[SORUN] Custom Join Items - Oyuna Giriş'te İtemleri Vermiyor? - ÖNEMLİ BİR KONU -


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar

Ben OyununOyuncusuBT, MinePaxs'i gördük ki Faction kaldırmıyor biz de doğal olanı getirdik tekrardan hub yapalım dedik ve bir sorun ile karşılaştık. CustomJoinItems önceden verdiği itemleri şimdi vermiyor? Hatta buyrun size kodlamalar, lütfen çözebilenler söylesin veya başka bir pluginde engelliyor olabilir onuda izah edebilirseniz sevinirim;
#            ---- + Custom Join Items + ----
# Website: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-join-items
#            ---- + ------------------ + ----
update-notifications: true
clear-inventory-on-join: false

  name: '&f- &8Hızlı Geçiş &f-'
  id: 345
  slot: 5
    - '&7Oyunlara Hızlı Bir Şekilde Giriş Yapmak İsteyenlere.'
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  permission: 'compassnav.use'
  name: '&5NyanEğlence'
  id: 348
  slot: 8
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  command: 'nyan me'
  permission: 'nyan.self'
  name: '&1D&2i&3s&4k&5o &6K&7ı&8y&9a&ef&ae&dt'
  id: 399
  slot: 7
    - '&7Haydi! Biraz parti zamanı. 3oo 5oo!'
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  command: 'da toggle'
  permission: 'discoarmor.toggle'
  name: '&eConfig Item'
  id: 339
  slot: 1
  data-value: 0
    - '&7This item contains all the existing config nodes.'
    - '&7Open items.yml to see it.'
  command: 'console: tell %player% This is; console: tell %player% a test.'
  permission: 'customjoinitems.admin'
  cooldown-seconds: 5
  give-at-respawn: true
  first-join-only: false
  allow-drop: false
  block-movement: false
  disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end
  give-on-world-change: true

Full tutorial: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-join-items

This file will only list ALL the possible nodes for each item, and the latest changelog.
The item below is an example.


    id: 352
    # (REQUIRED) The ID of the material.
    name: '&aTest item'
    # (REQUIRED) The custom name of the item (with formatting codes).
    data-value: 0
    # This is optional. Can be used for colored wool, and other items with data values.
    command: 'say Hello world'
    # The command bound to this item. It will be executed when the item is right clicked.
    # Can be executed as OP, as the console, but also connect to a BungeeCord server or
    # just tell something to the player. Put one of this possible options before the
    # command to use them:
    # command: 'console:say This command is executed from the console.'
    # Valid options are:
    # 'console: '
    # 'op: '
    # 'server: ' (for BungeeCord)
    # 'tell: ' (sends a message to the player)
    # You can use symbols, and the placeholders %player% and %world%.
    # Use multiple commands with a semicolon (;) e.g.: 'tell: This is; tell: a double command.'
    cooldown-seconds: 5
    # Limits the use of an item. 
      - 'Line 1'
      - 'Line 2'
      - '...'
    # The lore of the item (with formatting codes).
    slot: 9
    # If omitted, the item will be placed in the first empty slot.
    # If set, the item will attempt to place in that hotbar's slot, and it will move
    # any existing item that is in that slot, if there's enough space in the inventory.
    permission: 'customjoinitems.test'
    # The item required to obtain the item on join. If not set, everyone will get the item.
    block-movement: false
    # (default = false)
    # If true, the player cannot move the item in his inventory.
    first-join-only: false
    # (default = false)
    # If true, the player will get the item only when they join the server the first time.
    # NOTE: give-at-respawn will automatically be set to false, if this node is true.
    give-at-respawn: true
    # (default = true)
    # If set to true, the player will receive the item when he dies and respawn.
    allow-drop: false
    # (default = false)
    # Allows players to drop the item.
    give-on-world-change: false
    # (default = false)
    # The plugin will eventually give the item to the players when they change world.
    # Useful if you have Multiverse or similar plugins.
    disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end
    # a list of disabled worlds separated by commas. If you don't want to disable
    # an item in some worlds, remove this node or set it to ''.

Lütfen sorunu çözebilen bana ulaşabilir mi?
Eee arkadaşlar yeni keşfettim Authme'de "Auths" bölümünü silince tekrardan kayıt olunca geliyor? Acaba Authme ile ilgili bir sorunmu var.

@OyununOyuncusuBT , [M]inecraft [T]ürkiye Forumuna Huzurlar Diler.!

Son düzenleme:


Elmas Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar

Ben OyununOyuncusuBT, MinePaxs'i gördük ki Faction kaldırmıyor biz de doğal olanı getirdik tekrardan hub yapalım dedik ve bir sorun ile karşılaştık. CustomJoinItems önceden verdiği itemleri şimdi vermiyor? Hatta buyrun size kodlamalar, lütfen çözebilenler söylesin veya başka bir pluginde engelliyor olabilir onuda izah edebilirseniz sevinirim;
#            ---- + Custom Join Items + ----
# Website: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-join-items
#            ---- + ------------------ + ----
update-notifications: true
clear-inventory-on-join: false

  name: '&f- &8Hızlı Geçiş &f-'
  id: 345
  slot: 5
    - '&7Oyunlara Hızlı Bir Şekilde Giriş Yapmak İsteyenlere.'
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  permission: 'compassnav.use'
  name: '&5NyanEğlence'
  id: 348
  slot: 8
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  command: 'nyan me'
  permission: 'nyan.self'
  name: '&1D&2i&3s&4k&5o &6K&7ı&8y&9a&ef&ae&dt'
  id: 399
  slot: 7
    - '&7Haydi! Biraz parti zamanı. 3oo 5oo!'
  cooldown-seconds: 0
  command: 'da toggle'
  permission: 'discoarmor.toggle'
  name: '&eConfig Item'
  id: 339
  slot: 1
  data-value: 0
    - '&7This item contains all the existing config nodes.'
    - '&7Open items.yml to see it.'
  command: 'console: tell %player% This is; console: tell %player% a test.'
  permission: 'customjoinitems.admin'
  cooldown-seconds: 5
  give-at-respawn: true
  first-join-only: false
  allow-drop: false
  block-movement: false
  disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end
  give-on-world-change: true

Full tutorial: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-join-items

This file will only list ALL the possible nodes for each item, and the latest changelog.
The item below is an example.


    id: 352
    # (REQUIRED) The ID of the material.
    name: '&aTest item'
    # (REQUIRED) The custom name of the item (with formatting codes).
    data-value: 0
    # This is optional. Can be used for colored wool, and other items with data values.
    command: 'say Hello world'
    # The command bound to this item. It will be executed when the item is right clicked.
    # Can be executed as OP, as the console, but also connect to a BungeeCord server or
    # just tell something to the player. Put one of this possible options before the
    # command to use them:
    # command: 'console:say This command is executed from the console.'
    # Valid options are:
    # 'console: '
    # 'op: '
    # 'server: ' (for BungeeCord)
    # 'tell: ' (sends a message to the player)
    # You can use symbols, and the placeholders %player% and %world%.
    # Use multiple commands with a semicolon (;) e.g.: 'tell: This is; tell: a double command.'
    cooldown-seconds: 5
    # Limits the use of an item. 
      - 'Line 1'
      - 'Line 2'
      - '...'
    # The lore of the item (with formatting codes).
    slot: 9
    # If omitted, the item will be placed in the first empty slot.
    # If set, the item will attempt to place in that hotbar's slot, and it will move
    # any existing item that is in that slot, if there's enough space in the inventory.
    permission: 'customjoinitems.test'
    # The item required to obtain the item on join. If not set, everyone will get the item.
    block-movement: false
    # (default = false)
    # If true, the player cannot move the item in his inventory.
    first-join-only: false
    # (default = false)
    # If true, the player will get the item only when they join the server the first time.
    # NOTE: give-at-respawn will automatically be set to false, if this node is true.
    give-at-respawn: true
    # (default = true)
    # If set to true, the player will receive the item when he dies and respawn.
    allow-drop: false
    # (default = false)
    # Allows players to drop the item.
    give-on-world-change: false
    # (default = false)
    # The plugin will eventually give the item to the players when they change world.
    # Useful if you have Multiverse or similar plugins.
    disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end
    # a list of disabled worlds separated by commas. If you don't want to disable
    # an item in some worlds, remove this node or set it to ''.

Lütfen sorunu çözebilen bana ulaşabilir mi?
Eee arkadaşlar yeni keşfettim Authme'de "Auths" bölümünü silince tekrardan kayıt olunca geliyor? Acaba Authme ile ilgili bir sorunmu var.

@OyununOyuncusuBT , [M]inecraft [T]ürkiye Forumuna Huzurlar Diler.!
Authme orijinal halini indir bi dene
