Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
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#bu scriptin yapımcısı Mehmet Ali Turker.
command /hepsinekatil:
send "&4&lSistem: &atum birliklere katılınıyor lutfen birkac saniye bekleyin."
add 1 oduncular.birligi to player
add 1 madenciler.birligi to player
on break of log:
if player's oduncular.birligi is greater than or equal to 1:
add 1 to odun.kirma to player
on break of stone:
if player's madenciler.birligi is greater than or equal 1:
add 1 tas.kirma to player
every 15 second:
if player's tas.kirma is greater than or equal 128:
send "&6&lMadenciler Birligi: &a128 tas kirdigin icin"
send "Madenciler Birligi tarafından 1 &3Super Para kazandin!"
add 1 super.para to player
remove 128 tas.kirma to player
every 15 second:
if player's odun.kirma is greater than or equal 128:
send "&6&lOduncular Birligi: &a128 odun kirdigin icin"
send "Oduncular Birligi tarafından 1 &3Super Para &akazandın!"
add 1 super.para to player
remove 128 odun.kirma to player
command /bakodun:
send "&6odun.kirma &atane odun kirdin."
command /baktas:
send "&6tas.kirma &atane tas kirdin."
command /hepsinebak:
send "&6odun.kirma &atane odun kirdin."
send "&6tas.kirma &atane tas kirdin."
command /superpara:
send "&6super.para &4Tane Super Paran Var!"
command /superparadonustur:
if player's super.para is greater than or equal 1:
send "&6&lSuper Paranız Donusturuluyor Lutfen Bekleyin!"
execute console command /eco give %player% 300
remove 1 super.para to player
Bu Skripti Kendim Yazdım Ancak Sürekli Hata Veriyor Eğer Verdiği Hatayı Merak Ediyorsanız Onuda Ekleyeyim :
[18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 3 spaces, but found 4 spaces (oduncular birligi.sk, line 6: super.para')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 3 spaces, but found 4 spaces (oduncular birligi.sk, line 7: madenciler.birligi')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] indentation error: expected 3 spaces, but found 4 spaces (oduncular birligi.sk, line 8: tas.kirma')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 11: trigger:')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 17: if player's oduncular.birligi is greater than or equal to 1:')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 21: if player's madenciler.birligi is greater than or equal 1:')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 25: if player's tas.kirma is greater than or equal 128:')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 32: if player's odun.kirma is greater than or equal 128:')
> [18:09:50 WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 56: trigger:')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'odun.kirma' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (oduncular birligi.sk, line 4: odun.kirma')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'oduncular.birligi' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (oduncular birligi.sk, line 5: oduncular.birligi')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'add 1 oduncular.birligi to player' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (oduncular birligi.sk, line 13: add 1 oduncular.birligi to player')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'add 1 madenciler.birligi to player' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (oduncular birligi.sk, line 14: add 1 madenciler.birligi to player')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] Unexpected entry 'send "&4&lSistem'. Check whether it's spelled correctly or remove it. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 12: send "&4&lSistem: &atum birliklere katılınıyor lutfen birkac saniye bekleyin."')
> [18:09:50 INFO]: [Skript] There was an error checking for the latest version of Skript: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/skript/files.rss
> [18:09:50 INFO]: [Skript] You're currently running the latest stable version of Skript.
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'player's oduncular.birligi' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 17: if player's oduncular.birligi is greater than or equal to 1:')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] '1 to odun.kirma' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 18: add 1 to odun.kirma to player')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] 'player's madenciler.birligi' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 21: if player's madenciler.birligi is greater than or equal 1:')
> [18:09:50 ERROR]: [Skript] '1 tas.kirma' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 22: add 1 tas.kirma to player')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] 'player's tas.kirma' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 25: if player's tas.kirma is greater than or equal 128:')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player/console in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 26: send "&6&lMadenciler Birligi: &a128 tas kirdigin icin"')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player/console in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 27: send "Madenciler Birligi tarafından 1 &3Super Para kazandin!"')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 28: add 1 super.para to player')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: remove 128 tas.kirma to player (oduncular birligi.sk, line 29: remove 128 tas.kirma to player')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] 'player's odun.kirma' is not an entity type (oduncular birligi.sk, line 32: if player's odun.kirma is greater than or equal 128:')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player/console in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 33: send "&6&lOduncular Birligi: &a128 odun kirdigin icin"')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player/console in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 34: send "Oduncular Birligi tarafından 1 &3Super Para &akazandın!"')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] There's no player in a periodical event (oduncular birligi.sk, line 35: add 1 super.para to player')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: remove 128 odun.kirma to player (oduncular birligi.sk, line 36: remove 128 odun.kirma to player')
> [18:09:51 ERROR]: [Skript] Unexpected entry 'if player's super.para is greater than or equal 1'. Check whether it's spelled correctly or remove it. (oduncular birligi.sk, line 57: if player's super.para is greater than or equal 1:')
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