Yardım TAB hatası alıyorum


Ağaç Yumruklayıcı
En iyi cevaplar
Oyun Sürümü
TAB hatası alıyorum sorunum şöyle.
01.07.2020 - 11:50:43 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 11:56:31 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:11:09 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:16:22 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:22:12 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:26:46 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:30:31 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:33:13 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:43:21 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:06:33 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:10:42 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:29 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:52 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:57 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:13:11 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:13:32 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:21:21 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:24:17 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:24:40 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:42:34 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:44:51 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 18:33:48 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 18:37:03 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:21:57 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:37:14 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:44:37 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 20:11:06 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "member" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "member" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 20:47:52 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:17:30 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:32:06 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:32:10 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:42 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:47 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:50 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:46:29 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Mod+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Mod+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.

# Detailed explanation of all options available at config.yml · NEZNAMY/TAB Wiki

change-nametag-prefix-suffix: true
change-tablist-prefix-suffix: true
enable-header-footer: true

nametag-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000
tablist-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000
header-footer-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 100

- "&7&m|-------------------------------&7&m|"
- ""
- " &3&lKFFA"
- ""
- ""
- " &b&lWebsite ➔ &7&nwww.webname.com"
- " &b&lStore ➔ &7&nstore.webname.com"
- "&7&m|-------------------------------&7&m|"

tablist-objective: 0
tablist-objective-custom-value: "20"
- owner
- admin
- mod
- helper
- builder
- premium
- player
- default
- "This is an example of per-group header/footer"
- "applied to a group"
tabprefix: "%vault-prefix%"
tagprefix: "%vault-prefix%"
tabsuffix: "%afk%"
tagsuffix: "%afk%"
customtabname: "%essentialsnick%"
customtagname: "%essentialsnick%"

tabprefix: "&6&lTAB Author &a"
tagprefix: "&6&lTAB &r&a"
abovename: "&bOh look, 3 lines of text !"
belowname: "&eThere's only one plugin out there supporting it"

enabled: false
refresh-interval-milliseconds: 200
number: "%health%"
text: "Health"

enable-collision: true
- revertedworld
do-not-move-spectators: false
enabled: false
modify-npc-names: false

- "an example of world with custom"
- "header/footer and prefix/suffix"
tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a"
tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a"
- "This is a shared header for"
- "world2 and world3"
afk-yes: " &4*&4&lAFK&4*&r"
afk-no: ""
date-format: "dd.MM.yyyy"
time-format: "[HH:mm:ss / h:mm a]"
time-offset: 0
- "[]"
- "< >"
Admin: "&4&lADMIN"
Mod: "&b&lMOD"
Premium: "&6&lPREMIUM"
Ultra: "&b&lULTRA"
Legend: "&a&lLEGEND"
Titan: "&c&lTITAN"
Youtuber: "&c&lYOUTUBE"
_OTHER_: "&7No Rank"

- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
TAB hatası alıyorum sorunum şöyle.
01.07.2020 - 11:50:43 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 11:56:31 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:11:09 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:16:22 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:22:12 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:26:46 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:30:31 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:33:13 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 12:43:21 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:06:33 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:10:42 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:29 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:52 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:12:57 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:13:11 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:13:32 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:21:21 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:24:17 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "MVP+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "MVP+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:24:40 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:42:34 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 13:44:51 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 18:33:48 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 18:37:03 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:21:57 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:37:14 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 19:44:37 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 20:11:06 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "member" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "member" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 20:47:52 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:17:30 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:32:06 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 21:32:10 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:42 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "VIP" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "VIP" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:47 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Developer" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Developer" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:39:50 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "YouTuber" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "YouTuber" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.
01.07.2020 - 22:46:29 - [TAB v2.7.4] Group "Mod+" is not defined in sorting list! This will result in players in that group not being sorted correctly. To fix this, add group "Mod+" into group-sorting-priority-list in config.yml.

# Detailed explanation of all options available at config.yml · NEZNAMY/TAB Wiki

change-nametag-prefix-suffix: true
change-tablist-prefix-suffix: true
enable-header-footer: true

nametag-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000
tablist-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 1000
header-footer-refresh-interval-milliseconds: 100

- "&7&m|-------------------------------&7&m|"
- ""
- " &3&lKFFA"
- ""
- ""
- " &b&lWebsite ➔ &7&nwww.webname.com"
- " &b&lStore ➔ &7&nstore.webname.com"
- "&7&m|-------------------------------&7&m|"

tablist-objective: 0
tablist-objective-custom-value: "20"
- owner
- admin
- mod
- helper
- builder
- premium
- player
- default
- "This is an example of per-group header/footer"
- "applied to a group"
tabprefix: "%vault-prefix%"
tagprefix: "%vault-prefix%"
tabsuffix: "%afk%"
tagsuffix: "%afk%"
customtabname: "%essentialsnick%"
customtagname: "%essentialsnick%"

tabprefix: "&6&lTAB Author &a"
tagprefix: "&6&lTAB &r&a"
abovename: "&bOh look, 3 lines of text !"
belowname: "&eThere's only one plugin out there supporting it"

enabled: false
refresh-interval-milliseconds: 200
number: "%health%"
text: "Health"

enable-collision: true
- revertedworld
do-not-move-spectators: false
enabled: false
modify-npc-names: false

- "an example of world with custom"
- "header/footer and prefix/suffix"
tabprefix: "&0&l[&a&lOwner&0&l] &a"
tagprefix: "&2&lOwner &a"
- "This is a shared header for"
- "world2 and world3"
afk-yes: " &4*&4&lAFK&4*&r"
afk-no: ""
date-format: "dd.MM.yyyy"
time-format: "[HH:mm:ss / h:mm a]"
time-offset: 0
- "[]"
- "< >"
Admin: "&4&lADMIN"
Mod: "&b&lMOD"
Premium: "&6&lPREMIUM"
Ultra: "&b&lULTRA"
Legend: "&a&lLEGEND"
Titan: "&c&lTITAN"
Youtuber: "&c&lYOUTUBE"
_OTHER_: "&7No Rank"

- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
- disabledworld
bu grupları listeye ekledinmi


Zombi Katili
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
- Kurucu
- Yardımcı
- Moderatör
- Rehber
- Youtuber
- VIP+
- Lider
- Hükümdar
- Padişah
- imparator
- Herobrine
- Efsanevi
- Kral
- Kahraman
- Asil
- Soylu
- Ustad
- Uzman
- Tecrübeli
- Default
bu şekilde kendi gruplarınızı listeye ekleyin configden ama en düşükten en yükseğe
