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eThemis Kazma &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /mvipkilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 249999:
add -250000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 6 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&aMVIP Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a250.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /mvip+kilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 499999:
add -500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 7 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aKılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP+ Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /betakilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 999999:
add -1000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 9 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&6Beta Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eBeta Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /excaliburkilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1499999:
add -1500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 10 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&6Excalibur Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eExcalibur Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /icekilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1999999:
add -2000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 11 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&6Ice Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eIce Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /oathkeeperkilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 2499999:
add -2500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 12 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&6Oathkeeper Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eOathkeeper Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /longclawkilicial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 2999999:
add -3000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 13 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 3 and looting 3 named "&6Longclaw Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a3.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eLongclaw Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /febriskilicial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 3499999:
add -3500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 14 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 named "&6Febris Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a3.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eFebris Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /areskilicial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 3999999:
add -4000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 15 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and smite 3 named "&6Ares Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a4.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eAres Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /biakilicial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 4499999:
add -4500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 276 of sharpness 16 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 and looting 3 and smite 4 named "&6Bia Kılıç" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a4.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eBia Kılıç &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /vipsetial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 149999:
add -150000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a150.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eVIP Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /vip+setial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 299999:
add -300000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP&c+ &6Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP&c+ &6Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP&c+ &6Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 5 and unbreaking 3 named "&6VIP&c+ &6Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a300.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eVIP+ Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /mvipsetial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 449999:
add -450000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 6 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 6 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 6 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 6 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a450.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /mvip+setial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 649999:
add -650000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 7 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aKask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 7 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aZırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 7 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aPantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 7 and unbreaking 3 named "&aMVIP&c+ &aBot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a650.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eMVIP+ Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /betasetial:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 999999:
add -1000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 9 and unbreaking 3 named "&6Beta Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 9 and unbreaking 3 named "&6Beta Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 9 and unbreaking 3 named "&6Beta Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 9 and unbreaking 3 named "&6Beta Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eBeta Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /herasetial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1499999:
add -1500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 10 and unbreaking 4 and thorns 3 named "&6Hera Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 10 and unbreaking 4 and thorns 3 named "&6Hera Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 10 and unbreaking 4 and thorns 3 named "&6Hera Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 10 and unbreaking 4 and thorns 3 named "&6Hera Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a1.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eHera Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /seniussetial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 1999999:
add -2000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 11 and unbreaking 5 and thorns 3 named "&6Senius Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 11 and unbreaking 5 and thorns 3 named "&6Senius Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 11 and unbreaking 5 and thorns 3 named "&6Senius Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 11 and unbreaking 5 and thorns 3 named "&6Senius Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eSenius Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /rosisetial:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 2499999:
add -2500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
Give 1 310 of protection 12 and unbreaking 6 and thorns 3 named "&6Rosi Kask" to player
Give 1 311 of protection 12 and unbreaking 6 and thorns 3 named "&6Rosi Zırh" to player
Give 1 312 of protection 12 and unbreaking 6 and thorns 3 named "&6Rosi Pantolon" to player
Give 1 313 of protection 12 and unbreaking 6 and thorns 3 named "&6Rosi Bot" to player
send "&3FACTION &8&l> &a2.500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eRosi Zırh Seti &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /kirkekasaal:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 499999:
add -500000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "cc give p kirke 1 %player%"
send "&aTebrikler! &e500.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eKirke Kasa Anahtarı &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /eventkasaal:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 49999:
add -50000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "cc give p event 1 %player%"
send "&aTebrikler! &e50.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eEvent Kasa Anahtarı &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /asoposkasaal:
if player has permission "mvip.kazma":
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 999999:
add -1000000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "cc give p asopos 1 %player%"
send "&aTebrikler! &e1.000.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eAsopos Kasa Anahtarı &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"
send "&cÜzgünüm! Bu eşyayı sadece &aMVIP&c+ &ckullanıcılar satın alabilir." to player

command /ozeltnt1al:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 9999:
add -10000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "craftrositnt %player% 1 1"
send "&aTebrikler! &e10.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eÖzel Tnt 1 &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /ozeltnt2al:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 19999:
add -20000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "craftrositnt %player% 2 1"
send "&aTebrikler! &e20.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eÖzel Tnt 2 &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /ozeltnt3al:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than 29999:
add -30000 to {fccoin.%player%}
execute console command "craftrositnt %player% 3 1"
send "&aTebrikler! &e30.000 ⛃ &7FC ile &eÖzel Tnt 3 &7satın aldın."
execute console command "tm msg %player% &a&lSATIN ALINDI ✔!"
execute console command "tm msg %player% &c&lYeterli FC yok!"

command /kuponbir:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than or equal to 100:
remove 100 from {fccoin.%player%}
give 1 paper named "&e100 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" to player
send "&3Factions &8> &7Tebrikler &a100 FC &7satın alındı."
send "&3Factions &8> &cMaalesef hesabında yeterli FC yok!"

on right click with paper:
if tool's name is "&e100 FC":
execute console command "lc ver %player% 100"
remove 1 paper named "&e100 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" from player's inventory

command /kuponiki:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1000:
remove 1000 from {fccoin.%player%}
give 1 paper named "&e1000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" to player
send "&3Factions &8> &7Tebrikler &a1000 FC &7satın alındı."
send "&3Factions &8> &cMaalesef hesabında yeterli FC yok!"

on right click with paper:
if tool's name is "&e1000 FC":
execute console command "lc ver %player% 1000"
remove 1 paper named "&e1000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" from player's inventory

command /kuponuc:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than or equal to 10000:
remove 10000 from {fccoin.%player%}
give 1 paper named "&e10000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" to player
send "&3Factions &8> &7Tebrikler &a10000 FC &7satın alındı."
send "&3Factions &8> &cMaalesef hesabında yeterli FC yok!"

on right click with paper:
if tool's name is "&e10000 FC":
execute console command "lc ver %player% 10000"
remove 1 paper named "&e10000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" from player's inventory

command /kupondort:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than or equal to 100000:
remove 100000 from {fccoin.%player%}
give 1 paper named "&e100000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" to player
send "&3Factions &8> &7Tebrikler &a100000 FC &7satın alındı."
send "&3Factions &8> &cMaalesef hesabında yeterli FC yok!"

on right click with paper:
if tool's name is "&e100000 FC":
execute console command "lc ver %player% 100000"
remove 1 paper named "&e100000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" from player's inventory

command /kuponbes:
if {fccoin.%player%} is greater than or equal to 1000000:
remove 1000000 from {fccoin.%player%}
give 1 paper named "&e1000000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" to player
send "&3Factions &8> &7Tebrikler &a1000000 FC &7satın alındı."
send "&3Factions &8> &cMaalesef hesabında yeterli FC yok!"

on right click with paper:
if tool's name is "&e1000000 FC":
execute console command "lc ver %player% 1000000"
remove 1 paper named "&e1000000 FC" with lore "&aGüvenli Kupon &7(Sağ-tık)" from player's inventory

# json.sk by RezzedUp
# ---
# Version: 2.3
# Requires: Skript 2.2
# ---
# Contributors:
# - RezzedUp
# - JKGamerxD
# General usage:
# ==> json(<recipient>, <text in json.sk format>, <OPTIONAL: whether or not to convert color codes>) :: returns nothing
# This function handles everything you could ever need regarding json.
# Everything is automatic with it, you just need to provide the proper json.sk notatation and someone to recieve the message!
# --> example #1:
# set {_to} to "@a"
# set {_msg} to "&6Hello, this is a &ejson message&6!||ttp:&b&oSuper duper cool!||cmd:/msg RezzedUp You rock!!!!"
# json({_to}, {_msg})
# --> example #2: v [NEW]
# json("%player%", "&6:D||&5Neat", false)
# ^
# json.sk won't convert color codes if set to false.
# If no value is set, it will convert color codes by default.
# ==> jsonFormat(<text in json.sk format>) :: returns text
# The purpose of this function is to return the formatted peice of json for your own use.
# You can set up your own /tellraw with it
# --> example:
# set {_toBeJson} to "I will return a json!||ttp:It's true!"
# set {_jsonText} to jsonFormat({_toBeJson})
# execute console command "/tellraw myUserName %{_jsonText}%"

# --> How to create json's!
# <always start with normal text>||<3 letter tag>:<text>||<regular text, new json cluster>
# ^
# "||" separates each segment.
# json.sk notation follows these rules:
# 1. A cluster of json is formed at each regular text segment.
# 2. There may be only one hoverable and one clickable event per cluster, otherwise things could get messy.
# 3. Json effects are defined by a 3 letter tag at the very start of a segment, followed directly by a colon.
# 4. "||" should only ever be used to separate each json segment.
# Json Effect Tags:
# ttp:
# --> Tooltip, hover event
# cmd:
# --> Run command, click event
# sgt:
# --> Suggest command, click event
# url:
# --> Open url, click event
# ins:
# --> Adds an "insertion", shift + click event
# | For more information about the "insertion" attribute, visit
# | 1.12 - JSON Text Component (for /tellraw, /title, books, signs) - Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms - Minecraft: Java Edition - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
# Example json.sk notation:
# "Hello, this is a sample json.||ttp:&bI'm a tooltip for the first cluster.||There's no tag, so I've started a new cluster.||cmd:/ping"
# |_______________________________________________________________________| |_______________________________________________________|
# | |
# JSON Cluster #1 JSON Cluster #2
# The above json.sk notation purely as their segment types:
# "< regular text >||<ttp: tooltip >||< regular text, starting a new cluster >||<cmd:/command>"

debug: false
codes: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|k|l|m|n|o|r

# FUNCTION: Remove all `&` color codes.
# -> Usage:
# Geneal purpose function to remove color codes.
# This function will not remove color codes already converted.

function removeColor(msg: text) :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""

set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"

set {_new} to ""

loop {_m::*}:
set {_char} to loop-value
set {_prev} to the last character of {_new}

if {_prev} is "&":

loop {_colors::*}:

if loop-value-2 is {_char}:
set {_skip} to true

if {_skip} is set:
delete {_skip}

set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"

return {_new}

# FUNCTION: Replace all `&` color codes with valid JSON color codes.
# -> Usage:
# Used by json functions to convert color codes.

function jsonColorize(msg: text, default-color: text = "&r") :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""

set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"

set {_color} to colored {_default-color}
set {_code} to the first character of {_color}

set {_new} to ""
set {_skip} to 0

loop amount of {_m::*} times:

if {_skip} is more than or equal to 1:
subtract 1 from {_skip}

set {_char} to {_m::%loop-number%}
set {_next} to {_m::%loop-number + 1%}

if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Character Check] &r%loop-number%: &7%{_char}% &r&onext: &8%{_next}% &r[%{_color}%color&r]"

if {_char} is "&" or {_code}:

if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Color Check] &rFOUND: &o%{_char}%%{_next}% &7&m<--&7&o is it valid?"

loop {_colors::*}:

if loop-value-2 is {_next}:
set {_color} to "%{_color}%%{_code}%%{_next}%"

if {_next} is "r":
set {_color} to {_default-color}

set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_color}%"
set {_skip} to 1

if {_skip} is less than or equal to 0:
set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"

else if {_char} is " ":
set {_new} to "%{_new}% %{_color}%"

set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"

return {_new}

# FUNCTION: Replace all json-breaking characters.
# -> Usage:
# Used by json functions to avoid errors.
# Allows usage of quotes and back-slashes in your json.

function jsonSanitize(msg: text) :: text:
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Sanitize] &7&oSanitizing input..."

set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""

loop {_m::*}:

if loop-value is """":
set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\""" # """

else if loop-value is "\":
set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\\"

set {_new} to join {_m::*} with ""
return {_new}

# FUNCTION: Generate a new /tellraw json object from a json.sk-notation string.
# -> Usage:
# See the top of this skript, listed under general usage.

function jsonFormat(msg: text, color: boolean = true) :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "||"

set {_current} to 1

loop {_m::*}:
if {_clusters::%{_current}%} is not set:
set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""

if {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} is not set:
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value)

set {_tag} to the first 4 characters of loop-value
set {_value} to subtext of loop-value from characters 5 to the length of loop-value

if {_tag} is "ttp:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::tooltip} to jsonSanitize({_value})

else if {_tag} is "cmd:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::command} to jsonSanitize({_value})

else if {_tag} is "sgt:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::suggest} to jsonSanitize({_value})

else if {_tag} is "url:":

if {_value} doesn't contain "http://" or "https://":
set {_value} to "http://%{_value}%"

set {_clusters::%{_current}%::url} to jsonSanitize({_value})

else if {_tag} is "ins:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::insertion} to jsonSanitize({_value})

add 1 to {_current}
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to jsonSanitize(loop-value)
set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""

if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Tag Check] &3cluster:&b%{_current}% &8(&f&o%{_tag}%&8)"

loop {_clusters::*}:

if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Cluster Check] &7&oCluster ##%loop-index% exists."

set {_i} to loop-index

set {_text} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::text}

if {_color} is true:
set {_text} to jsonColorize({_text})

if {_json} is not set:
set {_json} to "{""text"":""%{_text}%"""
set {_json} to "%{_json}%,{""text"":""%{_text}%"""

if {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip} is set:

if {_color} is true:
set {_tooltip} to jsonColorize({_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip})

set {_tooltip} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip}

set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""hoverEvent"":{""action"": ""show_text"",""value"": ""%{_tooltip}%""}"

if {_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion} is set:
set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""insertion"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion}%"",""obfuscated"":false"

if {_clusters::%{_i}%::command} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::command}%""}"

if {_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""suggest_command"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest}%""}"

if {_clusters::%{_i}%::url} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""open_url"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::url}%""}"

if {_clickable} is set:
set {_json} to "%{_clickable}%}"
delete {_clickable}

set {_json} to "%{_json}%}"

return "{""text"":"""", ""extra"":[%{_json}%]}"

# FUNCTION: Send a json message with json.sk-notation.
# -> Usage:
# See the top of this skript, listed under general usage.

function json(to: text, msg: text, color: boolean = true):
set {_msg} to jsonFormat({_msg}, {_color})
execute console command "/tellraw %{_to}% %{_msg}%"

if {@debug} is true:
set {_player} to {_to} parsed as offline player
if {_player} is online:
send uncolored {_msg} to {_player}

# FUNCTION: Broadcast a json message with json.sk-notation.

function jsonBroadcast(msg: text, color: boolean = true):
json("@a", {_msg}, {_color})

# COMMAND: A command to show that these json functions really work!
# -> Usage:
# /json recipient <text in json.sk notation>
# It's just a test command, not in best practice to use this instead of the json function.

command /json [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: "is.op"
set {_to} to arg 1
set {_msg} to arg 2

if arg 1 is not set:
set {_to} to "%player%"
if arg 2 is not set:
set {_msg} to "This is a json message! &c&oClick here for no reason!||ttp:&lReally, click your mouse!||cmd:/json @a %{_to}% clicked their mouse on json..."

json({_to}, {_msg})

{jackpottoplam} = 0
{jyatirdigimiktar.%player%} = 0
{jackpotkalansure} = 5
{jackpotgirdi.%player%} = false
{jackpotdurum} = false
{jackpotgirdi1taneadam} = false
{jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} = false

command /jackpot [<number>]:
if arg-1 is set:
if {jackpotdurum} is true:
if arg-1 is set:
if {jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} is false:
if player's balance is higher than or equal to arg-1:
if {jackpotkisi} is less than 150:
if arg-1 is between 1 and 300000000:
if {jackpotgirdi.%player%} is false:
send "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpota başarıyla katıldın!"
add arg-1 to {jackpottoplam}
add arg-1 to {jyatirdigimiktar.%player%}
set {jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} to false
add player to {jackpottakiler::*}
set {jackpottür.%player%} to "Para"
add 1 to {jackpotkisi}
set {jackpotgirdi.%player%} to true
remove arg-1 from player's balance
set {jackpotgirdi.%player%} to true
set {jackpotyatirmabasladi} to true
set {jackpotgirdi1taneadam} to true
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {sans.%loop-value%} to (1/({jackpottoplam}/{jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%}))*100
execute console command "/tm abc &6BO &8&l> &a%player% &eisimli oyuncu Para ile Jackpota &b%arg-1% TL &eyatırdı, Şans &8> &6%%%{sans.%player%}%"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cZaten Jackpota Katılmışsın!"
send "&6BO &8&l> &7En az &61TL &7en fazla &6200.000.000TL &7yatırabilirsiniz."
send "&6BO &8&l> &720 Kişiden Fazlası Jackpota Katılamaz!"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cYeterli Miktarda Paran Yok!"
if {jackpotkisi} is less than 150:
if {jackpotgirdi.%player%} is false:
send "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpota başarıyla katıldın!"
add arg-1 to {jackpottoplam}
add arg-1 to {jyatirdigimiktar.%player%}
set {jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} to false
add player to {jackpottakiler::*}
add 1 to {jackpotkisi}
set {jackpotgirdi.%player%} to true
remove arg-1 from player's balance
set {jackpottür.%player%} to "Bilet"
set {jackpotgirdi.%player%} to true
set {jackpotyatirmabasladi} to true
set {jackpotgirdi1taneadam} to true
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {sans.%loop-value%} to (1/({jackpottoplam}/{jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%}))*100
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &a%player% &eisimli oyuncu Bilet ile Jackpota &b%arg-1% TL &eyatırdı, Şans &8> &6%%%{sans.%player%}%"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cMiktar Yazmadın!"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cJackpot Şuanda Kapalı" to player
close player's inventory
open chest with 6 rows named "&8Jackpot" to player
wait a tick
set {_x} to 0
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
format slot {_x} of player with loop-value's skull named "&e&l%loop-value%" with lore "||&aYatırdığı Mitar: &f%{jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%}% TL||||&aŞans: &f%%%{sans.%loop-value%}%" to be unstealable
add 1 to {_x}
if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&8Jackpot":
format slot 45 of player with stained glass named "" to close
format slot 46 of player with stained glass named "" to close
format slot 52 of player with stained glass named "" to close
format slot 53 of player with stained glass named "" to close
format slot 47 of player with book named "&e&nAmacı Nedir?" with lore "||&eHerkesin para kazanması için oluşturulmuştur.||&eKatılmak için &b/jackpot <miktar> &eyazın." to close
format slot 50 of player with redstone named "&e&nÖnceki Oyun" with lore "||&aKazanan: &f%{jsonkazanan}%||&aŞansı: &f%%%{joncekisans.%{jsonkazanan}%}%||&aYatırdığı para: &f%{joncekimiktar.%{jsonkazanan}%}% TL||&aKazandığı para: &f%{joncekitoplam}% TL||&aTür: &f%{jackpottürübelli.%{jsonkazanan}%}%" to close
format slot 51 of player with lapis block named "&e&nJackPot" with lore "&aJackpottaki para: &f%{jackpottoplam}% TL" to close
if {jackpotkalansure} is not "Kapalı":
format slot 48 of player with clock named "&e&nSüre" with lore "||&aBaşlamasına kalan: &f%{jackpotkalansure}% dakika||||&aTıklayarak Hemen başlatabilirsin!" to close then run [execute player command "/jackpotbaslat"]
format slot 48 of player with clock named "&e&nSüre" with lore "||&aBaşlamasına kalan: &c%{jackpotkalansure}%" to close

on inventory click:
if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&8Jackpot":
cancel event

every 1 minutes:
if {jackpotdurum} is true:
if {jackpotbasladi} is false:
if {jackpotkalansure} is equal to 1:
if {jackpotkisi} is between 2 and 150:
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &65 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &64 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &63 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &62 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &61 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {kazanicaksans.%loop-value%} to (1/({jackpottoplam}/{jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%}))*100
loop {kazanicaksans.%loop-value%} times:
add loop-value-1 to {_jackpotbelli::*}
set {jackpotbasladi} to true
close {jackpottakiler::*}'s inventory
loop 12 times:
open chest with 3 rows named "Jackpot" to {jackpottakiler::*}
set {jkazanan} to random element out of {_jackpotbelli::*}
play raw sound "random.orb" at {jackpottakiler::*} with pitch 1 volume 1
format slot 13 of {jackpottakiler::*} with skull of {jkazanan} named "&a%{jkazanan}% &8> &f%%%{kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}%" to close
wait 1 seconds
close {jackpottakiler::*}'s inventory
play raw sound "mob.ghast.death" at all players with pitch 1 volume 1
loop 200 times:
broadcast " "
add 1 to {jackpotkazanma.%{jkazanan}%}
set {jkazanilanpara} to ({jackpottoplam} / 100) * 75
add {jackpottoplam} to {jkazanilanpara}
broadcast "&b&m+---------&8[&r &6Jackpot &r&8]&b&m---------+"
broadcast ""
broadcast " &6> &a%{jkazanan}% &eJackpotdan &b%{jkazanilanpara}% TL &eKazandı, Komisyon &b%%25"
broadcast " &6> &aŞansı &8> &f%%%{kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}%"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&b&m+---------&8[&r &6Jackpot &r&8]&b&m---------+"
execute console command "eco give %{jkazanan}% %{jackpottoplam}%"
set {jackpotkisi} to 0
set {jkazanilanpara} to 0
set {jsonkazanan} to {jkazanan}
set {joncekisans.%{jsonkazanan}%} to {kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}
set {joncekimiktar.%{jkazanan}%} to {jyatirdigimiktar.%{jkazanan}%}
set {jackpottürübelli.%{jkazanan}%} to {jackpottür.%{jkazanan}%}
delete {jkazanan}
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%} to 0
set {jackpotgirdi.%loop-value%} to false
set {jackpotyatirmabasladi} to false
set {jackpotbasladi} to false
set {joncekitoplam} to {jackpottoplam}
set {jackpottoplam} to 0
set {jackpotkalansure} to 5
delete {jackpottakiler::*}
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpotta Yeterli Oyuncu olmadığı için Başlamadı."
set {jackpotkalansure} to 5
if {jackpotkalansure} is not "Kapalı":
remove 1 from {jackpotkalansure}
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpotun Başlamasına Son &6%{jackpotkalansure}% Dakika &7Kaldı, Bilgi için &a/jackpot"

command /jackpotbaslat:
permission: jackpotbaslat
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &65 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &64 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &63 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &62 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &eJackpot &61 Saniye &eiçinde başlıyor!"
wait 1 seconds
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {kazanicaksans.%loop-value%} to (1/({jackpottoplam}/{jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%}))*100
loop {kazanicaksans.%loop-value%} times:
add loop-value-1 to {_jackpotbelli::*}
set {jackpotbasladi} to true
close {jackpottakiler::*}'s inventory
loop 12 times:
open chest with 3 rows named "Jackpot" to {jackpottakiler::*}
set {jkazanan} to random element out of {_jackpotbelli::*}
play raw sound "random.orb" at {jackpottakiler::*} with pitch 1 volume 1
format slot 13 of {jackpottakiler::*} with {jkazanan}'s skull named "&a%{jkazanan}% &8> &f%%%{kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}%" to close
wait 0.4 seconds
close {jackpottakiler::*}'s inventory
play raw sound "mob.ghast.death" at all players with pitch 1 volume 1
loop 200 times:
broadcast " "
add 1 to {jackpotkazanma.%{jkazanan}%}
set {jkazanilanpara} to ({jackpottoplam} / 100) * 75
add {jackpottoplam} to {jkazanilanpara}
broadcast "&b&m+---------&8[&r &6Jackpot &r&8]&b&m---------+"
broadcast ""
broadcast " &6> &a%{jkazanan}% &eJackpotdan &b%{jkazanilanpara}% TL &eKazandı, Komisyon &b%%25"
broadcast " &6> &aŞansı &8> &f%%%{kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}%"
broadcast ""
broadcast "&b&m+---------&8[&r &6Jackpot &r&8]&b&m---------+"
execute console command "eco give %{jkazanan}% %{jkazanilanpara}%"
set {jackpotkisi} to 0
set {jsonkazanan} to {jkazanan}
set {joncekisans.%{jsonkazanan}%} to {kazanicaksans.%{jkazanan}%}
set {joncekimiktar.%{jkazanan}%} to {jyatirdigimiktar.%{jkazanan}%}
set {jackpottürübelli.%{jkazanan}%} to {jackpottür.%{jkazanan}%}
delete {jkazanan}
set {jkazanilanpara} to 0
loop {jackpottakiler::*}:
set {jyatirdigimiktar.%loop-value%} to 0
set {jackpotgirdi.%loop-value%} to false
set {jackpotyatirmabasladi} to false
set {jackpotbasladi} to false
set {joncekitoplam} to {jackpottoplam}
set {jackpottoplam} to 0
set {jackpotkalansure} to 5
delete {jackpottakiler::*}

command /jackpotdurum [<text>]:
permission: jackpotdurum
if arg-1 is "ac":
if {jackpotdurum} is false:
set {jackpotdurum} to true
send "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpot Başarıyla &aAçtın"
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpot Yetkili Tarafından &aAçıldı"
set {jackpotkalansure} to 5
send "&6BO &8&l> &7Zaten Jackpot &aAçık"
if arg-1 is "kapat":
if {jackpotdurum} is true:
set {jackpotdurum} to false
send "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpot Başarıyla &cKapattın"
broadcast "&6BO &8&l> &7Jackpot Yetkili Tarafından &cKapatıldı"
set {jackpotkalansure} to "Kapalı"
send "&6BO &8&l> &7Zaten Jackpot &cKapalı"

command /jackpotyardım:
if player has permission "op":
loop 300 times:
send " "
send " &7Jackpota Katılmak için &6/jackpot <miktar>"
send " &7Jackpot durumunu değiştirmek için &6/jackpotdurum &6<&aaç&6,&ckapat&6>"
send " &7Jackpotu Hızlı bir şekilde Kısa yoldan başlatmak için &6/jackpotbaslat"
send " "
send " &7Yapımcı: &6&lCraftRosi"
loop 300 times:
send " "
send " &7Jackpota Katılmak için &6/jackpot <miktar>"
send " "
send " &7Yapımcı: &6&lOnurBeyTR"
send " &7Lütfen Başka Sunucularda &c&nPaylaşılmamasına &7Özen gösteriniz."

on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Jackpot":
cancel event

command /herkesebiletver [<integer>]:
permission: herkesebiletver
permission message: &c&lHATA &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için yetkin yok!
executable by: players and console
if arg-1 is set:
if command sender is not console:
loop all players:
give a paper named "&6&lBILET &8> &a%arg-1% TL" to loop-player
broadcast "&c&lBILET &8> &6%player% &7isimli yetkili herkese &b%arg-1% TL &7Jackpot Bileti verdi!"
loop all players:
give a paper named "&6&lBILET &8> &a%arg-1% TL" to loop-player
broadcast "&c&lBILET &8> &6Console &7herkese &b%arg-1% TL &7Jackpot Bileti verdi!"
send "&c&lHATA &8> &7Bilet miktarı girmedin!"

command /jackpotbiletver [<player>] [<integer>]:
permission: jackpotbiletver
permission message: &c&lHATA &8> &7Bu komutu kullanabilmek için yetkin yok!
executable by: players and console
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if command sender is not console:
send "&c&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &6%arg-1% &7isimli oyuncuya &b%arg-2% TL &7Jackpot Bilet verildi!" to player
send "&c&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &6%player% &7isimli yetkili sana &b%arg-2% TL &7Jackpot Bileti verdi!" to arg-1
give a paper named "&6&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &a%arg-2% TL" to arg-1
send "&c&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &6Console &7sana &b%arg-2% TL &7Jackpot Bileti verdi!" to arg-1
give a paper named "&6&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &a%arg-2% TL" to arg-1
send "&c&lHATA &8> &7Bilet miktarı girmedin!"
send "&c&lHATA &8> &7Oyuncu ismi girmedin!"

on rightclick with paper:
if "%name of player's tool%" contains "&6&lJACKPOTBILET":
if {jackpotdurum} is true:
if {jackpotgirdi.%player%} is false:
if {jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} is false:
set {_jackpotbiletmiktar} to "%numbers of uncoloured name of player's tool%"
set {jackpotbilettiklandi.%player%} to true
remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory
send player title "&7JackpotBilet Miktarı Algılanıyor!" with subtitle "&6&l3" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&7JackpotBilet Miktarı Algılanıyor!" with subtitle "&6&l2" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&7JackpotBilet Miktarı Algılanıyor!" with subtitle "&6&l1" for 1 seconds
wait 1 seconds
send player title "&6&lBILET" with subtitle "&7Miktar &8> &b%{_jackpotbiletmiktar}% TL" for 2 seconds
wait 1 seconds
execute player command "jackpot %{_jackpotbiletmiktar}%"
send "&6&lJACKPOTBILET &8> &7Zaten Bilet kullandın Kullandığın bilet &8> &6%numbers of uncoloured name of player's tool% TL"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cZaten Jackpota Katılmışsın!"
send "&6BO &8&l> &cJackpot Şuanda Kapalı" to player

p: &3FACTION &8&l>

function satisYap(p: player, i: item, fiyat: int):
if {_p} has 64 of {_i}:
remove 64 of {_i} from {_p}'s inventory
add {_fiyat} to {_p}'s balance
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &864 &7adet %{_i}% &8%{_fiyat}%TL'ye &7sattın!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cYeteri kadar %{_i}% yok!" to {_p}

function satinAl(p: player, i: item, fiyat: int, adet: int):
if {_p}'s balance >= {_fiyat}:
remove {_fiyat} from {_p}'s balance
give {_adet} of {_i} to {_p}
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &8%{_adet}% &7adet %{_i}% &8%{_fiyat}%TL &7aldın!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cYeterli paran yok! %{_fiyat} - {_p}'s balance% daha gerekli!" to {_p}

function ozelZirh(p: player, i: item, fiyat: int, isim: text):
if {_p}'s balance >= {_fiyat}:
remove {_fiyat} from {_p}'s balance
enchant {_i} with protection 4
enchant {_i} with unbreaking 3
give {_i} named "%{_isim}%" to {_p}
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &8%{_i}% &8%{_fiyat}% &7aldın!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cYeterli paran yok! %{_fiyat} - {_p}'s balance% daha gerekli!" to {_p}

function ozelZirhExp(p: player, i:item, fiyat: int, isim: text):
if {_p}'s level >= {_fiyat}:
remove {_fiyat} from {_p}'s level
enchant {_i} with protection 4
enchant {_i} with unbreaking 3
give {_i} named "%{_isim}%" to {_p}
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &8%{_isim}%, &8%{_fiyat}%TL'ye &7aldın!" to {_p}
send "{@p} &cYeteri levelin yok!" to {_p}

function ozelZirhLevel(p: player, c: text, fiyat: int):
if {_p}'s level >= {_fiyat}:
remove {_fiyat} from {_p}'s level
execute console command "/cc give %{_p}% %{_c}% 1" #Kasa verme komutu.
send "&6Başarılya &e%{_c}% &6kasası anahtarı aldın." to {_p}
send "{@p} &cYeteri levelin yok!" to {_p}

command /tarımcı [<text>]:
arg-1 isn't set:
create a gui with chest with 4 rows named "&5> &7Tarım":
make gui slot 4 with book named "&d&n?" with lore " &7Içindeki tarım aşkını konuştur|| &7ve tarlanı oluştur"
make gui slot 21 with wheat named "&cTarım ürünlerini sat":
execute player command "/tarımcı satin"
make gui slot 23 with golden hoe named "&cTarım malzemelerini al":
execute player command "/tarımcı tarim"
open last gui to player
arg-1 is "satin":
create a gui with chest with 4 rows named "&5> &7Tarım Satış":
make gui slot 10 with wheat named "&bBuğday" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet buğdayı &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, wheat, 4160)
make gui slot 11 with sugar cane named "&bŞeker Kamışı" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet şeker kamışını &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, sugar cane, 4160)
make gui slot 12 with melon named "&bKarpuz" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet karpuzu &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, melon, 4160)
make gui slot 13 with carrot named "&bHavuç" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet havucu &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, carrot, 4160)
make gui slot 14 with potato named "&bPatates" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet patatesi &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, potato, 4160)
make gui slot 15 with cactus named "&bKaktüs" with lore "&5> &864 &7adet kaktüsü &84160TL'ye &7satabilirsin.":
satisYap(player, cactus, 4160)
make gui slot 40 with arrow named "&eGeri dön" with lore "&5> &7Geri dönmek için tıkla!":
execute player command "/tarımcı"
open last gui to player
arg-1 is "tarim":
create a gui with chest with 4 rows named "&5> &7Tarım Satış":
make gui slot 10 with golden hoe named "&bAltın çapa" with lore "&5> &c1 &7adet fiyatı &c750TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz":
satinAl(player, golden hoe, 750, 1)
make gui slot 11 with iron hoe named "&bDemir çapa" with lore "&5> &c1 &7adet fiyatı &c450TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, iron hoe, 450, 1)
make gui slot 12 with diamond hoe named "&bElmas çapa" with lore "&5> &c1 &7adet fiyatı &c2410'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, diamond hoe, 2410, 1)
make gui slot 13 with bone named "&bKemik tozu" with lore "&5> &c8 &7adet fiyatı 670TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, bone, 670, 8)
make gui slot 14 with water bucket named "&bSu kovası" with lore "&5> &c1 &7adet fiyatı &c5100TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, water bucket, 5100, 1)
make gui slot 15 with wheat seeds named "&bTohum" with lore "&5> &c8 &7adet fiyatı &c1300TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, wheat seeds, 1300, 8)
make gui slot 40 with arrow named "&eGeri dön" with lore "&5> &7Geri dönmek için tıkla!":
execute player command "/tarımcı"
make gui slot 19 with sugar cane named "&bŞeker Kamışı" with lore "&5> &88 &7adet fiyatı &81300TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, sugar cane, 1300, 8)
make gui slot 20 with carrot named "&bHavuç" with lore "&5> &88 &7adet fiyatı &81300TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, carrot, 1300, 8)
make gui slot 21 with potato named "&bPatates" with lore "&5> &88 &7adet fiyatı &81300TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, potato, 1300, 8)
make gui slot 22 with cactus named "&bKaktüs" with lore "&5> &88 &7adet kaktüsü &81300TL'ye &7alabilirsiniz.":
satinAl(player, cactus, 1300, 8)
open last gui to player

command /levelmarket:
create a gui with chest with 5 rows named "&5> &7Level Market":
make gui slot 4 with book named "&d&n?" with lore " &7PVP'de bir numara olmayı kim istemez ki?|| &7Setini kap ve işe koyul!|| || &e&nOyun parası ile alışveriş için tıkla!":
execute player command "/pvpmarket"
make gui slot 20 with diamond helmet named "&dSpecial Kask" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aKırılmazlık 3|| &5> &aKoruma 4|| &7Fiyat: &a40 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhExp(player, diamond helmet, 40, "&dSpecial Kask")
make gui slot 21 with diamond chestplate named "&dSpecial Göğüslük" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aKırılmazlık 3|| &5> &aKoruma 4|| &7Fiyat: &a45 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhExp(player, diamond chestplate, 45, "&dSpecial Göğüslük")
make gui slot 22 with diamond leggings named "&dSpecial Pantolon" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aKırılmazlık 3|| &5> &aKoruma 4|| &7Fiyat: &a45 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhExp(player, diamond leggings, 45, "&dSpecial Pantolon")
make gui slot 23 with diamond boots named "&dSpecial Bot" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aKırılmazlık 3|| &5> &aKoruma 4|| &7Fiyat: &a40 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhExp(player, diamond boots, 40, "&dSpecial Bot")
make gui slot 24 with diamond sword named "&dSpecial Kılıç" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aKırılmazlık 3|| &5> &aAlevden Çehre 2|| &5> &aKeskinlik 5|| &5> &aGanimet 3|| &7Fiyat: &a130 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
if player's level >= 130:
remove 130 from player's level
set {_i} to diamond sword
enchant {_i} with fire aspect 2
enchant {_i} with unbreaking 3
enchant {_i} with sharpness 5
enchant {_i} with looting 3
give {_i} named "&dSpecial Kılıç" to player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &dSpecial Kılıç &7aldın!" to player
send "{@p} &cYeterli levelin yok!" to player
make gui slot 29 with tripwire hook named "&dBaşlangıç Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a40 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "baslangickasasi", 40)
make gui slot 30 with tripwire hook named "&dKazma Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a110 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "kazmakasasi", 110)
make gui slot 31 with tripwire hook named "&dKit Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a115 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "kitkasasi", 115)
make gui slot 32 with tripwire hook named "&dPara Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a100 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "parakasasi", 100)
make gui slot 33 with tripwire hook named "&dBlock Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a105 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "blockkasasi", 105)
make gui slot 39 with tripwire hook named "&dLapis Kasası Anahtarı" with lore "|| || &5> &7Fiyat: &a95 Level|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
ozelZirhLevel(player, "lapiskasasi", 95)
make gui slot 41 with golden apple named "&dBüyülü Elma (x16)" with lore "|| || &6Özellikleri:|| &5> &aEmiş|| &5> &aYenilenme|| &5> &aDirenç|| &5> &aAteş Direnci|| &7Fiyat: &a240.000|| &e&nSatın almak için tıkla!":
if player's level >= 70:
remove 70 from player's level
give 16 enchanted golden apple to player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &816 &7adet büyülü elma aldın!" to player
send "{@p} &cYeteri levelin yok!" to player
open last gui to player

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