Yardım Sunucumda ping sorunu var


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
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Oyun Sürümü
Selamun aleyküm batihosttan sunucu satın aldım almanya lokasyon 13gb i7 6700 işlemci 107 plugin var tps 17 20 arası gidip geliyor nasıl çözebilirim


Biz ayıya dayı demeyiz, Köprüyü yıkarız.
Forum Yöneticisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Öncelikle merhaba @Xclips,
Daha öncede böyle sorular ile karşılaştık şu cevaba bir göz atabilir misin belki sorunun çözülür.

Bunun dışında timings raporu atabilir misin?


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Öncelikle merhaba @Xclips,
Daha öncede böyle sorular ile karşılaştık şu cevaba bir göz atabilir misin belki sorunun çözülür.

Bunun dışında timings raporu atabilir misin?
** Full Server Tick Time: 21916324012 Count: 5051 Avg: 4339006 Violations: 42
Player List Time: 3032374 Count: 5052 Avg: 600 Violations: 0
Connection Handler Time: 290538643 Count: 5052 Avg: 57509 Violations: 0
Tickables Time: 1861714 Count: 5052 Avg: 368 Violations: 0
Scheduler Time: 9081939804 Count: 5052 Avg: 1797691 Violations: 42
ChunkIOTick Time: 16991589 Count: 5052 Avg: 3363 Violations: 0
Time Update Time: 17063943 Count: 5052 Avg: 3377 Violations: 0
Server Command Time: 3962584 Count: 5052 Avg: 784 Violations: 0
World Save Time: 22749446 Count: 1 Avg: 22749446 Violations: 0
** entityMove Time: 229691700 Count: 23544 Avg: 9755 Violations: 0
** tickEntity Time: 3502992696 Count: 321309 Avg: 10902 Violations: 0
** activatedTickEntity Time: 3358975766 Count: 277389 Avg: 12109 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity Time: 130097078 Count: 626448 Avg: 207 Violations: 0
** livingEntityBaseTick Time: 107527220 Count: 6379 Avg: 16856 Violations: 0
** livingEntityAI Time: 35148224 Count: 6379 Avg: 5509 Violations: 0
** livingEntityAICollision Time: 14753670 Count: 6379 Avg: 2312 Violations: 0
** livingEntityAIMove Time: 155619487 Count: 6379 Avg: 24395 Violations: 0
** livingEntityTickRest Time: 7756353 Count: 6379 Avg: 1215 Violations: 0
processQueue Time: 3569281 Count: 5052 Avg: 706 Violations: 0
** Plugins Time: 83567167 Count: 3149 Avg: 26537 Violations: 0
** Scheduler - Sync Tasks Time: 8833855200 Count: 131636 Avg: 67108 Violations: 42
** playerCommand Time: 1846686 Count: 1 Avg: 1846686 Violations: 0
entityActivationCheck Time: 200462995 Count: 40416 Avg: 4959 Violations: 0
** checkIfActive Time: 48120544 Count: 321309 Avg: 149 Violations: 0
** Command: timings Time: 73314 Count: 1 Avg: 73314 Violations: 0
Task: ProtocolLib v4.4.0 Runnable: com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLib$3(interval:1) Time: 42109262 Count: 5052 Avg: 8335 Violations: 0
Task: FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.07.12-5cc5ce5-1277-22.3.0 Runnable: com.boydti.fawe.util.FaweTimer(interval:1) Time: 7064602 Count: 5052 Avg: 1398 Violations: 0
Plugin: FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.07.12-5cc5ce5-1277-22.3.0 Event: com.boydti.fawe.bukkit.listener.BrushListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1745417 Count: 154 Avg: 11333 Violations: 0
xray - obfuscate Time: 192002 Count: 86 Avg: 2232 Violations: 0
** world - doChunkUnload Time: 30958262 Count: 5052 Avg: 6127 Violations: 0
** world - doTickPending Time: 4978132 Count: 5052 Avg: 985 Violations: 0
** world - doTickTiles Time: 39208296 Count: 5052 Avg: 7760 Violations: 0
** world - doVillages Time: 3305413 Count: 5052 Avg: 654 Violations: 0
** world - doChunkMap Time: 1877035 Count: 5052 Avg: 371 Violations: 0
** world - doPortalForcer Time: 523115 Count: 5052 Avg: 103 Violations: 0
** world - entityTick Time: 1552208 Count: 5052 Avg: 307 Violations: 0
** world - tileEntityTick Time: 24923652 Count: 5052 Avg: 4933 Violations: 0
** world - tileEntityPending Time: 524025 Count: 5052 Avg: 103 Violations: 0
world - tracker Time: 4597157 Count: 5052 Avg: 909 Violations: 0
world - doTick Time: 107200889 Count: 5052 Avg: 21219 Violations: 0
world - tickEntities Time: 34800368 Count: 5052 Avg: 6888 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doChunkUnload Time: 11460847 Count: 5052 Avg: 2268 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doTickPending Time: 1944899 Count: 5052 Avg: 384 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doTickTiles Time: 33413118 Count: 5052 Avg: 6613 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doVillages Time: 1705174 Count: 5052 Avg: 337 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doChunkMap Time: 1225560 Count: 5052 Avg: 242 Violations: 0
** world_nether - doPortalForcer Time: 794463 Count: 5052 Avg: 157 Violations: 0
** world_nether - entityTick Time: 352118 Count: 5052 Avg: 69 Violations: 0
** world_nether - tileEntityTick Time: 528238 Count: 5052 Avg: 104 Violations: 0
** world_nether - tileEntityPending Time: 245497 Count: 5052 Avg: 48 Violations: 0
world_nether - tracker Time: 2869815 Count: 5052 Avg: 568 Violations: 0
world_nether - doTick Time: 58493600 Count: 5052 Avg: 11578 Violations: 0
world_nether - tickEntities Time: 3343926 Count: 5052 Avg: 661 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doChunkUnload Time: 8549006 Count: 5052 Avg: 1692 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doTickPending Time: 1220181 Count: 5052 Avg: 241 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doTickTiles Time: 35306940 Count: 5052 Avg: 6988 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doVillages Time: 1186867 Count: 5052 Avg: 234 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doChunkMap Time: 987944 Count: 5052 Avg: 195 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - doPortalForcer Time: 638493 Count: 5052 Avg: 126 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - entityTick Time: 289956 Count: 5052 Avg: 57 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - tileEntityTick Time: 308880 Count: 5052 Avg: 61 Violations: 0
** world_the_end - tileEntityPending Time: 633998 Count: 5052 Avg: 125 Violations: 0
world_the_end - tracker Time: 2770054 Count: 5052 Avg: 548 Violations: 0
world_the_end - doTick Time: 55961251 Count: 5052 Avg: 11077 Violations: 0
world_the_end - tickEntities Time: 2882962 Count: 5052 Avg: 570 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChest Time: 38783395 Count: 550668 Avg: 70 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMobSpawner Time: 12424377 Count: 40416 Avg: 307 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntitySkeleton Time: 12097206 Count: 184 Avg: 65745 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntityCreeper Time: 5733854 Count: 184 Avg: 31162 Violations: 0
Task: OtoSat v1.0 Runnable: tr.thelegend.otosat.Ana$1(interval:600) Time: 1110837 Count: 9 Avg: 123426 Violations: 0
Task: xserisitme v1.0 Runnable: tr.thelegend.xserisitime.Ana$1(interval:1000) Time: 301370 Count: 5 Avg: 60274 Violations: 0
Plugin: Skript v2.2-dev36 Event: ch.njol.skript.command.Commands$1::onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 43268 Count: 2 Avg: 21634 Violations: 0
Task: AutoBroadcast v7.0 Runnable: tr.thelegend.tlgndbroadcast.Ana$1(interval:1200) Time: 2911551 Count: 4 Avg: 727887 Violations: 0
Task: UltimateTimber v2.0.3 Runnable: com.songoda.ultimatetimber.manager.TreeAnimationManager(interval:1) Time: 9573615 Count: 5052 Avg: 1895 Violations: 0
Plugin: TheChatGuardian v4.2 Event: tr.thelegend.sohbetgardiyani.EvntCmd::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 178178 Count: 2 Avg: 89089 Violations: 0
Task: MySkin v2.8 Runnable: eu.blackfire62.myskin.bukkit.command.SkinSearchCommand$1(interval:6000) Time: 20131 Count: 1 Avg: 20131 Violations: 0
Plugin: Clans v0.4.3 Event: Clans.ClientListener::baseMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 927553 Count: 154 Avg: 6023 Violations: 0
Task: Clans v0.4.3 Runnable: Clans.ClientListener$1(interval:1) Time: 23217289 Count: 5052 Avg: 4595 Violations: 0
Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::creatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 37151554 Count: 14086 Avg: 2637 Violations: 0
Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVWeatherListener::weatherChange(WeatherChangeEvent) Time: 142723 Count: 1 Avg: 142723 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doChunkUnload Time: 10309703 Count: 5052 Avg: 2040 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doTickPending Time: 1528536 Count: 5052 Avg: 302 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doTickTiles Time: 33886960 Count: 5052 Avg: 6707 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doVillages Time: 2335803 Count: 5052 Avg: 462 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doChunkMap Time: 651739 Count: 5052 Avg: 129 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - doPortalForcer Time: 440501 Count: 5052 Avg: 87 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - entityTick Time: 271620 Count: 5052 Avg: 53 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - tileEntityTick Time: 246958 Count: 5052 Avg: 48 Violations: 0
** Spawnn4 - tileEntityPending Time: 237066 Count: 5052 Avg: 46 Violations: 0
Spawnn4 - tracker Time: 2166368 Count: 5052 Avg: 428 Violations: 0
Spawnn4 - doTick Time: 63269882 Count: 5052 Avg: 12523 Violations: 0
Spawnn4 - tickEntities Time: 2491451 Count: 5052 Avg: 493 Violations: 0
** lobi - doChunkUnload Time: 6737159 Count: 5052 Avg: 1333 Violations: 0
** lobi - doTickPending Time: 944993 Count: 5052 Avg: 187 Violations: 0
** lobi - doTickTiles Time: 1296229537 Count: 5052 Avg: 256577 Violations: 0
** lobi - doVillages Time: 2253216 Count: 5052 Avg: 446 Violations: 0
** lobi - doChunkMap Time: 1330761 Count: 5052 Avg: 263 Violations: 0
** lobi - doPortalForcer Time: 550800 Count: 5052 Avg: 109 Violations: 0
** lobi - entityTick Time: 34094876 Count: 5052 Avg: 6748 Violations: 0
** lobi - tileEntityTick Time: 85411766 Count: 5052 Avg: 16906 Violations: 0
** lobi - tileEntityPending Time: 294152 Count: 5052 Avg: 58 Violations: 0
lobi - tracker Time: 11828861 Count: 5052 Avg: 2341 Violations: 0
lobi - doTick Time: 1321043811 Count: 5052 Avg: 261489 Violations: 0
lobi - tickEntities Time: 125953819 Count: 5052 Avg: 24931 Violations: 0
** Orman - doChunkUnload Time: 12088781 Count: 5052 Avg: 2392 Violations: 0
** Orman - doTickPending Time: 1803381 Count: 5052 Avg: 356 Violations: 0
** Orman - doTickTiles Time: 35662670 Count: 5052 Avg: 7059 Violations: 0
** Orman - doVillages Time: 3797964 Count: 5052 Avg: 751 Violations: 0
** Orman - doChunkMap Time: 897840 Count: 5052 Avg: 177 Violations: 0
** Orman - doPortalForcer Time: 582892 Count: 5052 Avg: 115 Violations: 0
** Orman - entityTick Time: 438386 Count: 5052 Avg: 86 Violations: 0
** Orman - tileEntityTick Time: 44803917 Count: 5052 Avg: 8868 Violations: 0
** Orman - tileEntityPending Time: 240375 Count: 5052 Avg: 47 Violations: 0
Orman - tracker Time: 1705205 Count: 5052 Avg: 337 Violations: 0
Orman - doTick Time: 70937531 Count: 5052 Avg: 14041 Violations: 0
Orman - tickEntities Time: 48198278 Count: 5052 Avg: 9540 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - mobSpawn Time: 3043971581 Count: 5052 Avg: 602528 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doChunkUnload Time: 32562801 Count: 5052 Avg: 6445 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doTickPending Time: 2433525 Count: 5052 Avg: 481 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doTickTiles Time: 2635168731 Count: 5052 Avg: 521609 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doVillages Time: 5655462 Count: 5052 Avg: 1119 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doChunkMap Time: 2772992 Count: 5052 Avg: 548 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - doPortalForcer Time: 659831 Count: 5052 Avg: 130 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - entityTick Time: 3512679674 Count: 5052 Avg: 695304 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - tileEntityTick Time: 105109374 Count: 5052 Avg: 20805 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - tileEntityPending Time: 337427 Count: 5052 Avg: 66 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - chunkLoad - Structures Time: 2532958 Count: 84 Avg: 30154 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 378588 Count: 84 Avg: 4507 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 48383 Count: 84 Avg: 575 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 26741 Count: 84 Avg: 318 Violations: 0
** Spawning3 - chunkLoad - Post Time: 253601 Count: 84 Avg: 3019 Violations: 0
Spawning3 - tracker Time: 158243168 Count: 5052 Avg: 31322 Violations: 0
Spawning3 - doTick Time: 5761041416 Count: 5052 Avg: 1140348 Violations: 0
Spawning3 - tickEntities Time: 3827086749 Count: 5052 Avg: 757538 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntityHorse Time: 50589140 Count: 1012 Avg: 49989 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHopper Time: 49135823 Count: 25260 Avg: 1945 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity - TileEntityFurnace Time: 7408120 Count: 5052 Avg: 1466 Violations: 0
** tickTileEntity - TileEntityEnderChest Time: 7532477 Count: 5052 Avg: 1490 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doChunkUnload Time: 18058810 Count: 5052 Avg: 3574 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doTickPending Time: 3655750 Count: 5052 Avg: 723 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doTickTiles Time: 35953568 Count: 5052 Avg: 7116 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doVillages Time: 2741787 Count: 5052 Avg: 542 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doChunkMap Time: 1396605 Count: 5052 Avg: 276 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - doPortalForcer Time: 388198 Count: 5052 Avg: 76 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - entityTick Time: 651403 Count: 5052 Avg: 128 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - tileEntityTick Time: 545329 Count: 5052 Avg: 107 Violations: 0
** lobi2 - tileEntityPending Time: 319388 Count: 5052 Avg: 63 Violations: 0
lobi2 - tracker Time: 3163053 Count: 5052 Avg: 626 Violations: 0
lobi2 - doTick Time: 83561221 Count: 5052 Avg: 16540 Violations: 0
lobi2 - tickEntities Time: 5483210 Count: 5052 Avg: 1085 Violations: 0
Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5-b719 Runnable: buscript.multiverse.ScriptTask(interval:20) Time: 1509566 Count: 253 Avg: 5966 Violations: 0
Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.39 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.Listeners::onMoveEvent(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 397526 Count: 154 Avg: 2581 Violations: 0
Plugin: AdvancedPortals v0.0.39 Event: com.sekwah.advancedportals.listeners.Listeners::spawnMobEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 7676638 Count: 14086 Avg: 544 Violations: 0
Plugin: DivineDrop v2.5.6 Event: com.demkom58.divinedrop.version.V8R3.V8Listener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 341937 Count: 84 Avg: 4070 Violations: 0
Task: SkinsRestorer v13.7.9 Runnable: skinsrestorer.shared.utils.acf.BukkitCommandManager$$Lambda$52/459215080(interval:5) Time: 42577128 Count: 1011 Avg: 42113 Violations: 0
Task: ajParkour v1.32 Runnable: us.ajg0702.parkour.main$1(interval:600) Time: 24938 Count: 9 Avg: 2770 Violations: 0
Plugin: ajParkour v1.32 Event: us.ajg0702.parkour.main::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 859343 Count: 154 Avg: 5580 Violations: 0
Plugin: HeadsPluginAPI v1.9.0 Event: com.github.cc007.headsplugin.listeners.HeadsCommandListener::onCommandPreProcess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 11418 Count: 2 Avg: 5709 Violations: 0
Task: Actionbar v1.3.2.6 Runnable: com.sn1cko.actionbar.actionbar$1(interval:1) Time: 7518024 Count: 5052 Avg: 1488 Violations: 0
Task: Actionbar v1.3.2.6 Runnable: com.sn1cko.actionbar.methods.theAnnouncer$1(interval:6001) Time: 980132 Count: 1 Avg: 980132 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.7;dd00bb1 Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 312788 Count: 2 Avg: 156394 Violations: 0
Plugin: TLGNDCommands v1.0 Event: tr.thelegend.tlgndcommands.Lst::oyuncuCmd(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 344639 Count: 2 Avg: 172319 Violations: 0
** Command: lagg Time: 2104789634 Count: 3 Avg: 701596544 Violations: 42
Task: ClearLag v2.9.7 Runnable: me.minebuilders.clearlag.tasks.TPSTask(interval:20) Time: 1015287 Count: 253 Avg: 4012 Violations: 0
Task: ClearLag v2.9.7 Runnable: me.minebuilders.clearlag.tasks.ClearTask(interval:20) Time: 1270391 Count: 253 Avg: 5021 Violations: 0
Task: ClearLag v2.9.7 Runnable: me.minebuilders.clearlag.tasks.LimitTask(interval:1200) Time: 484656 Count: 4 Avg: 121164 Violations: 0
Task: ClearLag v2.9.7 Runnable: me.minebuilders.clearlag.tasks.TPSCheckTask(interval:300) Time: 129501 Count: 17 Avg: 7617 Violations: 0
Task: ClearLag v2.9.7 Runnable: me.minebuilders.clearlag.tasks.RAMCheckTask(interval:600) Time: 2105034817 Count: 9 Avg: 233892757 Violations: 42
Plugin: IllegalStack v1.9.9b Event: main.fListener::NetherCeilingMovementCheck(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1416713 Count: 154 Avg: 9199 Violations: 0
Plugin: IllegalStack v1.9.9b Event: main.fListener::creatureSpawnEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 76485777 Count: 14086 Avg: 5429 Violations: 0
Plugin: IllegalStack v1.9.9b Event: main.fListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 431772 Count: 84 Avg: 5140 Violations: 0
Plugin: IllegalStack v1.9.9b Event: main.fListener::onTNTPrime(EntitySpawnEvent) Time: 6788503 Count: 14086 Avg: 481 Violations: 0
Task: IllegalStack v1.9.9b Runnable: timers.fTimer(interval:10) Time: 38331197 Count: 506 Avg: 75753 Violations: 0
Plugin: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Event: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.chat.ChatListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 311286 Count: 2 Avg: 155643 Violations: 0
Plugin: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Event: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.combined.CombinedListener::onPlayerToggleSprintHighest(PlayerToggleSprintEvent) Time: 348544 Count: 10 Avg: 34854 Violations: 0
Plugin: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Event: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingListener::onPlayerMoveMonitor(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 19239062 Count: 154 Avg: 124928 Violations: 0
Plugin: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Event: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 25844281 Count: 154 Avg: 167820 Violations: 0
Plugin: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Event: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.checks.moving.MovingListener::onPlayerToggleSprint(PlayerToggleSprintEvent) Time: 53786 Count: 10 Avg: 5378 Violations: 0
Task: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Runnable: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.utilities.TickTask(interval:1) Time: 34316338 Count: 5052 Avg: 6792 Violations: 0
Task: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Runnable: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.NoCheatPlus$3(interval:1207) Time: 16826 Count: 4 Avg: 4206 Violations: 0
Task: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Runnable: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.NoCheatPlus$8(interval:200) Time: 1286309 Count: 25 Avg: 51452 Violations: 0
Task: NoCheatPlus v3.16.0-RC-sMD5NET-b1134 Runnable: fr.neatmonster.nocheatplus.NoCheatPlus$4(interval:83) Time: 865345 Count: 61 Avg: 14185 Violations: 0
Plugin: TLGNDNoRain v1.0 Event: tr.thelegend.norain.Evnt::onWeatherChange(WeatherChangeEvent) Time: 88339 Count: 1 Avg: 88339 Violations: 0
Plugin: DeluxeMenus v1.10.5 Event: com.extendedclip.deluxemenus.PlayerListener::onCommandExecute(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 59192 Count: 2 Avg: 29596 Violations: 0
Plugin: ExploitFixer v0.4.3 Event: twolovers.exploitfixer.bukkit.listeners.PlayerCommandListener::onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 24940 Count: 2 Avg: 12470 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$33(interval:30) Time: 647810 Count: 168 Avg: 3856 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$26(interval:5) Time: 1724701 Count: 1010 Avg: 1707 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$10(interval:2) Time: 4799328 Count: 5052 Avg: 949 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$11(interval:5) Time: 1937099 Count: 1010 Avg: 1917 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$27(interval:2) Time: 4037756 Count: 2526 Avg: 1598 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$9(interval:2) Time: 14898146 Count: 32838 Avg: 453 Violations: 0
Task: BlockParticles v1.1 Runnable: me.badbones69.blockparticles.multisupport.NMS_v1_12_Down$31(interval:25) Time: 3836388 Count: 202 Avg: 18992 Violations: 0
Task: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Runnable: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.placeholder.PlaceholdersManager$$Lambda$108/1545776667(interval:2) Time: 37847734 Count: 2526 Avg: 14983 Violations: 0
Task: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Runnable: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.bridge.bungeecord.BungeeServerTracker$$Lambda$109/35556059(interval:60) Time: 437487 Count: 84 Avg: 5208 Violations: 0
Task: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Runnable: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.task.BungeeCleanupTask(interval:6000) Time: 364770 Count: 1 Avg: 364770 Violations: 0
Task: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Runnable: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.task.WorldPlayerCounterTask(interval:60) Time: 3299458 Count: 84 Avg: 39279 Violations: 0
Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Event: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.listener.MainListener::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 202212 Count: 68 Avg: 2973 Violations: 0
Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Event: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.listener.MainListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 8674565 Count: 14086 Avg: 615 Violations: 0
Plugin: HolographicDisplays v2.4.0 Event: com.gmail.filoghost.holographicdisplays.listener.MainListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 242169 Count: 84 Avg: 2882 Violations: 0
Plugin: MyCommand v5.6.0 Event: it.mri.mycommand.listener.PreprocessEvent::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 15625 Count: 2 Avg: 7812 Violations: 0
Plugin: GuiBalance v1.4 Event: me.zeuss.guibalance.Event.InterfaceManager::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 44770 Count: 2 Avg: 22385 Violations: 0
Task: GuiBalance v1.4 Runnable: me.zeuss.guibalance.Utils.Utils$1(interval:6000) Time: 16994554 Count: 1 Avg: 16994554 Violations: 0
Plugin: Minigames v1.8.0 Event: au.com.mineauz.minigames.Events::playerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 780016 Count: 154 Avg: 5065 Violations: 0
Plugin: Minigames v1.8.0 Event: au.com.mineauz.minigames.Events::commandExecute(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 15924 Count: 2 Avg: 7962 Violations: 0
Task: Minigames v1.8.0 Runnable: au.com.mineauz.minigames.backend.BackendManager$3(interval:300) Time: 160451 Count: 17 Avg: 9438 Violations: 0
Task: spark v1.4.1 Runnable: me.lucko.spark.bukkit.BukkitTickHook(interval:1) Time: 26545858 Count: 5052 Avg: 5254 Violations: 0
Task: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$NPCNavigationUpdater(interval:1) Time: 8863560 Count: 5052 Avg: 1754 Violations: 0
Task: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$NPCNavigationTracker(interval:7) Time: 1459063 Count: 722 Avg: 2020 Violations: 0
Plugin: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 187193 Count: 84 Avg: 2228 Violations: 0
Plugin: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onNPCDespawn(NPCDespawnEvent) Time: 66704 Count: 1 Avg: 66704 Violations: 0
Plugin: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onEntitySpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 20568079 Count: 14086 Avg: 1460 Violations: 0
Plugin: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 1368641 Count: 68 Avg: 20127 Violations: 0
Plugin: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Event: net.citizensnpcs.EventListen::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1721092 Count: 154 Avg: 11175 Violations: 0
Task: CrazyAuctions v1.2.11-RELEASE Runnable: me.badbones69.crazyauctions.Main$2(interval:100) Time: 1930520 Count: 51 Avg: 37853 Violations: 0
Task: ChatGames v1.0 Runnable: gmail.inkzzzmc.com.chatgames.threads.GameTimer(interval:20) Time: 1158615 Count: 253 Avg: 4579 Violations: 0
Task: QuickShop v4.4 Runnable: org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Watcher.ItemWatcher(interval:600) Time: 60693 Count: 9 Avg: 6743 Violations: 0
Plugin: QuickShop v4.4 Event: org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 645109 Count: 154 Avg: 4189 Violations: 0
Plugin: QuickShop v4.4 Event: org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Listeners.ChunkListener::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 51972 Count: 68 Avg: 764 Violations: 0
Plugin: QuickShop v4.4 Event: org.maxgamer.QuickShop.Listeners.ChunkListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 61900 Count: 84 Avg: 736 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$1::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2304898 Count: 84 Avg: 27439 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$1::onChunkUnload(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 201912 Count: 68 Avg: 2969 Violations: 0
Task: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Runnable: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionContainer$2(interval:2) Time: 8986739 Count: 2526 Avg: 3557 Violations: 0
Task: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Runnable: com.sk89q.worldguard.session.SessionManager(interval:20) Time: 19022420 Count: 253 Avg: 75187 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardPlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 42967 Count: 2 Avg: 21483 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardEntityListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 163075334 Count: 14086 Avg: 11577 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.PlayerMoveListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 14409921 Count: 154 Avg: 93570 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.EventAbstractionListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 6316492 Count: 14086 Avg: 448 Violations: 0
Plugin: WorldGuard v6.1.3-SNAPSHOT;c904242 Event: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.listener.WorldGuardWorldListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 42672 Count: 84 Avg: 508 Violations: 0
Task: CustomHeads v2.9.6 Runnable: de.mrstein.customheads.CustomHeads$3(interval:6000) Time: 16794742 Count: 1 Avg: 16794742 Violations: 0
Task: CustomHeads v2.9.6 Runnable: de.mrstein.customheads.CustomHeads$4(interval:20) Time: 3150124 Count: 253 Avg: 12451 Violations: 0
Plugin: RepairGui v6.4.9 Event: net.legamemc.repairgui.command::alliesCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 53484 Count: 2 Avg: 26742 Violations: 0
Plugin: CratesPlus v4.5.2 Event: plus.crates.Listeners.HologramListeners::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 127700 Count: 84 Avg: 1520 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntityNMSArmorStand Time: 25326625 Count: 209266 Avg: 121 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop$2(interval:580) Time: 371982 Count: 8 Avg: 46497 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop$4(interval:1200) Time: 158348 Count: 4 Avg: 39587 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.AreaShop$6(interval:1220) Time: 225954 Count: 4 Avg: 56488 Violations: 0
Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 2132431 Count: 154 Avg: 13846 Violations: 0
Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 99456 Count: 2 Avg: 49728 Violations: 0
Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsServerListener::onServerListPing(ServerListPingEvent) Time: 57090 Count: 2 Avg: 28545 Violations: 0
Task: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsTimer(interval:50) Time: 6681540 Count: 101 Avg: 66153 Violations: 0
Task: GameBox v2.2.6 Runnable: me.nikl.gamebox.inventory.InventoryTitleMessenger(interval:10) Time: 1325069 Count: 506 Avg: 2618 Violations: 0
Task: GameBox v2.2.6 Runnable: me.nikl.gamebox.common.acf.BukkitCommandManager$$Lambda$175/2085772440(interval:5) Time: 42230979 Count: 1011 Avg: 41771 Violations: 0
Task: MudgeClicker v3.5.0 Runnable: me.MvdgeClicker.Core.GameManager$3(interval:20) Time: 18788648 Count: 253 Avg: 74263 Violations: 0
Plugin: AdvancedAchievements v5.12.5 Event: com.hm.achievement.listener.statistics.PlayerCommandsListener::onPlayerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 183287 Count: 2 Avg: 91643 Violations: 0
Task: AdvancedAchievements v5.12.5 Runnable: com.hm.achievement.runnable.AchievePlayTimeRunnable(interval:1200) Time: 467832 Count: 5 Avg: 93566 Violations: 0
Task: AdvancedAchievements v5.12.5 Runnable: com.hm.achievement.runnable.AchieveDistanceRunnable(interval:100) Time: 1523374 Count: 50 Avg: 30467 Violations: 0
Task: GriefPrevention v12.7 Runnable: me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.EntityCleanupTask(Single) Time: 195306 Count: 4 Avg: 48826 Violations: 0
Plugin: GriefPrevention v12.7 Event: me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.PlayerEventHandler::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 41465 Count: 2 Avg: 20732 Violations: 0
Plugin: GriefPrevention v12.7 Event: me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.EntityEventHandler::onEntitySpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 17518941 Count: 14086 Avg: 1243 Violations: 0
Plugin: MobStacker v2.0.0 Event: com.kiwifisher.mobstacker.listeners.MobSpawnListener::mobSpawnEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 138481942 Count: 14086 Avg: 9831 Violations: 0
Plugin: MobStacker v2.0.0 Event: com.kiwifisher.mobstacker.listeners.ChunkChangeListener::mobUnloadEvent(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 211828 Count: 68 Avg: 3115 Violations: 0
Plugin: MobStacker v2.0.0 Event: com.kiwifisher.mobstacker.listeners.ChunkChangeListener::mobLoadEvent(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 1090696 Count: 84 Avg: 12984 Violations: 0
Task: ActionHealth v3.4.1 Runnable: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.LookThread(interval:20) Time: 8543559 Count: 253 Avg: 33769 Violations: 0
Task: ActionHealth v3.4.1 Runnable: com.zeshanaslam.actionhealth.action.ActionTask(interval:20) Time: 756888 Count: 253 Avg: 2991 Violations: 0
Task: PixelVip v3.0.0 Runnable: br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.PermsAPI$$Lambda$250/81101042(interval:20) Time: 412542 Count: 253 Avg: 1630 Violations: 0
Task: PixelVip v3.0.0 Runnable: br.net.fabiozumbi12.pixelvip.bukkit.PixelVip$$Lambda$251/1621842336(interval:1200) Time: 189596 Count: 4 Avg: 47399 Violations: 0
Plugin: ArmorStandTools v2.4.3 Event: com.gmail.St3venAU.plugins.ArmorStandTools.MainListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 420661 Count: 154 Avg: 2731 Violations: 0
Task: CrazyEnvoy v1.3.7-RELEASE Runnable: me.badbones69.crazyenvoy.api.CrazyEnvoy$2(interval:20) Time: 16457015 Count: 253 Avg: 65047 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.player.gui.GUIListener::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1016788 Count: 154 Avg: 6602 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.player.gui.GUIListener::onWalk(PlayerWalkEvent) Time: 366270 Count: 154 Avg: 2378 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.player.Hologram$1::onWalk(PlayerWalkEvent) Time: 860251 Count: 154 Avg: 5586 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.server.events.WalkListener::onWalk(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 5700810 Count: 154 Avg: 37018 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.API$1::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 894197 Count: 154 Avg: 5806 Violations: 0
Task: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Runnable: de.codingair.codingapi.API$2(interval:1) Time: 35580347 Count: 5052 Avg: 7042 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.codingapi.server.commands.CommandBuilder$1::onPreProcess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 117784 Count: 2 Avg: 58892 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.features.portals.listeners.PortalListener::onWalk(PlayerWalkEvent) Time: 765300 Count: 154 Avg: 4969 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.features.nativeportals.listeners.PortalListener::onWalk(PlayerWalkEvent) Time: 1321161 Count: 154 Avg: 8578 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.features.shortcuts.listeners.ShortcutListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 41164 Count: 2 Avg: 20582 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.base.listeners.TeleportListener::onMove(PlayerWalkEvent) Time: 546562 Count: 154 Avg: 3549 Violations: 0
Plugin: WarpSystem v3.1.13 Event: de.codingair.warpsystem.spigot.base.listeners.CommandListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 22235 Count: 2 Avg: 11117 Violations: 0
Plugin: TempFly v2.0.5 Event: com.moneybags.tempfly.fly.FlyHandle::on(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 239782 Count: 154 Avg: 1557 Violations: 0
Plugin: TempFly v2.0.5 Event: com.moneybags.tempfly.fly.FlyHandle::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 658624 Count: 154 Avg: 4276 Violations: 0
Plugin: TempFly v2.0.5 Event: com.moneybags.tempfly.command.CommandHandle::on(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 16827 Count: 2 Avg: 8413 Violations: 0
Task: TempFly v2.0.5 Runnable: com.moneybags.tempfly.util.AutoSave(interval:6000) Time: 1201577 Count: 1 Avg: 1201577 Violations: 0
Task: TempFly v2.0.5 Runnable: com.moneybags.tempfly.util.ParticleTask(interval:5) Time: 5648513 Count: 1010 Avg: 5592 Violations: 0
Plugin: AuthMe v5.6.0-beta1-b2226 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1198874 Count: 154 Avg: 7784 Violations: 0
Plugin: AuthMe v5.6.0-beta1-b2226 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 66403 Count: 2 Avg: 33201 Violations: 0
Task: ViaVersion v2.1.3 Runnable: us.myles.ViaVersion.protocols.protocol1_9to1_8.ViaIdleThread(interval:1) Time: 37290392 Count: 5052 Avg: 7381 Violations: 0
Task: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Runnable: com.SirBlobman.combatlogx.utility.CombatUtil(interval:10) Time: 4165100 Count: 505 Avg: 8247 Violations: 0
Plugin: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Event: com.SirBlobman.expansion.cheatprevention.listener.ListenCommandBlocker::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 39963 Count: 2 Avg: 19981 Violations: 0
Plugin: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Event: com.SirBlobman.expansion.citizens.listener.ListenHandleNPCs::beforeDespawn(NPCDespawnEvent) Time: 12920 Count: 1 Avg: 12920 Violations: 0
Plugin: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Event: com.SirBlobman.combatlogx.command.CustomCommand::beforeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 15925 Count: 2 Avg: 7962 Violations: 0
Plugin: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Event: com.SirBlobman.combatlogx.command.CustomCommand::beforeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 6009 Count: 2 Avg: 3004 Violations: 0
Plugin: CombatLogX v9.9.3.1 Event: com.SirBlobman.expansion.worldguard.listener.ListenWorldGuard::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 579901 Count: 154 Avg: 3765 Violations: 0
Plugin: FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.07.12-5cc5ce5-1277-22.3.0 Event: com.boydti.fawe.bukkit.v0.ChunkListener_8::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2092170 Count: 84 Avg: 24906 Violations: 0
Task: FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.07.12-5cc5ce5-1277-22.3.0 Runnable: com.boydti.fawe.bukkit.v0.ChunkListener$1(interval:20) Time: 1962668 Count: 253 Avg: 7757 Violations: 0
Task: IDDAA v3.6 Runnable: tr.thelegend.iddaa.Ana$1(Single) Time: 1202 Count: 1 Avg: 1202 Violations: 0
Task: FastAsyncWorldEdit v19.07.12-5cc5ce5-1277-22.3.0 Runnable: com.boydti.fawe.util.SetQueue$1(interval:1) Time: 11453265 Count: 5052 Avg: 2267 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.z$$Lambda$402/1574799422(interval:2) Time: 63542674 Count: 2526 Avg: 25155 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntityHumanNPC Time: 3231739532 Count: 61691 Avg: 52385 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.T$$Lambda$405/1298015143(interval:1) Time: 6285519 Count: 5052 Avg: 1244 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.N(interval:1) Time: 7091959 Count: 5052 Avg: 1403 Violations: 0
Task: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.TabListRemover$Sender(interval:2) Time: 8354830 Count: 2526 Avg: 3307 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.Md$$Lambda$407/1382188509(interval:3) Time: 106382408 Count: 1684 Avg: 63172 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.RC$$Lambda$408/267183605(interval:20) Time: 14180345 Count: 253 Avg: 56048 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.JC$$Lambda$414/704542469(interval:20) Time: 3839395 Count: 253 Avg: 15175 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.Zb$$Lambda$415/472388634(interval:6) Time: 20007649 Count: 842 Avg: 23762 Violations: 0
Task: WatchCat v2.1.7-b5 Runnable: xyz.WatchCat.Zb$$Lambda$416/1886269073(interval:6) Time: 5895337775 Count: 842 Avg: 7001588 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FileManager$5(interval:1) Time: 412547 Count: 8 Avg: 51568 Violations: 0
** tickEntity - EntityPlayer Time: 24108819 Count: 5052 Avg: 4772 Violations: 0
Task: LatinSBoard v1.1 Runnable: com.hordern123.latinboard.BoardBuild$$Lambda$485/1150194918(Single) Time: 6707696 Count: 253 Avg: 26512 Violations: 0
Task: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinUpdateTracker$1(Single) Time: 550460 Count: 1 Avg: 550460 Violations: 0
Task: Citizens v2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1605) Runnable: net.citizensnpcs.npc.skin.SkinPacketTracker$2(Single) Time: 113277 Count: 20 Avg: 5663 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FileManager$1(interval:1) Time: 214535 Count: 4 Avg: 53633 Violations: 0
Task: AreaShop v2.4.0 Runnable: me.wiefferink.areashop.managers.FileManager$2(interval:1) Time: 259305 Count: 4 Avg: 64826 Violations: 0
# Version git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)
# Entities 61
# LivingEntities 61
Sample time 254425223211 (254.425223211s)
# This is the main configuration file for Spigot.
# As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use
# with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.
# For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Spigot wiki at
# http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/spigot-configuration/
# If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Spigot,
# join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.
# IRC: #spigot @ irc.spi.gt ( http://www.spigotmc.org/pages/irc/ )
# Forums: http://www.spigotmc.org/

config-version: 8
debug: false
save-user-cache-on-stop-only: false
player-shuffle: 0
bungeecord: false
late-bind: false
sample-count: 12
user-cache-size: 1000
int-cache-limit: 1024
max: 2048.0
max: 2048.0
max: 2048.0
timeout-time: 60
restart-on-crash: true
restart-script: ./start.sh
netty-threads: 4
filter-creative-items: true
moved-too-quickly-threshold: 100.0
moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625
tab-complete: 0
log: true
- /skill
- setblock
- summon
- testforblock
- tellraw
silent-commandblock-console: false
whitelist: You are not whitelisted on this server!
unknown-command: §7Burada öyle garip komutlar olmaz beyefendi
server-full: The server is full!
outdated-client: Outdated client! Please use {0}
outdated-server: Outdated server! I'm still on {0}
restart: Server is restarting
disable-saving: false
forced-stats: {}
verbose: true
item-despawn-rate: 6000
item: 2.5
exp: 3.0
view-distance: 10
arrow-despawn-rate: 1200
enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true
wither-spawn-sound-radius: 0
zombie-aggressive-towards-villager: true
chunks-per-tick: 650
clear-tick-list: false
hanging-tick-frequency: 100
max-entity-collisions: 8
dragon-death-sound-radius: 0
seed-village: 10387312
seed-feature: 14357617
hopper-transfer: 8
hopper-check: 8
hopper-amount: 1
mob-spawn-range: 4
enabled: true
engine-mode: 1
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 21
- 48
- 49
- 54
- 56
- 73
- 74
- 82
- 129
- 130
- 1
- 5
players: 48
animals: 48
monsters: 48
misc: 32
other: 64
animals: 32
monsters: 32
misc: 16
random-light-updates: false
cactus-modifier: 100
cane-modifier: 100
melon-modifier: 100
mushroom-modifier: 100
pumpkin-modifier: 100
sapling-modifier: 100
wheat-modifier: 100
netherwart-modifier: 100
save-structure-info: true
walk-exhaustion: 0.2
sprint-exhaustion: 0.8
combat-exhaustion: 0.3
regen-exhaustion: 3.0
max-tnt-per-tick: 100
nerf-spawner-mobs: false
max-bulk-chunks: 10
tile: 50
entity: 50



Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Öncelikle merhaba @Xclips,
Daha öncede böyle sorular ile karşılaştık şu cevaba bir göz atabilir misin belki sorunun çözülür.

Bunun dışında timings raporu atabilir misin?
tps çok sorun değil fakat ping ne olursa olsun 100 ün üstünde tr lokasyondada aynı almanyada lokasyonda şu an fakat yine ayni


Biz ayıya dayı demeyiz, Köprüyü yıkarız.
Forum Yöneticisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Efendim sunucu sorunları (TPS, ping, konsol hataları) birçok sorunlar paketin doğru bir şekilde optimize edilmemesinden de kaynaklanabilir. Paketi iyi bilen birisine doğru bir şekilde optimize ettirebilirsin. Başlatı için ise Şu konuyu incelemeni isterim; Optimize Edilmiş Sunucu Başlatma Kodu - Tüm Sunucular İçin


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali


Elmas Madencisi
Emektar Üye
En iyi cevaplar
Plugin listeni atabilir misin? Tps çok sorun değil demişsin, tps çok önemlidir.
Bir sunucuda 107 plugin olmaması gerek, eminim birçok gereksiz eklenti vardır.

Aynı zamanda yapabileceğin diğer şeyler;
Skriptleri mümkün olduğu kadar az kullan.
Leak plugin kullanma.
Pluginlerin versiyonlarını tek tek güncelle.

view-distance: 10 bu bölümü 4 yap.
network-compression-threshold 512 yap.
save-user-cache-on-stop-only true yap.
nerf-spawner-mobs true yap

entity-activation-range kısmını animals:16, monsters:24, raiders: 48, misc:8 Olarak değiştir
merge-radius kısmını item:4.0, exp:6.0 Olarak değiştir.

Bu ayarlamaları server.properties ve spigot.yml'de bulabilirsin ve hepsini dediğim şekilde değiştirmen gözle görülebilir farklar yaratacaktır.
tab-complete: 0 bu kısmıda -1 yapmalısın.
Bunları kesinlikle uygulamalısın ve anladığım kadarıyla sunucun Survival. Buradan plugin listeni atarsan bir inceleyeyim, çünkü normal bir sunucuda 107 plugin olması anormal. Gerekli optimizasyonlar yapılmaz ise fazla oyuncuyu sunucu kaldırmaz bile.


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Plugin listeni atabilir misin? Tps çok sorun değil demişsin, tps çok önemlidir.
Bir sunucuda 107 plugin olmaması gerek, eminim birçok gereksiz eklenti vardır.

Aynı zamanda yapabileceğin diğer şeyler;
Skriptleri mümkün olduğu kadar az kullan.
Leak plugin kullanma.
Pluginlerin versiyonlarını tek tek güncelle.

view-distance: 10 bu bölümü 4 yap.
network-compression-threshold 512 yap.
save-user-cache-on-stop-only true yap.
nerf-spawner-mobs true yap

entity-activation-range kısmını animals:16, monsters:24, raiders: 48, misc:8 Olarak değiştir
merge-radius kısmını item:4.0, exp:6.0 Olarak değiştir.

Bu ayarlamaları server.properties ve spigot.yml'de bulabilirsin ve hepsini dediğim şekilde değiştirmen gözle görülebilir farklar yaratacaktır.
tab-complete: 0 bu kısmıda -1 yapmalısın.
Bunları kesinlikle uygulamalısın ve anladığım kadarıyla sunucun Survival. Buradan plugin listeni atarsan bir inceleyeyim, çünkü normal bir sunucuda 107 plugin olması anormal. Gerekli optimizasyonlar yapılmaz ise fazla oyuncuyu sunucu kaldırmaz bile.


En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Sunucunuza girin, timingsleri bidaha açın, ama 20-30 dakika bekledikten sonra Timings paste yazın. Yukarda attığınız timingsler fazla karışık. Ayrıca renk kodları olmadan attığınız için timings report yapınca not defterinde tam olarak nerede problem var net görünmüyor. en doğrusu timings paste ile verilen link ile siteden bakmak timingslere.

baslat.bat kodunuz, spigot.yml ve bukkit.yml klasörünüzde yaptığınız ayarlardanda olabilir ki yukarda bir arkadaş size linkini attı optimize kodların ve ayarların olduğu .

Ayrıca aşırı plugininiz var, tek sunucuya birden fazla minigame koymuşsunuz. Timingslere iyice bir bakılıp lag yapanların ayıklanması lazım. Anlık 17'ye düşüyorsa %90 pluginlerdendir. %10 ihtimal ise bukkit.yml deki yanlış ayarlardandır.


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Sunucunuza girin, timingsleri bidaha açın, ama 20-30 dakika bekledikten sonra Timings paste yazın. Yukarda attığınız timingsler fazla karışık. Ayrıca renk kodları olmadan attığınız için timings report yapınca not defterinde tam olarak nerede problem var net görünmüyor. en doğrusu timings paste ile verilen link ile siteden bakmak timingslere.

baslat.bat kodunuz, spigot.yml ve bukkit.yml klasörünüzde yaptığınız ayarlardanda olabilir ki yukarda bir arkadaş size linkini attı optimize kodların ve ayarların olduğu .

Ayrıca aşırı plugininiz var, tek sunucuya birden fazla minigame koymuşsunuz. Timingslere iyice bir bakılıp lag yapanların ayıklanması lazım. Anlık 17'ye düşüyorsa %90 pluginlerdendir. %10 ihtimal ise bukkit.yml deki yanlış ayarlardandır.
tamam dır 25 30 dakika sonra tekrar timings atarım sağol :)


Elmas Madencisi
Emektar Üye
En iyi cevaplar
Buradaki pluginlerin çoğunun işlevlerini bilmiyorum.
Dediğim yöntemleri uygulayıp, işinize yaramayacak tüm pluginleri silmenizi öneririm.

Hatta düzeltemez iseniz kendinize göre baştan paket yapmanız en iyisi olacaktır.
Çok fazla plugin görüyorum çünkü, pluginlerle ilgilenmezse birçok sorun yaratabilirler. 100 adet pluginde haliyle sorun.


Biz ayıya dayı demeyiz, Köprüyü yıkarız.
Forum Yöneticisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Bir survival sunucusuna göre fazla plugin var sunucu ramınız kaç efendim?
