- Mesajlar
- 41
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- 40
- Oyun Sürümü
- 1.8-1.13
Sunucuda otosat ve sandıksatar skripti var ama sunucuda çalışmıyor para eklendi yazıyor fakat gelmiyor para başka sunucuda çalışıyor yardım edin
p: &bKing&fCraft &e>
demirfiyat: 30
demiradet: 1
altınfiyat: 45
altınadet: 1
elmasfiyat: 60
elmasadet: 1
zümrütfiyat: 75
zümrütadet: 1
taşfiyat: 15
taşadet: 1
yosunlutaşfiyat: 100
yosunlutaşadet: 64
on first login:
set {otosatdemir::%player%} to false
set {otosataltın::%player%} to false
set {otosatelmas::%player%} to false
set {otosatzümrüt::%player%} to false
set {otosattaş::%player%} to false
set {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} to false
on login:
set {otosatdemir::%player%} to false
set {otosataltın::%player%} to false
set {otosatelmas::%player%} to false
set {otosatzümrüt::%player%} to false
set {otosattaş::%player%} to false
set {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} to false
on join:
while player is online:
wait 1 second
if {otosatdemir::%player%} is true:
if player has {@demiradet} iron ingot:
remove {@demiradet} iron ingot from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@demiradet} &7adet &7demir &f{@demirfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@demirfiyat} to player's money
if {otosataltın::%player%} is true:
if player has {@altınadet} gold ingot:
remove {@altınadet} gold ingot from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@altınadet} &7adet &7altın &f{@altınfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@altınfiyat} to player's money
if {otosatelmas::%player%} is true:
if player has {@elmasadet} diamond:
remove {@elmasadet} diamond from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@elmasadet} &7adet &7elmas &f{@elmasfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@elmasfiyat} to player's money
if {otosatzümrüt::%player%} is true:
if player has {@zümrütadet} emerald:
remove {@zümrütadet} emerald from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@zümrütadet} &7adet &7zümrüt &f{@zümrütfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@zümrütfiyat} to player's money
if {otosattaş::%player%} is true:
if player has {@taşadet} cobblestone:
remove {@taşadet} cobblestone from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@taşadet} &7adet &7taş &f{@taşfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@taşfiyat} to player's money
if {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} is true:
if player has {@yosunlutaşadet} mossy cobblestone:
remove {@yosunlutaşadet} mossy cobblestone from player's inventory
send "{@p} &f{@yosunlutaşadet} &7adet &7yosunlutaş &f{@yosunlutaşfiyat} TL&7'ye &7satılmıştır." to player
add {@yosunlutaşfiyat} to player's money
command /otosatayar [<Text>]:
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is "demir":
if {otosatdemir::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto demir satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosatdemir::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto demir satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosatdemir::%player%} to false
if arg 1 is "altın":
if {otosataltın::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto altın satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosataltın::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto altın satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosataltın::%player%} to false
if arg 1 is "elmas":
if {otosatelmas::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto elmas satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosatelmas::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto elmas satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosatelmas::%player%} to false
if arg 1 is "zümrüt":
if {otosatzümrüt::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto zümrüt satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosatzümrüt::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto zümrüt satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosatzümrüt::%player%} to false
if arg 1 is "taş":
if {otosattaş::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto taş satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosattaş::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto taş satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosattaş::%player%} to false
if arg 1 is "yosunlutaş":
if {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} is false:
send "{@p} &7Oto yosunlutaş satma &aaktif" to player
set {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} to true
send "{@p} &7Oto yosunlutaş satma &cdevredışı" to player
set {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} to false
command /otosat [<Text>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
open virtual chest with size 3 named "&6&lOTOSAT" to player
wait 1 tick
make gui slot 0 of player with iron ingot named "&fDemir" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosatdemir::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 18 of player with gray dye named "&fDemir" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar demir"
make gui slot 18 of player with light green dye named "&fDemir" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar demir"
make gui slot 1 of player with gold ingot named "&6Altın" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosataltın::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 19 of player with gray dye named "&6Altın" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar altın"
make gui slot 19 of player with light green dye named "&6Altın" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar altın"
make gui slot 2 of player with diamond named "&bElmas" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosatelmas::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 20 of player with gray dye named "&bElmas" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar elmas"
make gui slot 20 of player with light green dye named "&bElmas" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar elmas"
make gui slot 3 of player with emerald named "&aZümrüt" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosatzümrüt::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 21 of player with gray dye named "&aZümrüt" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar zümrüt"
make gui slot 21 of player with light green dye named "&aZümrüt" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar zümrüt"
make gui slot 4 of player with cobblestone named "&7Taş" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosattaş::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 22 of player with gray dye named "&7Taş" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar taş"
make gui slot 22 of player with light green dye named "&7Taş" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar taş"
make gui slot 5 of player with mossy cobblestone named "&8Yosunlu taş" with lore "" to nothing
if {otosatyosunlutaş::%player%} is false:
make gui slot 23 of player with gray dye named "&8Yosunlu taş" with lore "&7Durum: &cKapalı||&7Açmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar yosunlutaş"
make gui slot 23 of player with light green dye named "&8Yosunlu taş" with lore "&7Durum: &aAçık||&7Kapatmak için tıklayın." to close then run player command "otosatayar yosunlutaş"