Umut Savas
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# Rıfkı Sizi Korur :) #
on login:
spawn 1 zombie at player's location
apply potion of infinity 999999 to last spawned entity for 999999 days # Zombinin Ölümsüzlük Effecti
apply potion of invinsible 999999 to last spawned entity for 999999 days # Zombinin Gorunmezlik Effecti
set name last spawned entity "RIFKI"
make spawned zombie pathfind to player with speed 1 # Zombinin Takip Ederkeneki Hızı
on left click on zombie: # Zombiye Vurulduğunda
if name of clicked entity is "RIFKI": # Zombinin ismi
add attacker to {liste}
wait 1 seconds
remove attacker from {liste}
every 10 seconds:
loop all players:
if loop-player is {liste}:
kick player because "&8[&cKoruma&8] &7Lutfen Hileyi Kapatiniz." # Kick Atılınca Yazıcak Mesaj
Öylesine Yaptım Umarım Beğenirsiniz ,
Hata Düzeltildi
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